Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 397

Chapter 397

Monster Synthesis Master Chapter 397: A new day has begun (plus 21, 22) audio novel online listening

After John and Martha leave.

Link looked at Dave next to him and asked, "What are your plans after arriving in Shenmu City?"

Dave's eyes were filled with confusion, and he looked at the gate of Shenmu City, which was endless in the distance: "I don't know. I used to escape from Machine City. In order to save Helen, he started to delve into the machine, thinking that he could get into the Machine City. , I have spent all my energy studying machinery in the past ten years, and I don't have any other skills. If I get to Shenmu City, I'm probably going to go back to my old profession."

Link threw out the olive branch at the right time, took out the blueprint of the tokamak installation and the blueprint of the large-scale defense field, and said: "Since you are going to work in your old business, are you interested in doing something big?"

Dave took the tokamak blueprint and the blueprint of the large defensive force field with a dazed expression, and his mechanical eyes contracted back and forth to focus. The expression on his entire face was full of shock and shock, and his hands were shaking.

"Mechanical God Cult has persecuted your grandfather and grandson for more than ten years, and now it is too easy to find your granddaughter and want to write it off?

Link turned the front line and continued: "But at your age, it is definitely not appropriate to go to the front line. Enjoy the happiness of family in Shenmu City, usually help in the planning and installation of the large defensive force field, and then give the city those strangers who like the mechanical system. Someone give some pointers."

Link's words are magical, and Dave can't help but imagine such a fulfilling and happy life.

Although I studied machinery to save my granddaughter, I still have a strong interest and affection in studying machinery every day, regardless of the heat and cold. If only hatred is the motivation, and there is no interest and talent, there are so many people who study machinery, but none of them can reach the level of a master of three-line machinery like Dave.

"As for remuneration, I will definitely not treat you badly. You can't participate in Helen's childhood. In her youth, you must have money to support you?"

"If you want to delve into machinery, the spy mouse has also brought in the laboratory plans and data of the Machinery City. If you have an idea, I can set up a mechanical research department of the Lin Consortium, and you will take the lead as the person in charge. What do you usually do? It's not bad."

Link's words are both practical and emotional, and they are impeccable.

Helen on the side also made crazy assists: "Yes, grandpa, you have studied machinery for more than ten years, and now it is not realistic to put it down. You can't stare at me every day, don't you do your own thing? You have already consumed me. In ten years, I have to have something I want to do."

Dave himself was about to move in his heart. Garlink and his granddaughter Helen made up his mind and said: "Well, since the president doesn't dislike it, then I'm joining the Lin's consortium. I read these two drawings and the president wants to use it. With the Tokamak device as the source of power, is the entire Weeping Valley included in the protection of the large defensive force field?"

It was easy to communicate with the three-line mechanical master. Link just showed the two drawings to the other party and Dave understood Link's thoughts.

"Just make a list of what manpower and material resources are needed, or if I set up a project team, you need to directly connect with the supervisor Penny."

Dave's twilight heart was activated by Link's big hand? There was even an ambition.

He has been to Mechanic City? The exquisite design in it? And all kinds of technology beyond the horizon, he has seen? Now Linker even has the data terminal data of the Mechanic City laboratory? There are too many places for research. Up.

"Can I hold these two drawings first? I will first research these days if there are any enhancements and improvements. President, if you want to act first? I suggest that you first transfer all the spy mouse body data to the memory. Let me see if there are any improvements and upgrades in it? Finally, I will come up with a plan."

"Well, do you take the drawings? Plan to do it slowly, and don't forget to maintain family relationships while working."

The loyalty of your subordinate Dave 5? Loyalty reaches 100 points, become a diehard

Following the system prompt? Link accepted another general, and more importantly, left the future mechanical goddess in Shenmu City.

Link was in a good mood.

With Dave and Helen, Link's plan to control mechanical players? Has been half done.

The current decisions of the Shadu players, the Druid players of the Moon Shadow Council, and Link can already substantially affect these two types of players. Soon the cute new cuties of the mechanical system will also be included by Link.

