Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 370

Chapter 370

Total War!

These four words are shocking.

That's right, the Mechanical God Sect is all working together with the Wasteland Gang, and the picture must be big.

This seems to be doing pre-war preparations.

In the old days, although the desert Gobi was the site of the Mechanic Sect, the sand wanted to attack, and the army and air force could advance at any time.

Once the Gobi Desert is occupied by the Mechanical God Cult, then the Sand Capital will only be beaten.

"Now is not the time to stick to our own opinions, we must unite with all our strength, otherwise the sand will not be protected!" Army Commander Fernandez said.

The commander of the Air Force, Winleyton, who rarely expressed his opinion, also raised his hand: "The Air Force is always available!"

Commander Tekodai leaned forward slightly: "All Teko intelligence personnel will be on standby 24 hours from now. With one order, they will immediately rush to the desert to launch an enemy frontline sabotage operation."

Since General Alonso was assassinated and killed, the Military Commission has been the only opinion reached by the four.

Today, they once again reached a consensus.

If they can't put aside their prejudices and join forces at this time, then Sha has no chance of winning or hope.

The four looked at Link, waiting for the last member's opinion.

Although Link was the latest to join, his weight is higher than anyone in the room, and it is a level that people cannot ignore.

"Commissioner Lin, we have all expressed our opinions, what do you say?"

Link's expression was relaxed, his complexion was the most natural among the five, and there was no tension or fear at all.

"I think this matter has not yet reached the point of issuing a decisive battle declaration, right?"

The four of them almost suffocated when they heard Link's words.

Should I say that Link is very nervous, or is he too capable of acting?

"Commissioner Lin, you don't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter..." Commander Dai said.

Link raised his hand, indicating that Dai Yi does not need to be excited, and then said: "First of all, the Starlink project is only in progress and is far from being completed. According to the Starlink plan, currently the Starlink project is only in the initial stage. , There are still 15 days before it is fully completed, and we have time to respond. Secondly, whether this Starlink plan is really the enemy down, or is it intended for us to obtain it, it's hard to say, we must send a reconnaissance team repeatedly After confirmation, we can send troops on a large scale. If this is a trap of the enemy, then our army will be wiped out. Finally, I think it is far from sending troops to fight. You have forgotten our most powerful weapon..."

"The most powerful weapon?" The commanders frowned.

Benjamin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he snapped back: "An alien! It's an alien!"

"The answer is correct. We can send foreigners to the desert front to destroy the bunkers of Mechanic Cult. The speed of the resurrection of foreigners is definitely faster than the construction of the bunkers." Link responded with a smile.

Army Commander Fernandez couldn't help wondering: "I heard that foreigners are very mediocre. Relying on them to travel bravely and skirmish, rushing to the battlefield is not for nothing? No matter how many, I am afraid that they will become dead under the gun.

Link laughed when he heard this and replied: "Well, let us use facts to judge whether the strength of the foreigner is mediocre."

Link glanced at the time. It was already around eight o'clock in the morning. "It's eight o'clock, and today's newspapers are already on sale. The military area must have subscribed newspapers, so let's find today's newspapers."

Standing behind Commander Moen, Li Ziqian volunteered: "I'll get it."

The four commanders looked at each other, wondering what Link suddenly wanted the newspaper today.

Teko's Commander Dai was silent for a moment, and then spoke again: "Commissioner Lin wants to use the news of a stranger to build the Shenmu City to prove that the stranger can be of great use? If this is the case, then it is unnecessary."

Dai Yi stayed at the official opening of Shenmu City for yesterday's news. Because Shenmu City was built by the Druids of the Moon Shadow Council and foreigners throughout the whole process, it must be the headline news of today's newspaper.

Lin Ke pursed his lips and smiled: "Everyone will know when Captain Li brings the newspaper."

After a while, Li Ziqian returned with a stack of newspapers.

The first thing after entering the door was to bow his head and hand out a newspaper to the four commanders with one copy. Then he held his hands and returned to Commander Moon. The eyes that looked at Link had changed, and he felt that he could no longer see Link.

The commanders got the newspaper, saw the headlines on the front page, and their faces changed suddenly.


The headlines of the newspapers were not about the completion and opening of Shenmu City, but the cleanup of Shadu.

