Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 450

Chapter 450

The high bonuses brought by the leader template are worlds apart from the elite template, which Link has personally experienced.

The elite template can only be said to be the limit that an ordinary NPC can reach, but getting a leader template means that you have expertise in a certain area, and there must be epic skills corresponding to your strength. Not counting template expertise, just talking about the strength gap brought by epic skills, this is already crushing.

The level 5 gap is only a drop in the ocean in the face of such comprehensive data of high and low quality.

Both sides of the battlefield were all stunned by this shining golden light, raising their hands to cover their eyes, but involuntarily cast their eyes to the center of the light.

The light suddenly converged, and the hands of the vajra were formed into vajra prongs, and the whole body was gilded like a golden Buddha.

And above the King Kong, the golden light in the night sky condenses into a spiritual and virtual Buddha, the details are vivid.

A solemn, majestic and heavy force descended from the sky, oppressing sentient beings.

Elder Sally felt that the air above his head became sticky, and the indexes monitoring air pressure and gravity on the magnetic armor were soaring, reaching an incredible level, like a mountain being forced under pressure.

Click, click...

The magnetic armor connected by electromagnetics now made a sound similar to cracking beans, and the magnetic metal was slightly deformed under high pressure. The steel throne underneath also made a crunching sound, touching the ground and depositing downward.

The Iron Throne runs at full power, and the current surges like an electric spider, forming a small force field to resist the gravity falling from the sky.

Link turned his head and glanced at the King Kong, which was combined with the Buddha's niche relic, and saw the latest state of King Kong.

[Monster attributes]

Name: King Kong

Quality: Purple

Race: Human

Attributes: Metal affinity, psychic affinity

Level: 35+ (leader)

Comprehension Skill 1: Tathagata Palm lv7 (Nine-style Tathagata Palm, King Kong comprehends the seven, each has its effect)

Initial skill 2: Arhat's Fury lv5 (King Kong enters Arhat mode, the body changes from silver to gold, body size increases by 500%, skill damage bonus is 100%, cooling time is 5 days)

Initial Skill 3: Promote Buddhism (Vajra is well versed in Buddhist scriptures, all Buddhist items can increase the speed of vajra practice)

Initial skill 4: Quoting scriptures (Vajra quoting different scriptures, you can get buffs in different states of the scriptures)

Initial Skill 5: Tactical Eyepiece (Through the tactical eyepiece, the opponent's combat intent can be converted into specific combat values)

Evaluation: My Buddha is Merciful, King Kong Arhat

Not to mention the fully assisted Voice Worm, King Kong's skills are a bit less compared to Gargoyle and Dragon Touch, only five.

However, Link keenly discovered that the original "Initial Skill 1" has now become "Comprehensive Skill 1", and the seven-type Tathagata palm mastered by King Kong is classified as a skill, and the actual number of skills is only large. less.

At the same time, the attributes of King Kong have also changed. In addition to the initial metal affinity, a new psionic affinity has been added.

In the setting of "Destiny", the energy generated through the resonance of faith, such as the Holy Light and Buddha Light, are roughly classified as psychic energy.

This also means that King Kong has formally realized the true meaning of "Buddha" and can rely on faith to strengthen itself.

After reading the data and evaluation of King Kong, Link suddenly came up with a new idea.

King Kong is now an "Arhat", and he now has the [Fetters] function in the Zerg Nest. Is it possible to consider giving King Kong Lalang a bond?

Link has even thought of the target of fetters, either a dragon or a tiger, so he can make a "Long Dragon Arhat" or "Falling Tiger Arhat".

Elder Sally was resisting fiercely, and the magnetic field he created drained all the pressure out, fighting for breathing space for himself.

King Kong's palms "bang" together, and the golden light between the palms agitated, and his body suddenly increased.

The figure of about two meters soared to ten meters, the muscles knotted, and the whole body was golden. It did not give people a feeling of tyrannical beasts, but it was like a spring breeze, slowly and gentle.

Elder Sally struggled to contend with the Buddha's light at the end of the battle. Now this golden ape is soaring, and the momentum of his body follows his height. Elder Sally's magnetic armor even calculates that the surrounding energy is absorbed by the opponent and turned into its own strength. . He had never seen such a weird and powerful creature.

And it is these strange creatures that are raging on the battlefield at this moment, and they all come from the same person-Link.

"Donor, you are predestined with my Buddha, and I have a predestined relationship with me. I can break through life and death, fit relics, and cross the three thousand Ganges. The donor is indispensable.

"My Buddha is compassionate, and I will repay any kindness. As an Arhat, I will send you a Buddha to move the mountains and rivers. I wish you early bliss!"

As soon as King Kong made his move, he carried a thunderous momentum.

