Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 609

Chapter 609

Chapter 611 Counterattack begins

As Link was checking the photos taken, Helen had already brought Dave and Dr. Ludwig to the second floor of the Colosseum, and Afu personally received and guided them.

When they saw the crashed alien transport ship, the three of them all showed a shocked expression.

Only the four self-defense artillery can be seen from the appearance, no matter the structure or the material, they can not be made from the existing waste soil. Especially when it comes to the thought that this artillery was still used in space, can withstand the extreme conditions of the universe, and can operate normally under high temperature, low temperature and high pressure, it is even more shocking.

The layman sees the excitement, the insider sees the doorway.

The three of them stared at the four self-defense guns, their eyes all green.

Fu still shouted from the side, and the three of them returned to their senses.

"The tail of this transport ship is missing one third, the auxiliary engine is broken, and the injection device is gone. It is very difficult to repair!" Dr. Ludwig couldn't help but say. After all, these are spaceships of higher-civilized alien creatures. If you want to repair, you must first understand the relevant knowledge and skills before you can talk about repairs.

Dave looked at the recessed place where the top of the transport ship was hit, and a lot of materials fell off or shattered, and he suddenly felt a headache. There are two points at the core of the entire spacecraft, one is the engine, and the other is the bow. After all, to travel at high speeds in the universe, the entire body of the spacecraft is made of aerospace grade, and the requirements for the material of the head are higher.

At this level of wasteland, you can't even get the spacecraft materials, let alone more advanced head materials.

Helen looked at the transport ship in front of her, but she was not as pessimistic as Dave and Dr. Ludwig. Since Link entrusted this task to her, it must be more trustworthy. How could she be afraid to shrink when she sees a little difficulty? ?

"Brother Fu, you take us to the black library to have a look."

Soon, under the leadership of Afu, the three people entered the interior of the transport ship. Walking all the way from the outside, the three of them had a deeper understanding of the damage to the spacecraft, and at the same time they had a new understanding of the internal structure and equipment.

"Welcome three of you to the Vatican **** transport ship. This transport ship fell to Shalbak 1,500 years ago and has been buried and stored until now. No one has entered the interior until it was discovered by Afu." Troy's voice appeared on the transport ship, and then a suspended mechanical squid appeared in front of the three of them. There was a green observation camera on the big head.

Ludwig looked at everything in the transport cabin and couldn't help but sigh: "The technology of 1,500 years ago was already impressive, so how far will the current technology grow. Wasteland, for the entire universe, Too small..."

Dave beside also suddenly felt a lot older. After spending all his life studying mechanical theory, it turned out that even the technology of others 1,500 years ago could not reach it, and a sense of powerlessness surged in my heart.

Troy was relieved at the opportunity: "It is precisely because of the huge gap that the head of state has asked you to come and study advanced knowledge. As long as you understand the advanced knowledge, you can quickly narrow the gap. Your theory of knowledge is already nearing the end, but now there is finally a chance to extend it. The scenery in the distance should feel lucky."

Helen is still young, so naturally she doesn't have so many sad emotions. Seeing Troy appearing in the image of a mechanical squid, I was very curious, and stepped forward to observe the structure of the mechanical squid carefully.

Floating modules, mechanical structure, brain cables and partitions all made Helen very novel.

Troy was a little hairy by Helen. He stretched out his mechanical tentacles to press on Helen's shoulders and whispered to persuade him: "It's not the time to look at me. Go in and look at the advanced knowledge first. You can't figure it out after watching it for a long time. One, two, three..."

Soon the three of them led down to the black library.

Looking at the black metal plate with sharp edges and corners, the three of them keenly discovered the extraordinary material of this library. Very low reflectivity, as well as distinct edges and corners, these seemingly ordinary details, but everywhere reveal the level of civilization. When Ludwig walked to the library, the library slowly opened, revealing the transparent glass, reflecting the slightly surprised face of the doctor.

But in the next second, the doctor's eyes flashed a ray of blue light, his muscles were tight, his breathing was short, and he muttered: "Vast knowledge..."

Helen and Dave looked surprised. They didn't know whether to stop or let them go. Ah Fu hurriedly said, This is what it looks like when you are infused with advanced knowledge. There is no danger. Don't worry.

