Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Even the Duke is directly messed up.

He and Link both mean the same thing. Why should everyone call and beat him? On the other hand, Link is sought after by everyone.

Looking at the people who rushed out of the house with enthusiastic eyes, the Duke finally understood that the problem was not what he said, but the identity and influence of the two.

Own influence is limited to the son of the mayor, the top three in the platinum hotel standings, the top bounty hunter, and the commander of Esiah. But these names, no matter which one, have limited influence on the poor, at least when compared with the demand for the basics of mouth, it is really limited.

But Link has absolute influence in the wasteland, and the foundation of public opinion among the poor is even more terrifying.

The changes in the slums of Shadu are seen by everyone, regardless of origin, but the point of view that only talents use is blowing through the entire wasteland like the monsoon. Even some forces that are hostile to the Free Federation have to admit that in terms of employment and people's livelihood, Link has a broad mind and is ahead of everyone.

Now Link's voice appeared on Esia's radio. The people didn't have any doubts, and they all rushed out of their homes to respond.

The head of state loves the people like a child, and he will definitely not lie to them!

Just when the Duke lamented that the influence of the head of state was amazing, and one word could make millions of residents of Esiah unconditionally trusted, his phone rang suddenly.

"Duke, this is Troy, and the transfer and resettlement plan has been sent to the fax machine in your office. Then just follow the steps to complete the connection."

Knowing about the digital consciousness Troy, the Duke immediately went back to the office and saw the fax machine that started to work and kept spitting paper out, and then looked at the various detailed plans and docking requirements above, and he was shocked.

Link's transfer and resettlement plan is quite complete, and the resettlement site is determined to be the ruins of the city where the original mechanical sect and the wasteland help are handed over. The general appearance of this place is there, and there is no foundation construction, and people can live in it only by capping it. And the size of the city ruins is also suitable, enough to house a million people.

And because Esiah merged into Shadu, trade exchanges have become more abundant, and the ruins of the city have begun to take shape. Many merchants or transit merchants have chosen to settle here, and the ruins of the city are showing signs of gradual recovery. This time, let the people of Esiah go to the ruins of the city, first for the transfer of the battlefield, and secondly, to turn the ruins of the city into a transit station with Shadu and Esiah, becoming the third jewel in the desert.

For this reason, Link gave the ruins of the city a new name, New West Asia.

rises up with Esiah, and new hope is born on the ruins.

In the past two days, the construction work in New West Asia has been in full swing. Because of its own foundation, the repair work has proceeded smoothly. A large number of ruins have been cleared and rebuilt and become temporary settlements. Now it is only waiting for refugees to come.

After reading the detailed work instructions, the Duke immediately began to make arrangements.

The evacuation of a large number of Esiah residents left a lot of room for Benjamin to arrange tactics.

On the basis of the original beach front, directly began to deploy tactics in the southern slums.

Some players who are not strong enough and have not been sent to the front line to perform confrontation tasks have smelled business opportunities at this moment. A large number of refugees must be transferred, and there must be a lot of tasks. At the same time, they will definitely build their homes after arriving at the transfer location. Although the tasks of the poor may not have good rewards, they have experience!

These tasks are not very difficult. They are generally e-level or f-level tasks, but they are better than the large number of poor people and get together. As long as the task efficiency is high, the speed of gaining experience can be no less than doing a d-level or c-level task. In addition to the poor, there are also rich businessmen and tycoons in the refugee ranks, and there may be hidden tasks.

These millions of people originally lived in Esiah, it can be said that it is water hidden in a sponge, which is not easy to detect. But this time in a collective retreat, everyone will have to move. Maybe if you are lucky, you can hit the hidden mission.

The powerful players are more excited to see the transfer of people.

This shows that the entire Esiah will be reduced to a battlefield. As long as you continue to stay on the front line, you will have both military exploits and experience.

The refugees began to retreat vigorously, and their eyes began to move northward with hope.

Until the night, this long dragon didn't stop.

The refugees holding torches formed a long dragon entrenched in the desert and moved slowly.

And in the context of this fire dragon going north, there is even a black motorcade, going retrograde in a direction that is contrary to everyone.

The black convoy drove into Esiah, traversed the city along the main road, and came directly to the entrance of the frontline barracks.

Several cars are all black painted, shiny and shiny, and the reflections can be clearly seen under the shining of the barracks lights.

The vehicle is not a common scooter in the sand, but a vintage car of quite a few years. The front of the car is extremely long. On the hood of the front of the car, there is a bat standing sign, which is particularly eye-catching.

The soldiers guarding the entrance of the barracks stretched out their hands to stop the convoy, and then saluted: "Please show your credentials!"

The windows of the car were gradually rolled down, and the driver wore a well-fitting black suit with fair and delicate skin. He took out his papers and documents and said: "On the order of the Freedom Federation, we will come to the front to support you."

The soldier flashed a flashlight on his documents and documents. After verifying his identity, he was surprised, but he returned the things to the driver for the first time. Then he glanced at the inside of the car. It was almost a uniform black suit with a windbreaker on the outside.

The driver drove the car into the barracks and then parked in the pre-marked parking area.

A black trench coat with a decent suit and a black top hat on his head. It feels like an upper class underworld.

A group of people, led by the soldiers, went to the camp where Benjamin was.

"Hey, what is the identity of these people?" the soldier on the other side of the gate of the camp asked curiously.

