Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 693

Chapter 693

Not only the war messenger and the alien legion, but Antonidas who was on the side heard this and couldn't help looking at Link with amazement, a little fan.

Antonidas certainly knows the importance of the forge camp to the alien army.

He once used the vision technique to spy inside the Forge Camp, and found that in the Forge Camp, the most important thing was the central portal.

The portal tore through the gap in time and space, sending the alien army to Pandora. He also thought about sending a death squad to sneak into the center of the forge camp to destroy the portal, but the alien legion is tightly guarded, the internal legion has a large number of troops, and the shadow dog, a creature that is extremely sensitive to flesh and blood, has been infiltrated several times. It ended in failure.

However, Link underestimated it and settled the three forging camps, completing the big thing they couldn't accomplish even with their brains.

Comparing the two, Anthony Daston felt a sense of frustration.

In addition, the war messenger who was fighting with the Sky City Magic Academy took the opportunity to get out and flew from the End Yan Valley to another war messenger.

He also tried to use the secret method to return to the forge camp, but all three camps lost contact. Combined with the attack from the Black Throne just now, he immediately reacted, I am afraid these three magic forging campsall are destroyed!

The war ambassador thought of a more terrifying thing. The three portals were destroyed. Doesn't this mean that they can't return to Vormere?

They are permanently trapped in Pandora Star!

Realizing this, the war-bringer's face changed wildly, and the look in Link's eyes became frightened.

Now it's not that they have destroyed Pandora, but Link is going to drive them to extinction!

Only by keeping the vitality to the utmost, can there be a chance to re-contact Dover Mill.

The two war ambassadors looked at each other, and both understood each other's thoughts and their fear of Link.

A trace of cunning flashed in the two of them, and they immediately transformed into bats. At the same time, a rancid smell emerged from their bodies. Numerous evil insects and mosquitoes appeared, forming a dark green wave, and rushed towards Antonidas and Link overwhelmingly.

Antonidas reacted immediately, condensed into a flame shield with magic power to cover the whole body, and the evil insects and mosquitoes swooped in front of him and instantly ignited, turning into crackling sparks.

The two war ambassadors who created this chaos have already rolled their wings at this moment and are ready to escape.

"They want to run!" Antonidas reacted, but there was no way to stop them.

Link watched the war messenger's "juggling" like a child's play, smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth, and slowly raised the force field scepter.


An invisible shock wave suddenly blew up from the place where the two men took off in a group, interrupting the two war envoys who were about to evacuate.

"Are you aliens so impolite? If you see old acquaintances, run away without saying hello. That's how Abuzha taught you? Then I'm really disappointed..." Lin Kesao said in series, but his hands moved. But it didn't stop.

The messenger of the war had just been hit to the ground, and another shock wave struck again, and the two of them fell to the ground and could not get up.

The Alien Legion had heard of Link a long time ago, after all, the other two war ambassadors Dulu and Ganis, who they knew well, were breaking their halberds in the wasteland. Even Lord Abuzha, and even Lord Yegesh above, were extremely angry at this defeat. Even because this incident affected a series of subsequent plans, the adults above were cautious in every step, for fear of getting caught in the other side's trap.

Look at Link's talk and laughter now, suppressing the two war envoys, this kind of aura and strength have caused them to lose all their fighting intent.

Another shocking person is the Pandora star.

Antonidas was very reluctant to deal with a war messenger, and Gamesh had to join forces with other archmages in the academy to compete against another war messenger. But now that Link is completely suppressing the two of them while strolling alone, is there such a big gap between the protagonists on this planet?

Qianglong Zhixiang's face is solemn, watching the video is one thing, and seeing Link's strength with his own eyes is another.

Although he is very reluctant to admit it, I have to say that Link has surpassed Antonidas in strength and left him behind.

The other players were stunned with their mouths open.

Is this Link's strength? Turning the clouds and rain with one hand, they played the two war envoys between the palms of their hands.

There are so many poems, and the enemy has nothing to do with him.

