Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 430

Chapter 430

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of Monster Synthesis Master!

The macaw ran to the wooden box in a swift smoke, stood on tiptoes and stretched its neck to look in.

The desert beetle shook its body, broke free from the red crusted blood cocoon bound to the surface, and twisted hard.

The previous black shiny chitin shell is now glowing with a silver-white metallic luster, and the limbs of the desert beetle touch the feet, and they all show the characteristics of metallization, which looks like a silver handicraft with real details. .

Link walked to the box, put his hands on the wooden edge, and investigated the information of the new composite.

[Monster attributes]

Name: Cobalt Beetle

Quality: light green

Race: Scarabidae

Property: Metal affinity

Level: 2

Initial skill 1: Mountain hunting (cobalt beetle can search for cobalt iron ore of the same origin)

Initial skill 2: Move the mountain (the cobalt beetle can strip the cobalt element in the cobalt iron ore, and roll it back into a ball)

Evaluation: The cobalt beetle moves the mountain, EMI is not idle

Another perfect pet.

Link became more and more comfortable with the Zerg Nest, and it seemed that he was running wildly on the right path.

"Okay, Lao Jin, let's go~"

Link carried the box of the cobalt beetle in one hand and the box containing the remains of the animal and walked out of the chamber.

"Here, you can deal with these animal remains, and I will bring the cobalt beetle to do some business."

A pair of small eyes of the macaw wandered back and forth in the corridor. After confirming that there were no low-level distortions, he immediately hugged the box and left.

Link came to the garden crypt, carefully selected fifty cobalt beetle Titans, and immediately dropped them into the crypt.

"Go to the desert to find cobalt iron ore~"

Then Link took the remaining fifty cobalt beetles to the basement where the silver queen of Howling Castle thrived.

There is ample metal food and a dark and dry environment, which is extremely suitable for cobalt beetles to mate and multiply.

In addition, there are metalized silver marching ants as neighbors, and by the way, they can also exchange feelings with the "kind".

As soon as the cobalt beetle crawled out of the box, it immediately attracted the attention of the silver marching ants. Many worker ants and soldier ants crawled over from a distance and got close to the cobalt beetle.

The cobalt beetle is ten centimeters in length, while the silver marching ant is only one to two centimeters in size. The size of the two is huge. In the eyes of the silver marching ants, the new cobalt beetle is like a "steel tank."

Soon the cobalt beetle and the silver marching ants found the best way to communicate.

The silver marching ants clustered into "metal balls", and the cobalt beetles pushed these "metal balls" around in the basement.

Link put his hands in his chest and watched with interest the "communication" between two similar species.

Silver marching ants and cobalt beetles are insect-like creatures, and their bodies have been metalized and are both metal-compatible.

The two parties had an inexplicable sense of intimacy and familiarity as soon as they came into contact, but they exchanged for a while.

Suddenly, Link's eyes lit up.

After upgrading your cheats, besides the synthesis option, isn't there a bond option?

Two kinds of insect-like creatures that are both metal-compatible, wouldn't it be a bond between "pros and cons"?

Just do it.

There are two kinds of creatures, the cobalt beetle is of light green quality, and the silver marching ant is of blue quality, so only a green quality material and a blue quality material are needed to form a bond.

It seemed that the materials had nothing to do with the effect of the fetters, but after returning from that trip to the Mechanical City, Link reanalyzed it and found it was not that simple.

The last time I synthesized the bond between the treasure hunter and the five mice, I used a 1.5-type primary chip and a white quality weapon. The bond formed [Home Alone] has the effect of messing up, attacking, and destroying. It was only when Link came back to think about it that he felt that it was inexplicably related, and then he had a guess.

Regardless of whether this conjecture is correct or not, now that this opportunity happens to be available, it must be experimented.

"Both are metal-compatible, metalized insects. This **** extract must show its characteristics..."

Link lowered his head to ponder for a moment, then walked out of the secret room and dialed Benjamin's phone.

"Benjamin, you help me get something in the military area, and then send it as fast as possible. I want to..."

"Sir, do you only need one piece? I will prepare now."

After hanging up the phone, Link didn't rush back to the basement, but went to the secret room to remove a box of bicolor algae.

Since the cobalt beetle and the silver marching ant can form a bond, the bicolor algae and other plant creatures can also engage in bond training.

