Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Chapter 571 Royal Prime Minister

Sakonia is the unparalleled queen of the Nerubian Empire outside, majestic and domineering, and all Nerubians must surrender under her rule.

But now, she has become a little girl at a loss.

If other spider monsters see the posture of their own glamorous queen, it is estimated that they will have a direct mental breakdown, and their beliefs will collapse.

The matter has to start with the silver devil becoming the thirteenth priest two days ago.

According to the plan before coming, the Silver Golem reports information like Charkonia every day, while at the same time relying on his own uniqueness to exude charm to attract the queen.

But who knows that after hearing the relayed information, the queen was not interested in the silver devil who was'scratching her head and posing' in front of her. Instead, she became interested in the cronies around the land king, the macaw. So the queen came directly to the silver devil's residence, planning to chat with the macaw herself.

The macaw did not expect that the queen would come directly to the door to "interrogate", so she hurriedly reached an opinion with the silver devil, that she would rather die than surrender and have a bad attitude. Afterwards, the Silver Demon guarantees that it can pry out more useful information, play a double reed to highlight the role of the Silver Demon, and it can also show that the intelligence is hard-earned.

It's just that the two of them have a very good idea, but when Shakonia and Macaw meet, things start to develop in another out of control direction.

While the macaw would rather die than surrender, it also put a lot of cruel words, and did not put the queen in its eyes at all. This made the queen who has always enjoyed the worship of the spider demon experience an unprecedented strange feeling. Later, in the exchange, the macaw was able to talk and talk, and the rich life and experience experienced over 30 years, completely turned the words of Shakonia, the spider witch queen who has lived underground for hundreds of years.

In the eyes of the macaw, Shakonia was an invincible queen when she faced the spider monster, but when she talked about things outside, she was completely as silly and sweet as Anna. Although she knew the history of the wasteland well, she knew everything else. I don't know anything about it.

I would be curious about anything the macaw said, just like the first time a literary and artistic young woman met a prodigal son, full of yearning for the vast world described in his words and the unprecedented experience.

And the Macaw also has a standard in his heart, that is, information about the Free Federation cannot be disclosed. As for its trivial experience, of course you can say it casually~

As a parrot with a legendary experience, the macaw traveled around in the first half of his life. The parrot learned his tongue, saw too many people and things, and watched his words and colors. And since it was given to Link by Benjamin last year, the macaw's experience has been even more brilliant. Gang wars, battle for hegemony in the sand, mechanical gods, pacifying the desert, and lurking in the dragon city are all made by the shadow of macaws.

For Shakonia, these are things that have never been experienced before. Under the narration of the macaw, it is exciting and exciting, and even watching the macaw becomes heroic and extraordinary.

"If you don't like it, then I won't do it next time." Shakonia said cautiously.

The macaw waved his hand and said with a slight disgust: "I have done everything, now what is the meaning of this."

"Then you mean..."

"I will do what you want this time, but I will not be arrogant when I do things in the future!" The macaw spoke very hard.

Xiakonya nodded again and again, and immediately said: "Then I just want to ask your opinion about something."

"Speak, what's the matter?"

Xiakonya twisted for a long time, then watched her words, and determined that the macaw was in a good mood, and then tentatively said: "I want to re-establish an official position in the Spider Demon Empire, with a position above the priests and warriors, and mobilize the Spider Demon The right of the army. I am going to name this official position as the Royal Prime Minister. The candidate is you. What do you think?"

The macaw just picked up the teapot and took a sip, only to hear it spray out at this moment.

The macaw straightened up from the wicker chair, with a look of astonishment: "You woman, are you completely crazy? Now I am still a prisoner. You suddenly put me in the position of the royal prime minister. What caused the other spider monsters? Look at me? Do you want me to die?"

Sakonia was also shocked, but not because of the macaw's fierce attitude, but because of the phrase "you are a woman" in its mouth.

When she heard these four words, Shakonia trembled all over.

Under the environment in which she lives, everyone only regards her as a queen, and what she carries on her shoulders is always the development of the Nerubian Empire. Only the macaw subconsciously regarded her as a woman. This identity of identity once again narrowed the psychological distance between the two.

