Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 567

Chapter 567

Benjamin and the Duke looked at the alien demon drawn by Link on the file.

I saw that the alien monster had a T-shaped head, and the horizontal skull gave people a very strong feeling.

A straight horse's face does not have any fat, but a few folds on the cheekbones are directly connected to the mouth. The mouth is open, and the sharp fangs are tightly bitten, which looks extremely powerful. What makes life suspicious is that the face of the alien monster has no eyes, no ears, and no nose. The whole face has only one mouth!

The limbs are strong, the body is as strong as an ox, and the body is covered with a vest-like armor. Except for the blue-purple skin, the other looks no different from the human type. The weird thing is that the weapon in the hands of the alien demon is something similar to a short-handled torch. At the top of the torch is not fire, but a stone that emits light.

Link not only drew the image of the alien monster in the document, but also included detailed information.

This is a kind of alien power species, similar in size to normal humans, but weighs more than 100 kilograms, and has a strong explosive power. Link also vividly gave the alien demon the nickname-the devil muscle man.

Regarding the ability of the alien monster, it seems even more frightening.

Rush, time enchantment, multiple slams, backtracking.

Every ability is breathtaking.

Once an alien and an alien demon with such abilities fought against each other, 80% of them could only be manipulated and slaughtered unilaterally.

The defensive line built on the beach, waiting for the landing of alien monsters, I am afraid it will be difficult to prevent, then the battlefield will spread to the city of Esiah.

Relocate the people in the city in advance, arrange defenses in the city in advance, and arrange arrangements in advance according to the enemy's weaknesses pointed out in the document, before they have a chance to fight the alien demon.

The document also stated the weaknesses of the alien monsters, and for this weakness, they had to arrange them in advance.

This is just an alien demon, and the more alien demons written at the end of the document, just looking at the description will make your scalp numb. After reading it, Benjamin and the Duke were sweaty behind their backs, feeling weak. But I also thought that Link sent this information in advance, and it also wrote a lot of countermeasures. Behind Esiah is the entire free federation, and he has regained his confidence.

"Have you read this information?" the Duke asked.

Benjamin nodded.

"After reading it, destroy it directly. Once this thing spreads, the impact it will cause is not something we can afford." The Duke looked serious, as a person who experienced the benefits of foresight and changed the original development path, he I know that once the information from the future is circulated, it will have a huge impact on the situation. It is completely the butterfly effect.

Link's phrase "your dad is Daotuo" completely reversed the pattern of Esiah, and even the fate of Daotuo and the duke.

If this information is accidentally circulated, especially if the alien invaders find out, maybe the invasion plan against the wasteland will be changed. If the time comes to lose the first opportunity, it will also make them passive.

Benjamin suddenly realized that he took out the lighter, lit the document, and burned it to ashes.

"The fax says that Shah will assist us in the population transfer. In this case, we have to take action today." The Duke sighed. Although the population of Esiah is not as terrifying as Shadu, there are nearly 8 million people, of which slums are crowded. More than one million people, such a large population, it is absolutely difficult to evacuate in an orderly manner.

Although it is difficult, we must never fail to do it.

The Duke patted Benjamin on the shoulder and said: "Commander Benjamin, I will give you the beach front. All the fighting resources of Esia are up to you. In the next period of time, my main energy will be on the transfer of the masses and the urban area. Armed."

The two hit it off, and Benjamin smiled bitterly: "If only relying on Esia and our own strength, it would be excusable to not be able to defend the alien. Now there is the support of the Free Federation behind him, and the head of state has also sent the aliens' weaknesses. If we can't hold Esia in this situation, then we are incompetent."

The Duke laughed and couldn't help but nodded: "This is indeed the truth. I don't know the information. Now I know the weak points of so many enemies. If I can't prevent it, I really don't know what excuses I can find to justify myself. "

The two came out of the secret room and immediately plunged into working mode.

Without further ado, maybe the alien demons will appear soon, and you must make preparations in advance.

Soon, the Duke announced that Commander Benjamin would be the president of the Armed Forces of Esiah. All combat units in Esiah would be dispatched, and offenders would be killed. And he is responsible for the deployment of the city and the transfer and resettlement of refugees.

