Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 696

Chapter 696

Chapter 698 Pandora's post-war reconstruction

Antonidas cleared up his mood, and walked to Link with a complicated mood: "Thank you for your rescue, which left Pandora with the last hope."

Antonidas is also terrified. If the support of the wasteland arrives later, I am afraid that the entire Pandora tribe will be wiped out.

Seeing the great mage Antonidas, who will be famous in the Vatican galaxy in the future, thank you sincerely, Link responded with a smile: "The crimes of aliens are numerous and untold. We are learning that he will also be against the lower civilizations in other Vatican galaxies. At that time, the Wasteland Expeditionary Army was formed and decided to enter the starry sky and resolutely not allow the alien forces to become bigger and stronger. Fortunately, they caught up this time."

Link looked at Antonidas twice and turned around, and simply said: "Well, I know you have a lot of things to be busy next. Don't think about entertaining us. We will stay in Pandora for a while and wait for you. Settle the people first, and then we can drink the wine of victory together."

Anthony Daston has been amnesty from time to time, and his affection for the empathetic Link has doubled. As for Link's acceptance of the war ambassador who was on the verge of battle, Antonidas decided to speak out although he knew that he might touch Link's mold. Link, I advise you about Abaddon..."

Just before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Link with a smile: "I know this in my heart, Lao An, you should go back and work on you, the people of Pandora need you."

Link is self-familiar. I haven't talked a few words yet. He has put his arm around Antonidas's shoulder and called "Lao Ann".

Antonidas saw Link saying this, as an outsider, there was no reason to continue, so he had to stop.

"Okay, I'll settle down for Pandora's survivors first, and then we'll be drinking and talking." Antonidas squeezed the spell, a teleportation disappeared from the place, and the figure instantly arrived in the Endyan Valley, officially telling the remaining people the good news. .

At this moment in the End of the Valley, all men, women and children, after hearing the news that the Alien Legion was completely annihilated, all put down their weapons and cried. They were driven into desperation by the alien army before, and they all had the determination to die. No one thought of surviving the aliens, but when the Black Throne and Link appeared, everything changed.

The alien army, which they regarded as the scourge, turned into a cat-fearing mouse in front of Link. In the past few months, the top powerhouses of Pandora Star failed to solve the problem. The beaten were defeated and were on the verge of extinction. However, less than half an hour after Link appeared, he simply solved the battle neatly and ruthlessly. One of the two war ambassadors was killed in seconds, and the other directly unloaded his own power, willing to be a minion.

This kind of ending is that they have not expected it, the changes are so big and the turning point is so fast, even now they have not been able to fully digest it.

Looking at the people who were forcibly pulled back from the brink of extinction and death, Antonidas bowed his head guiltily.

Although he did his best, he still failed to protect Pandora's people. Nine of them lost their lives in the alien invasion. If it were not for the arrival of reinforcements from the Wasteland Expeditionary Army today, Pandora would become another planet conquered by aliens. A planet full of magical power will eventually be drained of resources and become a barren planet in the universe.

"The outside battlefield is cleaned by the Wasteland Expeditionary Army. As for the end of the valley, let us clean it." Antonidas looked at the people who had no light in their eyes, and said slowly: "After that, everyone can go home. ."

Many people looked at the ground in disillusionment, resisting choking and muttered to themselves: "Where is there a home, brothers, sisters, parents, wives and children, all dead, I am the only one left..."

"My home is the same, I am the only one left, and all the others are dead, where is there a home to go back..."

Many people have emotional breakdowns.

When desperation comes, they can all face it calmly. But for the rest of their lives, many people's mentality no longer has that calmness.

Antonidas looked at many people who were crying and fainting, and couldn't help but sigh: It seems that after this catastrophe, the psychological construction of the remaining people should also be paid attention to.

The survivors began to move the dead body with grief.

Gameshi led the people to set up a temporary burning spot in the End Yan Valley, and led everyone in the Magic Academy to chant the hero's hymn in low voices. A serene, heavy, sad and melodious tune floats over the end of the valley.

