Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 401

Chapter 401

The curly baboon is also autistic. After using his skills, he actually lost to Ah Fu in the best fighting landlord.

"Curl, are you okay?" Link couldn't help but ask.

The only thing left in the curly-haired baboon's mouth is a sigh: "Master, I'm fine, don't worry about me, let me be alone."

"Really all right?" Link asked again.

Curly-haired baboon waved his hand: "It's really okay, I'll be alone for a while."

Link and Afu got up and left the casino.

On the way, Ah Fu kept looking back, looking worriedly at the autistic curly baboon, and asked, "Boss, is the curly baboon really all right?"

"It just didn't figure it out for a while, it will be fine later." Link knows this feeling well. The curly-haired baboon is extremely talented. He claims to be the second gambler after Chen Daozai. But today he encountered the biggest crisis in his career. Hei Pi Ohuang can not take care of himself. It's time to seriously doubt life.

Just then Ah Fu's cell phone rang, and it was Penguin Penney calling.

"Hey, supervisor, what's the matter?"

"Is the boss by your side? You turn on the phone and I have something to look for him." Penguin Penguin's voice was slightly hurried.

Because Link was going to accompany the pets this week, he didn't bring his mobile phone at all, for fear of phone harassment in the rare 'family time'. In addition, he was accompanied by his subordinates wherever he went, and there was no case that he could not be contacted.

Ah Fu skillfully turned on the phone, and Penguin's voice came from inside.

"Boss, the latest battle on the front line. The combined forces of the Shadu Army and the foreigners were hit by heavy long-range artillery fire from the enemy when they were building their positions on the front line. In the case of the dispatch of the generals, the Shadu Army is preparing to launch a second offensive."

After Penguin finished speaking, he waited for Link's instructions.

When Ah Fu heard the report, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and he was a little shocked. Shadu's military suffered a disastrous defeat on the front line. Doesn't that mean that the enemy's arrogance will be more arrogant? The Weeping Valley is the first line of barriers to Shadu. Will it be dangerous then?

Link was expressionless, these were the same as his previous guesses.

Even though Alonso had been in control in his previous life, he had turned up this kind of error because of lack of information.

It seems that sometimes history is a hundred million reincarnations. In this life, Alonso was killed, and the Sadhu military and political system became the military committee system. This situation is inevitable to happen again.

Link thought for a moment and said: "You tell the media department that this matter can be circulated in the public, but don't mention anything in the newspapers, including gossip newspapers like streets and lanes, and don't show any descriptions of war losses."

"Okay, I see, then my boss, are there other aspects that need attention?" Penguin asked.

"Nothing else, if not surprisingly, the war situation will soon turn for the better..."

Ah Fu, who hung up the phone, pouted, his brows furrowed and his facial features were almost twisted together with his dark skin. At first glance, he thought it was a black coal egg.

"Fu, why is your expression uncomfortable?" Link glanced at Afu and asked.

Ah Fu scratched his head and looked puzzled: "I just don't understand why the four commanders of the Shadu Military Commission clearly failed in their plan, but they organized the second wave of offensive like a child, in my opinion. This is exactly the act of giving heads away. Why can't they see through this with their vision and ability?"

Ah Fu didn't say a half of a word. This behavior of giving heads would seem mentally retarded to bystanders.

After hearing this, Link summed it up: "You want to say, why are the four commanders of the army leaders who have made such a stupid mistake that normal people do not make such a stupid mistake?"

Ah Fu nodded fiercely: "Boss, you are so amazing, you can sum up what I want to ask, you deserve to be the boss!"

Well, familiar formula, familiar flattering taste.

The two slowly walked to the lower level of the Arena of the Beasts, and walked all the way to the auditorium, where you can see the black whirlwind flying around the arena.

After the two were seated, Link said slowly: "When you encounter this kind of thing, you can't just stay on the surface, but learn to see the essence through the phenomenon."

"You only saw the four commanders lose their minds and want to regain their position like a child. If you want to analyze the motivation, you can't just look at the matter itself, but the driving force behind it."

"First of all, since I left the meeting, without my participation, they wanted to make some merits to regain their reputation among the people of Shadu. In the past few months, my name is too high, since Alonso After the generals and Moros were killed, Shadu had no ownership. I took over all of Moros' properties and unified the slums. With the title of special operations battalion commander given to Alonso before his death, I can say that I was in Shadu All the black and white military and political roads work, everyone calls me the new king of Shadu. It has even reached the level of tacit understanding that I am the highest official representative of Shadu."

