Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Link thought for a while and still couldn't solve the fog in his mind, and looked up helplessly, just to see Helen looking at him with big watery eyes.

"Helen, are all the weapons for training ready? I'll take it away this time."

Helen immediately remembered this, patted his forehead and said, "Wait a minute, I will get it now."

After a while, Helen pushed a big box.

"There are a total of eight weapons and equipment, seven of which are made at will according to your requirements, but this piece of equipment is a new energy weapon I specially built for you... Although I know that you may not need it with your strength, this It's also counted as your little intention to save me, and I hope you don't dislike it. Helen spoke carefully, for fear of saying something wrong.

Helen's trembling voice betrayed her, and Link could hear that this was clearly prepared in advance.

Helen took out an exquisitely crafted wristband from the equipment box after speaking, without giving much explanation.

Link took the wristband and discovered the difference of this brace.

It is made of alloy, but there is no metallic luster on the watch face, and the reflectivity is extremely low.

Link can see the clever design of this design at a glance, it will be hidden to the greatest extent when used at night, and will not reflect light to expose its position.

There are several diversion lines on the metal wristband. Link buckled the wristband on his hand, and light blue energy immediately appeared in the diversion line.

In the next second, from the narrow gap of the metal wristband, a gas energy knife of thirty or forty centimeters long composed of pure energy popped out.

Link's eyes lit up, staring at the Qi Neng Sword for a moment.

In his previous life, although he completed the first half of Dave's mission to save his granddaughter, he encountered a general attack on the Robot Cult and the Wasteland Gang initiated by the Freedom Federation. Link will not have the chance to participate in the plot of Helen, the mechanical goddess, and there will be no intersection.

Link only knows that Helen has worked so hard to study machinery in just one or two years, and she has become the mechanical goddess of the waste Saturn, and her talent is second to none. But I haven't personally experienced the power of this mechanical goddess.

But when I saw this wrist qi energy knife today, Link was completely convinced.

Tokamak device is actually a small controllable nuclear fusion reactor, and the energy produced is also clean energy, which is common in the 2.0 universe. It is the foundation and symbol of the novice planet civilization towards the universe civilization.

Weapons made with tokamak energy are also more lethal and effective than conventional thermal weapons.

Halen has been in contact with mechanical theory for less than a month, and he has been able to build a complete new energy weapon. This potential and talent is almost equivalent to John's talent in the killer and Dr. Zhao's in the machine. They are both top-notch.

Link used detection to check the data on this new weapon.

Take type air knife

Quality: Blue

parameters: attack power 100120, length 37.8 cm, weight 1.2 kg

Durability: 10001000

Equipment requirements: lv50 and above

Attribute bonus: Strength 25, Agility 25, Intelligence 25

Special effect: The powerful gas blade attack with 50 points of high-energy particle burning damage, which can cut most of the waste Saturn alloys

Armor Buster causes 200 damage to various types of armor and armor

Without any fancy skills and introduction, as a level 50 blue weapon, high attack and high additional element damage are its characteristics. The white attack power on the paper is comparable to a flashing dagger, and it also has an attribute bonus of up to 75 points. The most important point is that this support-style air-energy knife does not conflict with the dagger at all, because its essence is a wristband, and it will be miraculous when it appears at the critical moment of the battle.

"This piece of equipment is very good, I like it very much." Link also accepted the piece of equipment calmly.

Because of the miniaturization of the tokamak device, this wrist brace is not bloated, and there is no bloatedness or abnormality under the cover of the shirt and jacket sleeves. Armed with this weapon, Link's power also jumped from 185 to 210. A genius remembers Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

Hearing Link's evaluation, Helen finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the weapons and equipment she built with her heart were not in vain.

Then Link glanced at the other items in the equipment box and checked the equipment information.

Indeed, as Link said, they are all just ordinary "support-style" equipment, with high white damage and a certain armor penetration ability, but there is no Link such high attributes, high white characters, and high additional damage. And because it is a melee weapon, it has super durability.

