Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 371

Chapter 371

The player who returned to Konoha at the end of the reconnaissance mission immediately reported the news to the Military Intelligence Department.

The Military Intelligence Department is very concerned about this news.

Other agencies are not clear, is it possible that the MI Department is not clear about the strength of the foreigner.

In just one night, the undercover of extreme forces in Shadu was almost uprooted, which has proved the strength of the alien.

And more and more foreigners can take on tasks, which means that they are becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I thought that the stranger would be Shadu's hole card, but I didn't expect that the desert forces would also recruit a group of strangers, which made people heady.

The Military Intelligence Department immediately notified the boss Link of the information.

"I know about this, don't worry, everything is fine as usual."

When he hung up the phone, Link's mouth raised.

In fact, he already knew about it before the phone called.

The abandoned Saturn forum has been quarrelled over this matter.

The players of Shadu criticized the players who joined the Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang as traitor running dogs, and they were strongly opposed by the players on the other side.

After all, the spawn point of this broken game is random. Many of them were born in the Gobi Desert, and then were forcibly captured in the Mechanic City or the Wasteland Gang. Disobedience will always be restricted. Even after suicide and resurrection, it will be endless. In the desert. For them, there is no choice. Joining the Mechanical God Cult or the Wasteland Gang is the only way to continue the game.

Now, because of their different powers, they are being scolded as running dogs by other players. Who can bear this?

And who stipulates that to play games, one must choose the free federal forces?

Can they choose evil forces?

As a result, several emotions merged together, and the players on both sides went crazy directly on the forum.

As a melon-eater, Link is full.

The mechanical gods and the wasteland gang have a small number of players, but they are extremely united in the face of the insults from the Free Federation players. A group of people stared at one spray first, and didn't look at the other replies. After the spray broke the defense, they changed to the next one.

On the other hand, there are many players in the Free Federation, but the composition is very complicated.

Part of eating melon is nothing to do with oneself.

Some of the players from the opposing forces felt that it made sense and supported their right to choose.

A small number of players are left in crazy laning.

Link watched for a long time, then reluctantly closed the forum.

Although there are also players in the Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang, the number of players is really small. When facing the torrent of Shadu players, there is no power to fight back, and it will not affect his plan.

The main reason is that the opposite player is also very passive. After all, he was born in the desert, and there is no way to play this game without bowing his head.

I remember that in the previous life, many players have responded to the issue of random births, but there was no official response. In addition, "Destiny" is really fun. The only person who loses his breath and loses is only oneself, so everyone can only accept their own fate.

The players in the first group of Shadu's hierarchical superiority basically all moved to the front line and began to confront the mechanical gods.

It's just that the player's crushing situation did not appear as expected, and the two sides actually fought back and forth, and damaged each other.

Shenmu City, villa area.

"This can't go on anymore. Under the premise that there is no explosives, the five-person team can't deal with the already built bunker. Our attack will have no effect on the concrete structure of the bunker, and will be attacked by heavy firepower. It is simply in vain. Send to death." The dog left the king said indignantly.

Since entering the game, everyone in the Guild of Miracles has always maintained a leading rank and leading wealth, and basically has not suffered much.

But after receiving the task of removing the IPX555 bunker at the Military Intelligence Department, everyone tried to fail for the first time.

Three consecutive attacks were organized, and they all returned to no avail. Before they even approached the bunker, they were spotted by the opponent and came back with heavy firepower.

"I was delayed for an afternoon and died three times. The task has not been completed. It is a waste of time. Although the reward and experience given by the task of destroying the bunker are high, it has to be obtained."

The members who failed the mission discussed and introspected in the conference room. The tactical board next to it was vaguely painted with bunker and tactics, but it was messed up because of too much alteration.

"But don't be discouraged, everyone. We failed for an afternoon, and none of the other guilds succeeded. Since everyone did not succeed, it means that our advantage is still there." This theory of relativity, the king of dog left, makes the members feel good. Some.

They used to abuse others in Shadu before, even if they killed spies in the Great Purge, they weren't beaten so badly.

But now, stepping out of his own territory and fighting on someone else's territory is immediately beaten back to his original form.

"For the time being, we will focus on reconnaissance and harassment missions and raid the bunker that is being built."

While the Miracle Guild was discussing, the same discussions were also taking place in other guild villas.

