Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 444

Chapter 444

Ren Yi only knew that Wuthering Castle had a secret passage leading to the Grand Canal of Goria, but he never thought there was a tunnel leading to the Red Dragon's Back.

With shame written on Ren Yi's face, he lowered his head and said, "This is really... the subordinates are not doing things well, and they have to trouble the general to come out and formulate strategies."

Link did not change his face, and said calmly: "The king is facing the king and the general. Now it is obvious that the mechanical pioneer is on Goria's side. It is normal for me to take the move personally." After a pause, he said, "Okay, let's make arrangements now. Get ready, and remember not to show off when you call."

Ren Yi straightened up and saluted: "Finish the task resolutely!"

After all, he also came from Shadutko. If he couldn't even disguise and control his emotions, wouldn't he have fed the dogs for more than ten years of spying experience?

An hour later, two teams, one big and one small, were assembled.

The smaller team brought a few supplies to the front. When they left, Ren Yi called Captain Li.

On the phone, Li Ziqian expressed helplessness for the two shipments being robbed, and even the looted location was only three or four kilometers away from Chilongji. In the dark, he saw gunfire in the distance, but Li Ziqian was besieged by the enemy. Unable to move, unable to rescue, he had to watch the foreigners being wiped out and the supplies being taken away.

"Captain Li, don't worry. This time I reminded the transport team to keep them away from the route where they had been ambushed before. They walked around from the southeast and arrived at about two o'clock in the morning. Pay attention to arrange personnel to respond." Ren Yi's words gave Li Ziqian peace of mind. Quite a few, after all, he is also a well-known spy agent of Saudi Arabia. He has suffered two failures and has definitely thought of a countermeasure.

"Okay, I am waiting for the good news on the front line!" Li Ziqian said confidently.

Ren Yi hung up the phone and exhaled a suffocating breath from the chair. The whole person was like a deflated balloon.

He has done everything he can, and the rest is up to God's will.

Is it the same as the general guessed? By capturing the communication radio signal, the mechanical pioneer deciphered the content of the conversation between him and Li Ziqian, and it would be verified in an hour.

On the other side, the remaining team followed Link back to the Howling Castle.

The players were flattered and couldn't believe that this task was led by Link. All of them were full of longing and longing in their eyes, all hoping to become the second rejoice, bombing chicken or cold front like the wind chasing.

Came to the Wuthering Castle Garden, the entrance to the cavern three to four meters wide in the center of the venue suddenly appeared in front of the players.

"After you enter the burrow, just follow these cobalt beetles to reach the Red Dragon's Back. The burrow is intricate and complicated. Don't leave behind and go out. It's a trivial matter if you can't get out. If you go wrong and appear on the enemy's territory, then I can I can't save you." Link finished speaking and released a hundred cobalt beetles from the box.

The cobalt beetles lined up and entered the cave, feeling the breath left by the actions of their previous companions, all the way to the Red Dragon Spine.

Hundreds of players took the supplies and ammunition from the MI's mission without pushing or shuddering or shouting, entering the cave one after another, holding a flashlight to follow in the footsteps of the Cobalt Beetle.

These late-night players all know how rare it is to be able to perform the task assigned by Link himself.

Although the players are usually open and unobstructed, they don't dare to breathe after seeing Link, for fear that they will annoy the other party with every move and lose the opportunity to "promotion and make money".

Several guilds following Link have now made a lot of money. Regardless of their level, equipment, or progress, they are a lot ahead of ordinary players. These leads will be transformed into wealth in the near future. Take the Miracle Guild as an example. Although it is one of the top ten guilds in China, it also has a place in the Hall of Fame like a chasing wind. But now all kinds of endorsements and advertisements have been softened, and they seem to have the momentum of chasing the dragon.~~1~.~~1z.c

At this time, Link realized how important influence is.

If his reputation is not obvious, this group of players will definitely not be able to listen to his orders obediently, and they must come up and talk to see if they can trigger any plot and mission.

The player enters the hole and embarks on the task under the leadership of the cobalt beetle.

Link returned to the office and waited for a call from the Military Intelligence Department.

