Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 428

Chapter 428

"I'm here so soon." Link couldn't help but sigh.

The macaw next to it made a disdainful "cut", looking at the little secrets by himself, not at all atmospheric.

The Black Falcon transport helicopter landed slowly, and the plane hadn't stopped, so John jumped off: Your business is over, I'm going home with nothing else.

Link nodded, and in the next second John disappeared from the Howling Castle, and he was back home.

"I'm really a wife slave, I really don't want to wait a second."

Link noticed just now, this guy has been staring at the parachute bag. If it weren't for worrying that the airborne sand would cause unnecessary trouble, I'm afraid John just picked up the parachute bag and jumped straight down.

Link bid farewell to the players in the garden and promised that they would definitely be the first to get new energy weapons.

The player has worked so hard for a long time on the task, and this is what he is waiting for.

Equipment advantage is definitely one of the huge advantages in "Destiny".

The random blue equipment rewarded by sneaking into the Mechanic City has already made several high-end players hooked. This time, the new energy equipment, according to Link's words, is the equipment that can change the pattern and characteristics of the Shadu and the entire waste Saturn in the future, which will naturally make them look forward to it.

After seeing off the players, Link and Afu went to the underground research center in person.

When hundreds of catties of Katz crystal appeared on the table, Dave, Dr. Ludwig, and Helen stared blankly.


The three of them swallowed.

The boss only said yesterday that he would take care of the resources, but today he got back so many Katz crystals.

"These Katz crystals will last for a while, right?"

Helen is now in charge of the engineering of the tokamak device, his eyes flashing: "Enough is enough, these resources are enough for half a year."

Link raised his hand and said, "Oh, yes, there is one more thing. This time, there are seven strangers to help. I promised them to wait for the development of new energy equipment and give them one piece. Helen, you use Katz crystal scraps to practice your hands. When the time comes, you can make seven at will."

With a serious and determined look in Ying Hailun's eyes, Link specifically emphasized: "Don't be careful, just make a few at your fingertips. If you do too well, it will be bad if the balance between them is broken. ."

Helen nodded as if understanding, she probably knew what Link meant.

"This is one thing, and there is another thing that requires the three of you to work together."

Dave is the oldest, and he is the first to express his position: "Boss, if you have anything, just tell us directly."

Dr. Ludwig also nodded firmly. As the head of the first district laboratory, he has always had research topics that can be studied, which is the best reward for him.

Link brought Ah Fu and three people to the conference room of the Underground Research Center to talk about the experience of the death quagmire.

At first, the three of them listened with curiosity when they heard Link's experience in the quagmire of death. But when they learned of Troy, the datconscious fluid, the expressions of the three were shocked and curious.

"It can only be said that this kind of thing would really happen due to the magical coincidence of nature." As a master of three-line mechanics, Dave was surprised but quickly digested this reality.

Dr. Ludwig murmured with an exaggerated expression: "I originally thought that only the top artificial intelligence could achieve similar effects. I didn't expect an accident to create a datconscious fluid. Doesn't it mean that once this guy is connected to a physical device? , Did the fish swim into the sea?"

Dr. Ludwig thought of the various communication networks and computer networks all over Shadu...

Once the data consciousness fluid enters any device casually, it will become a veritable "invisible ghost" through the signal network and lines all over the city.

The brain holes of Hailu are bigger.

If you take this thing as the mastermind, doesn't it mean that you can cultivate a fully mechanized army?

Through wireless communication devices, it can be perfectly competent for battles from the macro level to the micro-operations of individual units.

"This kind of organism has never been seen before, so I need three people to transform the underground data center. The requirement is to play its advantages, but at the same time, it must be isolated from the energy center here to avoid chain reactions."

The three of them had serious expressions, and remembered all Link's request.

Helen couldn't help but said, "General Lin, can we see what this data consciousness fluid looks like now?"