Even when the war envoy and the alien army saw Link, the first reaction was not to fight but to flee.

This alone can explain a person's influence.

The people of Pandora fear the alien army. And when the alien army saw Link, it was like a mouse meeting a cat.

If the battle between the war ambassador and Antonidas just now was barely "evenly matched", then it is now a complete fight. They didn't even see what tricks Link used, they only heard the air bursting out one after another, and the two war envoys rolled on the ground in a panic.

The players in the wasteland and the expeditionary army all stood up and raised their heads at this moment.

This is the protagonist of their wasteland, their leader NPC!

It's so long face!

The two war ambassadors were even more shocked.

Link's strength is stronger than they thought, and this invisible shock wave is impossible to guard against.

They also concluded from short observation that the thing that created this invisible shock wave was the scepter in Link's hand.

But every time Link summoned the shock wave, there was not much movement in his hand, and it was difficult to catch the traces of the spell. Although the damage of this shock wave is not high, they have been beaten lying on the ground and can't get up, and their hope of escape is getting thinner and thinner.

Facing Link's condescending and indifferent eyes, the two war ambassadors felt the humiliation and shame, but they had no way to vent and had to be passively beaten. They had already used a lot of abilities in the battle with Pandora's remnants, and now they were stretched out of energy. The only opportunity to escape from the [Carrion Swarm] was also downplayed and resolved by Link.

"I wanted to leave you a way to survive and let you go back and bring a word to Abu Zha, but I thought that all three portals were destroyed by me and you can't go back, so let's wait for the next time."

Link swept the Alien Legion and the two war messengers, his tone was condescending, with a commanding taste: "As for you, you have committed a lot of crimes in Pandora. It's so exhausting. You almost made Pandora star an extinction, and you stayed. Use your life to atone for your sins."

Hearing this, the two war ambassadors knew that it would be impossible to find a chance to escape if they continued. The only chance now is to lead the alien army and the wasteland expeditionary force head-to-head, and perhaps find a chance to take advantage of the chaos.

After making a decision, the two war ambassadors no longer hesitate.

He stood up from the ground against the shock wave, with blood stained between his lips and teeth, and shouted: "All alien legions follow the orders and charge the enemy!"

Upon hearing the order, the alien army came out of the End Yan Valley like a low tide, forming a black tide.

When the alien army assembled again, the scale suddenly expanded, and the number was almost dozens of times the wasteland expeditionary army. This has increased the confidence of the alien army, and they may be able to break through in this confrontation!

Yes, you are not mistaken.

Alien regrouped the army and increased confidence.

But this confidence is not to fight hard with the Wasteland Expeditionary Army, but to fight for opportunities to break through.

Antonidas frowned upon seeing this. Although Link's aura just now contained the legion, the legion is now regrouping, and the number is several times that of the expeditionary army. The number has undergone a major change, and the aura that Link has brewed just now seems to have been directly destroyed.

Although Link is strong, facing the enemy like the dark tide, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and he may not be able to cope with it.

This makes Antonidas worry about the expeditionary army and Link.

Link laughed when he saw the alien army regroup.

"You really understand what I mean. I was afraid that it would be troublesome to kill everywhere, so I gave an order and a full assembly came directly." Link couldn't help applauding the two war envoys' decision. It was a filial piety.

If it hadn't been for the fact that they were two war ambassadors opposite, Link would have thought they were pretending to be a defector.

In the face of Link's continuous grievances, the two war ambassadors no longer need to bear, and with a wave of their big hands, they directly ordered the alien legion to initiate a charge, and the two also got up and rushed towards Link, wanting to use the turbulent legion to hinder Link's invisible. Shock wave.

I have to say that this is a very ingenious design, and it will definitely be hindered if you change it to someone else.

But they are facing Link!

Link lifted his hand gracefully and waved it gently.

The members of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army, who had been waiting for a long time behind them, rushed out one by one, like flying arrows, facing the enemy tens of times without shyness, and rushed head on!