The soldier who checked the ID just now replied: "It's from Dragon City. It seems that it is from some family, and there is a letter from the head of state."

"Good guys, even the people from Dragon City have come to help. But have you noticed that these people have their own characteristics."

"Too much white?"

"You've found it too, and you behave like an old nobleman, with old-fashioned etiquette in every gesture."

On the other side, Benjamin was arranging plans for tomorrow. Suddenly the secretary outside opened the camp and walked in: "Commander, there is a visitor from Dragon City with a letter from the head of state outside asking to see you."

This sentence is full of information. The head of the state has sent a letter to the visitor from Dragon City. Benjamin can't help but frown. He can't figure out who it will be in Dragon City and said: "Please come in soon."

After a while, a group of nobles in black trench coats and black suits walked in. When they saw Benjamin, they nodded slightly and were full of etiquette: "Commander Benjamin, we are specially sent by the head of state to support you."

Benjamin took the Lin Ke's manuscript and saw that these people were all from the three families of Chu, Shen, and Jiang from Dragon City. Each family sent five people, a total of fifteen people.

After reading the manuscript, Benjamin was stunned for a moment. Haven't the family of the clan of Dragon City been completely eliminated, why are there anyone who dares to claim to be the X family?

After a while, Benjamin suddenly realized that because he remembered that Link once said that on the surface, Dragon City looked like Xu Tianzhao's world, but there were actually many families that had been hidden for hundreds of years. Among them, there were the same blood clan as Shadu's hidden alliance. , They are Chu, Shen, and Jiang.

Looking at this group of fifteen people, their skin is sickly white, and their behavior looks like an old nobleman.

Benjamin understood what Link meant.

The defensive pressure during the day is not great. Only in the evening by the dark, the Shadow Dogs will attack aggressively, break through the defense line and enter the city, and lie in the city to take the opportunity to attack. This is also the most troublesome thing for Benjamin. Because of the lack of troops and the complicated structure of Esiah, in the dark at night, it is extremely difficult for soldiers or strangers to search for Shadow Dogs and even encounter an ambush. The war situation brings hidden dangers.

At this time, Link sent to the Dragon City blood clan, obviously to solve this hidden danger.

The blood clan is good at night walking, and has a keen ability to capture smells. In terms of strength, it is even more strange, and it is perfect to fight against Shadow Dogs.

Thinking that these people had traveled long distances from Dragon City, and they drove non-stop from Dragon City to Esiah, it would take more than a week to say nothing. The head of state once again predicted everything in advance, even he could not solve the shadow dog infiltrating at night. Got it.

"Everyone has worked **** the long journey, why not hurry up and take a break..."

Before Benjamin finished, the leader raised his hand and interrupted: "You are welcome, the commander. Our three major families can come to Esiah to help with the punches. This is the head of state's reward. Otherwise, it would be too easy to solve this problem with the head of state's ability. , How dare we be tired and lazy. Commander Trouble now sends us to take a look at the shadow dog corpse and get familiar with it. Let's go to work, and it's not too late to wait for a break during the day."

Now that he said this, Benjamin was not polite, and arranged for the secretary beside him to take everyone to check the dead dog.

With Link looking for missing vacancies behind his back, Benjamin glanced at his previously overly cautious plan, couldn't help but take out his pen and start writing and drawing, and crossed out many of them directly. This should be a bolder action.

"The Fhrer gave face and has evacuated the entire Esiah. As a battlefield, let me use it as much as I can. It must have an effect..."

Soon after receiving the unexpected visitor, the ground in a certain part of the Esiah slum began to loosen, and the soil gradually swelled, and then some creatures crawled out of the cave, and under the faint light of the slum, humans were illuminated on the wall The upper body, and the lower body like a spider.

It's a pity that the slums are empty at the moment, no one has seen such a weird creature.

After the spider demon came out of the cave, he immediately smelled the rancid smell coming from the sea.

"This is the smell of life corruption..." A series of spider monsters crawled out of the cave and quietly scattered to the slums. Most of them focused on the coast, heard the fierce gunfire, and saw the foot. The shadow dog coming from the waves. There are also a few Nerubs wandering around in the using their excellent ability to perceive darkness to assess the current intensity of the battle in Esiah.

"Do you think the queen will really intervene in the war between humans and aliens?"

"Before the change, the queen would definitely take the opportunity to occupy the land, but it's hard to say now."

"The queen has been bewitched by the newcomer, who now even wants the queen to send troops to help mankind and fight the aliens together."

"It's a pity that I and the others are light-hearted, and I have no chance to clarify the pros and cons!"

"Actually, it is not a good decision to take action against aliens. You have to know that the Pharaoh Dynasty fought aliens thousands of years ago. In the end, the aliens were driven out by the advanced knowledge and artifacts granted by extraterrestrial civilizations. The strengths of aliens. Strong, if humans cannot resist being destroyed, then our Nerubian Empire will not be spared. What's more, the civilization of the aliens is higher than ours, maybe we can join forces to defeat them, and maybe we can get advanced knowledge from them. ..."

Soon, all the Nerubians who went out to investigate came back.

The deacon who led the team asked, "Is the investigation finished?"

The spider monsters nodded together, and the battle between Esiah and Alien was basically proved.

"Okay, let's go back and report the situation to the Queen."

The spider demon didn't stay for a long time. After investigating and evaluating Esiah, Qi Qi left the burrow. When he left, the deacon filled the burrow again with a secret method, and there was no trace of excavation from the outside.

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