When Ludwig was over, the spirit of the whole person changed, and his tone was trembling: "Try it quickly, these are unprecedented knowledge, a brand new world!"

Then Dave and Helen both went to the Black Library to receive advanced knowledge. After reading Dave, Dave behaved like Ludwig, shaking all over, and tears: "I thought this would be the end of my life, I didn't expect it. In the rest of your life, you can still see knowledge far beyond cognition. This is simply a treasure, a treasure."

Helen didn't change much, but she had more whimsical ideas in her mind and wanted to try it.

Now she finally understood what Link told her before, what eight hours a day was used to consolidate and absorb advanced knowledge. She can't wait to put this massive amount of knowledge into practice.

"Now that you have all seen advanced knowledge, you should have a clue about the repair of the spacecraft?" Troy asked.

With the advanced knowledge just now, the three of them have a certain understanding of the construction principle of the transport ship, and they already have preliminary ideas in their minds.

Helen took the lead and said: "The problem of the auxiliary engine is easy to solve. I can make a second modification to the tokamak device to make it produce the same power as the original engine."

Dave's mechanical glasses swept across the hull and said after the expansion and contraction: "The problem of alloys seems to be solved. Although the existing technology of waste soil cannot quickly produce space-grade alloys, aliens can. As long as alien metals can be obtained. , And then smelted to make it, you can repair the missing part of the spacecraft hull."

"The internal equipment is easy to handle. Although it lacks the corresponding drawings, it can be modified after studying the function, or it can be castrated, and the equipment is running first." Ludwig put forward his own suggestion.

The three of them glanced at each other, their eyes were surprised at first, followed by tacit smiles.

I have the idea, now I only need to digest the advanced knowledge and practice.

Helen's eyes lit up and she was quite excited.

Thinking of being able to soak in an alien spaceship for eight hours and absorbing advanced knowledge for eight hours is really fulfilling and satisfying!

On the other side, Link is satisfied after getting the new pet magic steel ant queen.

"Oh, it's a pity that the combination of the touch dragon **** and the dragon bone is too low. Forcible synthesis will only waste such precious legendary materials..."

Yes, Link's previous wishful thinking flew away.

I thought that the fit between the two would be very high, but who knew that it was only a mere 25%, which instantly wiped out Link's thoughts.

I thought I could get my first legendary pet because of this, but now I can only think about it.

But in addition, Link also saw other data on the synthesis interface. The synthesis of the dragon **** and the dragon bone actually requires 25,000 health points, and the incubation time is as long as half a year, which is staggering.

Although the health value of synthetic consumption is linked to the size of the pet, the consumption of other purple pets will not be much different.

Now is the critical moment for the wasteland to accumulate power. We will launch a counterattack against the alien army in the near future. At this time, we will use the powerful purple pets to synthesize. After hatching, the day lilies will be cold.

Link simply pinched the thought of synthesizing the legendary pet at this time, and everything will be said after the alien is driven away.

Two days later, Yinshou and Li Ziqian came from Longcheng and Faye one after another, and went to the Colosseum without stopping to learn advanced knowledge, and then they were sent back by Link.

Silver Hand had planned to "show off his power" in front of John, but was pricked to the point by Link with a sentence, and he returned to Dragon City without saying a word.

After , John, who hid afterwards, smiled and asked what Link had said, and Link laughed without saying a word.

On the returning train, Silver Hand kept holding his breath and gritted his teeth: "When I stand on this last guard, I must show off in front of John when I come back. Link was right. At the last minute, Don't drop the chain, keep your breath, don't let the foreign stars sneak attack, the previous efforts will be wasted..."

At the same time, the Alien Legion did not give up on the offensive. After that, several waves of offensive were arranged. Although it can take advantage of each time, it is only in the killing, and it has not been able to go further against the Red Dragon's Back. The simple exchange of forces has advantages, but it is unable to occupy resources at all, causing the construction of the Forge Camp to stagnate.

And the terrifying commander later realized that he also discovered an extremely horrible thing...

"Master Ganis, the alien demon report that came back this time seems to have found some special features of the wasteland..." The terrifying commander's tone was a little puzzled, and a little cautious, and he had been watching Ganis' face while speaking.

Ganis' expression on Gu Bo was not surprised, and seemed to be accustomed to this defeat: "Say."