Sakonia was already moved, and did not listen to the macaw at all.

The macaw said that he was tired, so he stopped to gasp.

It's no wonder that this guy Link doesn't have close contact with women, he is really too prescient. This is really extreme in doing things.

At this moment, the silver devil poked his head and appeared: "Isn't disturbing you?"

The silver devil walked in with the cart, and quickly took out the lunch one by one, and exchanged glances with the macaw.

The macaw looked helpless, the spider witch queen was used to being dictatorial, and she was like a wild horse when she made a decision, she couldn't stand it at all!

The silver devil blinked his eyes immediately and encouraged the macaw with his eyes. It has only been two days to be able to do it as it is now. It is already very strong. You must be steady.

The macaw sighed slightly, expressing his best effort.

After serving lunch, the Silver Devil consciously retired.

What it admires for the macaw at this moment is called a five-body throw. Although it is in the outside room, the chat between the macaw and the queen did not deliberately lower the voice, so it can also hear a lot. The macaw is actually not bad with its own three inches. Her tongue made the Queen of Spider Witch emotional, and she couldn't extricate herself from being trapped in a macaw. She transformed from a prisoner into a royal prime minister, and she also had a hard time eating. She was indeed a role model for men.

Before it was dispatched, it launched a fierce offensive against the Queen according to the Macaw's statement, but the Queen was unmoved. Originally, there were some complaints in the silver devil's heart, thinking that what your macaw said is so powerful, but in fact it is just talking on paper. Why can't you do it yourself if you have the ability? As a result, he was immediately taught to be a human being, was taught a lesson viciously and sturdily by the macaw, and was convinced ever since.

"I just think about it, if you don't agree, then forget it..." Shakonia's tone was full of grievances, and she wanted to let the spider demon accept the macaw as soon as possible, so she made this bad move.

The macaw shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "You, you are still too impulsive to do things regardless of the consequences. The Royal Prime Minister is not bad, but the timing is not good. I am still a prisoner now, and you suddenly promoted me to the Royal Prime Minister. What's this? You waited for the detective Nerub to return, and determined the situation on the front line. At that time, you will state the pros and cons with the priests, and cooperate with Link to fight the alien stars. At this time, because I can represent Link, you will give My Royal Prime Minister, there are excuses and buffers."

Charkonia was full of joy, and the macaw was willing to accept the position of Royal Prime Minister. But for the macaw, she still has her own selfishness.

"By the way, you can't help but go back, Link, what kind of treatment, I can give you here, and here it is you who have the final say..."

Just before Shakonia could finish, the macaw gave a sharp look: "You have too much control! It's time to eat now."

Sakonia hurriedly closed her mouth, not daring to mention this topic again.

After the luncheon, Shakonia sat aside, watching the macaw jump on the wicker chair after being satiated and snoring slightly with her eyes closed. Chakonia could squeeze out the water with a gentle look, feeling that the macaw was so manly, that the man was bursting.

At this moment, the Silver Devil came in suddenly, obviously there was an urgent matter to report.

But before the silver devil could speak, the queen turned her head and locked the silver devil with a strong murderous aura. The almost material pressure surged, making the silver devil unable to speak.

Then the Queen's eyes motioned to the sleeping macaw, and the Silver Devil immediately understood and walked to the Queen's side and whispered: "Your Majesty, the investigation and evaluation team you sent has returned, and wants to meet with you to report."

"Then I'll listen to their report, and I'll leave it to you here. Old King Kong fell asleep shortly, don't disturb him." Shakonia's attitude towards the Silver Devil was a little okay, after all, it was it who brought the macaw to her. By her side, it can be said that she has done a great job, so during this time she also gave the new priest a lot of preferential treatment and privileges.

The silver devil nodded repeatedly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will take good care of the Prime Minister."

Xiakonia gave the silver devil a 'teaching child' look, and nodded in satisfaction and left.

As soon as Xiakonya walked away, the macaw sitting on the wicker chair suddenly opened Kazilan's eyes the size of a sesame grain, and said excitedly: "If nothing happens, this mission will be successful."

