Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 451

Chapter 451

The mechanical pioneer repeatedly listened to the previously intercepted audio information in the laboratory of the mechanical giant, but could not analyze the problem.

The communications between the Military Intelligence Department and Chilongji are all under his supervision, and the telephone numbers of the Military Intelligence Department and Wuthering Castle are also monitored throughout.

There is no problem with the content of these conversations.

The mechanical pioneer coldly folded his hands on his chin, and his eyes were full of purple cold light, which made people shudder.

The holographic image in front of me is repeating the course of the enemy and our army.

After Shadu's large troops ate the bait, the logistics troops continued to advance to the Red Dragon's Back without saying a word, insisting on delivering supplies. All the wolf cavalry and infantry troops retreated, simply and neatly.

During this period, no communication signal was generated, and the enemies of the Red Dragon's Back did not move surprisingly. Everything seemed to have been discussed early. This was the first question.

Furthermore, when did the sand dunes have such high technology as a large defensive force field?

The first-person video sent back through the data of the mechanical elders, as well as the pictures taken by the signal car, the war on the battlefield in front of the crying valley appeared in front of the mechanical pioneers. This large defensive force field in Shadu is firmly installed and has no problems during operation and load carrying. It is also operated by professionals depending on the level.

There are also deterrence-class missiles, firepower concentration, and Sally's electromagnetic cluster. Such dense energy fell on the energy field and lasted for several minutes. It stands to reason that the defensive force field should have been exploded long ago. But until the end of the picture, the entire energy field remained motionless, and the energy supply was extremely abundant.

This is what makes the mechanical pioneers most afraid.

Although the large defensive force field is fierce, it is also unique in terms of energy consumption. There must be a large amount of abundant and high-power energy that can be supplemented at any time to maintain the operation of the energy field, especially the large scale of the energy field in the Weeping Valley, together with the Howling Castle, The sacred tree and the sacred wood city are all covered, and the energy required is higher.

Now that such intensive artillery fire can't break the energy field of the Weeping Valley, it can only show one thing. In addition to the large defensive field, Shadu has also mastered the core technology-new energy.

Although the Mechanic Pioneer only replayed the battle based on the video and battle records uploaded by many Mechanic Fanatics systems, but from the information in front of him and some calculations and inferences, he could get the data he wanted to know.

The pattern of Shadu has not changed much in the past 30 years. The energy supply mainly depends on wind power, thermal power, and water power. Concentrate all the electric energy in the urban area to charge the large defensive force field. The volume of the urban area will emit a large amount of radiation at the moment of power failure and power on. These are all observable by the mechanical city, and the system does not have any data.

No experimental nuclear explosions or sudden increases in radiation levels and electromagnetic signals were found, and nuclear research was restarted to eliminate sand.

Excluding the above two points, the only possibility lies in new energy sources.

Based on the color and density of the energy field generated by the large defensive force field, the mechanical pioneers calculated this kind of stable and reliable new energy supply.

But this kind of technology has always belonged to Mechanic City. When did Shadu have this thing?

The Mechanical Pioneer thought for a long time, and after various possible calculations in his mind, he finally locked a higher probability possibility, that is, the time Link and John sneaked into the Mechanical City and stayed in the experimental building for a long time. Immediately, Dr. Zhao began to use the program to scan the storage equipment of the experimental building. After some operations, traces of data copy were found in the storage device.

Before the post-war reconstruction, the harassment of the legion, the Red Dragon's Back incident, and the monitoring of communication signals, as well as the research and analysis of Link's weaknesses, the mechanical pioneers were unavailable, and the storage equipment in the experimental building was encrypted and protected. Thinking that Link would steal data from the laboratory building in a hurry.

Looking at the densely packed data reading records on the holographic interface, almost one-third of the experimental plan data of the mechanical elders have been removed, and there are some blueprints that only exist in the demonstration stage.

With the loss of core plan data and the sacrifices of thousands of mechanical fanatics, the mechanical pioneers felt for the first time the painful feeling.

Even the war between the Mechatronics and the Free Federation forces 20 years ago did not force Dr. Zhao to this point.

A feeling that hasn't appeared for a long time and is almost forgotten grows in the heart of the mechanical pioneer.

This kind of insecurity like duckweed, the fear secreted from the depths of his brain reminded him of the feeling of escaping from the underground shelter of Shadu to the desert 40 years ago, exactly the same.

In the past, even the coalition forces of the Free Federation, the mechanical pioneers were not afraid.

