Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 570

Chapter 570

The pictures and images taken by the helicopter formation during the cruise have appeared on the computer screen. Among them, you can see that the coastal waters are full of red shadow dogs. The number is like dumplings going in a boiling pot, one next to the other. There were also white waves during the parade. And among the Shadow Dogs, from time to time you can see alien monsters with T-heads.

The entire dense range of red shadow dogs is two to three kilometers long.

"Is there a number of evaluations?" Link supported his chin with one hand, and the shadow dog of this size suddenly struck, which was definitely a huge impact on the front line.

After a brief silence, Troy scanned the videos and pictures, and relied on the powerful information processing capabilities of the underground data center to quickly parse the pictures.

"According to the data analysis of pictures and videos, it is roughly estimated that the number of shadow dogs is more than 20,000, and the number of alien monsters is about 200. These are only data obtained from analyzing the shooting content. The specific number is only a lot more, and it is not clear."

Twenty thousand...

Even Link couldn't help but take a breath.

The Alien Demon Race did a big move silently, this amount is simply to put all the troops accumulated during this period of time into one-off.

At the same time, Link is also sure of one thing, that is, the alien demon definitely descended on the island!

If it's just a portal that tears through space, then there will never be a massive Shadowhound Legion in the rift at once. It must be after the alien creatures exit the portal that the scale of savings will be formed. The previous scattered offenses were only tests, and this time was the first wave of shock.

Once this impact directly destroys the defense, then the shadow dog and the alien demon enter Esiah. With the shadow dog's size and movement speed, the battle will be more difficult. Large-scale firepower can be used to suppress the beaches on the shore, but once it is broken into pieces and enters the city, it is like a mass of water flowing into a sponge, and it is difficult to wring it out completely.

At the same time, losing the advantage of the coast, the next more powerful enemies such as alien demons, legion vanguards, and war messengers will land, it will be even more difficult to defend.

Link pressed his chin, was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and asked, "Troy, when will this wave of alien legions land?"

"It is expected to enter the coast in two hours. The Esiah front line has now been informed of the situation and has begun emergency calls and preparations for battle."

Link pondered for a moment. In the current situation, the frontline forces and manpower, even with players, might not be able to withstand the attack of such a large-scale Shadow Dog and Alien Demon. Let the pure defensive pattern turn into a roadway battle in Esiah City, this is what Link does not want to see, at least not at this stage.

At the same time, if you can't stand it, the player's self-confidence is easily hit, and the next task is not easy to arrange.


Link's eyes suddenly became firm, and it was time to start the next phase of planning.

"Troy, contact the think tank. I am going to Esiah, sitting in town and directing the battle myself."

"Need to arrange a plane for you?" Troy asked intimately.

"No, I need to bring a lot of things to Esiah this time. You tell Benjamin to let him bear the impact of the alien planet, and I will appear from an unexpected place when he needs it most."


When the helicopter reconnaissance formation returned and landed, it immediately reported the situation observed by the front line to Benjamin and the Duke.

Previously, the alien scales were all small things, but this time it's real.

Benjamin, like a big enemy, immediately called all players in Esiah to the front line through the city broadcast.

While arranging the manpower to build a position in the city, the Duke gathered his troops and rushed to the battlefield.

Benjamin did not conceal the situation of the war. He bluntly said that the Ten Thousand Shadow Dogs were crossing the sea and would arrive at the shore in two hours. Before the Shadow Dog raid at night, the scattered numbers have made it difficult for players to cope with, and there have been many loopholes, and many have been put into the city. Some more careless players were counter-killed by Shadow Dogs.

This time there were tens of thousands of Shadow Dogs suddenly appearing. With such a scale, the players couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard it.

"This is a general attack!"

All the players who heard the broadcast also got a mission issued by Benjamin-[Stay in Position].

This news was like wings on, and quickly spread to the players.

At the same time, some players posted the news to the forum, and the news that tens of thousands of shadow dogs will launch an impact on Esiah will spread quickly in two hours. Many players who went offline to rest or finished eating, received a call from a friend, and went online in a hurry.

A lot of white lights appeared in Esiah city, as long as they were online in Esiah and heard the broadcast, they would get quests. And the players who ran to New West Asia to do the resettlement task, after learning the news, immediately put down the task in hand, Qi Qi began to advance to the south.

A battle of this magnitude is most suitable for picking up leaks.

As long as you get in the crowd, you can get experience.

And this level of war, how can you not see it with your own eyes?

The army artillery unit guarding outside the city of Esiah, after receiving orders from Benjamin, also advanced into the city and stationed in the open space of the inner ring park. Arrayed here, the attack range can just cover the beach, and the inner ring was originally the residence of the commanders of the Wasteland Gang, surrounded by high walls and moat defenses, which can provide excellent defense for artillery troops.