The hands are not moved to make the fundamental seal, which contains great compassion, and the thunder is rolling on the head.

The next second, the earth shook and roared, and the Gobi cracked and overflowed with dense cracks.

Under the palm of King Kong, golden light swept the Gobi.

Flying sand and rocks, full of smoke.

The entire battlefield was plunged into dust for a while, and visibility to the naked eye was extremely low.

Near the center of the battle, an electric arc can be seen in the dust.

Link simply used the [Eye of the Beast] skill on King Kong and watched the live broadcast directly in the first person.

King Kong's Buddha moves mountains and rivers blasted down, but was blocked by Sally with an electromagnetic force field. Mars was scattered all over the ground with electric current, looming in the dust, quite spectacular.

"Donor, you have distracting thoughts in your heart, you are nostalgic for the world, and you should be cautious about it. You really shouldn't... I'll help you purify it."

"Buddha moves mountains and rivers!"


There was another roar, golden light and electric light coexist.

People in the dust can only see lightning and thunder in the dust like thick clouds in the distance.

In Link's first perspective, King Kong slammed his palm, and Sally took the steel throne and sank three points underground. The arc surging on the surface of the magnetic shield is almost a sign of collapse. However, the edge of the steel throne underneath has been distorted due to pressure.

"The donor's anger becomes a demon, and there are signs of dying illness. My Buddha is compassionate, and I was met by me today. It is you and me. Come, the donor must not resist, let me come and die for you."

Every sentence of King Kong is extremely gentle, and he speaks the most poignant words in the most serious tone. The contrast is immediately obvious.

"Come on, Buddha moves the mountains and rivers!"


"The roots of the magic are deep, and more efforts are needed."

"Buddha moves mountains and rivers!"


"I didn't expect to be able to survive, then..."

"Buddha moves mountains and rivers!"


In the end, King Kong didn't even know what to say, his tall body stood on top of Sally's head, and his palms alternated in succession.

Electric light, sparks, and golden light constitute the ultimate impression of tonight for everyone participating in the war.

Even the huge, terrifying-looking Dragon Touching God is not as eye-catching as King Kong.

When the smoke and dust completely dissipated and the sound of iron strikes disappeared, everyone hadn't recovered from the atmosphere just now, and the phantom sound of "clang, clang, clang" involuntarily sounded in their heads.

Sally's electromagnetic force field is very strong, but facing the "a tendon" King Kong, he slapped the steel council elder to death without feeling any problem.

King Kong looked at the pile of broken copper and iron, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Amitabha Buddha, congratulations to the benefactor for breaking away from obsession and reaching bliss." After saying that, he stood aside and began to recite the mantra.

A broken soul slowly rose from the broken copper and iron, like a phosphorous fire that burned out of thin air, and disappeared in a moment.

The mechanical elders and the mechanical pioneers are almost the same. They have transformed their bodies. More than 80% of their bodies have abandoned the physical body, leaving only the key and irreplaceable, or technically unable to break through the matched organizational structure, and believe in electronic and mechanical immortality. The result of this is the loss of the body and the incompleteness of the soul.

The biggest enemy on the frontal battlefield has been solved, and the mechanical legion has been riddled with holes by the wolf cavalry.

In addition, these pets of Link haven't participated in the war for a long time, and they feel resentment for the last time they took only a few pets to the Machine City and the death quagmire. This time, take this opportunity to vent.

There is almost no place where Link can take action. In a battle of thousands of people, when King Kong Awakens and promotes, and the "Wu Shuang" is opened, everything can be said to be devastating.

"Donor, you are predestined with my Buddha, I will come here for you."

"The donor in front runs slowly, don't fall, otherwise it will be ominous to die tragically."

"Everyone, meeting is the fate. Instead of being tortured by the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance in the world, it is better to go to Paradise as soon as possible."

King Kong walked all the way and killed all the way, every time it was different.

The sense of ritual and conviction is very strong, not joking or ironic, but sincerely considering helping the other party to relieve them.

Link couldn't help muttering: "Where is the person who is destined for Buddhism? This is simply the person who is destined everywhere..."

When the gunshots faded and the fire diminished, only a few enemies were left on the battlefield to resist, but before he could finish his hard words, he was rushed to kill by players with red eyes and madness.

Link doesn't even have to worry about leaving behind the net fish on the battlefield. A "battlefield scavenger" like a player will never miss any experience.

Link waved his hand and recalled all pets.

Pets are not needed for the remaining finishing work, and they can leave the field first.

[You complete the B-level mission [Cry Valley Victory]]

[You gain 300,000 experience, the influence of the waste Saturn +1, get the title [Desert Emperor]]

The 300,000 experience of the mission, if it were a day ago, Link may still be a treasure. But just now in a huge battle of thousands of people, Link's pets are the main output, plus the steppe wolves under the players' crotch are also Link's pets, causing damage and killing, experience will be counted. Link's head.