Dave hurriedly held Helen's shoulder and pulled the "curious baby" back: "This thing is so dangerous, once it is released, it is very likely to run away and the consequences would be unimaginable."

Link waved his hand lightly and motioned to Ah Fu to show it to everyone.

The souls who actively entered the coffin palace could not leave without the permission of Ah Fu's subjective will.

Even if the coffin door of the coffin palace is open, it will be completely suppressed.

Afu showed off the half-opened coffin of the coffin palace and saw the appearance of datconscious fluid for the first time.

A body composed of electricity and data, with the blue enveloping soul all over the body.

While Troy spent a few hours in the coffin palace, his "body" was firmer, much better than when he came out of the hub operation room.

"If you have any questions, you can talk to Troy directly. He is a Confederate person in the old days, with a double Ph.D. in biology and electrical engineering, a special researcher who belongs to the Special Research Section of the Dragon Eagle Security Bureau and enjoys a confederation allowance." Link briefly and quickly introduced Troy to the three.

"Troy, these three are the heads of my underground research center, Dr. Ludwig, head of Shadu No.1 Laboratory, mechanical master Dave, and his granddaughter Helen."

Then there was nothing wrong with Link.

The four people got together to discuss the specifications and configuration of the data center to accommodate the datconscious fluid.

Because Troy has a PhD in electrical engineering, he can also put forward many constructive opinions.

You can see their personalities from the discussion of the four.

Dr. Ludwig is conservative, but his idea is also the most feasible.

Dave is forward-looking in mechanical manufacturing and circuits, and he only needs to overcome small difficulties to achieve good results.

Helen has just dabbled in machinery, and his ideas are the most unconstrained and breathtaking.

In terms of electrification, Troy has made a lot of suggestions for the optimization of data center wiring and energy. By then, when he enters the data center, the processing speed is greatly increased, and the energy consumption of the entire data center is reduced a lot.

The four have their own strengths, and they are professional and detailed. Now and in the future, putting together is a complete development plan.

Just when the four people were passionately meeting each other, Link quietly walked out of the meeting room and asked the staff of the research center for a cobalt iron ore.

If you want to fully utilize the tokamak device to upgrade energy, Katz crystal and cobalt iron ore are indispensable.

Nowadays, a lot of Katz crystals have been obtained, and only cobalt iron ore is left.

Link knows that there are cobalt iron ore in the Gale Desert, but it is a memory from six years ago, and the specific coordinates have long been blurred.

The desert is another front-line battlefield. Arranging a survey team to go to the front line is simply giving the Mechanical God Cult coal for the winter.

So Link decided to find a piece of cobalt iron ore and try to synthesize a pet that can explore the mine.

After getting the cobalt iron ore, Link returned to the meeting room.

The four of them had finished their friendly and cordial talks, only Ah Fu had a bitter face, and it seemed that he hadn't recovered from the energy just now.

Imagine that four schoolmasters get together, their mouths are the proper nouns related to machinery and electricity, and there is a scumbag in the middle that can't understand a word. What a torment. The four of them were full of joy, and Ah Fu blinked, like an outsider.

The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when you speak in front of me and I don't understand a word!

"How is the discussion?"

The other three looked at Dr. Ludwig, the most eloquent spokesperson.

Dr. Ludwig stood up and said: "The discussions have been completed, and there is an implementation plan for the transformation plan of the data center. According to the existing manpower and procedures, the transformation will last about a week, and the energy center energy can be smoothly connected in a week. "

Link did a calculation and found and excavated cobalt iron ore in about a week.

"Very good, then in the next week, everyone will be troubled. If you need to discuss the plan with Troy, you can contact Afu at any time, and he will come as soon as possible."

After returning to Wuthering Castle, Link and Ah Fu are ready to go to the secret room.

The front foot just opened the secret room door, and there was a gust of wind behind the back foot.

The macaw has a vigilant look, and sticks his head out of the wall, with a camera chicken hanging on his head, which looks funny.

"Do you have any hidden secrets?"

