Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Monster Synthesis Master Chapter 398: Polymath Specialization and Desert Project Audio Novel Online Listening

Link glanced at the car window. A lot of people stood in front of the steps under the city library, and they were sitting on the third floor and the third floor.

"President, there are so many people here, are they doing activities, are we going to go now?" the private driver asked back.

"go with."

The driver parked the car on the side of the road, then got out of the car and opened the door for Link.

Link's black car was magnificent and luxurious, and the player noticed it as soon as it stopped on the side of the road.

Looking at the license plate of k0001 again, the player suddenly realized that this is the new king!

When Link got out of the car, the noisy city library square became quiet, and all the players looked back at Link.

Link has long been accustomed to being stared at by so many eyes, and he would be a little bit embarrassed if he changed.

After tidying up the suit buttons, Link calmly walked along the stairs to the player.

These protesting players stared at Link in a daze. They were all shocked by his inexplicable temperament and the long-standing sense of loftiness that had formed in the players' minds. They took the initiative to give way.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of eyes used detection on Link, but except for the name, occupation, and some identity titles, everything else was question marks.

But this still can't stop the enthusiasm of the players to check in person.

This is Link, the man who leads the hot search in games and reality!

The player allowed to clear the way, and the clouds were seen in an instant.

Link saw the library staff pulling the cordon at the fist statue where knowledge is power. After seeing Link, the other party hurriedly stepped forward and bowed slightly: "Commissioner Lin, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Link couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, "I didn't notify you before I came."

"Oh, it is the curator's lover and Adjutant Benjamin who called in advance and said that you are coming, so we are temporarily closed and will not accept other people, waiting for Committee Lin to visit."

Multi-source novel a: Mimi reading

Link didn't expect it to be Benjamin, didn't he spend a little while, this guy actually called him directly.

Regardless, if you directly enter the library to find an administrator to hand over professional tasks, you will be surrounded by a large number of speculative players. Now that the library has been cleaned up, there happens to be a quieter space.

"Okay, lead the way."

The staff led Link into the library. Benjamin's wife, who was also the curator Jenny, was also waiting at the door. Seeing Link's face was filled with a bright smile and said: "Commissioner Lin, you are here, and I would like to thank you For the support of the library work, you did not come when the library opened yesterday. It happened to be a visit to the expanded library today."

"Trouble the curator."

Jenny also knows Link's habits? Except for the normal staff, there are no other people in the library.

When Link walked into the city library, the appearance of this place was greatly changed from the previous life. After the expansion, the library can accommodate more people? And the division is more reasonable.

Link turned on the emperor's lookout technique and found the position of the administrator in the library.

Link walked to the administrator, and the administrator who was wiping the dust turned around and saw Link? The first sentence was: "Commissioner Lin is here, thank you for sponsoring the expansion of the library." After finishing speaking, he looked at Link carefully: "You Is there a realm of learning rich five cars so soon? Very good, very good"

The rag that the administrator put down his hand? Bring Link to the shrine-like place deep in the library.

In front of the shrine is a sculpture? The sculpture is a carved stone slab, knotted rope, tortoise shell, bronze tripod, sheepskin, bamboo slips, silk and the last book paper.

Link saw at a glance that this sculpture was about the process of passing on knowledge of characters.

"You must be troubled now? Knowledge is infinite, but due to manpower? He can't pry into the mystery of knowledge in his lifetime? You can only master one or two choices."

This sounded crooked, but it was automatically translated into a more understandable language after entering Link's ear.

The skill bar is not enough, right? A good polymath, but now I can only learn as many skills as other professions

Link nodded following the words of the librarian.

To be honest, this question is indeed the key to restricting this hidden profession? Such a high degree of difficulty in acquisition? As a result, there is still a limit on the number of skills after learning? Although it is possible to learn skills from different departments? But in the case of the same total amount, the pool is widened However, the bottom of the pool is also much shallower, and it is difficult to learn the core skills of each profession.

The administrator pointed to the knowledge statue in front of him and said: "It can solve your troubles. As long as you worship knowledge sincerely, it will provide you with protection as you wish."

