Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 369

Chapter 369

The next day.

As soon as the sky turned white, Link was about to leave for the military area.

Just a few steps out of the car, Link suddenly saw three staff from the Military Intelligence Department running towards this side not far away.


The car carrying Link stopped slowly.

Link dropped the car window and saw Ren Yi, deputy director of the Office of the Military Intelligence Department, rushing over with two staff members.

"Director, here is a piece of information that has just been sent back from the front line, and I need to ask you to look over it." Ren Yi gasped.

Link was still wondering what kind of information would make the staff of the Military Intelligence Department so anxious that he had to rush to deliver it at the moment of his own meeting.

Unpacking the kraft paper bag, Link saw a sorting document about this task, and at the back of the document there was a construction blueprint and a plan.

Link's pupils suddenly tightened, and he suddenly raised his head and asked, "Who brought this back?"

Ren Yi said, "It's the same stranger from last night. After the first investigation mission was written off, he took on another mission before leaving. He just returned to the Military Intelligence Department to write off the mission half an hour ago. I think. With the additional information he brought back, I feel that this matter must be notified to you as soon as possible."

Link recovered from the shock, nodded and said: "Good job. It happened that I was going to the Military Commission to hold a meeting. These materials happened to be a strong evidence of the alliance between Mechanic Cult and the Wasteland Gang. As for the person who handed in the task. Alien, you will give out task rewards at 1.5 times for the time being. After we find out the authenticity of this plan, we will give additional rewards."

"Okay, I'll do it now." This is the first time Ren Yi has talked with Link in detail.

From the conversation and logic of Link's behavior, Ren Yi could see that this is a boss with meticulous style.

After he got the plan, his first reaction was ecstasy. With this plan, it was equivalent to knowing the detailed coordinates of the desert Gobi bunker, and the bunker could be removed as long as he carried out precise strikes. But after the ecstasy, another thought came into Ren Yi's mind unconsciously, what if the plan in his hand was deliberately leaked to them by the enemy? Wouldn't it be a heavy loss to deliberately lead them to the bait?

So on the way here, Ren Yi thought that if the new boss was greedy for meritorious service, he would remind him roundly.

Never imagined that Link would make steady progress after reading the information. He didn't need to remind him.

"Thanks, you have stayed up all night, so go back and rest early when you are done."

Ren Yi immediately entered a military salute, his back straightened and vigorous: "It's not hard work for the director!"

Ren Yi and the others watched Link's car drive away until they left the Weeping Valley, when Ren Yi put down his saluting arm.

Ren Yi sorted out the clothes wrinkled from running, turned around and said to the two subordinates: "Let's go, there are still many important things waiting for us to do!"

In the car.

Link looked through the entire report again.

I couldn't help but laugh when I watched.

I just added the name of [Bombing Chicken] to the file last night, and as a result, this guy gave him such a gift today, which is really worthy of his appreciation.

In the mission report record, Bombing Chicken gave a detailed description of the theft of documents.

Staff: How did you think of stealing the plan documents?

Bombing Chicken: Originally, I was going to go after the filming, but at this time their concrete mixer broke down. I heard what they said must be completed on time, and what the Starlink plan was, and finally decided to scatter to the surrounding construction sites to find spare parts. I think this might be an opportunity.

Staff: So how did you successfully sneak into the camp and steal the files?

Bombing Chicken: As we all know, I am a druid, tracking humanoid creatures is one of my abilities, plus I have some props to avoid the enemy's sight, so I escaped the camp guards and entered the tent smoothly. I didn't dare to search for a long time in the tent, so when I saw something like documents, I just took it out. Unexpectedly, it really made me touch it~ (hands out)

Bombing Chicken: So, the information I brought back is useful, right? Will the task reward increase a bit?

Staff: For the time being, I can only pay according to the reservation rewards. As for the extra rewards, I have to ask my superiors, please wait...

"This guy's luck is really good."

Link said that he opened the plan called Starlink Project, which recorded in detail the coordinate location of each bunker, as well as the start time and completion time. Take this plan in Link's hand as an example. This engineering team alone is responsible for the construction of ten bunkers, and the construction period is limited to fifteen days. This is definitely an arduous task.

The last two pages of the plan are densely packed with digital coordinates. Link swept it away and calculated it silently. There were at least two hundred.