"My lord, according to the report of the alien demon, he seems to have repeatedly seen the enemies killed before on the battlefield. The enemies who fought in the wasteland before appear again bizarrely, and fight against them again, with weapons, equipment, and abilities. It's the same, it's like resurrection." The terrorist commander tried his best to control his emotions. Although there was suspicion in his heart, he never dared to think too much about the worst outcome.

Hearing the word "resurrection", Ganis' limestone-like face finally changed, and his expression became weird: "Are you sure what you are talking about? If you are not sure about this kind of thing, don't mention it in front of me."

If it is true, then these few waves of confrontation with the wasteland, killing the enemy and consuming the opponent's combat power have become a mirror image. Since Ganis took over, the biggest feat of the Alien Legion is only to occupy Esiah and build castings. A magic camp. Moreover, the enemy chooses to exchange forces with the alien army, and the loser is the alien.

The terrorist tactician looked hesitant, but under the pressure of Ganis, he still told the truth.

"At first I thought it was an excuse made up by some alien monsters in order to avoid mistakes, but then I asked many alien monsters privately, and even collected information from Shadow Dogs through Dog Trainer Douglas, and found that many of them had encountered them. The same role. They also had doubts during the battle, but the battle was fierce and did not think about it. Especially the Shadow Dogs are good at scent tracking and can't do fake things. So I think this is true." The terrorist tactician finished Afterwards, he raised his head and glanced at Ganis, and immediately retracted his eyes to meet Ganis's cold gaze.

The terrorist tactician knows that once this is said, it means that all his previous plans and policies have made a mistake. Instead of being able to establish an advantage for the alien, he is led by the enemy.

Garnis looked at the terrifying tactician who was kneeling on the ground, slowly speaking, with a tone of inadequacy: "I have always rewarded and punished clearly. Since your tactical mistakes caused the damage to the aliens, you said that you follow the rules of the aliens. How to do."

"According to the rules of the alien, self-decision...apologize." The terrorist tactician's forehead oozes beads of sweat, and his voice trembles uncontrollably.

"Is that you doing it yourself or me doing it yourself?" Ganis' eyes were cold, and he didn't put a terrorist tactician in his eyes. Since the wrong decision has been made, it will have to pay for it. Only the most scheming and cunning terrorist tactician can survive the tactical arrangements and climb to a higher position.

Seeing that the terrorist tactician was not willing to do anything, Gannis held a ball of fel flame in his hand, and squeezed the terrorist tactician by the neck. The swelling and rough energy poured into the opponent's body, and many cracks appeared in the skin. After a burst of green light, several bats flee from the light, and the terrorist tactician disappeared.

When other terrorist tacticians saw this, instead of showing the sadness of the rabbit and fox, their eyes were full of eagerness to try. After all, only when the former is dead can they have a chance to show off their talents.

The corners of Ganis's mouth slightly cocked, revealing two fangs. He was originally a member of the terrorist tactician, because of several successful campaign command and decision-making, he was favored by Abu Zha, a deputy of the Alien Army, and was promoted to a war envoy. Now, a terrorist tactician is dead, and the others are like crocodiles smelling blood, all rushing up, trying to seize a chance to get ahead.

Now, who else has any has a well-inspired tone and understands the psychology of these people.

Now it has been confirmed that the rebels on the wasteland are many people who are just fighting non-stop through some kind of resurrection ability. In this way, the loss is no longer a loss, only the alien star is consumed in vain.

A wasteland has caused the Alien Legion to lose and lose its generals. If this is returned to the Alien Star, Gannis will not be glorious.

At this time, a horror tactician stood up and knelt down in front of Ganis: "My lord, now is the perfect time to dispatch the banshee. If you can analyze the mystery of the resurrection of wasteland creatures, it is absolutely necessary for aliens to conquer the sea of stars. It's a great achievement..."

Meanwhile, Shadu, Colosseum, Office.

Link closed the arrangement on the table, read the text messages sent by everyone, and slowly said: "It's time to sound the counterattack horn."

Thanks to Austin Aum's 100 starting coins rewards, book friends 20190816091200189 100 starting coins rewards, Mr. Li's mountain tour to catch young couples 100 starting coins rewards, dkhjf 100 starting coins rewards, I once loved that movie. Xingkong and her reward of 1500 starting coins, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)