At this time, Antonidas had time to notice the Wasteland Expeditionary Army.

Just swiping his eyes away, I felt a lot of strong breath.

The fastest rush is a "yellow lightning", Antonidas must use the delay technique to see this figure clearly. To his surprise, the figure of this rapid lightning was actually a fat parrot.

Followed by a wild and unruly man, his entire right arm is a mechanical arm, and his body exudes a palpable and dangerous atmosphere. Antonidas has an intuition that as long as the man wants, he can kill any strong man on the planet Pandora at any time.

If Link knew what Antonidas thought, he would definitely admire it, as it deserves to be the intuition of the legendary archmage.

Quite correct.

And behind the two, there is a cloud of gray mist flying in the air.

Antonidas saw at a glance that the gray mist contained highly poisonous, and there was also a powerful presence in it.

The puppet legion that came down to the gray mist behind him must be this man's masterpiece.

Harpy, flesh and blood puppet... These all show the identity of the master of the gray mist-a powerful alchemist.

If the gray fog represents death, then the Moon Shadow Council behind the gray fog represents life. Some druids cast natural spells, some begin to transform, and others manipulate vines and other plants.

If the previous Antonidas can understand, then the following strange creatures are completely outside the scope of Antonidas's cognition.

An ancient war tree covered in steel, still holding a small sapling son in his hand;

The metal broodmother spider splits into smaller spiders while running, gradually disappearing from the field of vision;

The undead, mummies, and werewolves exuding immortality, and among them are the immortal and bandaged alien shadow dogs, which look even more terrifying than the original shadow dogs!

The plains roared, and a huge pincer-like arthropod was tumbling on the ground. Although the whole picture is not visible, it can be seen from the exposed part that the leopard is at least tens of meters in size. If this were not for following Link to descend from the Black Throne, Antonidas would definitely treat him as a dark horror creature. If it were in peacetime, it would have been annihilated by the other Archmage of Sky City long ago.

On the top of the giant arthropod, there is a monkey full of metallic luster, carrying a crystal-like long stick on his shoulder, and a golden Buddha light permeating it, looking extremely holy.

The dark creatures and the light creatures are extremely harmonious at this moment, as if they were a whole.

Although Antonidas didn't know what this golden light represented, he could feel it only from the quality of the golden light and the energy contained in it. This was a very powerful creature. It can even be compared to the incarnation of light of the paladin faith.

After that, the dark gargoyle, and a hideous crocodile man, are also daunting in strength.

Antonidas' eyes were venomous, and he could see that these were mutants that were extremely difficult to deal with.

Any archmage in Sky City faced one of these, but they didn't have any fruit to eat.

These individuals Antonidas can still distinguish clearly, but the next Swarm creatures are dazzling and creepy.

Killer bees, psychedelic vines, black widows, and silver metal ants that are extremely difficult to identify with vision.

These creatures are tiny and not easy to catch with the naked eye, but after reaching a certain number, their effect is also fatal.

If you look at it from this point of view, then the difference in numbers between the two parties is not great. even has the advantage of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army...

Antonidas' analysis is also in the light of flint.

Later, when the alien army and the expeditionary force collided head-on, the result was the same as Antonidas's previous analysis.

The gap between the top combat power cannot be made up, and the daunting master rushes into the enemy line, like a meat grinder, frantically harvesting the alien army. Those Antonidas looked at the extremely weird creatures, completely restrained the alien army on the battlefield, and the superiority of the alien army disappeared. From the mid-to-high-end combat power to the mass army, no matter what point the aliens do not have the upper hand, it is just a preliminary confrontation, and the defeat has already appeared.

Just when Antonidas looked at the battlefield to one side.

Suddenly a strong murderous and deadly aura appeared behind him, and the air seemed to be boiling as anxious.


I saw a crimson ray like a dragon thunder and lightning erupted from Link's fingertips and pointed directly at the messenger of war.

In the next second, a war envoy who rushed towards Link screamed, and the whole person instantly turned into powder.