Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 442

Chapter 442

The arrival of Li Ziqian caused quite a stir on the front line.

And according to Li Ziqian's original words, those mechanical fanatics who fled recognized his identity, then the next Red Dragon's Back will be attacked more fiercely.

The rest of the day is difficult.

Because of Leng Feng's proper arrangements, Li Ziqian only arranged some more tasks in the details. The players who had just ended the battle received another task from Li Ziqian, and they talked about comfort.

After , the tents, radio transceivers, antennas and communication devices, small diesel generators, and solar panels were simply erected.

What excites the players most is the five mortars and ten portable rocket launchers pulled out by the special soldiers from the military truck, as well as dozens of boxes of bullets and military rations.

With these weapons and equipment, the next time they face the desert coalition forces, they will not be crushed and beaten.

The escaped armed jeep rushed back to the outer fortification circle where the mechanical city was located before sunset, and the surviving mechanical fanatic found the mechanical warrior with a panic expression.

Since the last time Link, John and others infiltrated the Mechanic City disguised as mechanical warriors and carried out large-scale destruction of the Mechanic City, the Mechanic City now has extremely strict inspections on people coming and going, and there is generally no special circumstances to prohibit ground machinery. Fans enter the Mechanic City, which also causes the monthly ascension ceremony to be temporarily closed, cutting off the promotion path for these fanatics.

The mechanical fanatics in the desert are very itchy to the few people who sneak in. The performance is that after confronting Shadu foreigners, he fought more aggressively, as if he wanted to release the anger in his chest at once.

"We have important information and need to meet the pioneers!" The mechanical fanatics looked anxious, and they were in the dust.

The mechanic warrior who was in charge of guarding the passage below the Mechanic City looked serious, and raised his gun at the machine fanatic who was running quickly: "Stand in place, don't move, first identify yourself."

The mechanical fanatics were shocked by the momentum, and immediately "brake" to stop in place, all weapons were locked, and they raised their hands for inspection.

The green laser scan quickly passed several fanatics, and several people's messages appeared on the mechanical warrior's panel. After careful comparison, their identities were verified.

"Okay, okay, there is no problem with your identity, but according to the new temporary management method of the Mechanical City, you cannot enter the Mechanical City to meet the pioneers. Just tell me if you have any important information, and I will contact the Iron and Steel Elder Council to convey it on your behalf. "The cold and indisputable words of the mechanical warrior are like a giant steel screen, blocking the front of the fanatics.

The enthusiasts looked at each other, hesitating to speak again and again: "Today we found Shadu strangers in Chilongji while patrolling. They seem to be camping in Chilongji."

The mechanical warriors looked at them calmly: "If you are talking about this, then the pioneer already knows."

The enthusiasts waved their hands again and again: "No, no, when we launched an encirclement and suppression attack on Chilongji in the next wave, a military truck rushed forward and attacked us back and forth. We recognized that the leader was Li Ziqian. I came to the front line Red Dragon's Back to command the battle." First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

The mechanical warrior's eyes suddenly stern: "You mean Li Ziqian, the captain of the Shadu Fox Hunting Special Forces? Are you sure you are right?"

The zealots all nodded, and the zealots with the reconnaissance module also took out the video clips of the battle at that time.

Li Ziqian's height, body shape, combat characteristics, as well as the military rank and armband on his clothes, all corresponded to the information discovered by the mechanical **** spies in Shadu.

The robot warrior transmits the intelligence and video information brought by the fanatics to his mechanical equipment, and then coldly said: "You can go back and wait for the news. I will give the news to the pioneer now. No surprises, you can wait for the reward. ."

The mechanical warrior finished talking, communicated with his companions, and quickly took the elevator into the mechanical city, and reported the news to the Iron Elder Council. After seeing the video evidence, the Iron and Steel Council began to meet with the pioneers to discuss countermeasures.

In the holographic video, Li Ziqian's information is listed impressively.

The content is detailed from the time of enlistment to the achievements of each period.

Li Ziqian, as the king of Shadu soldiers, the captain of the special fox hunting unit, and the capable commander of the commander of Muen, is second only to the four commanders, and is a proper mainstay.

"This is definitely a golden opportunity, as long as we kill Li Ziqian, we can definitely defeat Shadu's spirit!"

