Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Both parties are calculating with each other to ensure that their plans are successful.

This night, it seems that Sha has suffered several losses, but only Link, Ren Yi, Li Ziqian, and very few players know that something big will happen soon.

Both people and ghosts are on the show, but it depends on whose design is deeper, it can be called Oscar night.

Dr. Zhao, the mechanical pioneer, gave the order, and most of the convoy prepared for ambush on the front line withdrew, and even most of the enemies surrounded by Red Dragon's Back also withdrew.

At the end of the year, the temperature in winter is already extremely low, and the temperature in the desert at night can drop to minus 20 or 30 degrees.

For enthusiasts, this temperature requires more high-quality low-temperature resistant oil to maintain mechanical armor operation, and more energy to maintain vital signs. The same is true for the mercenaries of the Wasteland Gang. They only drove an armed jeep when they came, but they needed materials and facilities for camping, but they didn't have any preparations.

The command of the Mechanical Pioneer to "release the water" keeps the enemy's attention always focused on the Red Dragon's Back; at the same time, the Red Dragon's Back is released so that they can continue to work, so that the Mechanical Pioneer has the opportunity to learn about their place here through dialogue. Specific purpose.

Because of the Macaw's "real appearance", the mechanical pioneer has fully believed in the authenticity of this audio dialogue, and is already planning the next step.

The last time Link, John and a bunch of strangers infiltrated the Mechanic City, the Mechanic City is still parked by the Goria Canal and has not been repaired.

Dr. Zhao must be retributed for being a man. If he can seize the opportunity this time, he must retaliate back with equal means.

The next day.

Link was awakened by Sunflower's brainwashing slogan. Just after he came out of the bedroom, he ran into a curly baboon playing marbles with his tail in the corridor.

After seeing Link, the curly-haired baboon ran to Link with a horoscope and grinned to show off: "Boss, boss, look at this marble is not round!"

Lin Ke fixed a glance, the silver luster on the surface was slightly rough, and it could be seen that there was no problem with the roundness.

In the next second, Link suddenly woke up, isn't this the cobalt iron ore collected by the cobalt beetle!

"Curl, where did you get this ball marble?"

The curly baboon scratched his head and pointed to the garden: "There are many more beside the garden."

Link quickly went to the garden on the first floor. As soon as he arrived in the living room on the first floor, he saw the neatly placed cobalt iron **** through the glass, glowing metallic under the sun.

Large and small are stacked together, and there are more than a hundred pieces.

At the same time, a lot of messages popped up in the Link system interface.

[You complete the main city mission [SadoEnergy Crisis]]

[You gain 300,000 experience, the blueprint of "Sky Eye" satellite design]

[Excellent event [Energy Revolution] officially activated...]

After reading the reward information, Link's head was stunned, and the random design blueprint actually rewarded a "Sky Eye" satellite design drawing.

The "Sky Eye" satellite is a kind of near-Earth communication satellite, and this satellite has a modified mode that can be embedded on the spacecraft in the future for reconnaissance communication. In the middle and late stages of the previous life, many players have large and small spaceships. When going to the planet for missions, they can release the "Sky Eye" satellites on the spacecraft to initially scan and evaluate the planet, and serve as advance and communication after landing.

The "Sky Eye" satellite can be regarded as the most basic communication and reconnaissance satellite in the interstellar universe, and it is always available for home travel.

Link scratched his head, looked at the satellite design blueprint on the table in front of him, and couldn't help but laugh at himself: "It's useless to give me this thing now..."

Although there is a blueprint for satellites, none of the Free Federation has satellite launching technology. This thing is completely dragon-slaying for Link at this stage. Only after the arrival of version 2.0 of the alien demons, the activities of "Sending Science and Technology to the Country" and "One-to-One Help" were carried out on the waste Saturn, and the science and technology of the waste Saturn had been greatly developed, plus the "First Order" dispatched A team of observers from the team arrived, and the player used this as a springboard to leave the waste Saturn and enter the universe.

Link received the "Sky Eye" satellite blueprint to the secret room. This thing is not used right now, but it can be used in the future.

Link took a box, put away the 105 cobalt iron balls, and then called the macaw to send it to the underground research center, and told Helen that it must be delivered to Helen.

If nothing goes wrong, these cobalt iron **** and Helen are the key to the excellent task [energy revolution].

Link carries the "advanced perspective" of the previous life, and it is easy to determine the identity of the key person. Otherwise, as in the previous life, after Helen escaped from the Mechanic City, she kept her name incognito. Who would have thought that a 15-year-old girl would become a mother **** of mechanics and be qualified to start an energy revolution.

