Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 399

Chapter 399

Master of Monster Synthesis Chapter 399: Link's Dajuguan Audio Novel Online Listening

Seeing Commander Dai anxious, Link sold it again, grinning anxiously.

During this period of time, the four departments all set up their own mission departments in accordance with the establishment of the Military Intelligence Department to test the waters. They also gave generous conditions, and they did attract a group of players. It's just that in terms of strength, this group of players still can't compare with the players who joined the military intelligence department.

The previous four commanders were all 'seeing from afar' foreigners. Now that they have real strangers under their command, they discovered the horror of these 'immortal strangers' after gaining a quantitative advantage. A task that originally required a large force to be dispatched, but now that it is thrown to foreigners to let them form their own team, the cost is not even as much as the cost of a soldier who died, and the task can be successfully completed.

This costly labor force shocked the four commanders' jaws.

The hundreds of people under his command, and the tens of thousands of people in the Military Intelligence Department, can imagine how fierce the force can be.

Now the four commanders sighed with regret, regretting that they didn't surrender and come into contact with foreigners earlier, allowing Link to seize the opportunity.

Now they can only drink some soup behind Link and take in a little bit that has no task to do in the military intelligence department before they come to their "newcomers".

But yesterday, the four commanders learned that Link and John had taken six strangers from a stranger. They went to the Machine City through the tunnel they didn't know when they dug!

When they heard the news, the commanders looked pale. If Link had two shortcomings, the entire Sha would completely collapse, and the army would not be able to suppress it. However, when they heard the news of their smooth return, the commanders all unanimously breathed a sigh of relief, and then they began to understand the purpose of Link's trip to the Mechanic City and the situation that they had discovered.

So there is today's temporary meeting.

"Okay, I won't be kidding you, what do you want to know." Link asked, sweeping four faces full of curiosity. Remember luo in one second.

With a ferocious look, Dai glanced over the other three commanders, and signaled him to ask questions first, and no one would fight him.

"Is the crypt where you went to the Machine City still? Was it discovered by the enemy when you left? Can you continue to use it!?" Dai Yi didn't care about why Link went to the Machine City. He only cared about it. Whether the acupoint can continue to be used. As long as it is still there and has not been discovered by the enemy, then Sha can send a large army of troops to heaven, bypass the traps, snipers and bunker battle lines of the vast desert, and appear directly on the only way to the machine city, giving the enemy a fatal blow!

This Commander Dai is really loyal to Shadu and his first thought at this time is to attack Mechanical City.

Link answered truthfully: "Some of the exits have collapsed in battle, but there are still one or two places that can be used."

After receiving Link's affirmative reply, Commander Dai's gloomy expression can be described as seeing the sun. The twisted and uncoordinated facial features suddenly stretched out, relieved with a sigh of relief, and sat down in his seat: "You can send It is very likely that people will maintain this tunnel well, which is the key to the outcome of the war."

Link was stunned for a moment. How could this crypt used to speed through the battle become the key to victory or defeat?

In this situation, can you just go straight to A?

However, Link did not speak to refute the existence of poor information after all. The four commanders knew nothing about him and the player's power.

"Commander Dai don't have to worry, because the ground has the tightest defense, even if the mechanical gods are dispatched, they will return without success."

Dai Yi saw that Link was a little overconfident and exhorted again and again: "Don't be careless, and don't underestimate the Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang. They can gain a foothold in the desert. They have not been wiped out for decades and become bigger and bigger. It makes sense."

The corners of Link's mouth raised slightly. If members of the Mechanical God Sect and the Wasteland Gang dared to enter the crypt after seeing the Dragon God, then Linke could only say a mouse tail juice!

At this time, the commander of the Air Force Commander Winleton asked: "You went to the Mechanical Cult with the painter this time. Have you seen the Mechanical Pioneers? What are you doing for sneaking in?"

"Go and help John deal with some personal affairs. The mechanical pioneers also saw that the four districts of the mechanical city have different degrees of damage. The mechanical giants are also repairing the mechanical city. During this period of time, they can't move. Therefore, energy shortages, steel smelting and Machinery manufacturing is in a state of large-scale shutdown. Link finished speaking, and looked up at Commander Winlayton: I think this, Commander Winlayton, you already know, after all, the Air Force has cruise reconnaissance aircraft.

Commander Winlayton looked embarrassed, and then immediately made a smiley face: "Haha, Commissioner Lin really expected everything. After learning the news yesterday, I did send a team of reconnaissance planes to the desert to learn about the situation. The news that came back was with you. It's not bad at all. I am also trying to determine the loss of the Mechanical City, so as to discuss the next stage of the plan."