"I have arranged a villa for you in Shenmu City. In addition, I will prepare food for Helen every day, so that she can recover as soon as possible."

"Thank you, President."

What else did Dave say.

My original plan was to break into the mechanical city alone to save people, and the chances were very slim.

However, under Link's operation, he successfully rescued his granddaughter Helen, and he was safe.

Now being under the command of Link, he is still worried about Helen's health. She supplies little fragrant pigs with a market price of more than 100,000 to regulate her body every day. This kindness is really painful and hard to repay.

Dave made up his mind to get things done for the large defensive force field, and to improve it with the information of the Mechanical God.

After all, ensuring the safety of Crying Valley is not only for the boss Link, but also for his granddaughter Helen to have a safe and stable living environment.

Now, create it yourself!

Seeing off Dave and Helen, Link sighed as he watched the leaving jeep.

John's matter has come to an end, and his main mission of Waste Saturn has not been completed, and I am afraid that he will have to wait for the next stage of the plot to start.

Successfully harvested the three-line mechanical master Dave, and incidentally, a Helen Loli who has not shown any mechanical talent.

But Link is not worried about this.

From today's contact, it seems that although Helen has been locked up in the nutrition warehouse for a long time, she has a quick thinking and a free personality, and she has no sequelae of staying in the nutrition warehouse for a long time. With this kind of happy personality, following Dave for a long time, the ears and eyes will have a certain interest in machinery. At that time, the talent will be stimulated, and Dave will definitely be willing to teach his granddaughter his knowledge of the bottom of the box.

After all, to survive in a place where the waste of Saturn is the law of chaos, instead of giving your life to others, it is better to have enough strength to grasp your own destiny.

A leader-level mechanical goddess is a great help to Link.

It is late to bid farewell to the four.

The sun has slanted west behind the sacred tree Nuoxi, and the Howling Castle is covered by the shadow of the sacred tree.

Link turned back to the castle.

At this time, the city library was closed, and Link couldn't see the librarian when he went there. He could only wait until tomorrow to visit the library for his professional tasks. It happened to be November tomorrow, so I went to the library and picked up the new January experience book.

Back in the office, Link made the next plan.

The battle between Shadu and the forces of the desert has now entered a white-hot stage.

The intelligence of bombing the chicken and the stolen plan made Link thwart the Starlink plan of the Mechanic Cult to expand.

And the action of sneaking into the Mechanic City will damage Mechanic Cult in immeasurable ways.

In addition to winter in November, the temperature of the desert will be lower.

As an old saying goes, it's usually colder this winter, so it's not easy!

The Mechatronics religion needs to devote more resources and energy to the maintenance of the Mechanic City, and the energy and materials available for experimentation will be greatly reduced.

Without boasting, Link's fight against the Mecha Sect was at least two years back!

But the more you get to this juncture, the more you cannot take it lightly.

The advantage of mechanical creatures lies in a calm and programmed processing brain. It will find the only possibility from tens of millions of impossibility through calculations, and then hit you by surprise, turning disadvantages into advantages.

So next Link will establish a desert patrol system to normalize patrols. The conflict reappeared in the desert for the first time, and the Military Intelligence Department was able to know the battle situation as soon as possible and use it to counterattack.

Daily tasks came into being!

After finishing his plan on desert forces, Link raised his head and glanced, unconsciously it was ten o'clock late.

Link began to think about another problem that needed to be solved, a synthetic pet used to shoot with him.

This synthetic animal must meet two characteristics.

First, it is consistent with the camera and has a high matching rate;

The second is that the animals themselves are easy to obtain and highly replaceable.

After all, shooting on the battlefield is extremely dangerous, and a little carelessness will sacrifice. If it is a rare animal that cannot be replaced or replaced, then the cost of shooting once is too high.

In line with these two principles, Link began to search for suitable creatures.

Link searched for a circle of memories, looking for creatures that have a little connection with the camera. Finally, after filtering hundreds of animals, he suddenly thought of a creature closely related to the camera, and satisfied that the second item is easy to obtain and replace. High sexual conditions.