Link raised his brows and looked at the statue again.

The statue, which was still made of steel just now, gradually faded from the black iron-like appearance of the whole body, revealing the gold and silver luster inside.

For a while, the light was brilliant, and there was a faint and solemn lingering sound around the beam.

"Unexpectedly, this statue was actually an altar!" Link's face was full of light, as if the golden light had solidified his expression.

Altar, a rare buff building in the game of destiny. This kind of thing generally only exists in high-risk ruins, advanced copies, and some advanced tasks or adventure rewards. The effect of each kind of altar is different, and the required sacrifices are also different. As long as you enshrine the required resources to the corresponding altar, you can get rewards.

As far as Link knows, the altar has gradually appeared in the player's field of vision after exploring various planets in the universe, or the remnants of the universe, after the 20th version. I have never heard of this thing in the 10th version. However, the previous life Link was a goldsmith who was not in the forefront of the strength list without personal connections, and lack of inside information was normal.

Link threw a probe and saw the altar type.

Altar of knowledge

Level: 60

Description: The altar of knowledge that integrates the thousands of knowledge of the waste Saturn, contains the atmosphere of the majestic sea of books, provides suitable things, and the altar allows you to bless you

Enshrinement requirements: 6 million experience points

Reward: Polymath Specialization 1

After reading the request of the altar of knowledge, Link took a breath.

What a big hand!

The worship of an altar of knowledge actually requires 6 million experience points.

Link has been busy for so long, and now he has only 4.61 million experience.

The rewards of the Altar of Knowledge are also very tempting to specialize in polymath 1.

Although I still don't see what the effect of the so-called polymath specialization 1 is, but the specialization that touches one's own profession, it will definitely not be bad! As for the specialization, there is a 1 after it. From Link's point of view, there should be suffixes like 2 and 3 in the future, which is a growing specialization.

"Although you have accumulated a lot of knowledge now, you are still a long way from reaching the recognition of the knowledge altar. After you have accumulated enough knowledge, you can come to the knowledge altar to pray for blessings at any time during the library's business hours." The clerk finished speaking and left alone.

The content of Link's professional mission, Learning Rich Five Cars, has also been changed. x

The content of your professional task of learning rich five cars has changed

Task reminder: sacrifice 6 million experience to the altar of knowledge

Task Reward: Lorear Specialization 1. Blessing of the Altar of Knowledge

The preceding guidance phase is over, and the real mission requirements appear.

Link looked at the administrator's inscrutable back like a sweeping monk, and thanked him.

This polymath tutor, hidden in the city, hiding in the library, is a figure that Link can't see through. Even with detection, he can only find regular information, and even deeper information shows question marks.

The task is determined, and there is still a short distance from the target.

1.4 million experience is not too much, and less is not too little.

Link turned and left the library.

When I walked to the door of the library, Curator Jenny was already waiting at the door, and as usual, delivered the library's souvenirs.

"Commissioner Lin, thanks to your financial support for the expansion of the library, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the city library. Your support has also won the library a lot of local aristocrats and people in the chemical world. Concerned, many of them have sent their own collection of books to expand the library stack."

Jenny smiled and handed the paper bag to Link and said: "So this time we have prepared a batch of new thank-you gifts in order to thank everyone for your love and support. Please accept it."

Link took the paper bag and felt the weight. Indeed, the gift before was heavier.

"Besides, in order to thank Commissioner Lin for his continuous support, I consulted the previous senior librarians and they unanimously agreed with my decision." Jenny said as she took out a red brocade box from her pocket and opened it immediately.

A golden medal was lying quietly in the brocade box.

"I now invite Commissioner Lin to become the honorary curator of Shadu Library, and I also ask you to agree."

Everyone around the staff clap their hands like the walrus pats their belly.

"If this is the case, then I am disrespectful." Link took the golden medal and put it on his chest.

At the same time, several prompts appeared on the Link interface.