In other words, the return of Helen, the study of machinery, and the energy revolution are all led by Link.

As soon as Link sat down to work with his front feet, the phone on the back table rang, and the MI Office called.

"General, today I dispatched three material teams at the same time, approaching Chilongji from different locations, and they all succeeded in the end! Only a small group of enemies harassed the outside, and the materials were sent in!" Ren Yi's voice heard. Going up is very exciting, sweeping away the gloom and haze of yesterday.

Link's eyes lit up: "Oh? Did all the enemies ambush yesterday retreat?"

"They all retreated. They encountered a small group of enemies close to Chilongji. However, under the leadership of Captain Li, they rushed to help the transport team. The enemy only harassed and retreated. The three material teams successfully arrived at Chilongji. The only regret is that It's because the three teams are all experimental in nature, so they don't carry too many strategic materials." Ren Yi said with a trace of regret.

Link was in a good mood: "It is very likely that the enemy will go back to recuperate during the day and take advantage of the sight of the night before coming out to ambush."

Ren Yi immediately followed Link's words: "After that, I will take advantage of the daytime to arrange the transportation of materials to ensure the supply of the front line of Red Dragon's Back, so that they can take root in the front line to explore mineral resources and guard the strategic point of Red Dragon Back. Land."

Link pondered for a moment and thought of a better way.

"No! Since the enemy will continue to ambush tonight, why don't we take our tactics and summon the strangers in the Weeping Valley and the soldiers of the Sands to attack the enemy with a wave of devastating attacks, and directly wipe out the Xiaoxiaoyi who was in ambush at night? The enemy must have never thought of it. We will come out in full force. When the ambushing desert forces are completely wiped out, we will transport the supplies to the Red Dragon's Back when the enemy has not anticipated it, and build a line of defense overnight, once and for all."

Ren Yi's breathing became rapid, and after a long while he couldn't help but sigh, "This handwriting is really big, but if most of the soldiers rush to the front, then the Weeping Valley defense is empty, leaving a chance for the enemy. ..."

"It's okay, just arrange a foreigner to defend by then." Link's tone was relaxed, and he was already immersed in his great plan at the moment, ignoring these details.

On the contrary, Ren Yi got into entanglement: "However, it's okay to block the mobile convoy if the other person does it. If the enemy deploys heavy firepower, he will not be able to intervene at the level of the other person..."

Link was silent for a moment: "Ren Yi, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly. We just want to grasp every opportunity. How can there be a 100% safe situation? If you want to win a big victory, you must take the corresponding risks. You are I started with intelligence, so I can understand that I am overly obsessed with authenticity and security. However, there is never a 100% assurance in war. All we can do is seize the opportunity and trade the least casualties and costs for the greatest benefit."

"General, I understand, I will immediately start organizing manpower preparations and dispatch troops at night!"

"Remember, you must keep the information confidential. I still suspect that in the three night ambushes yesterday, there may be an inner ghost among us..."

"Subordinates remember!"

After Link hung up the phone, he tapped his finger on the desktop. Now everything was arranged and he was waiting for the Pioneer to take the call.

If he chose to let go of this "great opportunity", then Link would have doubts about the computing power of Mechanical God Cult.

So far, Link has created three key points.

First, Chilongji is mining metal deposits as war resources;

Second, Sha will organize a large-scale counter-ambush tonight, which can almost be described as an outburst, and will carry a lot of supplies;

Third, the door in the Weeping Valley is empty. Only foreigners can assist in defense, but there is no way to deal with long-range firepower or heavy firepower.

Just now Link and Ren Yi hurriedly acted, and then Ren Yi and Li Ziqian played a double reed. Even if the curtain was opened, whether the "audience" will be in the audience or not depends on each other.

The performance is just right to this level, and a little more will make life suspicious, and it will be too late.

Goria Grand Canal, Machinery City.

Since the five full-time radio capture devices were turned on in the past two days, the energy consumption of Mechanical City has greatly increased.

The energy allocated to the personnel from the top to the bottom of the Machinery City has been reduced every day, and it feels like a hard life by pulling up their belts.

However, the full-time radio deciphered the military band signals in the Weeping Valley and the Red Dragon's Back and copied all the contact contents.

And now in the central restricted area of the mechanical giant, in the laboratory of the mechanical pioneer Dr. Zhao, the conversation between Link and Ren Yi just now was broadcast.