The raging magic flame burned the remains of the victims, and the ashes sprinkled with the breeze all over the End Yan Valley, and finally returned to the embrace of this deep earth.

At the same time, just below the mechanical fortress, another dialogue is going on.

The macaw came to Link angrily and asked with his hands on his hips: "Link, Link, you are so clever, why are you confused! It hasn't been long since it came out, right? War envoys dare Under the command of income, you are not afraid of being beaten back? This cub species is definitely not at ease on the battlefield."

The macaw spouted its mouth at Link for a while, and it was so angry that it couldn't work.

Looking at Link, there is always a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looks calm and peaceful, as if everything he said has nothing to do with him.

After the macaw finished speaking, Link spoke well: "Didn't I have you and Silver Hand? You two will supervise Abaddon. He must not be able to overcome any storms and have no chance to engage in moths."

The macaw's words came to an abrupt end when he half-believed, and he subconsciously said: "Although this is the case..."

The last half of the sentence was not said.

Link is optimistic about them and treats them very seriously. As soon as this remark comes out, if they talk about Abaddon's various powers, wouldn't it slap himself in the face?

Just a sentence, it can't make the Macaw and Silver Hand too much, and this is only Link.

Then Link said with a stern face: "I know he has a bad heart, but he plays so well, even at the cost of the alien army, don't you wonder what he will do next?"

As soon as these words came out, they once again hit the soft underbelly of the Macaw and Silver Hand.

The two of them wanted to talk but stopped, but they were very interested in the twinkling eyes!

And the macaw suddenly realized that Link knew it from beginning to end, that's all right.

"You mean, gave us the task of staring at Abaddon?" The macaw stared at Link with his small eyes.

Link nodded slightly: "Yes, you and the silver hand are the only ones I can use. And this task is extremely important. It depends on you whether you can catch Abaddon's feet. If you can't catch the feet, Na Abaddon will live long in the mechanical fortress."

Macaw and Silver Hand suddenly looked serious, as if they felt the heavy burden on their shoulders.

"Don't worry, we must complete the task! Keep an eye on Abaddon 24 hours!" The macaw is rarely serious. You can laugh about other things, but you must not be sloppy in this matter.

Thinking of Abaddon's stay with them in the mechanical fortress every day from now on, the Macaw and Silver Hand shudder.

The two looked at each other, and both decided to hurry up and find a way to make Abaddon show his feet.

"This task is a top secret task. I only tell you two. The others didn't mention a word. I also believe in your professionalism." Link said with a serious face and whispered closer.

The fat parrot and the silver hand nodded in a daze. The macaw even made a gesture of sealing its mouth, knowing that this matter must not be told, otherwise all previous efforts will be lost.

"Can't everyone say, including Ah Fu?" Yin Shou couldn't help but curiously asked.

Meeting Link's determined eyes, Silver Hand knew the answer.

The Wasteland Expeditionary Army is cleaning up the battlefield, and the two treasures of Macaw and Silver Hand have also been distracted. Now Link finally has time to check the core of the imprint that Abaddon offered.

[Mark of the Warbringer]

[Quality: Purple]

[Description: The core of the imprint containing the unique energy of the alien star, the effect is to give power, so that a warrior can be promoted to the power of war envoy]

After reading the introduction of Imprint Core, Link immediately became happy.

It seems that in order to gain his trust, Abaddon really took the risk, and really gave him the imprint of the energy of war envoys.

After reading the introduction of the imprint, Link also had a bold idea.

If you give this mark to others, and you can get a war messenger, then will the war messenger be loyal to the alien star or loyal to him?

Moreover, the power and skills of this war messenger are based on the ability of the original creature, or in a fixed format.

Link has many doubts, but no one can give him the answer.

But Link is not in a hurry, since the days are still long, he wants to see what tricks Abaddon can do under his nose.

Apart from Abaddon's antagonism, Link's view of this talented war messenger is still the main praise. After all, in the mid-to-late version of 2.0, players from the three planets and the protagonist of the planets gathered together to unite the First Order to launch a general attack on the alien stars. In this case, Abaddon almost succeeded in stealing his home, which is enough to prove the man's scheming and strategy.

