Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 452

Chapter 452

As a blue star traverser, how can the traditional craft of the annual meeting be lost?

The middle and high-level members of the Lin consortium, as well as hard-core military supporters, were all invited to Wuthering Castle.

For the remaining members of the consortium with insufficient levels, Link also gave them red envelopes.

The director of the think tank Penguin Penney, Mr. Afu, Stars and Mr. Cong.

Bob (Kirin Church), Allen (Dassaki), Simon (The Hidden League), Tortoise and the Four Brothers of the Renaissance (Freemasonry), Mina (Water Transport Gang and others) from Monster Security.

Quentin from the food business, Fred from the Colosseum, Zhang Ming from the general business, Nicole, Anna and Huang Quan from the media department.

Dave and Helen from the technology department.

Li Ziqian, Benjamin and Ludwig of the military.

In addition, there are representatives of foreigners.

Rejoice like the chasing wind, steal the cool man, bomb the chicken and cold front.

The four were flattered by the invitation.

Pirate Liang Ren works in the Lin's consortium think tank, and barely counts as a middle-level man. Chasing the wind, a small captain Jie Xiaozi, how can he not be considered a middle-level. In addition, there are Bombing Chicken and Leng Feng. Being able to be invited to participate in the annual meeting of the Lin Consortium highlights an outrageous one.

However, in Link's view, the annual meeting is to find an excuse for public money to eat and drink, and to exchange feelings with everyone by the way.


Of course, it is not necessarily the exchange of feelings, but it may also be the exchange of illness.

At this moment, Link was standing on the balcony on the second floor, and he saw Penguin Penny and the macaw fighting, nearby treasure hunters, mouse agents, rubber pythons, and curly baboons cheering, and the water arrow turtle standing in the distance. Be a referee.

The project the two competed against turned out to be who sprayed the farthest.

Now that the contest has reached the white-hot stage, Penguin Penguin picked up the kettle, drank tons and tons, and then took a sharp breath. A string of water jets slammed out and splashed onto the sand, clearly marking the location.

Water Arrow Turtle glanced at the location and immediately opened his mouth and smiled: "Kami, Kami Kami~"

The macaw glanced at it and snorted unconvincingly: "It's not just two meters and three, let me break it easily!"

The macaw drinks water differently. It plunges directly into the bucket in front of it, leaning on the nostrils as big as sesame mung beans on the huge metal beak, and suddenly mentioning it, performing a parrot soaking up water, washing its mouth full, and then its head. Stretched out of the bucket, squirted into the distance with his mouth wide open.

A ray of water arrow flew out, slamming into the sand in the distance, leaving a trace.

Finally, the water arrow turtle announced that the macaw was slightly better and won the game. The surrounding pets cheered and cheered, and became lively again.

What Link saw was shaking his head, and it turned out to be a patient exchange meeting.

Penguin Penguin's usual wise image, today was actually given to him by a macaw.

Several invited players were holding various snacks and chatting in the small pavilion in the corner of the garden.

Because of Link, the relationship between the four is extraordinary.

Because of the success of Leng Feng's transfer to special forces, coupled with the electromagnetic Gauss sniper rifle built by Helen, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Bombing Chicken was also favored by several elders of the Moonshadow Council because of the "brother Druid" and the special relationship with Link. Now the Moonshadow Council is basically calling it as an elite.

"I remember all the things you laughed at me before, and now all of them are sour!" Leng Feng raised his eyebrows and pointed to the three of them.

The Pirate Liang immediately raised his hand to clarify: "I was not there at the time, and I never laughed at you!"

Leng Feng glanced at it and said angrily: "Forget it, Zhuifeng said that when you watched the forum later, you didn't mention how brilliant the smile was."

Pirate Liang immediately glared at the chasing wind beside him, but he didn't expect this guy to sell him like this.

Chasing the wind smiled, and shrugged helplessly: "To be honest, we can't blame us for thinking too much..." He glanced back and didn't see Li Ziqian's figure, but still lowered his voice a little, "You ask yourself , After being valued by the leader-level NPC, in the camp in the middle of the night, the two men heard all kinds of weird calls, and every time you sweated profusely, you were carried out feebly, and you didn't change much. miss you?"

Leng Feng's face blushed after "rubbing", and the explanation was a little stuttered: "At that time, I hadn't been successfully transferred. I definitely can't tell you the content of the trial! If it is revealed in advance, I may not be the first to transfer. The special forces player."

Bo Zhiji sighed: "But now you are very happy. Once you post the strategy forum, the suffering of this little half month will be washed away and become the envy of everyone."

"That's right! Who knows that the hard condition for the transfer of special forces is to fight with Captain Li one hundred times. Although you have been abused a hundred times, you are not at a loss. I thought my fighter was the thickest. , I didn't expect the special forces to have a bug speciality. I want to transfer to special forces now.

"Steel in the army, the increased endurance and armor effect of the equipment are increased by 100%. If this specialty is given to me, combined with my new Druid Transfiguration: Bear, how high is the blood volume and armor." Bombing Chicken Envy.

Leng Feng was triumphant. The previous forum rumors that he had been given **** by NPC's grievances were swept away.

"Hmph, I am envious now, a hundred times of bare-handed fights, not just talking, I've gotten to this day only after I've tried my best."

The second floor of Howling Castle.

There was a knock at the door. Anna was wearing a satin, knee-length dress and standing at the door with red wine: "Can I come in?"

"come in."

Today's Anna is different from the past. She stepped on a pair of slender high heels and walked carefully to the balcony.

Lin Ke assisted: "Why do you want to wear high heels today?"

"The boss personally invited to attend the annual meeting. If you don't wear it more grandly, wouldn't it be a refutation of the boss's face?" Anna countered "choked" Link lightly smiled and took a sip of red wine: "Here They are all their own, don't need to be restrained."

Anna opened her eyes wide: "Really?"

"When did I lie to you."

With Link's reply, Anna bent down slightly and unbuttoned her high heels. Her white and slender legs did not shrink at all because she lost her high heels. Ten lush jade toes were white and tender and lovely. She took off her shoes and stepped barefoot on the ground. The elegant princess temperament suddenly turned into the liveliness of the elves, Anna's expression on her whole body was much more relaxed, and she let out a sullen breath: "It's easy now."

Then he blinked his eyes again, and the ancient spirit said strangely: "Can I ask you a question?"

Link motioned to Anna to ask questions.

"Why not just take advantage of the victory and chase to destroy the Mechanical God Cult?"

"This is a good question." Link first complimented, and then replied in a serious manner: "Although the loss of the mechanical gods is not small, the lean camels are bigger than the horses, and their overall strength is still strong. The biggest problem is the mechanical pioneers. Personal strength is comparable to the entire army, and a rash attack will only give away the advantage. And now it's winter, the Mechanic Cult and the Wasteland Gang will be bothered by resources. I will wait for discord in their alliance. And this Discord, it takes time to ferment."

Anna nodded faintly: "Then tomorrow is the New Year, do you have any plans?" There was a hint of expectation in her eyes after she finished speaking.

Link shook the red wine glass and took a sip, with sourness and sweetness in his mouth.

"Tomorrow... I should meet an old friend who I have never met, and by the way, see how the gift I gave her last time."