"These public opinions are naturally good for me, but from the perspective of the four commanders, they seriously threaten their status and make them feel anxious. This is an influence on prestige."

"On a specific level, I control all the media mouthpieces of Shadu. TV, newspapers, advertisements... everything is under my control. If I want, their names will disappear from these media, and then What comes is a weaker and weaker influence."

"On the economic level, all military expenditures for Shadu now come from Shadu's fiscal revenue. I am the economic foreign minister, and I also control all the industries in Moros, unify the slums, and reach the height of Shadu unprecedented. It can be said that Shadu 100%. The sixty to seventy of military expenses came from the taxes and fees paid by the Lin consortium. Once I stopped paying taxes, with the family of the four commanders, the troops would be absolutely mutinous within two months. This is the basis for them. Without the troops, they It's nothing."

"So all the pressures from all quarters are gathered together, and it becomes the mountain that crushes the four commanders. The sand has me, and they are just chronic deaths. The sand has no me, then everything will collapse now, the desert coalition invades, and security With chaos and slum struggles everywhere, Shadu will inevitably go to extinction."

"They have no choice but to fight for it, but the first attempt failed. If they look for me now, then this matter will spread, the reputation of the four commanders will be completely wiped out, and the strangers will never again Believe them, even their subordinates will have a sense of distrust and lose their basics. So they have to fight again and bet that this time they can win a beautiful battle to recover their losses. Besides, do you think they can do anything else? "

After listening to the analysis by the boss, Ah Fu suddenly realized.

"If you don't fight this wave, it will be a chronic death, and you will be squeezed to death in the future. But fighting this wave may still have a ray of life. This may be their only chance..."

Ah Fu couldn't help but sweat.

He has always analyzed the problem from the perspective of the Lin consortium and the boss, but when he brought himself into the perspective of the four commanders, he suddenly felt extremely suffocated, as if he was about to break through the cage, but outside the cage, he was not seen on all sides. The height of the wall is hopeless.

Now Ah Fu finally understands that people's actions under strong pressure will be distorted. Moreover, organizing forces to send troops again is not a mentally retarded behavior, but a desperate choice.

Once this operation fails, there is only one way left before them...

"The boss, what do you think of this action? Will they succeed?" Ah Fu asked.

Link let out a sulky breath: "To deal with the coalition forces of the Mechanic Cult and the Wasteland Gang, it is unrealistic to kill them all at once. You have to slowly eat away their territory and resources. When you reach the critical point. , Their seemingly strong alliance will be wiped out, and then it will be time to send troops in large numbers."

"They sent troops this time because they felt that they were careless last time and there was no air strike force. This time they sent an air force to **** them to the south of the Goria Grand Canal, and they could advance into the desert smoothly. But they still underestimated the Mechanical Cult. In other words, it underestimated the Mechanical Pioneer. The Centipede was dead but not stiff, not to mention that the Mechanical Pioneer did not suffer any loss. I am afraid that the Air Force planes would not even be able to pass the Goria Grand Canal."

Ah Fu showed an expression of incomparable surprise, and was praised by the boss. It seemed that this mechanical pioneer did have a few...brushes.

"By the way, Afu, the nine-striped dragon is still in your coffin palace, right?" Link thought of the nine-striped dragon who was killed in the alley by himself on the night of gang siege in the slum area and whose soul was drawn by Afu.

Ah Fu nodded repeatedly, then summoned his own coffin palace and said: "Not only the soul, I have also preserved this guy's body. The boss can always ask for it." After he opened the coffin palace, Link saw a knuckle-sized one. Jiuwenlong soul.

"Your boss has been dead for a few months, and Shadu has changed the sky. Have you told you all about these Afu?"

Jiuwenlong was silent for a moment and nodded. Since he died, he was locked in the coffin palace, listening to Ah Fu telling him the situation outside. The soul-state Jiuwenlong does nothing here every day, only meditating. Recalling what happened before him, he became a soul state after death, and all cause and effect had been cut off on the night of gang siege.

After that, Jiuwenlong also met a lot of druid sages in the coffin palace, and was inspired by the chat. Now he has already let go of the hatred of his life, but is just confused about the future. Will he be imprisoned forever, or will he be suddenly refined into soul essence by Ah Fu one day and become a great tonic.

"Will you fight me after you come out?" Link asked.

Jiuwenlong's tone is humble: "The past events fell with me, and all cause and effect have already ended."

"You and Qinglong boss are in the same brotherhood, and the friendship for decades has been cut off so easily?"