However, most of the guilds encountered the same situation. With firearms and weapons, when faced with concrete bunker and heavy machine guns, they were helpless, only to be beaten. In the end, helpless, the result of the discussion was to hurry up and turn to other types of tasks.

Only one chooses to continue hard steel, and that is Mobei Wolf.

Leng Feng stared at the crowd with sharp eyes: "In the style of other guilds, we must be transferred to other tasks now. But we are different. We were all soldiers. How can we turn around and run when we encounter difficulties?"

The other members straightened their backs and looked towards Leng Feng, without seeing any traces of the defeat.

"But this time the action was not without gains. At least I figured out the battle mode and fighting habits of the bunker. Because of the limited vision and weapon structure, the bunker has a blind spot of about 5 degrees in the southwest. Perhaps this can be the next battle. Breakthrough."

"It is good to find the weakness, but with our current level of weapons, we can't penetrate the concrete of the bunker at all."

Captain Leng Feng pondered for a moment and said: "It is difficult to break through the bunker's firepower net with guns alone, and it is also difficult to injure the bunker itself. Of course, we have to find other ways. There are restrictions in Shadu City, and no explosive equipment is allowed, but it can be Don't follow this rule."

Leng Feng's words suddenly lightened the eyes of the veterans present, and they remembered the unique skills they had learned before in the army.

When in the army, the special forces have all experienced survival training in extreme environments.

This kind of survival training is not just about surviving on uninhabited islands, but also on this basis using the limited resources around to make weapons and self-defense for yourself.

Shadu doesn't sell explosives anywhere, but as special forces, they can make them by themselves!

The game "Destiny" is extremely open. They can even bring real-life martial arts and martial arts into the game, so it should be fine to make improvised explosive devices?

Everyone's eyes lit up. Although they have been discharged from the army, they will never forget their life-saving skills.

"The five people with the highest survival scores in the field during the special forces stayed to make explosive devices, and the rest were looking for raw materials outside, hurry up and hurry up!" Leng Feng stood up and clapped his hands, and the veterans in the meeting immediately moved.

As a result, the group dares to order and prohibit, this is the foundation of Mobei Wolf's foothold in many games.

Even with the size of the Top Ten Guilds, they dare not easily provoke Mobei Wolf in the game.

It is not that I am afraid of being cross-province in reality, but that I am offended by such an organization that is tenacious in facing difficulties. The headache will always be me.

Weeping valley, howling castle.

As more and more reconnaissance teams on the front line returned with video data, the real situation written in the Starlink Project was laid out in front of Link.

The reconnaissance mission is the easiest part of the mission of the mechanical gods. You only need to cover it, record the coordinates of the bunker and shoot the corresponding image data. As long as you are careful, you can basically complete it.

The number of players in the Raiders [Hotel Gunfight] dungeon is increasing, and the level has reached level 10. The task is either to continue to clean up the undercover Shadu spies, or to engage in reconnaissance on the front line.

The coordinates of the newly built castles were confirmed to have started one after another, and the authenticity of the Starlink plan stolen by the bombing chicken was completely confirmed.

"Director, now that the Starlink project has been proven to be true, I would like to ask you about the reward for that strange person."

After listening to the report by the staff of the Military Intelligence Department, Link thought for a while and said: "This plan appeared at the most appropriate time to prevent Sand Capital from becoming passive, and to protect the safety of the people's property and the precious lives of soldiers in disguise. Don't be stingy. We should also use this method to guide foreigners, make contributions beyond the task requirements, and receive generous rewards."

"Well, give him three times the task reward, ten times the prestige reward, and promote advanced deeds in Shenmu City. Besides, you arrange for someone to come to the Howling Castle and take a piece of psychedelic vine for him, just say It is the reward I gave him, so that he will perform well in the future."

"Okay, I will arrange it now!"

Since Bombing Chicken is a Druid player recommended by Link, it is natural to give him some extra rewards that no one else has.

It's a Druid player again, so controlling the vine is perfect.

Link looked at the background data specially accessed for him by the Military Intelligence Department on the computer.

At this moment, there are hundreds of red dots on the desert map, and every time the Military Intelligence Department releases a mission or completes a mission after verification, Link can find the record on the system. Link can also see the task trend chart, that is, which bunker points have the most tasks, and through the big data composed of tasks, you can see the player's activity in the task.