The macaw opened the office door, poked his head and asked: "You were invited to the underground research center in the afternoon. You didn't seem to have a meal until you came back. I made you a snack for you.

The macaw put the meat porridge on the table, but his black and round eyes were looking everywhere, trying to analyze what happened from the clues on the table. However, there were no documents on the table, only a sound bug was lying on its stomach, very conspicuous.

Link took two bites of porridge, and his stomach felt better.

These little nine and nine of the macaws were all in his eyes, and he couldn't help saying: "No need to look for it, I'm waiting for a call."


Link glanced at the time. It has been nearly an hour since the player transporting the supplies left the Military Intelligence Department. I believe news will come soon. As long as this time the player is ambushed by the Mechanical God Cult again, he is 100% sure that the Mechanical Pioneer intercepted and tapped the phone line.

"Yes, wait for a call that will affect the entire desert war."

Jingle Bell

Link just finished speaking, the phone on the desk rang, and the number displayed was MI.

Link pressed the hands-free button, and a quick voice came from inside: "General, the material team we sent out was blocked again..."

Ren Yi's tone is low, and he can think of that bitter gourd face only from his voice.

Link pondered for a moment: "Three material troops have been halted on the way to the front line. It seems that the enemy has increased the patrol of the desert. Let's do this for the time being today. I hope the front line can hold on for a while."

Ren Yi sighed: "It seems that this is the only thing now. I will communicate with Captain Li later and hope they can hold on." The full text of the article is the fastest s:/.z.c /

The macaw stopped working as soon as he heard it nearby, his voice suddenly increased by three degrees, and loudly questioned: "Huh? The Military Intelligence Department's material unit was eaten by the Mechanical Cult for three consecutive waves?"

The macaw covered his head with two wings, and his words were full of disbelief. It can't figure out that the Sands are strong and powerful, and they have been fighting against the Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang. Why did it become like this overnight?

"Where are the Steppenwolves and the army of Shadu? Send the army to protect the whole process?" The macaw was full of puzzles.

Link's body was slightly forward, and said to the phone: "Okay, let's do this for now, we will contact you later."

hung up the phone, and the corners of Link's mouth turned slightly.

The macaw flicked its wings frantically in front of him: "Are you stupid by the stimulation, you can still laugh in this situation?"

Link was amazed by his wit. When the phone rang just now, it was really wise to keep the macaw here. Its emotional explosion made the whole thing more realistic. The series of rhetorical questions and emotional expressions just now, even if it was a mechanical pioneer Dr. Zhao also found no doubts.

"Old Jin, you did a good job just now!" Link praised sincerely.

The macaw sat down on the chair and blinked with two small eyes: "It's over, it seems to be really stupid..."

Since the material squad was ambushed, the players who traveled from the cave to the Red Dragon's Back should also be there soon.

Just as Link thought about it, when the macaw was playing crazy for himself, the sound worm on the table suddenly emerged from the snail shell, and two antennae rose high, like an annunciator on a router: "Master , There is signal access, do you answer?"

Link will put the sound worm on his ear and enter the cochlear mode.

"Hello? General, this is Li Ziqian, can you hear my voice?" Li Ziqian also wore a sound worm. The first time he used this thing was very novel, and he was curious as to whether it could be connected.

"I am Link, and I can hear the voice."

Li Ziqian sighed, and then replied: "All the supplies have been received, weapons, ammunition, and daily necessities are already abundant, enough for the front line to last for several days. Unexpectedly, the general also dug a tunnel under the Chilongji. Greatly eased the crisis. I also saw the cobalt iron ore under the Red Dragon's Back. Please rest assured that I will stick to this place until the end of the mission!"

"Old Li, don't you feel strange? The three transportation teams we sent out on the surface were all intercepted by the enemy and there was a problem."

How could Li Ziqian not notice it? At this time, when Link asked, he had no choice but to say clearly: "In fact, I noticed it the second time. It's just that the **** is not a trivial matter. There is no definite evidence. It will only make his own people suspicion each other. , So I didn't say anything."

