Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 608

Chapter 608

Chapter 610 The Darkness Before Dawn

The darkness in the sky is extremely dense, and there is a deep chill in the air.

At the end of the field of vision, you can see the sporadic lights of the city.

"Head of State, everything is ready and ready to launch." Helen said after listening to the reports from various departments and checking the rocket's data, coming to Link.

At this moment, everyone is in the launch observation room far away from the air force base, looking at the rocket that has been placed on the launcher in the distance.

The signal lights on the launching station are all red. Just wait for Link's order to enter the launch process.

This is the first launch vehicle of the Freedom Federation, named by Link himself.

Link's name is also very meaningful, called "breaking dawn".

"How long is it until dawn?" Link put his hands on his chest, staring at the launch vehicle that stands in the distance and carries hope.

Helen glanced at the time: "In fifteen minutes, the sun will appear on the horizon."

"Then launch in fifteen minutes."

Link named the launch vehicle "breaking dawn". The first meaning is that the rocket will be launched at dawn; the second meaning is that the rocket can cut through the darkness and become the ray of dawn that sweeps away the darkness of the wasteland and alien stars.

Simply put high hopes.

"Troy, are you ready? After the rocket is launched, you will control the rocket's flight status to adjust the altitude and satellite orbit adjustment."

"The Fhrer can rest assured that the conditions for this launch are excellent. I have checked all the links and simulated the situation after the flight. The launch success rate is as high as 95%!" Troy's voice appeared in the observation room.

With the white fish belly rising from the horizon, a touch of white finally appeared in the black night sky.

At the same time, the "breaking dawn" rocket ignited, and intense fire and jets swept the entire launch site. Subsequently, the rocket pierced the sky under strong propulsion, and its altitude continued to rise.

The huge roar of the rocket launch, even if it is more than 20 kilometers away from the Shadu District, the air can still be heard clearly.

People awakened from their sleep, opened the window and immediately saw the rocket illuminating the entire firmament, flying straight to the sky. Reflecting with the rays of dawn, it is particularly spectacular. The rays of light rising from afar hit the outer body of the rocket, shining brightly, like a rising star.

"Gosh, what is this!"

The tail of the rocket also dragged two white trajectories, drawing a beautiful and clear arc in the air, which was very clear under the light of dawn and dawn on the horizon.

"Looking at the location, it seems to be from an air force base..."

"Is it a missile attack on the alien army?"

"This direction is wrong, it's up to the sky."

People rubbed their sleepy eyes and discussed the rising "UFO".

Many players also noticed the anomaly in the sky, and the news immediately appeared on the forum, triggering extensive discussion.

And when the "breaking dawn" rocket completely disappeared from the field of vision, the sky was also illuminated against the dawn, and the light spread across the earth.

Link, Helen, and a team of researchers and staff at the Air Force Base all held their breath and stared at the current orbit of the rocket and the scheduled trajectory on the big screen. The entire launch monitoring room was silent, and the needle fell, except for the Trojan mechanical sound every ten. The current altitude and angle will be reported every second.

Even if he is as confident as Helen, he clenches his hands tightly at this moment, and constantly scans the various values that appear on the big screen and the rocket data.

In the screen shot, the secondary thruster is separated from the rocket body and scattered in the atmosphere. Through the edge of the lens, the arc of the planet can be clearly seen, and there is a lot of deep black in the background, and the rocket has already flown out of the atmosphere and into the edge of space.

As the rocket reaches a predetermined height, the thruster and the arrow below the main rocket separate, and the lens in the picture starts to shake aimlessly with the main body, showing the appearance of the universe in front of everyone as it rotates.

Helen looked at the pitch-black universe and couldn't help but sigh: "Looks lonely and lonely."

Link smiled irresponsibly.

Helen is right. Even in the vast universe, the waste Saturn is in a barren marginal zone. The galaxies and planets here are lacklustre, and civilizations are few and far between. If you want to use the actual analogy, then waste Saturn is just a building in the desert Thatched huts, and the center of cosmic civilization, is like a lively and prosperous sandy city. The frequency of communication and interaction between civilizations is very high.

