Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 400

Chapter 400

Monster Synthesis Master Chapter 400: Parent-Child Week (Add 23, 24) Audio Novel Online Listen

As the captain of the fox special forces, Li Ziqian, the king of Shadu soldiers, has always shown a calm and calm image.

But today, he rushed into the conference room and looked anxious, which several commanders had never seen before.

Commander Moon's brow furrowed deeper, and Li Ziqian's state and his previous views always felt that his worries had to come true.

Li Ziqian took a few breaths and spoke as fast as a machine gun: "There was news from the front that when the large unit was building a position, it was covered by a long-range firepower carpet south of the Goria Canal, and the newly constructed position was completely wiped out. The loss was heavy! And the wasteland gang and the mechanical gods carried out high-mobility operations through armed jeep. The soldiers and foreigners we sent suffered heavy losses and were almost wiped out. All the materials and materials in the desert positions were robbed by the desert coalition forces. "

Li Ziqian's tone became low when he said it at the end.

This is definitely the most painful loss since Shadu and the Desert Coalition declared war.

Hearing this news, Army Commander Fernandez, Commander Tekodai, and Commander of the Fox Special Forces Moon, their faces turned pale. And the Air Force Commander Winleyton did not surrender too much, his face disappeared instantly. You know this time, he sent several transport helicopters to participate in the construction of the position and transport supplies. Now that the position has been carpet bombed, can these helicopters be spared?

What was most unacceptable to a few people was that the frontline was subjected to carpet bombing, and the materials used to build the position were finally received by the Mechanical Cult and the Wasteland Gang. This hand was completely an enemy.

"What do you do now?" Fernandez, the commander of the army, who suffered the most damage, couldn't help looking at the other three commanders.

Commander Moon thought of what Link said a few days ago, and couldn't help but chill behind his back.

Everything was the same as Link had foreseen. As the Shadu army entered the desert, it was equivalent to actively stepping into the enemy's long-range firepower.

And after the long-range fire bombing, the armed jeeps of the Wasteland Gang were used for high-mobility combat. The survivors who had been shampooed by a round of bombing had no power to fight back in the face of armed jeep forces coming and going like wind. Even if there are some powerful aliens and soldiers, they only cause very few casualties to the coalition forces, and the battle damage between the two sides is not on the same level.

There was silence in the meeting room.

"Perhaps, we should find Link. Since he could see through the enemy's plan a week ago, then he has a solution." Turco's Commander Dai said.

But Winleyton on the side said: "Perhaps, we should organize another effective counterattack. If you want to go to Link now with a sullen face, he will definitely be yin and yang." Winleyton gritted his teeth and said: "Isn't it a long-range firepower! This time!" I sent the air force to the rear to bomb and cooperate with the ground forces. I must find this place back!"

Commander Dai, who said just now to find Link, also hesitated.

Indeed, when Link heard their plan a week ago, he just decided not to do it. It is said that these days, like a vacation, he took his pets to play around in Shadu, showing the appearance of watching a play.

They were in full swing at the front, and he was amused at the back.

Is now hit by the enemy's long-range firepower?

If you go to Link at this time? Doesn't it seem that they are incompetent?

Seeing that everyone had intentions, Winlayton filled the table with indignation and said: "This time it is our carelessness. Who would have thought that the Mechanic Cult and the Wasteland would come to Yin, cheat, sneak attack, and fight guerrilla? No? Talk about martial arts! This time we are on guard? And have the air force fire support? Fight them again? Let them see the true power of my Shadu military!"

"I agree! Fight him again!"

"I agree!"

"I agree." Commander Moon hesitated for a moment.

The four commanders have been famous in Shadu for a long time? After a defeat, go to ask Link? That would be too shameful.

It was spread out that the four faces were dull.

Now that Li Ziqian got the information? Believe that soon with the resurrection of the foreigner? The news of the defeat on the front line will be known to the whole Sha. It will definitely be a blow to their reputation. The best way to restore prestige at this time? It is a big victory!