"It's okay. The last two material teams are alien teams arranged by me, and the materials they carry are mostly food. A small amount of ammunition is selected incompatible with fanatics specifications, even if they get it, they can't use it. Me and The conclusion of Ren Yi's investigation is that the special signal of the Red Dragon's Back where you are located has been deciphered and monitored by the enemy, and even all the radio equipment on the front line of the Weeping Valley has been deciphered and monitored by the Mechanical Gods. As long as we use this network Send a signal, and you will be captured by the enemy."

"This..." Li Ziqian originally thought that the military intelligence department had been involved in the spy rape, but he never expected this answer. Has the technology of Mechatronics been developed to the point where it can capture and analyze radio signals?


"From tomorrow, I will ask the liaison officer to abandon the traditional communication device and use this voice bug to report the situation on the front line."

"No! You not only need to use it, but also frequently use it to create an illusion that the enemy will not last for too long. Since the enemy thinks he has mastered our communication system, then we naturally have to perform this scene well, and we will count it, I The plan is...

After this battle is over, with such a feat being promoted to Chief of Staff of the Shadu Army, no one can say a word. "

Li Ziqian's arms trembled slightly, and even his breathing became rapid.

He emerged from the war between the Freedom Federation and the Mechanic Cult two decades ago, and he was trained by Commander Moon until he commanded the entire fox hunting special force. Throughout his entire military career, Li Ziqian had never experienced such a battle before. If Link's plan is successful, then it would be tantamount to crippling the Mechanic Cult and the Wasteland Gang, and you can kill pigs and meat in the spring of the coming year.

"Please rest assured, general, I will follow the plan, if I fail to raise the head to see you!" Li Ziqian was excited and even issued a military order.

"The Red Dragon's Back will depend on you in the next few days. How much the enemy can pay in this wave depends on the performance of you and Ren Yi."

Link took off the sound worm, the little thing got out of the volute, crawled to the side of the flower pot, and chewed on the leaves.

Link's mouth is slightly raised. If there is no sound bug, this time he can only use the hole to make a fuss. Obviously, he can't do the big picture.

Voice Worm is an encrypted communication mode, a spiritual link mode, and both communication methods are extremely reliable. In terms of the technology contacted by the waste Saturn version 1.0, there is almost no risk of being deciphered. Only after the 2.0 version comes into contact with alien demons and galaxy civilization, technology will make full progress.

When Link raised his head again, I saw the macaw with two wings stuck in his chest, staring at Link with frowning and frowning: "Don't you think you owe me an explanation?"

Link was stunned for a moment: "I haven't made it clear with Li Ziqian just now with the sound bug?"

The macaw waved its wings: "I know But you want to use the empty city plan to induce the desert cult to attack the Weeping Valley, and you have to send a large number of troops to the front line to pretend to support. This is good. But the key is crying. Can the valley hold the enemy's large-scale firepower? If it is the main force, it will definitely not send a few toy cars like last time. By then, long-range firepower, missiles, and rocket launchers will come in handy. The firing power of Xihe and the air force can't be maintained at all..."

Link sold it, got up and patted the fleshy shoulder of the macaw: "Don't worry, there must be a way to the mountain."

Link returned to the bedroom with a smile, leaving a macaw with a bewildered look.

"Damn, you didn't tell me! But I don't believe it, and I won't leave any clues...Since you want to improve yourself, let's start by collecting information..." The macaw motivated himself and was preparing to do something big One scene, after looking at the time, it was already more than three in the morning, and immediately yawned: "Forget it, let's get up during the day!"

The mechanical pioneer captured two phone calls again. After deciphering the content, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he pressed the button to contact the elders of the Iron and Steel Council and said: "Assemble, tomorrow's ambush will stop for half a day, let the other party deliver supplies to Chilongji."

The mechanical pioneers are also playing routines.

If it keeps intercepting, the enemy will soon suspect a communication network problem.

It's better to stop temporarily for one day and let the other party numb.

This time, the gaze of the Mechanical Pioneer no longer focused on the Red Dragon's Back, but instead looked towards the larger Weeping Valley.

He wants to use the Red Dragon Spine as bait to draw out the main force of Shadu!