Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 429

Chapter 429

Link put down the "Grace Alchemy Notes" in his hand, raised his head and said in surprise: "Are you ready so soon?"

There was a smug smile on the macaw's face: "Look at what you said, my old Jin is always a quick word!"

The Zuan attribute of macaws is born to join in the fun and not too big to be a big deal. As long as there is something interesting, I want to come and have a look, and have a long experience. Otherwise, where do you think these 30 years of experience and old-fashioned tone are all? Here? It's already fast in itself, and it's natural to work harder to participate in it personally.

Link got up and sorted out the buttons of his jacket a bit: "Now that you are ready, let's start."

One person and one bird came to the secret room, and the prepared materials were all placed on the ground.

First is Chlorella.

Chlorella has photosynthetic pigments, which can absorb carbon dioxide in the air and release oxygen.

Link's idea is to synthesize green algae and gray fog to synthesize a plant that can absorb the gray fog and release oxygen, and then put it on a large scale into the death quagmire, so as to solve the problem of toxic fog in a radius of tens of kilometers.

Link divides the collected gray mist into two, and only uses a part of it to synthesize, and the remaining gray mist has synthetic and research value.

Enter the synthesis interface, and soon the synthesis formula appears.


no problem!

The fit between green algae and gray fog is extremely high. Both are white quality items. After the fit reaches 100%, the synthesized product must be green quality.

Synthesize a box of green algae, which only consumes 100 health points, so what are you waiting for?

The palm of the hand quickly absorbed the gray mist in the container, and then the blood cocoon spreading out from the other hand wrapped the whole box of green algae. The surface of the green algae was covered with a film like red fat, which looked delicate and beautiful. Quite a bit of the weird and coquettish exquisiteness of the blood race.

Green quality, Link has faintly expected the effect of the new composite.

put the green algae to be "hatched" aside, and Link turned his gaze on the desert beetle.

Desert beetle, the scientific name is desert dung beetle, outsiders are called dung beetle, and it was called scarab beetle in the desert country with belief in old times.

The desert still has the habit of not harming the dung beetle. It is said that once the dung beetle is killed, the soul will be rejected into heaven after death.

As the most common creature in the Gale Desert, the dung beetle is wrapped in a thick chitin shell. The body is extremely hard and powerful enough to push objects that are several times the size and weight of its own. At the same time, it is good at digging deep into the desert.

And Link needs the desert beetle to survey the specific location of the cobalt iron ore for him.

Using desert beetles and cobalt iron ore to synthesize the cobalt element in its own body, it will resonate with the cobalt iron ore in underground mines, which is similar to the sensitivity of treasure hunters to metals.

Of course, it's just whether Link's own ideas are combined. It depends on whether the Zerg Nest gives Link face.

Link looked at a box of black and shiny desert beetles, and couldn't help but turn around and sighed: "You are very atmospheric, everything is a box."

The macaw grinned and patted a large box next to it: "Then how to be a secretary? I also have a box of animal remains! If it's not enough, you can say something and I can add it later."

Link entered the synthesis interface to add options, and said quietly: "If you don't want to vomit again, I suggest you put away this dangerous thought."

Soon, a new formula appeared in the synthesis interface.

Desert Beetle + Cobalt Iron Ore =?

One hundred desert beetles consume only eight hundred health points. It can be said that one eight points is quite kind.

For the current Link, who is now ten thousand blood, 800 points of life points are not a problem, and he immediately chooses to synthesize.

The cobalt iron ore in his hand was absorbed, and the remaining rock was broken into gravel and fell to the ground in the palm.

The desert beetles in the box are all wrapped in blood cocoons like red pebbles.

The macaw was so excited to rub his hands next to him.

"Next, what are you going to synthesize next?" The macaw curiously asked.

Link opened the third box, and suddenly a **** and rotten smell spouted from it.

Link frowned slightly, holding his breath, but didn't step back.

Take out the petri dish from the thermostat in the storage rack, the connective tissue of the distorted fusion strangely grew slightly after a short period of time.