Link raised his head and looked out the window. It was already dark at this time, and it would be unrealistic to find this animal suddenly in the evening.

I made a quick note on the manuscript and waited for someone to arrange it early tomorrow morning.

Turn off the lights and leave the office, Link went back to his room to rest and sleep.

After Link left, a figure in the darkness suddenly climbed the balcony, tiptoedly opened the balcony door and walked to the desk, picked up the manuscript of the desk and read it again, his eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"It turned out to be this plan, I understand"

Suddenly, the thick and rough back returned to the original path, and quietly closed the balcony door, disappearing into the darkness.

The next day, early morning.

Link slowly opened his eyes, and the warm morning sunlight came into his eyes.

After a simple wash and clean up, Link was about to pick up the phone and arrange for some animals for synthesis by his men.

But when I turned on the phone, I saw a text message from Benjamin.

Benjamin: Boss, did you go to Machine City yesterday? Now the whole Shah has been rioting, and several other commanders of the Military Commission have asked you to go to the military area for a meeting to explain, get up and see the text message and reply quickly!

Link froze for a moment, and said to himself: "I didn't expect things to pass so quickly."

Handily sent a message back to Benjamin.

Link: I'll give you the commander back. I will report to the military area at 2 pm. In addition, I am going to see your wife now.

Benjamin:? ? ? You are not right! ! !

After making fun with Benjamin, Link sent another message to Ah Fu, asking him to prepare animals for synthesis, and then went out to Shadu.

The reason why I said I went to the military region for a meeting in the afternoon, because early Link had more important things.

The priority of today's arrangement is mainly professional tasks.

Link had already been upgraded to level 55 when the city library was still closed for renovation.

This task has been idle for more than half a month.

Now that the city library is reopening, Link wants to see what the level 50 career mission of the Polymath will be and whether it will bring new surprises.

Link's car slowly drove into Shadu.

Since Link became the new king of Shadu, Shadu's industry has been thriving.

Without gang fights, there are fewer public security cases on the streets as gang management and foreigners arrive.

The attitudes of the citizens of Shadu towards foreigners have also changed as the time spent with them has increased.

From the beginning, I was afraid of like a tiger, now I am happy to see it.

At first, the citizens' attitude towards players, because of their fear of death instinct, felt that such undead creatures were all wicked, and their words were ambiguous, their behaviors were abnormally nervous and full of instability.

However, with various positive reports on TV, some funny and weird jokes made by foreigners and the guidance of Lin's consortium on the streets and alleys have made Shadu's living environment more and more Well, all these have made citizens gradually relax their vigilance. And everyone also found that these strangers are very hungry for tasks. No matter what you require, as long as you give a reasonable price, strangers will rush to help you solve them, so don't worry too much.

Even now, Sha has a joke, no one is stranger, and people look forward to the rioters.

In the chaotic slums and corners of the past, there will be some crimes in the evening.

But since the arrival of foreigners, they will be extremely excited and eager every time they hear of any crime. They don't need any request. They can bring the rioters to justice before you speak. And when you ask them for their names and prepare to thank them, strange situations arise. They all call themselves Leifeng and claim to do good things without leaving a name.

The citizens of Shadu discussed later that it is possible that this Leifeng is some kind of organization. Once there is something like punishment and evil, the name of this organization will be left. Similarly, this name has become a nightmare for the criminals in Shadu. Every night, there will be red eyes, like hungry strangers, searching for something in the dark corners, making some people who commit crimes chills in their backs and suddenly give up their thoughts.

Of course, not all industries are actively developing.

When passing through the underground black market, it turned out to be a crowded shadow lane.

Once someone walks into Shadow Alley or comes out of it, those walking along the road will cast contemptuous eyes, and their bodies will take the initiative to keep their distance.

Soon, Link's vehicle came to the door of the city library.

It's just that they haven't gotten close yet. Link saw the dark people crowding the square outside the city library.

What seems to have happened.

s: ask for recommendation ticket, ask for monthly ticket

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