The Silver Devil was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise: "My lord, were you just pretending to be asleep?"

The macaw smiled lightly and did not directly answer: Sometimes, you don't have to say anything to show your charm. It's too much to say too much. Follow me and learn!

Although that is said, the macaw can't stand the four times the fiery eyes of Chakonia before pretending to sleep.

Now it finally understands Link's troubles, Anna, Nicole, Mina, Helen, plus a Grace, these five pairs of ten eyes, the pressure is still above itself.

The macaw pushed the Silver Devil a few times, and said in a low voice: "I will continue to pretend to sleep. You should hurry outside to find out the situation. I will prepare in advance."

Silver Devil: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Howling Castle.

Link is looking at the document of the day.

The intelligence information from the front line was sent quickly like a stream, and all the preparations for Shadu were also in full swing. In addition, other parts of the Freedom Federation have also established a three-hour notification mechanism. As long as there is any accidental discovery of alien stars in the territory, it must be verified and reported to each other within three hours, and it will eventually appear on Link's desk.

In addition, there are also the progress and various reports on the resettlement of refugees in New West Asia, as well as the frontline combat situation.

After reading all the information, Link let out a sigh of relief.

Since the appearance of the alien demon, his life is like being pressed the fast forward button. Every day, he is pressing a lot. The files that need to be checked and the decisions made have also increased by multiples.

Starting from nine o'clock in the morning, after reading all the documents, it is already 12 o'clock noon.

"Lao Jin, bring me a cup of coffee."

After Link finished shouting, seeing no response for a long time, he raised his head and looked at the empty office. After a while, he realized that the macaw had been sent out by him to do the task, and he was no longer in the castle.

Link rubbed his temples with a smile, and he was so busy that he almost forgot about these things.

"I don't know what happened to Lao Jin and Silver Demon going to the Nerubian Empire."

There is a bond between Link and the macaw [mental network], but Link does not dare to contact Lao Jin easily.

Although the bond of [Spirit Network] ignores distance, the connection requires mental power, and Link is not sure whether the Spider Demon Empire can detect the mental power fluctuations during the contact. The macaw and the silver devil are in the enemy's nest. Killed them.

Beep beep!

Just as Link was distracted, the phone rang.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Link heard a cheerful voice: "Head of State, the difficulty of the rocket engine has been successfully overcome, and the second phase of the test launch experiment will soon be entered!"

Link was taken aback, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raised: "This is the best news I have heard recently."

Helen stood behind the protective glass of the laboratory, watching the stream of flames jetted from behind the rocket engine. Among the blue and red flames, there were circles of flames, Mach rings, one, two, three... Six!

"The engine is set up, and there is no need to worry about the energy. The balance system is in charge of Troy, and then you can directly enter the construction test launch link. Heads of state, next, can I start the design and development of the 'Sky Eye' satellite!?"

Link decisively agreed, UU reading said in a loud voice: "Well, now you are starting to work on both aspects. Your main energy is on the development of the SkyEye satellite, the rocket assembly and construction work, I will let Dave and Lu The two Dewigs are in charge and strive to launch two satellites as soon as possible."

This news is really exciting.

Although there is information and news coming every day, Link has a very high degree of control over the situation in the wasteland.

But lack of two satellites, there is no way to form a 24-hour global uninterrupted communication, and there is also a lack of real-time monitoring of the first battlefield.

Helen can conquer the most difficult and most important engine technology of rockets in just one week. He is really a genius, and he deserves to be the future mechanical goddess.

At the current speed, two 'Sky Eye' satellites will be able to take off before May.

Suddenly, the image of Troy appeared on the computer, bringing an emergency message.

"The head of state, the helicopter cruise formation, at about 12 o'clock today, a large number of shadow dogs were found in the coastal waters. At the same time, a large number of the alien monsters mentioned in your information were found, and they were moving fast toward the coastline."

Lin Ke's expression suddenly fell cold, and after a few days of testing, the first wave of the alien's sea impact finally came!

(End of this chapter)