The cell activity is still there, and it can divide and grow in the nutrient solution of the petri dish, indicating that it can be cultivated.

Link opened the petri dish, cut a section with a dagger, and threw the tip of the knife into the box.

"Uncertain the effect, I will not rush into synthesis."

When the connective tissue fell into the box and came into contact with the remains of the animal, it was originally dull and slightly lacking in vitality, and immediately became active.

is like a hunter who smelled the prey, and began to wander on the surface of the animal remains, picking and choosing.

When the connective tissue passes through the surface of the animal remains, the fur, grease and fascia of some animals gradually decompose, but the connective tissue is increasing, and adhesions are formed between the bones.

The remains of the dead animal actually moved in a wooden box.

Although I know the principle, the macaw still has a numb scalp and creeps.

A pile of corrupt and damaged remains, only under the action of some connective tissues, they have regained their "life" and gained "consciousness".

To be precise, these limbs have become puppets of connective tissue.

There are more and more wrecks of connective tissue, and the resources that can be mobilized are gradually increasing.

But it quickly reached the limit that it could carry.

A little monster that combines wolf legs, deerskin, frog legs, and various unknown biological organizations, crawled out of the box with difficulty and fell to the ground.

It can be seen that because I am not familiar with the control of the body muscles just after the fusion, I have been shaking for a long time and faltering.

But you can see that the connective tissue goes deep into the deep layer of the texture. As we try to continuously modify the force point and adjust the connective content of each adhesion site, both speed and balance are quickly adjusted and optimized.

Link observed silently from the side, the macaw saw this disgusting monster, got goose bumps all over the place, and quickly stood on the chair next to him, grinning, "Hey...this thing is too disgusting!"

Perhaps I heard the sound, my body felt the energy fluctuations from the air, and the fused monster actually staggered and walked towards the direction of the macaw.

"Ah! Don't come here!" The macaw hugged the back of the chair with both hands and let out a scream like a pig.

Link grinned, knowing for the first time that macaws also have something to fear.

"Don't shout, the more you shout, the more excited it gets, and the more it runs toward you."

The macaw hummed in its throat, and cried slightly, "You get this thing away, hurry up!"

Link had to step forward when he saw this, and slid the distorted creature away from the macaw, and at the same time threw a detection to check the data.

Lower Distortion Body

Race: Terrorist Creation

Level: lv5

life value:

Energy value: 0/0

Skill: Thump

Evaluation: Primary distortion

Link looked at the low-level deformity that looped down his feet, his brows furrowed.

Just relying on the connective tissue the size of a half palm, these decaying animal remains can be formed into a "living" creature, which can be recognized by the system as a primary life form, which unavoidably makes Link curious about the origin of these connective tissues. .

His Golden Finger Zerg Nest also has the ability to give flesh and blood to the dead, but it can also give soul to it. But the adaptability of Zerg genes is one of the strongest in the universe. These connective tissues in front of them are just accidental products of a laboratory after a nuclear explosion, but they also have the ability to "resurrect the dead", which is really rare.

And this low-level aberration in front of Link has a high blood volume.

Although only level 5, the blood volume is already higher than many level 10 players.

Recalling the aberrations encountered in the underground base, Link can affirm that one of the functions of this connective tissue is that it can greatly fuse flesh and blood, that is, blood volume.

"It seems that the remaining connective tissue needs to be cultivated well, and synthesis can come in handy in the future!"

The macaw standing on tiptoes on the chair stopped doing it, and his voice increased three degrees: "Huh? Are you going to use it in the future synthesis? Are you satisfied if I die?" I don't know. From somewhere, he took out a small dagger and put it on the plump chin, threatening.

as the picture shows

"Link, I advise you to be kind!" The macaw's eyes were dim, and the big teardrops kept rolling in the eye sockets.

Link grabbed the low-level distortion body, opened the secret room and threw it out, saying, "This is all right, you can come down."

Link patted the macaw on the shoulder and calmly said: "Just do an experiment to see the effect of this thing. Everything is just an idea, don't be too nervous."