Dr. Zhao analyzed the audio with great interest, and the skull helmet eye sockets and mouth positions are overflowing with high-quality energy, which looks like a deformed clown grin.

After monitoring for two days and three waves of ambushes, the enemy finally got into disorder.

Dr. Zhao has a winning ticket, and the enemy's response to this behavior is entirely based on the withdrawal of defense today.

Today's piece of information stolen from the Military Intelligence Department of Shenmu City is very important. Now Dr. Zhao already knows that the enemy is taking risks and entrenched in Chilongji to mine underground cobalt iron ore.

The Mechanic Cult is extremely hungry for metal resources, not to mention the rare resource of cobalt iron ore.

On a phone call today, the mechanical pioneer knew everything he wanted to know.

The underground mines of the Red Dragon's Back, the supplies transported by the Shadu troops, the Weeping Valley, and even the entire Shadu, he wants them all!

The brain data of the mechanical pioneers ran fast, deduced the success rate of the plan, and finally got an exciting number.

Even if the mechanical pioneer knew that the action would be risky, the result after Naihe's success was too tempting, and he had to try it.

The Mechanical Pioneer returned to the Iron Throne and sat motionless on the throne. The purple energy light under the skull helmet slightly converged, and it was still like a statue.

At the same time, at the base camp of the Esiah Wasteland Gang hundreds of miles away.

Several warlords have recently been in the vicinity of the base camp, continuously sending troops to the Gauria Grand Canal, and the arsenal and automobile factories are also operating at full capacity to prepare for the general offensive in the coming year.

In the military tent in the center of the base camp, a machine skeleton leaning against a corner and covered in a silver-gray cloak suddenly turned, and its eyes were electrified to reveal a coquettish dark red light, and then the bionic robot got up, and its staggering pace recovered after a few seconds. Walking normally, walked to the curtain of the camp and said to the outside:

"Emergency intelligence, there is a major action, now call your commanders immediately..."

At the same time, the entire Weeping Valley also moved into action.

All nodes are like gears of precision instruments, running closely together, and each ring interacts with each other.

Because Link has all the military power in Shadu, now he only needs a phone call to mobilize troops.

Link's every move of dispatching troops is under the eavesdropping of the mechanical pioneers.

In addition to the air force, the three armed forces are moving together, and this scale can definitely be regarded as an outburst.

For such a large handwriting, it is fortunate that the mechanical pioneer knew that he was going to swallow the desert ambush troops, otherwise he would really be suspected of launching a general attack.

Both sides are quietly deploying troops to carry out their plans.

Many foreigners also got the recruitment task from the Military Intelligence Department-[Ambush the Desert Forces].

Yesterday, the players transported supplies were eaten three times in a row, and rumors have been rampant in Shenmu City. Today, I received an ambush mission, and the players rolled up their sleeves one by one, in a stance of revenge.

Link sat in the office, looking at the huge sand dunes and desert map behind him.

The Shadu troops dispatched a total of 5,000 people, including 300 wolf cavalry who had frightened the desert cult. The Military Intelligence Department recruited 7,000 qualified aliens, including 4,000 players who rented Steppenwolves.

Such a scale means that Link "will be real."

The Shadu has invested more than 10,000 troops. As for the input of the forces of the Goria Desert, Link is not yet clear.

"This battle has mobilized tens of thousands of resources. If the Mechatronics does not respond, it will be embarrassing." Link folded his arms around his chest muttered to himself.

Link got up and walked to the balcony, looking at the moonless sky tonight, the sky full of stars.

After a while, there was a sound of flapping wings in the sky, and sand sculptures swooped down towards Linkeza.

Link staggered half of his body position, and the sand sculpture slammed into the balcony guardrail, and the sculpture fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the white-sword sea eagle gliding gracefully, landed on the railing steadily, glanced down at his stupid husband, couldn't help turning his head aside, burying his head under the wing, extremely embarrassed and couldn't bear to look straight.


Knowing the situation in the Gale Desert at the moment from the mouth of the sand sculpture and the white sword sea eagle, Link's eyes flashed with a ray of light.

The main part of this Oscar performance is finally available!

P.S: Recommend a friend's book "boundless business Emperor", author: drunk cold as autumn, like the history of the brothers can go and see ~ Who says a hundred no one was a scholar? Who says that only profit is a businessman? Let's see how Rong Mu, the son of a businessman born by scholars, defeated one opponent after another and became the emperor of the merchant with no one before him in the boundless world!