For this little nine of the four commanders present, Link has long been used to it.

Obviously he had sent a reconnaissance plane to know the situation, but he still wanted to follow Link's words.

However, for the big and small things that happened in Shadu, especially the underground black market and the fourth military department, Link had a complete intelligence system and knew clearly.

Standing in a high position, he was always wary of Link's involvement in their one-acre three-point land. After the incident, he looked cautiously and tentatively, like an old woman crouching together under the southern wall of the village head and talking gossip chewing her tongue.

Fernandez, who has always been taciturn, also straightened up at this moment, his eyes lightened: "This opportunity is once in a lifetime, maybe it's time for us to clear the desert!"

Even the commander of the special fox hunting unit Moon, who has always been cautious, is also ready to move, thinking that it is a good time to "take your life while you are sick" and deliberately attack the desert.

Even the eyes of Li Ziqian and Benjamin shone with impulsive light.

Now is the right time for men to make contributions in troubled times.

But Link poured cold water on everyone.

"If the war is divided into three stages, contact and trial, formal confrontation, and later end. At most, it is still in contact and trial stage. Both sides have not sent troops to suppress the battle. If we rush the troops to suppress the border, we will only encounter fierce counterattacks from the enemy. The current mechanical city is an opportunity in your eyes, but in my eyes it is a bait that attracts us to send troops on a large scale. Once troops are sent, the wasteland gang hiding behind will stick out their fangs..."

Air Force Commander Winleton gave a chuckle, scorning Link's opinion.

"Commissioner Lin didn't inform us, he committed the danger to Mechanic City alone, and caused such a big damage. Why are you now cowardly and cautious?" Winleyton became angry, the subtext of this statement is.

"It's the Wasteland Gang's hands. Our army will quickly kill the Mechanic Cult. With the Gauria Grand Canal as the boundary and confronting the Wasteland Gang, it will be better than passive defense now." Army Commander Fernandez analyzed, "There are the Army, Teco, Special forces and aliens, coupled with the support of the Air Force, will not be a problem to quickly win the Mechanical Cult!"

Even Dai Yi believed that, plus the existing crypt directly leading to the Grand Canal of Goria, the front and back flanks would definitely be able to win the Mechanic City in one battle.

Commander Moon, as some of the people present who have the best personal relationship with Link, can't help but ask: Commissioner Lin's three stages of war are very interesting to think about. Since Commissioner Lin defines that the war is still in the contact and probing stage, then you What do you think the enemy will do next?"

Link took a sip of tea to moisturize his throat: "With the unremitting efforts of foreigners, the Starlink Project of the Desert Alliance can basically be declared a failure. And some bunkers in front of the Goria Grand Canal were opened when John and I left. It's a two-kilometer hole. Now it's winter, energy consumption is increasing, and the Mechanic City needs to be repaired, requiring a lot of metal and energy. Now we are arranging a large-scale attack and swapping the opponent's limit. That's what Mechanic Sect is happy to see. ."

"Moreover, the Wasteland Gang has not made any effort from beginning to end. It is important to know that these warlords can shake hands and attack together with the Mechanical God Cult. First, it shows that the black table warlords within it have reached a unified opinion. The strength of the six warlords of the Wasteland Gang is geometric, Commander Dai should be clear to me, right now? The purpose of rushing into the formation is to give the opponent a chance. And you should not underestimate the strength of the mechanical pioneers. If it is a war between the two sides, his deterrence is beyond the war itself and can be used All members of the Mechanical God Cult will be upgraded to the next level! There are also large-scale destructive skills, which have their own power to reverse the situation of war."

"Commissioner Lin...what you are talking about is a bit aspirational to defeat your own prestige, right?"

Link's response left Commander Winleton speechless.

"Have any of you here fought against the pioneers of the machine? Or anyone under your command who fought against the pioneers of the machine and came back alive, you can ask them if what I said is true."

"Commissioner Lin shouldn't be angry, then how do you think we should act in this situation?" Dai Yi asked.

"In the next period of time, the desert coalition forces that have lost their bunkers will most likely send mobile forces to frequently harass, break them into pieces and launch guerrillas in the desert, changing time with speed. The singles and teams under the existing mission system, It is very likely to become a breakthrough point for the enemy."

Link said he got up and said to the four people: "If you want to make a big move or give a mission next, you can decide for yourself. As a member of the military committee and the director of the military intelligence department, I refuse to participate in your reckless actions. "

After Link finished speaking, he turned and left. Benjamin, the secretary, nodded and apologized to the commanders, and then immediately followed.

When he walked out of the conference building, Benjamin's sullen face immediately blossomed, and he moved to Link to recover his silly whiteness.