Imagine that there are more than two hundred bunkers on the road from the Weeping Valley to the Grand Canal of Gallia. What is this concept?

Moreover, this is not an ordinary heavy-fire bunker, it is also a communication network node, logistics supply station, ammunition depot...

An offensive and defensive position that integrates multiple functions.

Once the Starlink project succeeds, the current strength of Yishadu will almost never be able to get involved in the desert.

On the contrary, the Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang have the ability to attack Shadu at any time, advancing, retreating and defending.

After reading the entire plan in detail, Link's heart was tight.

The Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang obviously came here this time, the entire construction period was compressed extremely intensively, and they wanted to complete the entire project quickly.

Fortunately, the guy Bombing Chicken found the plan ahead of time, otherwise the sand will be passive in hindsight.

"President, the military region is here."

The black car steadily stopped in front of the solemn military district building, and soldiers immediately stepped forward to greet it.

After Link got out of the car, he saw Benjamin at a glance.

"Several commanders have been notified?" He said that he handed all the information to Benjamin.

"They are already on the road, but there are a lot of complaints. Commander Dai Yi originally planned to accompany the children on an outing today, but he was told to change the itinerary when he woke up early in the morning. It is estimated that his face is not very good." Benjamin said with a smile.

Link thought about Dai Yi's thin face with an eagle nose, exuding a low-spirited image of resentment, and couldn't help but want to laugh. Commander Dai fears that this is something the military knows about. Temporary changes to the itinerary will inevitably be scolded, and it will be impossible to be in a good mood.

"Don't worry, what I said at the meeting today, I'm sure I won't give him a chance to lose my temper at me."

Benjamin's curiosity has been hung up since yesterday. Now that he got the information, his face changed drastically when he watched him suddenly stop.

"Brother Lin, is it true?"

Link nodded casually and said, "Is it necessary to be so surprised? His face is pale. The Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang are all about to move around in a day or two, and some actions are expected."

It took only three or four months for Benjamin to become a member of the military. Although he has supplemented a lot of knowledge and theories, he still finds it unbelievable to learn about the Starlink Project of Mechanical God. Hundreds of elevating bunkers are arranged in the Gobi, which completely makes it difficult for Shadu to move.

Now Benjamin's chin almost fell to the ground.

Is this serious?

If the Mechanical Gods are allowed to occupy the Gobi, it will be difficult to fight out in the future!

For such an important matter, it was necessary to discuss countermeasures overnight. Brother Lin was still so calm and unreliable.

Link and Benjamin came to the meeting room.

I saw Commander Moon coming first, now sitting on the seat, squinting and taking a nap, and the guard behind him was Li Ziqian.

"Commander arrived so early?" Link asked after taking his seat.

Commander Moon opened his eyes, exhaled a suffocating breath, and adjusted his breathing slightly, then said: "It's not that you called last night to say that you want to have a meeting, and then this kid Benjamin ran to my room overnight to inform. . To count the victims, I am the first."

Link shrugged helplessly and said, "I clearly asked him to contact the secretary of the commander and commander, and wait until the morning to notify the schedule. I can't blame this for this~"

During the exchange between the two, the Air Force Commander Winleyton strode in and said in a full voice: "Commissioner Lin and Commander Moon are so happy about talking, but it doesn't look like an emergency meeting!"

Commander Winlayton took a seat, opened his hands, and the secretary immediately took off the army robes behind him and folded them up. The whole action was opened and closed, looking quite heroic.

Link smiled and said, "We can have a formal meeting after two more."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound like a whisper in the ear outside the door.

"Commissioner Lin, I originally planned to take my wife and children on an outing today, but I was called by you. If you can't say anything urgent today, I won't let you go!" Commander Dai sat down with a gloomy face. A pair of dark eyes are like eagles staring at their prey in the desert.

Field Marshal Fernandez also sat down with a smile, with an expression on the stage.

"Now that everyone is here, Committee Lin should always say something important, right?"

Link nodded to Benjamin behind him, motioning for him to put the document on the projector.

Soon, the four words "Starlink Project" on the cover appeared in front of everyone. With Benjamin's slow page turning, Link began to tell the ins and outs of the whole thing.