For a moment, the atmosphere in Esiah City was anxious, and everyone's faces were like a threat of an enemy.

Benjamin walked out of the camp and looked at the large number of players moving back and forth. He couldn't help asking the secretary beside him: "How many foreigners are on the front line now?"

There are dozens of civilians under the command of the secretary, who are responsible for sending and receiving tasks every day. This is set up by various departments after the alien appeared and Link came to power, imitating the organization of the Military Intelligence Department, so the secretary has general data on hand.

"According to the mission situation in the past few days, the number of aliens in Esiah is now about 50,000. However, the commander has now issued a major mobilization. It is presumed that a large number of aliens will come back from New West Asia during this time, plus from Shenmu City. The number of Heshadu arriving, the final number may be around 100,000."

Benjamin's brows hadn't stretched since he learned the news.

A hundred thousand foreigners are still too few!

There are a large number of shadow dogs, high double resistance and flexible movement. According to the battle damage ratio of the previous two days, it is basically six foreigners to solve a shadow dog. There are now tens of thousands of Shadow Dogs, and there are also some alien demons mixed in. Shadow Dogs are attacking in groups, and more players are needed.

Moreover, the coastline is wide, and the Shadow Dogs can be scattered and landed, but if the player is scattered and the firepower is divided, it will be more difficult to destroy the alien army, and the defense line will be easily penetrated. Even if the artillery unit can attack the sea surface in advance, it is still difficult to fight with the number of shadow dogs in the photos and videos.

The previous battles were all small trials, this time it was a real battle.

In addition to foreigners, Esiah now has eight hundred wolf cavalry, four thousand army and five thousand fox hunting special forces, making up 10,000 people at full capacity. There are also 7,000 mercenaries in Esiah's local area, and a hundred power squads. This is the current strength of Esiah.

At this moment, Benjamin's cell phone rang, and the screen showed that it was a call from Troy.

"The original words of the head of state, let you bear the impact of the alien planet, and he will appear from an unexpected place when you need it most."

The pupils of Benjamin's eyes dilated rapidly, and the whole body was shocked. He immediately asked: "The Yuan chief kisses the front line?"

"Yes, but I don't know when or where." Troy told the truth.

Benjay chewed the words carefully, his frowning brows slowly relaxed, and his eyes gradually changed from anxiety to buoyancy.

When the head of state comes here, he must use this battle to fight out the awe-inspiring power of the wasteland and kill the aura of a foreign star.

After Benjamin hung up the phone, he immediately arranged to the secretary next to him: "Order to go down, the Chief Yuan will arrive at the battlefield in person. If you don't want to be embarrassed in front of the Head of State, please cheer me up!"

The expression on the secretary's face changed from anxiety to excitement at the moment, and changed several times, excitedly taking the order, and hurrying to announce it.

In the first large-scale confrontation between the wasteland and the alien, the news that Link will be in person quickly spread throughout Esiah through the announcement of the secretariat. The soldiers were all eager to try, all their previous tensions and worries were resolved, and they even made jokes, wanting to perform well.

The mercenary and mutant team in Esiah expected even more. Many of them have only heard of Link's name, and have never seen the king of the wasteland with their own eyes. When they saw it this time, they naturally looked forward to it.

The players are even more exaggerated.

Link came in person, if anyone showed brilliant, he would definitely be favored, and the reward would definitely be a big drop.

Look at the Bombing Chicken. There are psychedelic vines and steppe wolves before, and now there are doom crows and sand-headed eagles. One person is a team. Kill the Shadow Dog single-handedly, with outstanding strength and style. Even the presidents of the Great Guild, such as Her Wind and Leng Feng, were envious of them. After all, these three pets have the ability to detect, restrict, and attack as a whole, and cooperate with the personal abilities and equipment of the bombing chicken, and sometimes the energy that bursts out is stronger than that of a player team.

With the human-shaped billboard Bombing Chicken, who wouldn't expect Link to be there?

One by one, they were full of energy, as if they were beaten with blood.

Once again, the helicopter took off from the apron of Esiah, whizzing over the artillery positions in the inner ring, the front lines of the southern slums, and the tall defense lines poured in reinforced concrete on the beach. Chen soldiers lined up on the coast, and an atmosphere of solemnity rushed into the sky.

In the helicopter formation this time, there was only one pilot aircraft, and the remaining four were all equipped with armed firepower.

In addition to reconnaissance missions, this time they will also shoulder the heavy responsibility of the primary attack.