Unlike metal-friendly creatures, dichroic algae are plants, so looking for a natural-friendly "kind" may have a better bond effect.

Link counted all of his pets. Among them, there are a lot of creatures that are naturally compatible, but not many of them are plants. There are only psychedelic vines and sunflowers.

"For plants, what kind of material would be good for filling the bondage?" Link looked at a box of bicolor algae with worry.

Every synthesis is a test of ideas.

Link ignored the minor details, sorted out his thoughts, and tried to grasp the core essence.

"Synthesis of dichromatic algae is to put it into the quagmire of death, thereby controlling the gray fog of the quagmire of death. The only requirement for dichromatic algae is to multiply rapidly, and the same requirement is for psychedelic vines. The effect of a single psychedelic vine is not Amazing, but when there are groups of psychedelic vines, the group restraint effect is extremely amazing."

"So, in essence, for this kind of plants, the quantity advantage is greater than the functionality, and the quantity determines the strength of the function. Quantity is the core essence!" Link combed his thoughts, and then his eyes lit up and understood what kind of fettering materials should be used.

When I came to the storage room where the servants of Wuthering Castle piled up their cleaning items, I searched for a long time and finally found a bottle with three huge words written on it-Herbicide, and underneath there is a line of small words-produced by Lin Group .

The powerful herbicides produced by the Lin Group are genuine and fair.

Link took the herbicide, and then started to operate it on the fetters interface.

Two-color algae (green)? psychedelic vine (green)? sunflower (white), the bond rate is 99.99%

[The bond composition requires two pieces of green material and one piece of white material. Does it generate bonds? ]

As the materials for the bond sacrifice, Link used paralysis poison (green), moonwell water (green), and powerful herbicide (white).

"Now that the materials are all there, don't let me down."

Three creatures were selected and the materials were sacrificed at the same time. Soon the second effect appeared on the bond interface-[greenery]

Full of greenness (green): When dichromatic algae, psychedelic vine and sunflower appear at the same time, the growth rate is increased by 10 times, the night recovery effect is doubled, and the hallucinogenic and toxic effects of psychedelic vine are doubled.

After Link saw the effect, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, and he guessed this wave again!

The fettering effect and synthetic materials are indeed linked.

The strong growth ability he expected was also realized, and he even inherited the effects of the moon well water and paralyzing poison.

The only thing to do now is to pick a good day, pack these three kinds of creatures, and arrange for helicopters to drop them into the quagmire of death. Just watch the play next.

Link was satisfied, and then he could form a second bond just waiting for Benjamin to deliver the things.

Just as soon as his front foot walked out of the office, Link's back foot was hugged by his thigh, and he fixed his eyes on a macaw.

I saw the macaw trembling and nervous.

The macaw, who is not afraid of the sky, sometimes panics.

Link curiously asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The macaw's eyes wandered around, and it was full of alertness: "The primary aberration you threw out before is gone!"

That's it?

What's the matter?

"If you don't see it, you won't see it. It's such a small thing, without a head and eyes, and it may go anywhere."

The macaw looked serious: "That's terrible! I just noticed that the door of my room opened a crack. I don't know if I forgot to close it or the wind blows it open. I even suspect that the primary aberration may have run in. !"

The macaw pushed Link and said in a begging tone: "You accompany me to the room to see~"

Link shrugged, he was in his 30s, how could he still be afraid of a primary distortion...

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look for you." Link helplessly, while Benjamin hadn't come, by the way, help the macaw solve the "heart disease".

When he came to the macaw's room, Link looked left and right, turned all corners of the room upside down, but did not see the figure of the primary aberration.

"Okay, can you feel at ease now?"

The macaw looked solemnly: "Although it is not in the room, I may not know which dark corner this thing hides in to peep at me..."

Link laughed, still peeping, the primary distortion body doesn't even have eyes, peeping with the chicken?

Link thought to himself, if according to the degree of suspicion of the macaw, I was afraid that this thing could not be found, and I would not even sleep at night.

To untie the bell, you must tie the bell, and this matter must be solved by the macaw.

"You are not the agent of the Monster Security Company, do you have countless pets? How difficult can this be to get you?"