Although he knew that Abaddon was a false and unreasonable snake, Link would still think that if this guy can truly take refuge in himself, then he would be an extra member of the generals.

Link has never been a person waiting to die. Once he has an idea, he will ponder the possibility.

Link understands Abaddon's loyalty to the alien. This guy can even surrender the core of the imprint for the undercover. So the chances of success in lobbying are very small. And if it is a composite, it must require loyalty to reach 100 points, which is a paradox in itself.

So there is only one way for Link...

Let Alien take the initiative to give up Abaddon, and then give him a warm embrace and soft-spoken care in Abaddon's weakest psychological defense line and in the lonely night, so that he can completely fall into Link's personal In the charm...

Link thought about it, he had already made a jealous smile, as if he had seen the picture that he was completely devoted to a talent.

Pandora's three magic casting camps were all destroyed, the portal completely collapsed, and the contact with Vormir unilaterally was disconnected. It can be concluded that Abaddon will definitely be obedient during this time. And when Link and the Wasteland Expeditionary Force go to Victoria, it will be the time for Abaddon to reveal the fox's tail.

Maybe you can arrange some arrangements at this time, use the information difference to cause some misunderstandings between Alien and Abaddon, and then use your own operations to enlarge it...

Waiting for Link to recover again, the man has reappeared in the teleportation room of the mechanical fortress.

"Troy, scan the resources of Pandora. We are going to stay in Pandora for about ten days. You and Penny make the task arrangement to gather as many of Pandora's rare resources as possible. At the same time... "

Link gave orders as he walked, just after arranging the tasks for the next period of time, after walking out of the teleportation room, he saw a figure appearing resolutely.

"Head of State, then I'll go busy first." Troy was also fascinated. Seeing Helen who was in trouble, winking turned into a stream of data, quickly dissolving in the spaceship, disappearing.

Helen was angrily, and when she walked, she flicked her ponytail from side to side, which directly drew Link's attention away from her anger.

"Fhrer, I think you owe me an explanation!"

Dare and Link want to explain, there are not many in the mechanical fortress.

Helen counts as one, Miranda counts as one, Grace counts as one, and the macaw counts as half.

To sum up, if you dare to talk to Link like this, it is either a woman or a beast.

"What's the explanation, I need to be with you when I act with Link..."

It's just that Link didn't finish the compelling sentence, and was interrupted by Helen's instant spell.

Seeing Helen weeping suddenly, she was spinning in her eyes, and Link swallowed the second half of the sentence directly into her stomach.

"It's not convenient for me to talk more about this, but I believe Helen, you can use your smart little brain to figure out the ins and outs." Link can't say directly, so he has to "remind" Helen in the most euphemistic way.

Helen heard Link's saying, her little head tilted and stopped the choking, it seemed that the brain was really running fast.

"Accept the envoy of the war who is turning to the battle, this move of the head of state..." Helen pulled away from the emotions and once again transformed into the resolute boss in the laboratory. Suddenly, a cloud of spirit burst into his eyes. UU Reading Seems to understand Link's intention.

Regardless of whether this war messenger is a real refuge or a fake refuge, the Wasteland Expeditionary Army can use this to make a game.

If you really take refuge, you can learn a lot of inside stories about aliens from the other side, and these internal news will be of great help in conquering aliens. If it is a false refuge, then you can release some false signals on your side to confuse the war ambassador. If the other party has a chance to deliver the news, Alien will also suffer a huge loss because of the fake news.

No matter which kind, Alien Stars can make a profit without losing money.

You have to say that the inside story of the alien given by the other party is false. Helen doesn't worry about this at all, but don't forget the power of the head of statethe son of prophecy. You can predict it. He knows the true and false at a glance.

"Helen, I'll arrange another task for you..." Link looked through the porthole, looking at the end Yan Valley plain where the blood was drifting.

I chose to come to Pandora this time, because I came on my own initiative, so I didn't have any task rewards.

But Link is not a charity. Since there is no reward, then create the reward manually.

Pandora, get up!

Leek, get up!

(End of this chapter)