After speaking, his face suddenly changed, his eyes curled up with a smile, and he rubbed his hands in excitement: "May I join?"

Sometimes I really don't know if the macaw has acquired this "quick movement" ability, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, Link said helplessly: "Come on, but you have to remove the camera chicken first."

The macaw immediately made an "I understand" expression and immediately disappeared from the corner.

When I came back after a while, my head was empty.

Walking into the secret room, Link asked Ah Fu to take out all the trophies of today and put them on the table.

Giant radiation spider venom sac, living ooze monster, gray mist sample, distorted fusion monster connective tissue, and the enchanted giant chapter tentacles that are chirping.

Link looked at the various materials on the table, this trip can be said to be quite rewarding, "It's a pity, only one unintentional is missing."

After fighting against the Harpy, Link retreated the same way. But when he walked to the place where the unintentional was bound with a flying knife, the flying knife was still on the ground, but the unintentional was strangely missing, and all the hanging people in the gray mist disappeared.

After reading Grace's alchemy notes on the plane, Link suddenly realized that since they entered the quagmire of death, they had actually been targeted by the Harpy. These unintentional people are all masterpieces of the Harpy, and they must have been taken away.

Another pity is the jumping spider in the underground base of the death quag. This thing is extremely corrosive after the explosion, if it can be synthesized in a living body, the effect is absolutely outstanding.

But this is not a pity. This is the first death quagmire exploration, and many mysteries have been discovered. The second death quagmire plan is imperative.

Link looked over the trophies on the table.

Giant radiation spider venom sac, a white object. Because the radiant spider is larger, the venom sac is also much larger, carrying a certain amount of nuclear radiation.

Living ooze monster, a mutant type creature, its body is composed of a green translucent viscous gel-like substance, which eats garbage for a living. There are indigestible animal bones in the body, but it has been used by the ooze monster to become its own body skeleton.

Gray fog samples, needless to say, the toxic fog is the first problem in the death quag. A military gas mask can last for more than three hours, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. With the gray mist sample, maybe try to synthesize some creatures that can solve the gray mist trouble.

Distortion and fusion blame connective tissue. To be honest, Link doesn't know if it's useful, but from this thing, a bunch of rotten organs can be combined together and their functions can be combined in series, which shows that it is very useful.

The last demonized giant chapter tentacles, logically speaking, should be a creature, but the system has determined that this thing is a material, and it can only be used for synthesis.

Link looked at the several objects in front of him. Some of them made his mind open, but some were helpless.

"Lao prepare some green algae, a batch of desert beetles, and then some animal remains."

The macaw knew that Link was preparing to synthesize again, and went outside to prepare immediately.

Link put the materials and creatures one by one and left the secret room. Then he sent Ah Fu to the special underground passage and watched him leave the Howling Castle and return to the Shadu Colosseum.

"If Troy can be directly synthesized, it will save a lot of trouble." Link exclaimed.

Troy's data consciousness fluid is a mimetic humanoid in the detection and identification process. It is strictly said that it is a kind of mutated human being.

Humans cannot be synthesized directly. They must have 100 loyalty points and become loyalists before they can be synthesized.

And Troy's current loyalty is only 75 points, which is still some distance away from 100 points.

But fortunately, the three majors with underground research centers can solve the problem of data center connection.

Although Shadu's technology is only in its infancy, Link can't help but imagine that after he gets rid of the mechanical gods and acquires rocket engine technology and satellite technology, he will build a full-time Samsung network throughout the entire waste Saturn. The Troy will be synthesized to enhance and complement his body ability, and Link will be able to invade and monitor any signaled network of the waste Saturn. If you cooperate with the physical equipment of the ground troops, you can achieve all-pervasiveness.

Even after going to space, Troy's abilities can still be widely used, and even become a strong guarantee for Link to land on other planets for missions.

After a while, the office door was pushed open quickly, and the macaw poked his head out, raising his eyebrows: "It's all ready, let's start!"