The dull hair on the macaw's forehead stood up immediately, and his eyes glowed: "Yes, I can ask the treasure hunter and the five mice to help, I don't believe in the big howling castle, I can't find a primary aberration!"

The macaw woke up suddenly, the door of the room swayed twice in the wind, and the bird's shadow of this guy was no longer visible.

Link was waiting for Benjamin in the living room on the first floor, but in his mind he was thinking about another material of fetters.

The cobalt beetle is of green quality and corresponds to the material that Benjamin brought.

The silver marching ant is a blue quality, and Link needs a strong medicine.

After thinking about all the blue materials, the only one that met the requirements was the Mithril ingot.

Mithril ingot, a kind of magical metal element, is extremely light, but extremely strong, and has magic affinity.

Link has a total of two mithril ingots, one is a random reward for doing tasks by himself, and the other is found in Morros's collection when he ransacks his home.

After waiting for about half an hour, Link heard the roar of the engine of the jeep getting on outside the castle, and then the sound gradually stopped. A step outside quickly ran into the castle.

Benjamin pushed the door in, and saw Link in the living room.

"Brother Lin, I thought you were in the office?" He said laboriously taking out an armor plate from his backpack.

"This is the best armor plate I have found in the military. The staff responsible for the development of the military industry said that this is a new type of armor plate that can carry a tank bombardment!"

Benjamin wiped a sweat, poured himself a glass of water, and began to drink.

When there are no outsiders, he doesn't have to pretend that much.

"Brother Lin, is there anything else? If not, I have to go back. I have to go back to the special operations camp to host a meeting in the evening."

Link raised his hand and signaled: "Then after you go back, transfer a Black Falcon transport helicopter over tomorrow, I'm useful."

"Ok, when is tomorrow?"

Link thought for a moment and said, "It's about two o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is just right."

Benjamin gave an OK gesture, and he looked like a macaw: "Don't worry, Brother Lin, tomorrow the plane will land on the Howling Castle on time~" He said and left.

Link just smiled and shook his head, then returned to the secret room with the new armor plate.

Cobalt beetle (green)? Silver marching ant (blue) = bond rate 110%

[The formation of the bond requires one piece of blue material and one piece of green material. Does it generate a bond? ]

Link sacrificed the enhanced armor plate (green) and mythril mine (blue) without saying a word.

Soon the third bond appeared on the bond interface-[Bronze Wall and Iron Wall]

Copper wall and iron wall (blue): The strong bond formed by the cobalt beetle and the silver marching ant. When they act together, their defense power is increased by 100%. When combined, they can form a bulletproof iron wall that can withstand rocket bombs and the energy below. The iron wall can conduct magic power and increase the power effect of the ability by 50%.

After reading it, Link froze for a while, not to mention the blue level of the [Bronze Wall and Iron Wall] fetters, the effect is actually outrageous.

Originally, the silver marching ants could withstand some bullets, but now the two act together to double their defensive power, and they can combine to form an iron wall, which can not only defend, but also act as a power amplifier to enhance the effect.

Moreover, it seems that except for tanks and laser weapons, the frontal battlefield cannot be stopped, and the firepower of other weapons can be steadily blocked.

It is simply a small steel mobile fortress.

Seeing this, Link regretted not adding the silver wall ants. The silver wall ants could have been condensed into whistle arrows, which were also synthesized from the silver marching ants. The effect will be better when added to it~www.mtlnovel .com~ Link tried it, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

According to the rules of the bond system, it is possible for bonds to join new members. You only need to provide the sacrifice materials of the corresponding level, but there is no guarantee that the regenerated bonds will be stronger than before.

"The wall ants are metal insects on the bottom of the pressure box. Blue materials can be used..."

Link thought for a moment, and finally decided to use the giant gene solution.

The reason is not that this is the most consistent, but because the two blue materials only have fire element particles in addition to the giant gene liquid. The fire element particles are a bit far from the metal insects, and only the giant gene liquid is not enough. Slightly more reliable.

"It's decided, it's you!"

Link sacrificed the Giant Gene Liquid and added the silver wall ants to the fetters. Soon the [Bronze Wall and Iron Wall] on the interface changed...

P.S: Wanjun doesn't want to work hard anymore, and wants to crowdfund and write a book. Solicit all kinds of synthesis, fetters, brothers who have ideas, please send them to the book review area!