"Brother Lin, fierce! It's too aggressive to speak directly to the four commanders!"

Link glanced at Benjamin with a serious expression: "Brothers who are you with, pay attention to the occasion! If you are seen, do you still want this job?"

"Good sir!"

"But what the chief said just now is really still frightening the commanders?"

Link thought of the commanders who were pregnant with ghosts, and couldn't help but snorted, "You will find out in a few days."

After linking the car, Link rolled down the window, and finally told Benjamin: "The four commanders will definitely persuade you to join in these days. You can find an excuse to withdraw. This matter is no accident. Results will be available in a few days. ."

Benjamin nodded blankly, then watched Link's black business car leave the military area.

In the car, Link couldn't help laughing again at the thought of the ugliness of the commanders.

Several people seem to have the same guns to the outside, and they all have the determination to sweep the desert and completely solve the extremist forces, but the core driving force behind them is personal calculations.

The commander of the Air Force Winlayton is the most cunning.

Instigating an offensive, other people, whether it is the army, Teco or the fox hunting special forces, have to take out the guy who presses the bottom of the box.

Only his air force needs only air strike and reconnaissance operations.

After a battle is fought, the one with the least loss must be Commander Winlayton. At that time, his right to speak in the Military Commission will increase. When the time comes, the lineup of four commanders and one committee member will definitely become one general, three commanders plus one. A member, the Military Commission may become a standout in Winleton.

The Wasteland Gang has long-range fixed-point strike capabilities such as tanks, howitzers, and anti-aircraft guns, and is blocked by the Mechanic Cult and the Goria Grand Canal. Once the total offensive is opened, how many players and soldiers will die in vain. If it fails, the army will be defeated like a mountain, and the large defensive force field in the Weeping Valley has not been built, and the entire sand may fall.

In the afternoon, after Link returned to Wuthering Castle, he decisively called Ren Yi, the deputy director of the Office of Military Intelligence.

"In the following period, reduce the number of tasks in the form of small teams, reduce the total number of single-player tasks, and everything will be austerity."

With a solemn expression, Ren Yi responded: "What if strangers initiate complaints? The other four departments seem to have established similar organizations..."

"It's okay, let them go. The Military Intelligence Department must strictly implement it and reduce the amount of tasks every day."

"Okay, please rest assured, Director, I will strictly implement the standards!"

Ren Yi was on duty early in the morning yesterday and received five strangers. They all had tokens exchanged by Director Lin.

Combining with Director Lin that he heard during the day, leading the killer painter and six strangers into the Mechanical City, and now this phone call, Ren Yi keenly sensed that something big would happen next.

In the next few days, the military intelligence department's tasks were tightened, and the tasks of the five-person team were basically no tasks overnight. The individual tasks were gradually reduced, and the options were greatly reduced.

On the contrary, it was the mission office set up by the other four commanders of the military department that began to issue missions on a large scale.

Although the rewards are not military and generous, they are better in choosing.

For the player, it is to move a nest to retake the task.

For a time, the formerly lively Shenmu City Military Intelligence Department, Men even with the Shenmu City, there are signs of desolation.

Shadu, military area, meeting room.

The four commanders gathered together, three of them were full of happiness, and one looked sad.

"Hahaha, why is Commander Moon with a black face? Is there not enough foreigners in the past few days?" Air Force Commander Winleyton laughed.

Commander Moon slowly said: "I just think the task in the desert has been done a little too easily these days. I always feel like something big has happened..."

"What big things can happen? Teco's intelligence personnel and spies are spilling out every day, adding information provided by foreigners. Now we have recovered 60% of the desert, and we can already see the parked next to the Grand Canal. The machine city is now. At this distance, you only need to build a position and fight an offense, not even Commissioner Lin's crypt." Dai Yi said excitedly.

"The army and the foreigners in the mission department have already begun to build positions in the desert. I now know how terrifying these foreigners are. In the past, such projects cost a lot, but now it only needs to give the foreigners a little benefit. Starting such a big project. It must be recaptured north of the Goria Grand Canal!" Army Commander Fernandez's eyes lit up.

"Haha, this time Link is a fool. It's fortunate that he didn't participate in it. Otherwise, with his financial resources and reputation among foreigners, wouldn't he take away most of his fame and credit?" Winleyton Commander Yin and Yang strange airways.

At this moment, Li Ziqian outside the door rushed in hurriedly holding a copy.

"Commander, it's not good, something big happened on the front line!"

P.S: I have a dream. This month I can be in the top 100 of the monthly ticket list. Now Wanjun's ranking is 114. I will work hard to update it. I hope everyone can support me and let this book receive this honor. Thanks!

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