When the news spread throughout Esiah in the form of radio, the people squatting at home panicked.

Isn't it finished after relocating the southern slums? Now that other people have to be transferred and resettled, and the city has to be armed?

What does this mean? Is it that the line of defense built on the beach cannot deter the enemy? So to evacuate the people in the city and treat Esiah as a battlefield?

Although there are many poor people in Esiah City, they are all above the standard in reading and comprehension, and quickly understood the meaning of the Duke's declaration.

But immediately, all the residents of Esiah exploded.

They are all dragging their families, and their household goods are all in Esiah. If the war really swept into the city, all their fixed assets would be wiped out and turned into ruins.

Immediately, many people questioned the transfer operation. After such a big battle was arranged, the result was still unstoppable. Doesn't this mean that the Duke and Benjamin are incompetent!

The current situation was something the Duke had never expected. He thought he had a deep control over Esiah, but now that there is widespread resentment, ordinary people are unwilling, and the big gates of Esiah are even more unwilling. Without the industries of Esiah, the family power has shrunk by half.

So after the broadcast, instead of leaving, these people began to reinforce their homes again, using actual actions to show that they vowed to coexist and die with Esiah.

On the contrary, the players on the front line do not have much emotion. On the one hand, they hope that their strength will increase quickly, and on the other hand, they hope that the alien invasion will not come so quickly, and they are afraid that the body will not be able to bear it.

The Duke looked at the enthusiasm of the crowd, and all of them were resisting, and he couldn't help but find his father Daotuo.

"Father, I thought that everyone would be very cooperative and agree to emigrate. I didn't expect that the backlash would be so great. Those tycoons opposed me and I can understand that after all, a large part of their properties are title deeds, if they are really destroyed in the war. , The absolute loss was heavy. But those poor people, who have nothing to do but are unwilling to leave, I don't understand."

Daotuo didn't have much surprise. When the Duke told the action, he had already thought that it would be the current situation.

The duke has been in charge of Esia affairs for several months.

According to Daotuo's observation, the Duke's rich experience in leading combat and training has won unanimous approval from the soldiers. However, in terms of people's livelihood and policies, the Duke had no previous experience, so directly Cao Suixiao rules, still using the same set of the wasteland gang period, in terms of the cohesion of ordinary people, it is basically zero.

Daotuo also wanted to use this situation to sound the alarm for the Duke and teach him a lesson by the way.

There is still a big difference between managing a city and being a high-end killer and bounty hunter.

"Your analysis of the tycoons is correct. They are reluctant to go because the sunk cost is too high. But you don't usually contact the poor and don't know what they think, so it is difficult to understand their inexplicable resistance."

Daotuo paused, and continued: "You said these poor people don't want to leave because they don't have any long objects, but you know that they can't leave because they don't have any long objects. They don't have much savings or wealth. Every day's food is obtained by labor, and you will be hungry if you don't work for a day. There is no guarantee. I don't know where to immigrate. Everything is unknown. If you want to evacuate, you have to let them walk on an invisible one. The path of the world, will you agree to it for you?"

The duke suddenly realized, Daotuo said so, he understood.

Unexpectedly, success will be alone, and failure will be alone.

The city was sealed off, and the poor felt that as long as they endured a few days, the situation would be better and they would be able to go out to work and earn money.

But now I have to move them all away. When I get to the new place, I can't decide what will happen. I don't have money or food. When I get to the new place, I won't all be hungry or dead.

"Then what should I do now? Is there any way for them to leave quickly?"

Daotuo saw the rare anxiety of the duke, and Benjamin found the mansion in the morning, so he should have known some important things.

"Now if you want to solve this problem, you just need to call the head of state, tell him about it, and everything will be solved soon." Daotuo pointed a clear way to the duke.

The Duke is difficult to decide, and now he is asked to call the head of state for help. Doesn't this mean that his mission has failed and he cannot solve the problem alone!

"Is there really no other way?" The Duke looked hopeful in his eyes.