The leading technology of the Mechanic Cult has made up for the disadvantages in numbers, and can fight back and forth with the Free Federation. Together with the elders of the Iron and Steel Council and their own deterrence, the Free Federation is in terror.

But this time is different. Link once made a big fuss in the Mechanic City. His strength is almost equal to his own. There are also an endless stream of strange pets. These pets seem to be specially prepared for the Mechanic Sect, each of which restrains the machine. Department of ability.

Even if the mechanical pioneers used the ability to break down objects at the atomic level, they still failed to win Link.

In the battle returned by the front-line video, there were not only the last appearance of the Dragon God, but also the powerful metal orangutan. The powerful spirit displayed can be eye-catching and put the fighting strength of the elders of the Iron Council in the front. The third Sally slammed on the ground, and the scene was extremely brutal.

If these are the factors that make mechanical pioneers jealous, then there is another most important issue-believers.

In the past, when Alonso was in charge of Shadu, the grassroots were in chaos and the slums were starving. Many people began to divert their attention under this situation and began to believe in the gods of various sects, seeking spiritual support in the name of faith. And the spies hidden in the sand will use this to quietly preach the cult of mechanical gods, lure these bottom layers into the desert, and pursue the true mechanical immortality and the construction of a world of emptiness.

For middle and high-level wealthy businessmen, they use unlimited lives and stay away from diseases as temptations to develop believers and absorb funds.

Therefore, in the past few decades, there have been more and more mechanical fanatics appearing in the desert. The land that nourishes these fanatics is not the desert or the Gobi, but the chaotic city of sand.

However, since Link came to power, the slums have been cleaned up and most of the spies in Shadu have been cleaned up, and the very few remaining spies have remained silent because of the severe situation. At the same time, we will vigorously guide the development of slum areas, form various industrial chains, employ grassroots people and people in slum areas, and eliminate poverty to ensure their livelihood. At the upper level, vigorously promote the fragrant pig feast and other health-improving food materials, which greatly hindered the development of the mechanical gods and believers.

As a result, there have been only a few new believers in Mechanicism in recent months.

Lost fresh blood, this desperate frontline battle was ambushed again, with heavy losses.

In this case, the Wasteland Gang also terminated the alliance agreement, which made it worse.

Difficulty both internally and externally, the Mechanical God Sect has encountered unprecedented changes. As the pioneer of Mechanical Fhrer, Dr. Zhao is now in deep thought...

Weeping valley, howling castle.

As far as Link is concerned, yesterday's victory was heartily and vividly, showing the momentum and demeanor of Shadu.

Look at today's "Waste Saturn Morning Post", the front page headline detailed reports on yesterday's battle.

Of course, for "abnormal grade" pets such as King Kong and Dragon God, the media department directly omitted them from the Spring and Autumn Period. No matter whether they are in photos or text, they are not found.

The content of the newspaper focuses on four points.

The first point is undoubtedly Steppenwolf.

Link intends to portray the Steppenwolf into a big IP with the image of Saturn in the Deserted Saturn, in order to open the market for the other two forces of the Free Federation. It's like opening up the upper circle market in Shadu with a pig feast during the Qilintang period.

The report described in detail the strength of the wolf cavalry. Three hundred knights plus four thousand aliens formed an invincible wolf cavalry force, which violently tore apart the mechanical legion.

The second point is the technological process of Shadu-a large defensive force field.

In the first battle yesterday, the Weeping Valley became the strongest place in Shadu. The strangers even jokingly called the southern gate of Shadu the "South Gate", meaning that it is harder to reach this gate than to climb to the sky. Deterrence-level surface-to-surface missiles, countless anti-aircraft guns, bazookas, heavy machine guns, and even "black technology" such as mechanical elder electromagnetic clustering, all failed to break through the large defensive force field.

Three or four points are two typical characters for this battle.

The first was Benjamin, the captain of the wolf cavalry. The picture of leading the charge and charging alone in the battle has infected many people. Facing tens of thousands of mechanical corps alone, the ancient heroic generals are so proud. After learning that he was the only son of Commander Moen, he was even more appraised as "who is as brave as his father". Moreover, the report also stated that Benjamin was a young man a few months ago, and now abandoning his pen to vote for the military has positive educational and publicity significance.

The second place is Li Ziqian, the soldier king of Shadu, who is far away in the Chilongji. With only a dozen people and a bunch of foreigners guarding the Red Dragon's Spine, facing the enemy's ravenous attack, they did not let the wind fall. As the bait of this operation, they successfully confused the enemy's judgment and made them finally make a desperate decision to attack the Weeping Valley. .