Link came out of the underground research center carrying the equipment box, and then asked the driver to send the equipment box to the Military Intelligence Department, letting Ren Yi find a way to deliver these new equipment to the Red Dragon's Back players.

Link looked at the forum and had a general understanding of what happened in Chilongji.

The hottest discussion is about the strategic position of Red Dragon's Back and the cold front in the face of Li Ziqian, which may activate rare jobs at level 20.

But no matter which discussion it is, it will eventually come back to the point that Link has meat.

Link returned to the Howling Castle and checked the growth of the cobalt beetles in the basement. The first batch of little guys have entered the mature stage, and the number of newly born cobalt beetles has reached five or six hundred. According to this growth pattern, it is very There will be thousands of cobalt beetles soon, and the mining team can continuously transport cobalt ore from the Red Dragon's Back.

But when he thought of the attack on the material team today and the pressure of the frontline players for a day, Link couldn't bear it. With a wave of the big hand, one hundred cobalt beetles were arranged to enter the mining mode, and the excavation started from the underground cave to the ground of the Red Dragon's Back.

After finishing the arrangement, Link went back to the office and took a look at all his tasks.

Other well-known tasks are not listed, Link's attention is all on two tasks.

1. The main city mission Shadu energy crisis

2, the main city mission Shadu Red Dragon's Back Camp

The energy crisis mission requires large-scale development of Katz crystal and cobalt iron ore.

Now the option of Katz Crystal has changed from the gray unfinished state to green, but the cobalt iron ore option is still gray, and Link does not know how much it needs to meet the system requirements.

But tomorrow, five or six hundred cobalt beetles will grow up, and they can continuously dig cobalt iron ore from the Red Dragon's Back. This task will be completed sooner or later.

300,000 experience, random design blueprints and sophisticated events energy revolution.

The event activated after the completion of the mission in the main city, I had a deep understanding of the previous mission, Link in the Gobi Oasis, Shadu. Afu was dispatched to complete the beast change event, obtained a purple quality material dormant crystal, and found a blue mutant snail. The harvest was fruitful, which laid the foundation for Link's future plans for Dragon City.

After the completion of the Shadu energy crisis mission, Link has already faintly anticipated the excellent event energy revolution activated. According to his expectation, this excellent incident should be inseparable from Helen.

For another mission at the Red Dragon Spine Camp in Shadu, Link also looked forward to what the two skill books randomly presented by the system would be.

Just as Link checked, the phone on the desk rang again.

Link answered the phone smoothly, and on the other side was Ren Yi's hesitation and hesitant voice.

"General, the supply team arranged to be sent to the front line at night, once again encountered an ambush by the enemy, the whole army was annihilated, and the supplies were completely in the hands of the enemy. Moreover, according to the news from Captain Li, the ammunition and various materials on the front line have been Running out"

If it was said that the enemy accidentally encountered the supply troops last time, then the supply troops of the night encountered an ambush again, and Link smelled a hint of conspiracy.

Link frowned slightly, and his brain was spinning fast.

"How long did it take to prepare the aliens and materials collected for this mission? Has the specific travel time been leaked?"

Link's first thought was that an insider appeared in the team and leaked the specific information.

Ren Yi was in the Office of the Military Intelligence Department. At this time, he frowned in the same style as Link and shook his head: "No, because it is a temporary second task recruitment. After the number and materials are ready, I only gave the Chilongji frontline phone call. Let them pay attention to the arrival time. This is my personal communication with Captain Li. Even the salesman of the Military Intelligence Department does not know the specific time of dispatch."

See the ghost now.

Only Ren Yi and Li Ziqian have confirmed the time after dialogue, but how does the enemy grasp their own movements?

At this time, Ren Yi continued: "General, my suspicion for this matter cannot be removed. I request that I lead the team personally next time for transportation!"

"Be safe, don't mess around with the enemy's little tricks." Link's brain swiftly turned, and then asked: "What is the situation of this encounter, and have you known the specific situation?"

Ren Yi said "Yes": "I learned after the foreigner came back from resurrection. They said that they were suddenly ambushed while on the move. The enemy either found them from a distance or suddenly appeared from around them and surrounded them. , Quickly wiped out."