"I'm really curious that Shadu dispatched so many strangers, and even dispatched the mainstay of the military to Chilongji. What's the intention? Is it to be ready to press forward step by step and prepare to use Chilongji as a bridgehead to compress our activities in the desert? ?"

"Put a nail under our noses, and we must do something. It's a pity that all our spies in Shadu have been eliminated, and many spy infiltrations have all ended in failure. Now I have no understanding of Shadu's internal situation. Suddenly, the intention of this move can not be grasped. "text full text is the fastest s:/.z.c/

There were nearly 20 seats for elders in the Iron and Steel Council, but now almost half of the seats are vacant. This sight is all thanks to the last sneak attack. The Mechanic City was originally a holy place in the minds of all mechanists, but now it is ruined and decayed everywhere.

After the mechanical elder expressed his opinion, they all looked at the mechanical pioneer in the holographic image.

Dr. Zhao, the mechanical pioneer, is now facing the console, with his back facing many elders in the holographic image.

"Since we don't know the enemy's actions, we will find a way to figure it out." Dr. Zhao slowly raised a robotic arm: "Activate Skynet and fully monitor the radio signals of the Red Dragon's Back and Weeping Valley."

The mechanical elders looked at each other and hesitated: "Pioneer, if Skynet is activated, it will increase the energy burden by about 12, are we..."

"Suddenly occupying Red Dragon's Back, the 40% probability is to take advantage of the winter to cannibalize our activity area, and 60% of the probability is to find some important resources in Red Dragon's Back. The frontline personnel will be ordered tomorrow, and the offensive pressure on Red Dragon's Back will increase. To force the enemy to increase supplies, we will arrange for troops to focus on the supplies they transport and encircle them to fight for aid."

Dr. Zhao's words made the mechanical elders suddenly realize, and the fog in front of them suddenly opened up.

Stealing the enemy's communication information, the purpose of occupying the Red Dragon's Back, when to support, what materials, and when to arrive, will appear in front of them without any cover.

Dr. Zhao carried out a series of authority operations on the console and issued instructions one by one.

Five semi-circular "signal cauldrons" have risen from the machine city data area, two of which are aimed at the Chilongji northwest of the machine city, and the remaining three are aimed at the Weeping Valley 20 kilometers away.

"If there is nothing else, then all should be gone."

The mechanical elders all stood up together, their arms obliquely forward: "Long live the mechanical!"

The holographic image goes out, and Dr. Zhao continues to be busy on the console. There is a dna image on the data panel in front of him. The small box next to it is constantly analyzing the battle scenes that night. All of John's various behaviors are disassembled into programs for analysis and comparison. Yes, save useful battle information.

Dr. Zhao's skull mask is reflected by the blue holographic screen light, and the corners of his mouth can be seen slightly raised.

Although the infiltration last month caused a major blow to the Mechanic City, it was not without gain.

Link and John's infiltration caused damage to the Mechanical City, but also brought them a "gift."

"When the ultimate magic weapon is completed, the whole world will see mechanical power and mechanical beauty!"

"When tangible and qualitative truths appear, everyone will understand that machinery is the only correct way to waste Saturn."

Dr. Zhao's two mechanical arms touched his chin, and his emotions suddenly became deep again: All beings are suffering. They are still living in the sadness constructed by hope and comfort, in order to let them see the original face of the world, and for the goal of universal unity. , Some sacrifices are inevitable..."

Soon, Dr. Zhao's data consciousness entered the five signal receivers and captured the hidden electric wave signals in the air, and then the electric wave signals were translated into text messages, and the corresponding audio signals were accompanied by noisy signals. The interference sound rang slowly.

"I have successfully arrived at Chilongji. The frontline warfare is tight. The enemy has recognized me. The subsequent offensive may be more intense. I need the Military Intelligence Department to continue to provide material assistance to better carry out work in Chilongji and complete the general arrangement. Mission."

"The Military Intelligence Department will fully cooperate with Captain Li's actions. Tomorrow's materials and equipment will be transported by strangers and delivered on time at 2 o'clock in the afternoon."

After the two intercepted voice conversations were played, the smile on the corner of the mechanical pioneer's mouth became stronger.

Before the ultimate weapon takes shape, let's use this eavesdropping to warm up before the feast begins.