After reading the news on the first page of the "Waste Saturn Morning Post", it was signed by Sadu TV reporter Anna.

Link put away the newspaper with satisfaction, everything was the same as in his mind. Relying on the large defensive field and the advantages of wolf cavalry, successfully wiped out the main force of the desert forces. And pave the way for Li Ziqian's promotion.

If you want to say something unexpected, it is the evolution of King Kong on the battlefield, and Benjamin's bravery on the battlefield.

Link prepared two commissions and took a look.

The first commission was "On the transfer of Li Ziqian, captain of the Fox Hunting Special Forces to the post of Chief of Staff of the Shadu Army";

The second commission is "On the Special Operations Battalion Battalion Commander Benjamin succeeding Fox Hunting Special Forces as Captain."

The former Shadu Army Commander Fernandez was released from the Link's Cup, and the Army's power was in Link's hands.

The promotion of Li Ziqian this time is considered to have shared some of the pressure for Link, and he can practice the army.

In the second commission, the Fox Hunting Special Forces was formerly in charge of Commander Moon, and now from Captain Li to the "Little Master", the soldiers will naturally not have any opinions.

Link's influence in Shadu, the degree of centralization, and the degree of civic worship are the highest in Shadu history. In just half a year, Sha Du has changed from a pronoun of "chaos" to "powerful" now, and even some people who are jealous and timid have used a derogatory term-poor soldiers and military weapons.

However, in Link's eyes, this word makes him more happy than "powerful", which shows that Shadu has indeed ushered in full development in his hands, with changes visible to the naked eye from the inside out. The soldiers of "Mu Qiang" also developed a strong cohesion around the new leader.

Therefore, the upper-class nobles, military, and civilians all raised their hands to welcome these two appointments.

It's just that Benjamin is still on the front line of Red Dragon's Back, and he can't get the commission by himself.

Link considers for a moment, the mechanical gods that have already fought in this battle have shrunk their defenses, and coupled with the inability to replenish fresh blood in time, the mechanical gods will definitely stick to the defense during this time, and the defensive pressure of the Red Dragon's Back will not be too much. In addition, it has been three days since Li Ziqian has been on the front line to guide the work, and all the construction plans have been arranged, and the players only need to complete the rest.

Link took out the sound worm from the transparent small basin of the desk, put it on his ear, and lightly tapped and said: "Help me connect Chilongji Plum Ziqian."

The sound worm twisted into a ball and entered the cochlear mode. The two antennae trembled hard and began to work.

After a while, the connection stabilized, and Link issued an order to Li Ziqian: "Leave a small number of staff on the front line to supervise the construction of foreigners. You and the rest can come back, and you should take over the new job."

There is no newspaper on the front line, and no one has told Li Ziqian about the commission, so he knows nothing at the moment, and his tone is a little dazed: "New job?"

Link sold it off: "You'll know when you come back."

Time flies, and it is the end of December in a blink of an eye.

After Benjamin's return Link held a grand award ceremony for him and Benjamin, commending the soldiers who performed well in this battle. The merits of the underground research center were given to Dr. Ludwig and Dave. As for Helen, because he was too young, he was "specially taken care of" by Link and was not exposed to the public.

Although Helen's mechanical theory has reached a very deep level, the questions raised by Dr. Ludwig and Dave are no longer able to solve the puzzles. They shuttle between the underground research center and the data center all day long, looking for answers by themselves. But Helen's own strength is not strong now, and Link did not push her to the front desk for the sake of insurance, which can be regarded as a kind of protection.

As the news of the Battle of the Weeping Valley gradually spread, Link became famous in the First World War, and his reputation in the Waste Saturn was even higher, and Shadu once again entered everyone's eyes. In the eyes of other forces, this battle established Link's dominance in the desert. The Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang can be described as broken muscles and bones. In the next one or two years, they may not be able to regain their vitality. There are even many predictions that Link will pursue the victory and pursue the Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang.

The lord of Dragon City Xu Tianzhao, the head of Faye Augustine, the emperor of the desert Link.

The title of emperor is full of domineering, and Lin Ke's resolute behavior style is also very matched and complements each other.

The name of the emperor of the desert was completely confirmed and recognized by all parties.

But to everyone's surprise, Link didn't take advantage of the victory after the victory of the battle. Instead, he lived his own life and began to focus on the development of Shadu, without any intention of sending troops.

Time came to the end of the month in a blink of an eye, and it was Link's first year in Destiny.

On this memorable day, how can we not hold an internal annual meeting of the Lin Consortium?