Daotuo shook his head helplessly, now calling for help is the only way.

Although Daotuo didn't read the information with his own eyes, he knew from the Duke's words that it was Link who asked for the defense and evacuation of the city. Even if he was hundreds of miles away, he understood Link's thoughts at once. Link is ready to hand over Esiah to the two young men, the Duke and Benjamin, with confidence. He wants to train the two through this high pressure so that they can be alone.

He gave the order, but didn't tell the duke how to do it, and he didn't tell others where to move. Obviously, he left behind.

But knowing that Link valued the Duke so much and regarded it as a backbone training, Daotuo's hanging heart finally landed.

Originally Daotuo was worried that the Duke would be excluded from the core circle of the Free Federation, but now it seems that he is too worried.

The duke fought between heaven and man, and after tangling for a long time, he finally sighed: "Well, as long as the problem can be solved.

The Duke picked up the phone on the desk and immediately dialed Link's phone. The phone only rang twice and was quickly connected, as if the other party was waiting for this call.

Only three seconds later, the Duke hummed twice and hung up the phone in a daze. The speed was so fast that even Daotuo was shocked.

"What did the head of state say?" Daotuo asked.

"Just leave it to me..." The Duke repeated Link's words with a dazed expression.

"It's gone?"

"Well, no more."

Daotuo was a little speechless, thinking that Link would have some tricks, but he hung up after saying a word. In order to comfort his son, he still said: "Since Yuan Capital said to give it to him, then we can just wait and see the changes."

The Duke put one hundred and twenty hearts on this, Link did not feel surprised at all, and he had promised so quickly, obviously. The Duke also figured out everything after he hung up the phone for a short period of time. It seems that giving Esiah the responsibility to him and Benjamin this time is indeed a test.

The Duke returned to his post soon, and the cronies around him were all trembling. After all, the people in the city were fighting against the Duke. This was simply a face-slapped face. How could the Duke feel good. But looking at this one again, there was no disapproval, no pressure, and no rage on his face. On the contrary, he looked like a okay person, as if it was not him who was boycotted by the whole people in the morning.

Only soon, the cronies understood the reason.

The Esiah broadcast sounded again.

When the people heard the noisy noise coming from the broadcast, they immediately yelled: "We have said that we won't go, and we won't go if we persuade you ten times!"

"Is it annoying, I don't have the ability to hold Esiah, now we want to leave our home, what can we do in the future?"

"I haven't found what I have eaten today. If this is really going out, wouldn't it be dead."

The people of Esiah complained again, as if there were signs of riots.

"Hello everyone, I am Link, the head of the Free Federation..."

With Link's soft words, Esiah who was about to fry the pan suddenly became quiet and calmed down. There was no noise in the entire city for a time. When the people heard Link's name, they all shut up and began to listen carefully. Even the soldiers and players pricked their ears at this moment, wanting to hear what Link had to say.

"The situation in Esiah is urgent. In order to protect your personal safety, I have specially arranged the Duke to guide everyone to evacuate. As for the resettlement after the evacuation, I have a complete plan, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Leaving today is for a better return tomorrow, so please rest assured that I am with you."

After speaking, the broadcast signal disappeared.

Hearing the few words of Link, the duke and his cronies all held their breath and waited for the response of the people of Esiah.

Just a few words can really dissipate the anger of the people?

After a while, Esiah became restless again.

The cronies sighed lightly, with a look of despair on their faces, even Link's words were useless, Esiah was not saved, these people were not saved.

But soon, the doors and windows of the house opened, and many people rushed out of the house with their bags.

"What about people? The head of state asked us to transfer, why no one will guide us!"

"This group of dry food, Yuan Capital has spoken, don't they work!"

"Go, take your belongings and pack lightly, no other things!"

"Although today's food has not yet arrived, Yuan Capital has spoken, and we are determined to implement it even when we are hungry!"

For a time, the attitude of the entire Esiah people reversed one hundred and eighty degrees, and they all took action.

Thank you for a reward of 1500 yuan for a mouthful of lemon and chebojor for a reward for 100 yuan.