Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 286

Chapter 286

Simon was dumbfounded, and at the moment he used a sentence of supernatural power to describe Link without exaggeration.

Being able to send people to the Hidden League as an undercover agent, Simon racked his brains and couldn't figure out how this was done.

If it was just an ordinary undercover agent, it would be impossible to know so many secrets.

If it is a core undercover agent, it is even more impossible!

The core members of the Hidden League must pass the first embrace and transformation of Earl Dracula, formally become a dominated blood family, and be completely loyal to Dracula, before they can enter the inner circle.

First embrace is arguably the most important inheritance method for the blood clan, so it has an extremely strong and firm contract force.

Not only one generation is affected, but generations are affected.

The first embrace means that the caster first **** all the blood of the first embrace target into the body, and then injects his own blood to complete the blood replacement.

To put it another way, the way of human reproduction is sex, and the way of reproduction of the blood race is through first embrace.

From generation to generation, the contract contained in the blood is passed on.

This unbreakable contract has been in place for thousands of years, and it has never been heard of anyone who can break the **** of blood.

But what Link said was all the secrets of the Hidden Alliance, and it must have been an undercover report.

So Simon was surprised. He racked his brains and couldn't figure out how Link made the undercover circumvent the influence of blood.

Link looked at Simon. From Link's point of view, it was not enough to establish a blood contract. This kind of accident was so joyful that he would never encounter it for hundreds of years. Since Link ran into him, he had to do it. Foolproof.

When analyzing the situation of the three undercover agents before, it was concluded that Ah Fu and Allen could show their talents. Only Mr. San Cong, although he became a 15-level elite, did not have obvious advantages. It was quite difficult to reach the core level of greater power. Now if there is Simon's support and cover, the whole process will be much simpler.

"You can't just go back like this. Although you signed a blood contract, if Dracula controls you with will, you can't violate it. You can wait here for a while."

After Link opened the door, he shouted to the outside: "Old Jin, help me get the crystal bottle in the room."

Simon didn't know what Link was going to do, but his instinct told him it was not a good thing.

"Master, what are you going to do?" Simon couldn't help but ask, so nervous that he even forgot the impact of the dazzling eyes on his body when he opened the door.

Link closed the door again, turned his head to show a meaningful smile, and said, "You will know later."

Soon the macaw brought the crystal bottle. Under the dim red light, the crystal bottle gleamed with crystal clear and soft brilliance, as if to dispel the gloom, naturally emitting light that makes people feel comfortable.

Simon looked at the shiny crystal bottle in a daze, never expected that a bottle of water would glow.

Link carefully poured dozens of milliliters in a small cup, and said: "You are really lucky. Even my **** subordinates rarely receive this kind of treatment."

"What, what is this?" Simon couldn't help but ask.

This seemingly harmless and even attractive water and light made him more nervous.

Because according to Simon's 70-odd years of experience, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are.

"Good things that are useful to you..."

The moon well water is extremely precious. As an elder, he can receive 300 ml every quarter. This time, Link has paid his blood for synthesis and poured 50 ml out.

Simon gradually recovered from his shock, looking at the bright moon well water, he felt more and more familiar.

Water is very common, but luminous water is rare, not to mention the light that makes the blood feel comfortable.

Soon, Simon thought of a rumor from many years ago, and couldn't help but ask: "Boss, is this water from the moon well water of the Moonshade Council? The moon well water that is said to be able to regenerate bones and resurrect?"

Link turned his head and smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be acquainted. You even know moon well water." Link shook the 50 ml moon well water in the test tube and sighed: "So you are blessed, just I have this kind of good stuff if you submit." Closing the cap of the crystal bottle, Link walked to Simon with the fluorescent test tube.

Simon swallowed his saliva: "Moonwell water, it is said that only the elders of the Moonshade Council can enjoy it. Boss, you have such a big bottle..." Simon finished speaking unconsciously, and immediately covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes showing horror. What he said just now were all unconscious actions, but he immediately reacted after speaking, the more he knew, the worse he would die!

But Link ignored Simon's surprise performance.

"Although the blood contract is strong, its priority is still inferior to the bloodline power. In order to ensure that you will not be exposed in front of Dracula, I have to find a way to break Dracula's bloodline restriction on ~ Link speaks very easily, but these words sound trembling to Simon.

The bloodline power of the blood family has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has never been heard that anyone can break this bloodline restriction.

Although the healing effect of the moon well water is very strong, it can be called a rare treasure, but the power inheritance of the blood family all comes from the blood, and the continuation system of the blood family is also through the blood.

Blood is both the core and the medium.

Simon can proudly say that no one knows blood better than kinship. No race can use blood beyond the blood race.

But now Link said that Earl Dracula's bloodline restriction could be lifted. This sounded to Simon, and it was no different from changing the natural rule of the sun rising from the east to the west. It was completely a fantasy.

Link pressed on Simon's shoulder and entered the synthesis interface.

The strong repairing properties of the moonwell water are in harmony with the blood race, and the match rate between the two is as high as 120%.

The youngest Mr. San Cong was first synthesized and then transformed into a blood clan by Count Dracula.

So if you insist, Simon in front of you can be said to be Link's first purely natural blood servant.

Such a kind of blood, participating in the synthesis of naturally better materials.

Link's Zerg synthesis dominance is far above the blood race, as long as the synthesis can easily break the control and potential barriers of Earl Dracula to Simon.

"Are you ready?"


"Are you ready to leave Dracula's control?"

Simon's face was dull, like a silly roe deer throwing himself into a trap.

"Well, I won't ask you anymore."

Link decisively chose to synthesize, and the moonwell water in the test tube was quickly absorbed by the palm of his hand, followed by the blood cocoon in his other hand, and began to bind Simon quickly.

The living blood cocoon wrapped around the forehead, and in the last scene before closing, what Link saw was Simon's horrified eyes.