"This plan is that when the foreigner who took over the mission from the Military Intelligence Department was conducting a reconnaissance mission, a temporary breakdown occurred in the opponent's camp, which caused the fanatics and the wasteland to help the mercenaries scatter to find accessories, and the foreigner found the opportunity to sneak into the tent. It was stolen. It was just handed to me when I went out this morning."

The commanders who were still laughing and jogging, or watching and eating melons, or glaring at them, were sitting right now, looking at the projection screen with extremely solemn expressions.

It contains the design drawings, planning time and construction time of the Starlink project, to the last hundreds of scheduled coordinates.

As if a heavy hammer hit the hearts of the four commanders, everyone in the meeting room except Link looked pale.

Even though Benjamin had read the content in advance, it still felt shocking to review it again at this moment.

The densely packed coordinate numbers, in his eyes, are solid fortresses, quietly displayed on the Gobi.

Countless bunkers are connected together to form a huge map of mechanical gods.

"More than two hundred bunkers, in addition to attack power, have tasks such as communication, material transportation and distribution, and supply. Once established in the Gobi Desert, how powerful will it be, don't I need to say more?"

Benjamin used the projector to complete the Starlink Project, and the four commanders were already in great shock.

But it wasn't over yet, Link snapped his fingers and signaled Benjamin to enter all the coordinates into the computer.

Benjamin ably walked to the computer in the conference room, changed the projection interface to the computer, and then quickly entered the coordinates on a map of Shadu.

Soon, red dots appeared in the projector, one after another, and finally filled most of the land between the Weeping Valley and the Grand Canal of Gauria, forming a large net of scarlet spots, which looked like a big mouth of blood. , Want to swallow the sand completely.

"This is the location map corresponding to all the bunkers. Everyone knows the wolf ambitions of the Mechanical God Cult, but I will show you some other content next."

Link took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and threw it to Benjamin.

There are two videos on the USB flash drive. Benjamin clicked on the one from last night.

The sound effect of the conference room is very good. As soon as the video is played, there is a violent wind from the sound, and the dark picture and the constantly shaking lens create a sense of reality.

The four commanders frowned, and the chaotic picture made them dizzy.

After a while, the picture finally stabilized. Accompanied by the sound of wind hunting outside, mixed with heavy breathing, the campfire illuminates a construction site, and the night searchlights and the light from the tent clearly reflect on the curtain.


The four of them stared at the scene as the mechanical fanatics were building the bunker, and there were even half-masked wasteland gang mercenaries in camouflage uniforms in the team.

The brains of the four commanders buzzed, and suddenly went blank.

The Mechanical God Cult actually joined forces with the Wasteland Gang to get together.

Two forces that used to be hostile to each other are now joining hands. This is a big problem!

After the first video was played, Benjamin hurriedly played the second part.

The same shaking camera, the same whistling wind and gasping sound in the background.

This time the investigative scope is closer and you can see more clearly.

As the king of the 'White Terror' Shadu Teko's agent, Dai Yi watched the investigators in the video with interest.

"Commissioner Lin, these two reconnaissance videos should be made by one person, right?"

"Commander Dai has good eyesight. Both of these videos came from the hands of an alien named Bombing Chicken. If he hadn't risked his death to shoot two investigation videos, and risked to find the Starlink plan, I am afraid we still have it. Keep it in the dark. I'm afraid it will be too late when the enemy officially starts!"

There was a slight change in Dai Yi's expression.

He also sent his subordinates to investigate the stranger and found that they were all bluffing, which did not meet the standards of intelligence personnel.

However, the bombing chicken in the video can be safely hidden at such a close distance without training. The first-hand precious materials are taken, and the strength is evident. It is a good seed for an intelligence officer.

"Commissioner Lin, I think..."

But before Dai had finished speaking, Link had already guessed what he was going to say.

"He is a druid who practiced in the sacred tree Nosh."

Hearing what Link said, Dai Yi stopped halfway through his words, and sighed after a while: "Oh, what a pity!"

The other party is a Druid who practiced in the Nuoxi Divine Tree, so it must be impossible to loyalty to himself wholeheartedly, and such a person would not dare to earn Shadutko.

"Okay, after watching the video and the Starlink project, commanders, you should know the situation facing Shadu now?" Link asked.

Commander Moon slowly recovered, and said lightly: "The current situation is an all-out war."