Lin Kemeiyu was even more solemn: "That is to say, the enemy was ambushing on the only way in advance, causing blows to our personnel. But how do they know when we will send people to deliver supplies and which way to go? "

Ren Yi on the other end of the phone also fell silent.

Link thought for a moment: "I'll come to the MI Department for an interview."

Link just walked out of the Howling Castle and looked at the brightly-lit Shenmu City, and suddenly caught a flash in his mind.

It seems... in the previous life, before the battle between the Free Federation and the Mechanical Cult, similar things happened.

said that the various actions of the Free Federation will encounter the obstruction and attack of the enemy, and every time they happen to appear in the established position of the Free Federation. At one time, the Free Federation Forces believed that spies had appeared inside, and carried out a round of cleansing of the army, and also wiped out the mechanical spies of Shadu.

Later, because of repeated difficulties in advancing, the military simply adopted the oldest means of communication, homing pigeons, and the problem of leaks has improved.

In the previous life, Link thought it was done by the spies lurking in Shadu and Mechadu, but in this life he has mastered the entire Shadu, with his eyes and ears everywhere, and the Mechadu spies have been completely eliminated, and there will be no leaks. That's why this point is ignored.

But now it seems that I have done this, and the frontline intelligence still has unprovoked leaks, which is so similar to what happened in the previous life.

"If this is the case, then obviously it won't be for the spy..."

After Link arrived at the Military Intelligence Department, in order to verify his conjecture, he immediately organized the third frontline transportation.

This time the stranger was recruited secretly, and the amount of materials was very small, and the news was blocked and closed.

After , Link asked Ren Yi to contact Li Ziqian, and the two unified the time for the third delivery of supplies, and the team also sneaked out of Shenmu City in the dark.

After an hour and a half of waiting, Link soon got the result of the third material team being ambushed.

"General, this..." Ren Yi looked at each other, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

All I knew about this mission was Link, Ren Yi, and a trusted military salesman, and the troops were in the room while waiting, and there was no possibility of communication or leaks.

"Is it the hell... This time we blocked all sources of information, and there is absolutely no possibility of leakage!"

Looking at Link, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he vaguely guessed the answer.

"Ren Yi, you have overlooked one point, there is one more thing you can't block."

Ren Yi asked excitedly: "What?"

"Radio waves. The enemy is very likely to capture the signal of the military phone through wiretapping, thereby stealing the time of our action, so as to arrange manpower to ambush in advance."

Ren Yi's face was extremely ugly for a while: "These military communications phones are all special channels, how could they easily..."

"If the mechanical pioneer took the shot himself, I believe it would not be difficult to decipher a radio signal." Link put his hands in his chest.

"Then what do we do now, once the communication with the front is our every move will be exposed to the attention of the enemy, Red Dragon's Back will definitely be lost. Captain Li and the strangers who participated in the mission, And your plan, General..." Ren Yi did not go on, he was even more worried that the entire Shadu communications would be invaded and intercepted by the enemy.

Link's mouth is smiling.

You said it was a coincidence that the forefoot had just synthesized the sound worm, and the mechanical pioneer played the trick of eavesdropping. This is not an opportunity for the sound worm to appear!

"Deciphering radio signals is great, but it doesn't mean we have no other way. We can even use the enemy's belief that we have our radio signals, and provide them with false news and strike them a fatal blow!"

Ren Yi opened his mouth wide, wondering why the general was still confident in this situation.

If his and Captain Li's phones are tapped, the MI Department's phone calls to other places may also be tapped. How to spread such false news? And how does Captain Li, who is ten kilometers away, know that this is false news to cooperate with him? First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

Ren Yi is now muddled.

"Now, you organize another wave of a few death squads to transport supplies to the front line. Remember that the number of supplies must be small."

"Also send it? If you send it out, the enemy will definitely cut it off." Ren Yi was puzzled.

The corner of Link's mouth raised: "It is to create the illusion that our communication system has all been controlled by them. As for the real material transport troops, they can go to the Red Dragon's Back to transport combat materials through the crypt in the Howling Castle... "