You get 10,000 points of fame as the Sand City Library

The reputation of your Shadu library from worship

You get a new title: Honorary Curator

When Link took a photo with the library staff, he took the time to take a look at the effect of the honorary curator.

Honorary Curator: The cost of learning in the Shadu Library is reduced by 50, and the cost of learning at any location after wearing the medal is reduced by 25.

Seeing the effect of the new title, Link was secretly delighted.

When I was a partner before, I could receive low-level experience books every month.

Now the reputation of the city library has been upgraded to worship, and the title of honorary curator has been obtained, and the effect of reducing experience consumption is even more outstanding.

One step closer to smooth out the experience consumption of the polymath profession, and this medal is equivalent to a permanent effect. When it is inconvenient for you to come to the Shadu Library, you can also wear the medal to reduce consumption.

There is no white flower in my own million.

The player standing outside the cordon in the distance, seeing the medal and the picture taken together, talked to the library staff responsible for guarding the cord, and then snarled the words of the award ceremony and the honorary curator from nc's mouth.

"It's no wonder that I was kicked out of the library when I entered the library early. It turned out to be an award ceremony."

"Now Link will be happy to mention the title again, and I can call Curator Lin when I see you."

"It seems that the ceremonial horse can be over. After Link is gone, we can go there and learn."

The players waiting outside were very excited. After all, the city library opened yesterday. Some players discovered that skills can be learned in the library, and four super power systems can be studied, eliminating the trouble of running around in line.

So yesterday, the whole city library was in an endless stream, reaching the peak since the establishment of the city library.

As the curator, Jenny did not admire Link's vision after seeing such a enthusiastic scene.

If the library is not expanded and repaired, with this density and number of personnel, I am afraid something will happen.

After the award, Link left the library accompanied by the driver.

When Link left, glanced in the rearview mirror, tens of millions of players in the square swarmed into the library.

Now, it is no longer feasible to teach players skills and experience. Firstly, it was too time-consuming. Secondly, the average level of players is now 1214. Basically, they have already been transferred and learned the first level of career skills. With the ink in Link's stomach, there is nothing to teach.

"Chairman, where are we going now?" The driver glanced at the time. It was only eleven o'clock, and there were still three hours before the military district meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Go back to the Kylin Hall first, take a break after dinner, and then go to the military area in the afternoon."

When Link finished speaking, he opened the paper bag presented by the city library.

There are a total of 5 low-level experience books, and 2 level experience books. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

The low-level experience book is a random increase of 50.02 million experience points, while the first-level experience book is 50,200,000.

"Oh, things are good things, if they can be combined with pets." Link was a little emotional. He also tried to synthesize experience books with pets before, but the system prompts that experience books belong to special items, not materials, and cannot Synthesis. x

Link rubbed his hands and whispered in a low voice, "It's time to test his luck again"

After shooting 5 low-level experience books in a row, Link's face turned black.

Between 250,000 and 100,000 experience, he only got 40,000 experience, not even a figure.

"Is it so bad luck?" Link gritted his teeth and opened the two level experience books, earning 250,000 experience properly. 0

So far, Link's experience pool has a total of 4.9 million experience, which is only 1.1 million short of the 6 million experience required for the Altar of Knowledge.

After Wulink returned to the Kylin Hall, he listened to Bob's recent work report, and then chatted with the special soldiers who had been retired to the special operations camp to train dogs, and learned about the recent operations of the camp.

In the afternoon, Link came to the military district on time.

Just walked into the conference room and found that the four commanders had already been seated and arrived at the venue.

"Yeah, the four of you are very punctual today"

Link has not yet taken his seat, and the most anxious commander of Saudi Arabia Te Kedai can't wait to ask: "Commissioner Lin, I heard that you went to the Machine City last night, what is the situation?"

Link bought a pass and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Foresee the situation of the trip to Mechanical City, and let me slowly break it down."

s: I made a detailed outline of the follow-up plot today. Let's leave a chapter for now. Let's rest early, and continue to watch Wanjun add more tomorrow! In addition, the protagonist data has been updated, you can check the **** related to the work

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