Even if Commander Moon felt wrong? There was no better way at the moment.

As the four commanders of the Shadu powerhouse in the past, it is not that they have never fought the Mechanical God Cult.

The big hole that was blown out of the Weeping Valley, the bullet hole in the wall? All are proof of their **** battle.

Now? They just need a big victory to prove themselves? The sword is not old!

"Okay? Let's make a plan now? Take advantage of the enemy's response? Organize a second wave of offensive!"

The four bodies exuded fighting spirit and blood, and in an instant they seemed to be back twenty years ago.

While the four commanders were preparing to flex their muscles, Link, another member of the Shadu Military Committee, was in the Colosseum at this time, exchanging feelings with his pets.

For a week, Link takes time out of office every day to take the pets to do some things they like, and get closer, commonly known as parent-child week.

This is also one thing that Link wakes up after the macaw's mood changes.

That's too much of these pets as tool people, but in fact, after the blood fusion, they also have their own emotions. Fighting side by side will make your blood boil, you will be happy if you are praised, and you will be disappointed if you are left out

In order to prevent the tragedy of 25 bottles of genetic mutation potions being used as alcohol, he needs to take care of the emotions of every pet.

Although I got the Zerg Insect Nest, it is obvious that this kind of good thing is only born or raised, and it will not happen to these higher pets of Link.

Today, Link came to the Colosseum, mainly to accompany the black whirlwind, macaw, **** dog and curly baboon.

With a big wave of his hand, Link directly closed the Colosseum today, only playing with a few pets of himself, with the cards in place and sincere.

"Afu, give Black Whirlwind some feed later."

Afu smiled and followed Link next to Link: "Boss, don't worry, can I still entertain you when I come to the Colosseum, I'm always safe with Afu!"

Link nodded slightly. Ah Fu has been in charge of the Colosseum for several months, and his performance has steadily improved every month, and there has been no major incident. From the rough boy in the past to the boss now, he is indeed calm. Only when he was in front of him, would he reveal the natural side of his nature.

"Oh by the way, the macaw is here and gone, do you know what it is doing?"

Link used the Swarm Commander to check the macaw, and he hid in a corner of the Colosseum. Neither go to play nor come out.

"Lao Jin told me just now that it is learning recently. Let's not disturb it and let it know when we leave." Ah Fu responded.

"Learning?" Link showed an incredible face, what did this guy do, why did he suddenly start learning. Is Zuan's stinky mouth boy changed his mind?

Mimi reading

"Well, since it has something to do on its own, don't bother him."

Link took two ribs from the iron basin and threw them to the Hellhound who had won the duel in the Colosseum. The Hellhound jumped up to catch the ribs and began to eat. And Link also took this opportunity to submit the task.

You complete the pet mission Wang's Glory, win three games in a row and get 20,000 extra experience

After feeding the Hellhound, he walked to the Colosseum and touched the Hellhound's head. This little guy was also extremely happy.

After all, I came to the Colosseum to take part in the beast a few months ago. Today, I can fight two games in a row and have a hearty victory. Don't mention how happy I am, and I still want to be happy in the Howling Castle.

"You play for a while, I went to look for a curly baboon."

Then Link and Afu left the basement floor and took the elevator to the casino on the floor.

"Afu, do you have any wishes now?" Lulink asked. Afu worked hard, came out of the desert with him, and was loyal all the way, and even voluntarily became Link's first synthetic person. According to the relationship given by the system, he is also Link's pet.

Ah Fu scratched his head and didn't even think about saying: "If I want to, is it still thinking about staying with the boss? Now, although he is in charge of the Colosseum, he is kind to me whether he is a stranger or another person. , No one dares to bully me. But I still think it's best to stay with the boss."