"Starting last night, dozens of shooting incidents broke out in various districts of Shadu. According to investigations, the attackers were all foreigners. According to the verification of this newspaper and relevant departments, all the people who were shot were spies lurking in Shadu by extreme desert forces. At the same time, Yiren also prevented five violent terrorist incidents targeting important buildings and densely populated areas in Saudi Arabia. According to relevant authorities, this operation was a thunder attack against extreme forces in the desert and the Great Purge of the Sands..."

Teko's Commander Dai's waist straightened up immediately, and he could see that his energy was pulled up to the top of his head. He stared at the newspaper with a pair of eyes, and then said, "Commissioner Lin, now the military intelligence office has a backlog of undercover spies in Shadu. How many files are left?"

Teco has created detailed files for every suspected or confirmed undercover spy. The number of backlogs is the number of undercover agents.

"Last night, 80% was solved, and the rest was basically scattered by birds and beasts. However, with the character of a foreigner, as long as there are benefits, it can be found out by going through the whole sand. I believe that the whole sand will be eliminated soon. , No longer have to worry about the infiltration of spies."

At this moment, the expressions on the faces of the three commanders were all overcast, and the foreigner had a decent result, indicating that it was indeed useful.

Air Force Commander Winleyton, who rarely spoke after he took his seat, laughed and said: "Commander Dai, your Teco has accumulated many years of heart disease, but the stranger you look down on has solved most of it overnight. I don't know how you feel?"

Faced with the obvious teasing from Winleton, Dai Yi was not angry and rejoiced: "Seeing this result, most of the stones in my heart fell. In the past, Teko had insufficient manpower and could not take large-scale arrests. I did not expect foreigners. They were shot very quickly. This time I missed them. They can indeed be arranged on the battlefield."

Army Commander Fernandez also agreed with the ideas of several people, but put forward some constructive comments of his own.

"Since there are a lot of specialties among foreigners, during the war, you might as well choose some people who are good at fighting and let them join the various troops of the military to improve the overall combat effectiveness of the troops, rather than simply being mercenary."

Fernandez saw the growth potential of foreigners and the important function of immortality. At this moment, he has tried to divide the groups of foreigners and wanted to profit from it.

As soon as the words came out, the other three commanders immediately responded and responded: "Yes, if there are foreigners in all departments, the combat effectiveness of the troops will also increase a lot. They can also be allowed to perform dangerous and difficult tasks..."

Only Commander Moon didn't speak, as if sleeping in a fake sleep.

Link looked at everyone's expressions and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Just after reading the Starlink Project, several people were bitter and determined to put aside their prejudices and join forces. But now that I have seen the remarkable achievements of the stranger, and suddenly feel that I can do it, all of them have made a small calculation, wanting to divide the stranger and increase his strength.

Everyone's careful thoughts were all seen through by Link.

But if you don't see it through, how can a foreigner be able to win it in a few words?

You know, the player is quite snobbish. When you can't provide him with what he wants, the player will leave you without hesitation, without the slightest nostalgia.

"Then all commanders must prepare first. Foreign people are not that simple to control."

Link paused for a while and continued: "If you don't have any comments, then the preliminary work will be arranged by the Military Intelligence Department. There are more than ten days left before the scheduled date for the completion of the Starlink plan, so I will take five days as If the enemy's construction cannot be contained within five days, we will discuss a unified offensive plan."

Link did not say nothing, but left a buffer.

The four commanders decided to give Link a chance in view of the fact that the hidden personnel in Shadu were being purged.

At the same time, in the past few days, they have a lot of time and energy to gather strangers and expand their strength. Link's words hit a few people.

"Then it will be done as Commissioner Lin said. I am still very relieved of Commissioner Lin. Before, I personally stationed in the Weeping Valley, and later I built the Shenmu City, adding a pass screen to the deserted southern part of Shadu. I really have the sand city in my heart and serve the city and the people."

"Commissioner Lin needs any help, just speak up." Air Force Commander Winleyton said.

"Me too, if Commissioner Lin has any needs, you can tell me." Commander Tekodai was in a good mood. Although Shadu's undercover spies were not removed by him, the lack of such an internal instability factor can be regarded as removing his confidant trouble. The whole person can be seen a lot easier with the naked eye, and it is more effective than knocking on a big tonic.

When Link heard these words, his eyes brightened: "I really need two people to help me."

The army commander Fernandez was just about to say the same thing, but when he heard Link really speak, he abruptly held back what he said.