The vigilance in the macaw's eyes has not disappeared, his eyes are sharp, as if Detective Conan's eyes under the lens shined, and Link's abnormality was immediately discovered.

"Although you are comforting me with your mouth, but your eyes are not removed from the wooden box, it means that you still want to synthesize in your heart!"

Link hurriedly found a topic to divert: "I just looked at the animal remains in the box and there are more than half left. I wonder where did you get so much from?"

The macaw said hurriedly: "It's from below the Weeping Valley~ Hundreds of thousands of wild animals have been trapped in the valley these days, preying on each other, and all kinds of crowded and trampled ones, and there are many dead bodies."

Just when one person was communicating with each other, a creaking sound suddenly came from the first box.

The red blood cocoon film on the surface of the green algae was slowly lifted up by the growing green algae, cracks appeared, and then broke apart and fell into the soil in a lump.

Seeing this scene, the macaw poem said, "This scene is simply like'falling red is not a ruthless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect flowers'!"

Link can't wait to check the status information of the synthesized Chlorella.

Monster attribute

Name: Bicolor algae

Quality: light green

Race: Algae

Attribute: Plant affinity

Grade 1

Initial Skill 1: Green Algae

Initial Skill 2: Grey Algae

Evaluation: Dichromatic algae, also known as Yin and Yang algae, green algae, happy for the whole family; gray algae, funeral

Link's eyes suddenly brightened after reading the information on Dichromatus.

This two-color algae is twice as good as he thought!

I originally thought that after the green algae is synthesized, it can absorb the gray fog to achieve the effect. Unexpectedly, there is a reverse process in addition to that, which can absorb oxygen and release gray mist. This is simply an enhanced PLUS version based on Link's requirements.

This product manager must give a good comment.

The two states of the body can grow and restrain each other. The name Yin and Yang algae is just right.

Seeing the characteristics of dichroic algae, Link's previous policy and plan for the death quagmire can be patched and a series of expansions.

"You guys don't eat alone! What the effect is, tell me quickly~" The macaw on the side jumped anxiously.

Then Link repeated the ability of Dichromatus to the macaw, and the macaw was stunned after listening.

After a while, the macaw clapped his hands and applauded: "Wonderful, it's a wonderful frog that eats the wonderful crispy corners and walks into the Miqiwonder house, wonderfully home!"

"With this good thing, put it directly into the quagmire of death and wipe away the gray mist inside. When we go, we will absorb all the gray mist and release the gray mist when we leave. In this way, as long as we get stuck In the anti-virus mask link, the death quagmire is like the big warehouse behind Shadu!"

Link was taken What the macaw said was exactly what he thought.

Since it can actively control whether the gray mist is released or not, the entire death quagmire is the back garden, strategic base, and experimental field of Shadu...

Even the base is ready, the only problem is the monster inside.

But it doesn't matter. After Link gets the big profits inside, the other monsters are left for the player to explore. Let the player play the role of "scavenger", responsible for cleaning up monsters and rebuilding the base.

just right, after the battle with the two major forces in the desert, the average player level should be around 20. The intensity of the death quagmire is probably more than 30 levels, smoothly connected. And on the road from Shadu to the quagmire of death, large, medium and small towns and villages can be integrated, and then a commercial and trade transfer station similar to Shenmu City can be built, mainly responsible for commerce with Longcheng.

After the player's exploration and construction of the quagmire of death are completed, you can just return to Shenmu City to fight the copy of [The Fall of the King of Sands], and then there will be a copy of [Moros Building]...

At this moment, Shadu is doing the task in full swing, and the player can't think of it. He has been arranged by Link clearly, and he has been sent to level 50...

"Yes, Lao Jin, your thoughts coincide with me. But remember not to disclose this matter to the outside world. The road has to be taken step by step, and the steamed buns have to be eaten one bite at a time.

The macaw stretched out its wings and made an OK gesture to show understanding.

As soon as the two people finished their words, another box beside it also made a clicking sound.

is the movement of blood cocoons breaking up and beetles hatching.