"Then other than this, do you have any wishes or ideas?" Ah Fu is a blessed general and a loyal servant of Link. At this stage in Shadu, he really needs him to guard one side, and let Ah Fu take charge of this place with the largest daily cash flow in Shadu, so Link can rest assured. But as long as he enters the 20th version of the plot and enters the universe, Link will definitely bring Afu with him, and the waste of Saturn's industry will be taken care of by others.

Ah Fu hummed and thought for a moment: "I still want to lift the coffin in Shadu. Does this count?"

Link's eyes lit up and smiled: "Forget it, of course! If this is the case, then I allow you to establish a funeral company in Shadu, and carry the funeral in your hometown to Shadu, and you will serve as chairman. can."

"Really? Thank you, boss!" Ah Fu looked ecstatic, and being able to pass down the family's craftsmanship and carry forward it was a worry.

"This is nothing. Originally, the entire Shah was taken care of from birth to death by our Lin consortium. Now we will allocate this business exclusively to you. You can manage it well in the future. Don't lose the face of your tribe. ."

In the past few days, Link feels more and more like Santa Claus, and has satisfied his pets.

As the two arrived at the casino, the curly baboon had been waiting for a long time.

"Why are you here? The flowers I'm waiting for are almost thankful," the curly baboon grumbled.

Link was accustomed to this. After all, when the curly-haired baboon was first synthesized, his speech was awkward and it was difficult to express various words without expressing his meaning. But this guy has always been the little brother of the macaw, and his words are all taught by the macaw, and he speaks with a sense of Zuan.

"Then I am here? Why, they can't have fun with you?"

There are some casino staff standing in front of the card table of the curly baboon, their heads lowered at the moment, expressions of shame.

"Hey, don't mention it, their technique is too good, I haven't tried so hard they fell down, it's boring and boring."

Link left only one licensing officer and waved to dismiss other staff.

"What are you going to play?" Link asked after taking his seat.

The curly-haired baboon glanced at Link, then looked at Afu and said, "Brother Fu, you should sit down and play, the three of us, let's play Fighting Landlords."

The three were seated, and Link signaled the dealer to shuffle the cards.

The curly baboon rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "This is my first time playing cards with my master, so excited!"

"That just made me see how Chen Daozai's descendants are powerful." Link laughed. Since the curly-haired baboon was synthesized, he has been listening to other people in the Qilintang saying that Doudizhu is very powerful. Hands, but Link has never seen it.

The curly-haired baboon laughed sharply: "I'm welcome, the master." He took out the gilt enamel porcelain cup that the treasure hunter had brought from him, and handed it to the dealer in front of the dealer. I have a cup of cappuccino, thank you!"

Cappuccino: Drink a cup of cappuccino, turn on the plug-in, and get a good card in Doudizhu. You can only use it once a day.

Curly-haired baboon took a sip and activated the skill cappno.

It was the first time for Link to be dealt with by his own pets, and it was indeed a new experience that he had never had before.

As the dealer finished the deal, Link got his own card.

Took a look,

Link Emoji

What kind of cards are these!

When the curly-haired baboon got the card, the corners of his mouth immediately raised, and he read the Bible.

"You may not know the concept of winning to 5.78 million with only 200,000."

"We generally only use two words to describe this kind of gambler!"

"I often say a word. Back then, my master Chen Daozai could win 37 million with 20 yuan, and my curly baboon won with 200,000 to 5 million, which is not a problem."

At this moment, the dealer bends over to signal: "Is anyone calling the landlord?"

Link took a look at his card. What kind of landlord is this called?

The dealer looked at the curly baboon again.

Curly-haired baboon resisted the smile at the corner of his mouth, and thought: "Ambush a hand, this card cannot be grabbed, this card does not need to be grabbed, he is dead."

When it came to Ah Fu, the other two clearly refused. Ah Fu pouted and said helplessly, "Well, then, I am the landlord."

And when Ah Fu's voice just fell, the curly baboon chuckles, and immediately doubles it super.