For now, the location on the west side of the map is much more intensive than the east side.

Because most of the bunkers in the west are still under construction or have not yet been constructed, most players are on reconnaissance or guerrilla destruction missions.

On the east are all built bunkers, and the task of destroying it is quite difficult. Only a sparse team took the task, and from the computer data, no one has successfully completed the task.

Link certainly understands that with the player's current strength and equipment, it is very difficult to break through the bunker. But as the level of equipment increases, breaking through the bunker is no longer a problem. The reason why the task of destroying the bunker was released at this stage was to give the Grand Guild and powerful players a venue for performance, and the other was to give the players of the second group a thought.

Furthermore, based on tactical considerations. If the bunker built to the east is unattended, then the Mechanic Cult and the Wasteland Gang will also focus on the area being built in the west. At that time, players who are scouting or sabotaging will be blocked and interfered by enemy forces, making it more difficult to complete task. Only by ensuring the offensive pressure in the east, the fighting forces of the Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang will not dare to concentrate in the west, so players performing reconnaissance tasks will receive less resistance.

This wave, according to Link's words--

Getting rich first leads to getting rich later, and we move towards common prosperity together.

In five days, one tenth has now passed.

Player actions did slow down the construction speed of Starlink Project, but it only slowed down.

There are still too few players who have reached level 10. The players who perform the mission will go back and forth in the desert, and the trip alone will be delayed for nearly an hour. As a result, all the teams performing the task could not reach the offensive rhythm like a waterfall. As long as there is a break, the people of the Mechanical God Cult and the Wasteland Gang will hurry to build.

According to the results of the information in the morning, two strongholds in the west have already been converted from construction to completion.

However, this speed has been greatly slowed down from last night, indicating that the harassment of the players is still very effective.

But at the same time, Link saw that in the task list, several major guilds, after being unable to bite the hard bones of the bunker, have also chosen to participate in harassment and reconnaissance missions. Within the scope of the built bunker in the entire east, there are only a few solitary missions.

Link clicked in and took a look, and saw two familiar IDs.

One is the Bombing Chicken just rewarded by Link, and the other is the cold front called the Wolf Warrior by the majority of players.

There was a hint of joy between Link's eyebrows, and he couldn't help sighing, "I hope these two people, don't disappoint me~"

At this moment, Shenmu City.

The staff of the Military Intelligence Department came to the Druid District of Shenmu City.

This area is the elite druids of the tree of gods, providing a resting place for apprentices and druids who have not yet started.

After questioning, the staff quickly found the bombing chicken and gave him mission rewards and additional compensation.

There are many Druid players around who recognize Bombing Chicken. After all, as the earliest Druid player, he is also the'big brother' who guided players to the Sacred Tree report. Bombing Chicken is almost universally known in the Druid area. In addition to the highest level, it is also called a big wet chest by players.

"The Starlink plan you turned in has been determined to be true. The Military Intelligence Department will now give you additional rewards. Triple mission rewards, ten times prestige rewards, and will promote your advanced deeds in Shenmu City."

When the staff of the Military Intelligence Department announced the reward, the bombing chicken was taken aback.

I didn't expect that a plan that I stole was so valuable, three times the mission reward, ten times the prestige reward!

The most important thing is to promote advanced deeds throughout Shenmu City.

"I'm... on fire?" BoJi felt that happiness came a bit too suddenly.

The staff looked and immediately took out a long wooden box and said: "The above are all rewards from the Military Intelligence Department. In addition, Commissioner Lin also rewarded you with a special gift for you. Magic Teng, with encouragement."

Bombing Chicken's head buzzed, he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and asked, "Commissioner Lin in your mouth is Link...?"

The players around were also shocked. Could it be that another person whom Link favored appeared! ?

The people who followed Link before were Chasing the Wind and Pirates of the Cool. Both of them are now in a mixed state. One is at the small boss level, and the other works directly in the building.

And the druid NPCs in the druid district, hearing the three words psychedelic vine, all came over.

"You mean, this wooden box contains psychedelic vines?"

These NPCs include druid apprentices and elite druids who come here to teach players.

But after hearing the three words psychedelic vine, his eyes were unbelievable and his tone was shocked.

After that, all became envy...