The galaxy where the waste Saturn is located is a desolate star system, and there is only one civilization in this star system. The desolate star system belongs to the Vatican galaxy, and the other two novice planets are also within the Vatican galaxy structure. Because the volume is too small, there is no galaxy coalition government. Only a few powerful civilizations unite to fight against alien stars. The organization of existence [First Order].

"Don't worry, it won't take long for you to see the brilliance of the stars."

Helen's eyes are as bright as stars, her big eyes are full of surprise and joy: "Really?"

"When did I lie to you."

Link paused, watching the heat-insulating ceramic and shell of the rocket arrow gradually peel off, and the two satellites inside unfolded the light energy panels and entered the established orbit.


"We made it!"

Explosive cheers and celebrations came from the entire launch monitoring room.

They changed history and took a solid step in technology. This is the first time that the Freedom Federation has sent a man-made satellite into space. They are participants, and they are honored.

Link could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The next step is to perform several fine-tuning of the orbit by Troy, and then use the jet propulsion device on the satellite to link the three satellites to form a 24-hour satellite network with full coverage of the wasteland.

"Now that the satellite launch is over, you will call Dave and Dr. Ludwig to go to the Colosseum to learn advanced knowledge. After the enlightenment, I have another important task to give you."

Helen's eyes lit up, she liked these difficult things, things that hadn't been tried before, extremely challenging, and full of unknowns and uncertainties.

"Fhrer, what is it?"

Link smiled, but sold it off: "You must promise me a condition before this, otherwise I will hand over this task to Dave or Ludwig."

Helen nodded without hesitation, and nodded: "The head of state can rest assured, let alone one condition, ten will do. And you can't be willful, and important tasks have to be entrusted to me! Grandpa is getting older, and his energy is not as good as before. Although Dr. Dewisch has a wide range of scientific research, he can only be said to be proficient in mechanics, not proficient. If you are proficient in mechanics, you still have to look at me!"

Helen straightened up and patted her chest.

Link is a lag.

Ya'er Yo, I didn't expect that even Helen would get up. It's terrible.

"This condition is also very simple, that is, you must ensure that you have eight hours of sleep a day and eight hours of advanced knowledge research time. This is a difficult scientific research, and it is also a long-term job. It is a loss to yourself and the wasteland."

Listening to what Link said so seriously, Helen was entangled in her heart.

When facing new knowledge and projects, in Helen's eyes, those are not troubles, but treasure troves. Limiting the time for sleep and improvement, he can only spend 8 hours a day on the project. How can this be enough?

But if you don't agree, the head of state will definitely not let her take over the task, and it will be troublesome.

For a while between heaven and man, Helen still succumbed and agreed to Link's "Unequal Treaty."

"Place the library of advanced knowledge on the second floor of the Arena of Beasts. After you finish your study, your task is to find a way to repair the crashed alien transport ship. Troy will give you detailed data about the relevant information. The current difficulty is that the rear auxiliary engine is thorough. Destroy, the other one-third of the tail is completely broken and damaged, and the thermal insulation material and the strong alloy on the head are damaged to varying degrees. What you have to do is to use all the resources of the wasteland to find a way to repair the transport ship."

After Helen heard the words "alien transport ship", her eyes were already shining with scorching gaze.

The satellite design drawings and rocket design drawings previously obtained from the Mechatronics Church, as well as the large amount of experiments and knowledge stored in the Mechatronics Laboratory, have dazzled Helen and marveled at it. Now the transport ship of "Alien Advanced Civilization" appeared suddenly, which made her even more interested.

"Um... if there is nothing wrong here, I will take Grandpa and Dr. Ludwig to the Colosseum?" Helen can't wait now. As the commander-in-chief of rocket satellite design and launch, she can't even take care of it. Celebrate with these colleagues, the heart has drifted to the Colosseum.

Link laughed. Although Helen is not very young, she is unparalleled in mechanical talent. People who have worked with her respect it and are now a master of the free federation mechanical. At work, he also has a steady and vigorous vigor, and only when he hears newer mechanical knowledge in front of Link, he will show a child-like attitude.

"Don't worry, now that the satellite has lifted off, Troy will take care of the next thing. You will come back to the Colosseum with me later." Link glanced at the time. At this time, it should be fine to go back. See the "results".

