Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 610

Chapter 610

Chapter 612 Steel Garden of Eden (plus 1)

In the scattered place, the members of the suicide squad drove to the "Garden of Eden" where the mutants live after supplying supplies at the branch of the Monster Security Company.

Driving all the way, the jeep dragged a dazzling smoke and dust on the Gobi.

The pretender picked up the binoculars and looked at the shining metal city at the end of the horizon, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is the Garden of Eden, the legendary city built by Ivan with his own power and pure metal."

The entire metal city is shining under the sun, and the light even shines dozens of kilometers away. From a distance, it gives a majestic taste.

"Yes, it is also because of this city that countless mutants are willing to follow Ivan and establish the "Garden of Eden" belonging to the mutants."

Mentioned the topic of mutants, several people immediately became interested.

The only female Ghost Ji turned her eyes cleverly, with an'innocent smile' on her face, and asked: "Before that, we have been controlled by the Wasteland Gang and have been released by the head of state to join the Free Federation. Now we are here again. The real home of mutants, don't you want to join the'Garden of Eden'?"

As soon as he said this, the original relaxed atmosphere immediately solidified, even with an awkward atmosphere.

As the captain of the suicide squad, the pretender is also the only ordinary human, and has the least say. So he was completely on the sidelines on this matter, and he had already decided to be loyal to Link, and he would not change it. As for the attitude of others, it is no longer considered by the pretender. Since the Fhrer sent them to perform this task, he must have already thought of everything. After all, the head of state is the son of prophecy, the son of luck, and there is nothing he doesn't know.

The spirit boy was silent, but also quietly turned on the foresight ability, and ordered what happened next in advance.

The tremolo grinned and said, "I still think it's better to follow the Fhrer, the life in Shadu is colorful. And if there are no ordinary people, what is the meaning of mutants, how can I enjoy the enviable gaze of others."

The thought of secret travel is obviously a little bit more. After a pause, he did not directly express his attitude: "Gui Ji, don't mess around, we are still on the mission!"

Gui Ji disapproved, "slightly" sticking out her tongue, despising the secret line of not standing in line, and then turned to stare at the soul boy with a curious look. Just when he was about to speak, the soul boy had already opened his eyes and raised a finger to signal that he did not need to He opened his mouth, and then calmly said: "Of course it is a promising follower. No matter how powerful Ivan is, he is only a mutant who manipulates the magnetic field. Can he beat a head of state with the ability of a prophet?"

A word from the soul boy directly killed the topic.

Yes, no matter how powerful individual mutants are, they cannot fight against fate.

Link understands fate and the general trend. As long as he follows the trend, he can be invincible forever. How can others fight him?

The jeep fell into silence for a while, only the sound of wind whistling in the ears.

At this embarrassing moment, Gui Ji has to break the deadlock. As a woman, she has a natural advantage and initiative in this regard, and her teammates will not criticize Gui Ji's failures too much, nor will she mind her suddenly opening her mouth and breaking the deadlock in a blunt way.

"Speaking of the captain, we are all mutants. It will be easy to get in later, how about you?" Gui Ji's tone was concerned. After all, it was the captain who led them to fight in the north and south and tried to minimize the casualties. If they were captured by the mutants as soon as they arrived at the door, the consequences could be imagined.

The mutants in the Garden of Eden are not like them. They are all Ivan's fanatics. Believing in mutants is the future direction of development, and all ordinary people deserve to die.

The pretender paused and said in a low voice: "I have my own way. It shouldn't be a problem to bypass the guards. But if I can see Ivan, there is a 60% probability that I will be exposed. I will pretend to reduce the probability of being discovered by then. I hope that the Fhrer's invitation is seductive enough to get Ivan to agree..."

Gui Ji patted the pretender on the shoulder, and smiled: "Captain, you can rest assured, if you unfortunately sacrifice, I will use illusion to build a similar you, and if I miss you, I will find you in illusion."

The pretender burst into laughter. Before the mission started, he already thought about hanging up by himself: "Then I really...thank you so much!"

Soon, the vehicle approached the range of the Steel Garden of Eden.

The tall metal buildings are shining in the sunlight, and the silver city clusters are very post-modern and concise.

Between the towering buildings, there is a road like a silver ribbon, passing between the buildings, full of visual impact.

On the road, it is not an ordinary vehicle, but a silver maglev vehicle with a shape similar to a water drop, passing fast.

The whole city highlights an amazing futuristic style.

After reading the pretender, he couldn't help thinking of Shadu. I originally thought that Sand was the atmosphere of a big city, but now I see this city of steel, and I understand what it means to be modern.

"Come on, take a look." The pretender handed the telescope to a few people, and Gui Ji was the first to take the telescope and exclaimed immediately.

After that, several other people also watched it in turn, and the expressions on their faces were not so natural.

If you haven't seen this Garden of Eden, everyone's impression of a big city is that of sand, clean and tidy ground, quality citizens, and order. So after seeing the Garden of Eden from afar, everyone's literal understanding of modern cities has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Swipe bang bang bang...

Jeep rubber tire brakes and gravel on the Gobi made a sound similar to bean popping.

Pulling barbed wire and cordon on the outermost periphery of the city, mutants in standard overalls raised their hands and stopped several people.

One of the mutants with purple pupils stepped forward, UU reading looked at several people one by one, the hostile eyes gradually disappeared, and replaced by a scrutiny: "Are you here to take refuge in the Garden of Eden?"

The pretender took the lead and took out the official letter representing the Free Federation: "We are from Shadu."

The mutant squad in charge of the inspection had a slight face, but the words of the pretender in the next second made their faces suddenly change.

"We were ordered by Link, the head of the Free Federation, to come to Eden, a scattered land, and meet with Mr. Ivan, the leader of the Hundred Brothers."

"Huh, it turns out to be a running dog of the Free Federation!"

"Obviously they are all mutants, but they want to help the abuser. What kind of ecstasy did Link give you? I advise you to do it yourself!"

The mutant team that was inspecting immediately became vigilant. Weapons were directed at the suicide team. At the same time, the leader began to discuss the matter, preparing to report the matter to the relevant leaders.

Gui Ji pouted, and muttered in a low voice: "Captain, I think you said too much."

The pretender smiled slightly: "This Garden of Eden is tighter than you think. If you lie at the beginning, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to see each other."

(End of this chapter)