Under the nose of the gunship, a heavy firepower 12.7 mm caliber cannon is fitted, and a 7.62 mm caliber light machine gun is also temporarily erected on the left door of the rear compartment. On the right door, there is a soldier carrying a rocket launcher on his shoulder, making high-precision strikes on offshore targets.

When the helicopter formation whizzed past the heads of the frontline players, everyone understood that the battle had begun.

The two most important aspects of this battle are the pouring fire of helicopter formations, and the carpet bombing of artillery units after entering the strike range.

Only when part of the main force is wiped out by these two waves of offenses, can the land force be able to stop the enemy.

After the helicopter formation took off, it has been communicating with the terminal in the city in real time, reporting what it sees on the sea.

There were not many shadow dogs in the waters near the beach, only a few. The helicopter formation did not waste ammunition, but reported the situation to the terminal building truthfully. As the formation continued to fly away from Esiah, I gradually saw the dense white waves and foam on the sea in the distance.

On the surface of the 'black water', a splash of white waves suddenly appeared. From a distance, I thought it was a huge school of fish beating on the surface. But the soldiers knew that this was the huge Shadowhound Legion officially attacked by the aliens.

The driver opened the launch cover on the joystick, revealing the red button representing the attack.

The first officer kept talking, reporting the frontline coordinates and the size of the enemy to Esiah.

The two soldiers at the rear compartment door couldn't help swallowing saliva, trying their best to suppress their nervousness.

The roar of helicopters resounded across the sky. The alien shadow dogs and alien monsters crossing the sea in the distance all noticed the five 'black harriers' in the sky, stopped one after another, and looked at the approaching helicopter formation with their heads up.

The huge wind of the propeller blows away the white foam on the sea.

When the pilot presses the red button, the heavy-fire cannon ejects endless fire dragons. Streams of light are lased on the sea surface, hitting the shadow dog, and instantly piercing the red thick skin into a big hole, and the shadow dog utters miserable pain. The howl of the man stirred up a column of water on the surface of the sea.

The soldier in the back seat pulled the trigger of the light machine gun, and a series of fire dragons were forced out. Along with the movement of the helicopter, a series of light spots were shot, and they were scattered on the sea. After all, the firepower of the light machine gun was a little weaker than that of the aviation gun. It fell on the shadow dog, but it cracked the thick red skin and leaked blood stains, but did not penetrate the internal texture.

The soldier on the other side loaded the rocket into the barrel, then carried it on his shoulder, and locked the sight dog on the most dense spot.


As the rocket drew a trail of white smoke in the air, it hit the target on the sea perfectly, and the explosion set off a water column several meters high, as well as the broken limbs of the shadow dog.

Under a series of attacks, the shadow dogs kept turning up their belly, and the broken internal organs and residual limbs began to float on the surface of the sea.

The alien army reacted very quickly. After a round of bombing, it immediately began to disperse, or dive into the sea. The suffocating distance between the shadow dogs gradually opened up, and it landed on the sea and shot a lonely bullet more and more. many.

"Drop down a little bit, they began to scatter into the sea, and bullets at this height can't penetrate the sea."

The flying altitude is too high, and the bullet consumes too much kinetic energy during the flight. The thick sea surface has become a bulletproof sea surface. After the bullet falls into the water, the kinetic energy is greatly reduced. After swimming for one meter, it almost loses its killing effect.

So the soldiers chose to lower the altitude to make the bullets more lethal underwater.

The height of the helicopter dropped, the dense shadow dogs on the sea disappeared, and the sea surface was wrinkled by the wind created by the propeller, spreading out, and even the remains floating on the sea surface began to drift outward.

As the soldiers were looking for the target, a T-shaped head emerged from the sea.

The alien demon stood upright in the water, his body gradually rising.

Next, the soldiers saw an extremely shocking scene.

I saw the shadow dogs in the water, clustered together, forming an ascending 'hill pile', lifting the alien demon standing at the top gradually rising.

The shadow dog is like a stacked pyramid, the height of the red pyramid keeps rising, 10 meters, 20 meters, 30 meters...

The alien monster is getting closer and closer to the helicopter.

The firepower was pouring toward the shadow dog, and the injured or killed shadow dog fell from the stack, and a new shadow dog immediately made up for it.


When the driver saw the corners of the alien monster's grinning mouth, he suddenly felt a hint of panic.

But in the next second, the alien demon disappeared from the top, leaving a few afterimages in the air.

After a short while, the alien demon holding the "torch" leaped to the front of the helicopter cockpit, holding the torch high, opening his mouth wide, revealing his hideous mouth and sharp teeth.

When the torch fell.


The first helicopter burst into brilliant flames in the air, roaring from the sky into the sea.