"In these five days, I may need the Air Force to send several teams of aircraft for reconnaissance and bombing missions. Commander Dai, I would like to ask Commander Dai to develop a main program of action around the Starlink Project. The sooner this thing, the better. If there is Dai The commander's general outline provides guidance, and I believe that the Military Intelligence Department will be more handy when arranging follow-up tasks."

Link can also see that although Dai Yi is a spy chief, this guy has a good overall view and is unmatched in tactical guiding ideology. The military intelligence office's missions related to undercover Shadu and desert reconnaissance are basically carried out around the general outline sent by Dai Yi.

Dai Yi let out a hearty laugh in the conference room: "Hahaha, Committee Member Lin is too acclaimed. Since it is so attractive to my plan, I will hurry up and give you a copy today."

Commander Winlayton also gave Link a positive answer, stating that air support is on standby 24 hours a day.

After the emergency meeting of the Military Commission ended, the five members walked out of the military area building.

"Is the special operations camp okay recently?" During this period of time, Link was busy with the layout, and almost never went to the special operations camp. The secretary Benjamin was basically responsible for the daily work.

"Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. The special forces recruited from the Qilin Hall rotate as instructors every day to guide the training of new recruits. There have been many hunting dogs and soldiers that meet the combat standards."

Link nodded and gave Benjamin a shot in advance: "Maybe when the follow-up war really starts, the special operations battalion needs to be on the battlefield."

The hounds that Link gave to the special operations camp are strong and healthy, and they have a strong sense of smell. As long as it is a bit human, even if it is hidden in an underground bunker, it can be sensed.

If it were before, Benjamin would frown when he heard the word war.

But now he has been in the barracks for three months. According to his own words, he is already a tough guy. He suddenly said: "The special operations camp is always ready and waiting for instructions from the chief!"

"Okay, then I will train hard recently."

Link patted Benjamin on the shoulder, then got in the car and left.

In the car, Link immediately called the MI Department to arrange the next task.

Reduce spy cleaning missions in Shadu City, increase front-line reconnaissance missions, and try to add some mission options for destroying bunkers and ambushing construction teams.

Except for reconnaissance missions that can be single-player, all other missions are set by Link as a five-person team mission.

The ten-person target is too big and its mobility is reduced.

Five people are just right. Both combat effectiveness and mobility are guaranteed. After death, they will not donate equipment to the opponent's opponents. Moreover, after the cooperation is good, the next five-person dungeon will be much easier.

Originally, the players were still immersed in the joy of the sandstorm cleaning and publishing the newspaper last night. After all, their behavior actually affected the game and was quite influential. This kind of interactivity greatly enhanced the player's sense of substitution. From the beginning of the famine gameplay, it can now affect the mainstream media voice of the game, and the positive feedback makes them more motivated.

But instead of waiting for them to be happy for too long, there was news from the players of the major guilds staying in Shenmu City that the Military Intelligence Department updated a wave of new missions, and most of them were desert reconnaissance and destruction missions.

Now the several big guilds and organizations in the villa area all reacted, and the big cleanup of Sandu spies has come to an end.

The stage of banning foreigners must first settle within is about to pass, and then it is time to take the initiative to deal with the mechanical gods.

In the city, the first group of players who were still hunting down the extremist surplus party, many decided to abandon the mission and immediately returned to Konoha's Military Intelligence Department to take on new missions.

The guild's analysts and strategists are also analyzing the next When the thief from the think tank learns the news, he sends text messages to Zhufeng.

[The mechanical cult enthusiasts in the desert are all modified bodies. They have exoskeleton armors, cooperative chips and modified weapons. I have a hunch that there will be a small spring in the mechanical system next. You can Arrange in advance.

The Pirate Liang is in the think tank and can view information about many surrounding forces. From here, I also learned the grudge between Link and the Platinum Hotel.

Now the player's mechanical system, in addition to the gunners who can modify their weapons in the early stage, and improve their combat effectiveness. The remaining engineers and mechanics are rubbish, mainly because the materials are too scarce and the price is too high. The Department of Mechanical Engineering has become a cash-burning, only professional representatives who can afford to play.

But as the players attack the desert, the material parts of the mechanical fanatics fall, and the mechanical players of Shadu are about to usher in a period of small advantage.

And as the first group of players with the highest rank entered the desert reconnaissance, they were surprised to find that there were not only mechanical fanatics but also mercenaries from the Wasteland Gang in the enemy camp. What surprised them even more was that there were players in the extreme desert forces!