And when Link is too far away to enjoy, these experiences will be added to Steppenwolf himself.

So this is Link's skill.

Let the player spend money or loan to rent his pets, and the maintenance afterwards is also under his industry chain. Even the player takes the Steppenwolf out to do the experience of killing monsters, which can also be enjoyed and upgraded. The strength of is somewhat similar to the integration of free animal breeders, trainers, and nanny.

After this battle of 10,000 people, Link gained 3 million experience alone. Such a comparison of the 300,000 task reward is indeed a drop in the bucket.

Glancing at the experience pool that has returned to a million, now lying obediently with 3.8 million experience, Link can't help but exhale a sigh of breath. Suddenly the waist is not sore and the legs are not painful, and he is confident again.

On the profile page, the influence has also become 11 points.

Link focused on the new title, and it was a one-line introduction to get started.

[The emperor of the desert, resounding through the mountains and across the desert. After defeating the Mechanical Legion head-on, Sha Du demonstrated his strength against the Mechanical Cult and the Wasteland Gang. At the same time, the strength of the two illegal organizations was damaged, and the minions were put away. You have used this battle to establish who is the true emperor of the desert. In the future, members of the Mechanic Cult and the Wasteland Gang will be discouraged when they hear your name.

Desert Emperor: Inflict an additional 20% damage on all hostile forces in the Gale Desert. There is a chance to impose a "deterrent" effect on the enemy during battle.

Link's eyes lit up, and the effect of this title was a little bit bullish.

An additional 20% increase in damage to all enemies in the desert, and a chance to release a "deterrent" effect.

Deterrence is a regular effect in the game of Destiny, similar to bleeding, stiffness, poisoning, sluggishness, and coma. The effect is that the attack defense is reduced by a percentage. As for the specific reduction ratio, it depends on the level difference and strength.

The three persons in charge of the underground research center came to Link with worship in their eyes.

Link said before that the large defensive field will soon come in handy. In the past few days, the mechanical army ransacked the house directly.

The three were extremely shocked by Link's bold and accurate predictive ability.

Then came the affirmation of the effect of the large-scale defensive force field, which was able to completely prevent the deterrent subsonic ground-to-surface missiles, and the electromagnetic cluster of the elders of the Iron and Steel Council could also be completely blocked. These things that were once the most serious threat to Shadu disappeared from now on, and the boulder that sank in Dr. Ludwig's heart was finally removed.

Helen's clever eyes kept focusing on the mechanical elder who was photographed to pieces by King Kong.

Link looked at these persistent eyes, and suddenly his heart moved: "Helen, the remains of the Iron Throne and the mechanical elders are handed over to you."

Helen's eyes suddenly brightened, bright and excited, and he jumped up excitedly: "Really give it to me?"

"Well, on this battlefield, there is anything else you like, just go up and point it out, and it will be shipped to you afterwards."

Helen's joy was beyond words, her eyebrows and the corners of her mouth were almost flying, and she bowed to Link, "Thank you, boss~"

Link nodded slightly, and then said to Ludwig and Dave: "The same is true for Seeing something you want to study, even if you ask, these soldiers will move to the underground research center later. Of course, if the three of you fancy one thing at the same time, the priority is Helen!"

Link did not shy away from putting his respect for Helen on the bright side.

Ludwig and Dave's faces were cheerful, after all, their combined ages are both in three digits, and Shadu's scientific research is not available. Now that Helen is a good seedling and a granddaughter, he is naturally relieved by the respect.

The three of them were like grandmothers entering the discounted morning market, their eyes were green like weasels, and they began to pick and choose. They waved to the soldiers beside them, and they were unhappy about wrapping this one and the other.

While weeping for the great victory in the valley, the Mechanic City, which had been driving halfway through the desert, suddenly spewed strong steam and stopped with a strong and harsh brake sound. After a short pause in the desert, it returned to Goria in the opposite direction. Grand Canal.

Mechanical giant, pioneer laboratory.

The Mechanical Pioneer Skull Helmet had no expression on his face, but anyone could feel the low air pressure around him and the "green complexion".

At the other end of the holographic picture in front of him, was the Wasteland Gang seat.

The people inside are like a mirror, all with Sima faces who are hesitant to speak.

"Pioneer, we regret the decision. The alliance between us has come to an end. This battle has caused us to suffer huge losses because of your intelligence errors. Then we will not risk putting the command of the mercenaries in your hands."

The mask of the Mechanical Pioneer was as cold as ice, and his voice was cold to the bone: "It's a pity."

In just a few words, it was declared that the desert coalition forces that had been allied for several months fell apart.