The next day.

Link was invited by Dr. Ludwig, Dave and Helen to come to the underground research center to witness the completion of the data center and the official opening of the Tokamak energy ring.

"The three of you have worked hard during this period. On behalf of the 45 million Shadu residents, I thank you for your contribution."

The three were flattered, facing Link who bowed slightly, and quickly stepped back and waved.

"I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't afford to be such a great gift to the general."

"The blueprints and designs were provided by the boss, and I just made them according to them. There is no credit."

Helen is even more straightforward: "I was a kid, and when I joined the project, it was already in the late stage. It was all soy sauce."

The three of them said nothing in three sentences, but they took the credit for nothing.

Link is a bit speechless, it's not your credit, is it my credit?

It seems, seems, possible, maybe... indeed.

Link clicked on Helen and said, "Helen, you are the tokamak project leader. Then you will start it first."

Helen, encouraged by the eyes of Dave and Dr. Ludwig, walked to the console and pressed the official start button.

As the giant tokamak ring opened, the Katz crystal in the center reacted with pure metallic cobalt, overflowing with blue energy particles, and under the restraint and protection of the energy ring, it began to continuously produce energy.

The energy flow enters everywhere through the pipeline. Helen looked at the nodes that were sequentially lit on the digital panel, and quickly reported: "Military Intelligence Department, the situation is normal; Shenmu City 5th district, the situation is normal; the Howling Castle, the situation is normal..."

Dr. Ludwig and Dave also went to their respective positions and reported: "Large defensive force field, normal energy supply."

"There is no problem with the data center energy supply."

The energy of the giant tokamak ring will serve as the energy supply for the entire Weeping Valley, and since then embark on the path of clean and efficient energy.

There was an excited smile on Helen's face. Although she didn't exert much effort on the giant tokamak device, as the project leader, she felt proud of the successful launch and ran to Link excitedly to report: "General, the energy supply is completely normal!" Dr. Ludwig and Dave also returned: "The large defensive field and data center are also normal."

"General, do you want to activate a large defensive field to see the effect?" Dave suggested.

Link raised his hand and refused: "No, this thing should be used as our trump card. If the enemy does not use large-scale long-range firepower, we will not show up for a day. When the enemy will come to the front with confidence and prepare to knock on the southern gate of Shadu When the time comes, a large defensive field will be revealed again, making them desperate."

Link looked at the three and asked the last question: "There is a question about the control of Troy entering the data center, have you all done it?"

The three nodded again and again. This is the joint responsibility of the three of them, and the level of danger is extremely high, so they dare not take it lightly.

"Now that the energy is turned on, you can do the research again. After making sure that there is nothing wrong, I will let Afu bring Troy over."

The three nodded firmly.

"Well...I will do this for today. I immediately arranged for the spy mouse to upload the content downloaded by Mechanic City to the data Just as Lin Ke got up to leave, the phone rang suddenly.

The ringing of the telephone that he took for granted, but Link heard a rush of smell for some reason.

The call is from the Office of the Military Intelligence Department.

"General, the foreigners and materials we sent to Chilongji today were hit by the enemy's mobile force halfway through. Most foreigners were killed and all their materials were lost! At the same time, Chilongji also encountered the enemy for two hours. The attack was finally successfully repelled by the enemy under the guard of Captain Li."

Ren Yi on the phone was short of breath, and his voice trembled slightly.

If the defeat of the frontal forces of the four commanders in attacking the Mechanic City at night was the worst defeat that Shadu had fought, then today's military intelligence department's material supply team was intercepted, which can be regarded as the first defeat since the establishment of the military intelligence department. .

Link frowned slightly, but he didn't expect the enemy to start fighting back so quickly.

The first wave of cobalt beetles bred in the basement will not start work until tomorrow until the maturity period. I did not expect that the fighting and friction on the front lines have been so intense.

"Red Dragon's Back must be in our hands! One wave of failure does not matter, immediately start to arrange the second wave of material distribution. Soldiers and strangers on the front line must not be left without ammunition!"


Link hung up, the expression on his face was not very good.

All three of them heard the content of the call, and at this moment they did not dare to breathe.

Link feels a cloud of mist lingering in his mind, but I haven't been able to capture the specifics, as if there is an important thing, but I can't remember...