"Haha, backhand to a super double, muffled to make a fortune."

At this time, Ah Fu changed the cards, looked for a while, and followed a super double.

The curly-haired baboon was shocked, and immediately began his own calculations: Ah Fu also super doubled? But don't be afraid, his cards can't beat me. Five, six, seven, eight, ninety, two blows, this card is very awesome, if you change this k to j, my card will be a killer, but I can't change it.

At this time, Link simply ate the melons. It was obvious that Ah Fu and the curly baboon had a fight. There was a good show.

Whether it was the lucky black European Emperor who won, or the technology flow represented the curly baboon, it depends on this one.

Ah Fu looked for a moment, then walked a 6 alone.

Curly-haired baboon grinned, and immediately took out a k, thinking: silly criticism

Then the curly-haired baboon looked at Link and motioned with his eyes: "Take him a 2 and push him!"

But apparently Link hasn't recovered yet, he is already thinking about the ultimate battle between the emperor and the flow of technology.

The curly-haired baboon held a good hand of cards, and couldn't wait to move around under his seat.

"Master, hurry up!"

Link was harassed by the curly baboon, looked at his card for a moment and said, "No."

Ah Fu also laughed and hit a backhand? 2 to go out.

The curly baboon looked helpless, and walked away alone.

He came to Link to play cards again, but Link glanced at his own cards, lost in thought, unable to start.

"Master, hurry up, master! Master, don't be too slow." The curly baboon knows that he is not counting on Link now, but he can kill Ah Fu with his own good card.

Link again chose not to play, "No."

As soon as the voice fell, Ah Fu took out a big king backhand.

Not to be outdone, the curly baboon dropped 4444 and the bomb went up!

After a bomb, Link and Ah Fu both can't afford it.

The curly baboon stood up with excitement, and threw out the six cards of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, straight!

After the knowledge waiting card came off the table, the curly baboon glanced at the card in his hand: "It's a mistake. It should be a 2."

In this round, Link and Ah Fu chose again.

Curly-haired baboon glanced, now it has only five cards left in its hand, qaa23, and victory is in sight.

Just take a 2 and look at his remaining four cards, the curly baboon has the winning ticket.

Looking at Link who has not played a card in a curly baboon also started his own performance.

"Pour a cup of tea for the master. The master will pour you a cup of cappno. Pour a cup of cappno for the master! Start your bomb show and blow him up!"

Speaking of Link 7777 getting off the table, the odds really are enough, the bomb position.

"Pretty!" The curly baboon clenched his fists and couldn't help but cheer, then looked at the 17 cards in Afu's hand and couldn't help taunting: "You can kill me with 17 cards?! Can you kill me in seconds?! You can beat my curly baboon with seventeen cards today, and I! On the spot! Eat this gaming table!!"

The curly-haired baboon hadn't finished speaking, and Ah Fu directed a kkkkk bomb.

No one wants the highest bomb that can be released.

Ah Fu glanced at the two of them, and immediately removed all the remaining cards from the table.


Suddenly, the curly baboon froze in place without a god.

After a long time, he swallowed his saliva, covered his mouth with one hand in silence, and coughed.

Cough cough cough cough cough cough burp tactics cough

Ah Fu looked calm, fighting the landlord, is this stuff so difficult? Want to win all the time, don't you have a good hand?

Link also fell silent.

In this battle, the skillful curly baboon lost to the dark-skinned European Emperor Afu in his best project of Fighting Landlords.

Sure enough, Ouhuangke everything.

The entire casino was silent, and the two had their own thoughts.


Silence is the casino tonight.

s: I hope you all stood and voted for your monthly pass after reading this chapter. Wan Jun knelt down for you ?. In addition, I will give you two homework assignments, the two Bibles in this chapter, please memorize them all, check the class tomorrow, and if you can't answer, consciously draw out your monthly ticket. In addition, a chapter with 4,500 words, this chapter with 5,000 words

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