"People can't come back from death, and now Shadu is in the hands of President Lin, thriving, and achievements have long been beyond our imagination. The firefly arrogantly competes with the bright moon, which is ridiculous."

After listening to Jiuwenlong, Link couldn't help looking at Ah Fu.

The domineering and unparalleled nine-patterned dragon, how could it feel like an eminent monk immediately after death, and his speech and King Kong were almost the same. Is it true that you can realize your enlightenment once you die?

Ah Fu shook his head and said that he didn't know that he didn't open the coffin palace every day to see it. The ghost knew that Jiuwenlong had become like this.

"Then if I can resurrect you, what do you plan to come alive?" Link's mouth curled slightly and raised the real question.

The Jiuwenlong was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly smiled: "Chairman Lin doesn't want to make fun of me. There were also many druids who came in before, and I also know about death. People cannot come back to life after death. This is the principle of heaven. . How easy is it to reverse the truth?"

"I'll just ask, if you are resurrected, what do you want most?"

"If there really is a chance to resurrect, then I choose to join the Lin Consortium and see for myself how far my previous opponents can go."

The corner of Link's mouth was slightly raised: "Well, please remember what you said today."

Ah Fu closed the coffin palace, and the Jiuwenlong sat cross-legged again to meditate.

He is still greedy for Jiuwenlong's [Shuanglong Mingge] specialty, which is a rare growth specialty, but the Qinglong boss restricts the effect of the specialty.

Ssangyong Life Grid-With Ssangyong Convergence Life Grid, you can prosper the master and get 10% of the master's attributes as your own extra attributes.

As Link, who has dual templates for players and NPCs, breaking the ceiling is destined. If you can subdue Jiuwenlong as your subordinate, then your growth is absolutely top-notch. In addition, it is lv25+ (elite). With this specialty, it is only a matter of time before John or Li Ziqian can tune it.

As for the method of resurrection, everything is in Link's plan.

Now the underground database is being established, and the spy mouse will be able to transfer the data to the database after it is completed, and there will be traces of the various plans of the Mechanic Cult. Whether it is cloning technology or the immortal plan, it can resurrect the nine-patterned dragon.

But for all of this, you have to wait for Dave, the master of three-line mechanics to build the database, and then integrate the knowledge.

However, it is only the beginning of version 1.0, and Link has time, not in a hurry.

"Well, you go call Lao Jin, I should go back to Weeping Valley."

Link packed up and left.

Penguin's phone call also revealed an important message, that is, the four commanders of Shadu began to organize a second attack.

If Link did not expect, this second dispatch should be tonight, and a fiasco would soon be ushered in, when he had to clean up the mess again.

There is a fast tunnel under the Colosseum Field that leads directly to the Weeping Valley, and Link and macaw, hellhound, curly baboon and black whirlwind quickly return to Howling Castle.

"I heard you are studying these few days, what are you studying?"

The macaw turned sideways with a look of caution: "I won't tell you."

The macaw didn't want to say, and Link didn't plan to ask.

After this week's rest, his relationship with pets has improved. In the process, he also has a lot of new experiences about how to get along with pets.

Back at Wuthering Castle, Link's first thing was to call the MI Department Yi, the deputy director of the office, with his feet on the table and a yawn in his mouth.

In the past few days, all missions related to the desert have ceased, and only sporadic missions to the desert.

At this moment, the original lively military affairs office is very busy, the strangers who come here, and even the staff of the military affairs office are not busy.

Jingle Bell.

Suddenly, the phone on the office desk rang.

"Who, call me tonight..." Ren Yi grumbled and picked up the phone. The next second he stood up straight, with a serious tone: "Hello Director! Yes, I will make arrangements! I understand, please rest assured, Director! "

After a phone call, the distracted Ren Yi swept away his frustration, his eyes flashed, and he clapped his hands to signal all the staff to pay attention: "Everyone is ready to prepare, the director has a task to dispatch, we will resume work tonight!"

For a while, the MI Department burst into cheers.

The sporadic players looked at the cheering staff of the empty military affairs office, with a look of doubt: Could this group of people be crazy and stupid?

At nine o'clock in the evening, the four armies of Shadu marched into the desert through the weeping valley.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, when Link watched his coffee on the balcony, he saw a burst of fire rising in the distance of the dark night sky.

Immediately afterwards, the soaring laser shot directly into the sky, and the sky lit up like a firework explosion.

he knows,


it's over.


It's time to get out.

PS: In the next chapter, at 12 o'clock, the Xiuxian Party can wait for a while. Thank you for your support. The monthly ticket is rising so fast today, I am grateful!