For the staff who participated in the research and development and launch of rockets and satellites, Link gave generous rewards, and then took Helen back to the Colosseum.

When he arrived at the Colosseum, Helen ran away as soon as he got off the car.

Link shook his head helplessly, ignored her, and went straight to the Colosseum office.

Because Link sits in the Colosseum these days, Afu vacates the place where Link lives, and he lives in another room.

Link directly pushed open the bedroom door, and the blood cocoon shattered on the ground.

Looking around, there was no trace of synthetic creatures.

"Hoo~" Link whistled, and immediately a lot of metal flying ants appeared from the bottom of the bed and the edge of the table.

These flying ants immediately assembled, and in the blink of an eye, they condensed into a 30 cm long red arrow, flew to Link's side, and revolved around him, which was very flattering.

Link stretched out his hand, and the red arrow steadily fell on the palm of his hand.

This new arrow is a new product synthesized by Link using the remaining silver wall ants and alien enchanted steel. The purpose is to recreate the whistle arrow and make the whistle arrow more powerful. The fit rate of this synthesis is as high as 105%, and the synthesized creatures and materials are all blue, which means that the quality of the red arrow in front of you is purple.

Link can't wait to check the new synthetic biology data.

Monster Attributes

Name: Magic Steel Ant

Quality: Lilac

Race: Formicidae

Attribute: Metal affinity

Level: 30+ (boss)

Initial skill 1: Powerful armor lv5 (Magic steel ants can be reorganized and aggregated to form armor and shield wall, +500 armor)

Initial Skill 2: Red Arrow lv3 (the magic steel ants are combined to form a red arrow, with a manipulation range of 300 meters)

Initial Skill 3: Frequency Vibration lv2 (Magic Steel Ant produces high-frequency vibration, produces high energy, and comes with 100 points of scorching and puncture damage)

Initial Skill 4: Alien Affinity (When the magic steel ant is in a powerful armor form, using alien skills or weapons, the damage caused by 100 points is increased)

Evaluation: The perfect fusion of the silver wall ant and the alien enchanted steel, the body hardness of the magic steel ant has been improved, the speed of the red arrow mode has been greatly improved, the damage is stronger, and it can be disguised as enchanted steel metal to avoid people's eyes and eyes. Is a kind of latent and lethal creature!

After reading the information of the magic steel ant, Link's eyes lit up, once again marveling at the vision he synthesized.

Added Alien Demonized Steel, the effect of Demon Steel Ant Whistle Arrow has not only been enhanced, but also more new abilities have been gained.

In the state of armor and shield wall, you can add 500 points of armor to Link. At the same time, it also provides alien affinity. When using alien skills or weapons, it increases extra damage and integrates offense and defense. The whistle arrow mode is the red arrow, which has a wider control range, and also has a frequency shock ability, with 100 points of searing damage, and a piercing effect.

In addition, there are some effects that are not included in the skills, which are written in the evaluation. The speed is increased in the red arrow state, and it can also be disguised as enchanted steel metal, which gave Link a lot of inspiration and ideas. When the time comes to face the alien army again, maybe you can play a wave of Sao operations.

Link blows a whistle The magic steel ant immediately disintegrated into a single entity, and drilled into the arm to become a armor.

"Head of State, all three satellites have entered the established orbit, the spacing height adjustment has been completed, and the full coverage satellite signal network of the wasteland is officially opened and put into operation." Troy's voice appeared in Link's room.

So fast.

Link was surprised, and immediately walked out of the bedroom and returned to the office, saying, "How is Esiah now?"

Soon, a real-time picture of Esiah appeared on Link's computer.

In the picture, the desert and oasis of Esiah are in a mess. The land has been scorched, and alien buildings have risen from the ground. Some of them are completed, and many of them are still half-built. At the same time, the flaming legion vanguards are also clearly visible, and there are a large number of them.

However, half of Esiah is hidden in the dark clouds. However, the density of the dark clouds we can see is much thinner than the previous time. I believe that the clouds will be cleared soon.

Advanced combat power began to study advanced knowledge, more or less improved.

Now is the darkness before dawn, as long as you hold on for a while, you can usher in the dawn.

(End of this chapter)