Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 287

Chapter 287

Five hours of incubation time passed in a flash.

After lunch, Link came to the zoo where Simon was detained again.

Link opened the door and walked into the room. Noon hot sun and temperature poured in from the door.

The dazzling light immediately hit Simon's face, and the first reaction was to raise his hand to cover his eyes.

The blood family with the strength of the baron does not have the ability to resist the sun. Hit by the strongest sunlight at noon, the skin will be severely burned, and the strength will be reduced to a certain extent.

Simon's face was pale, and he was ready for severe pain.

But when the sun hits the arm skin, there is only a slight tingling sensation. And with the flow of coolness, the last bit of tingling sensation disappeared, and the poisonous sunlight did not cause any harm to Simon.

Simon put down his arm and looked at it. His skin was as white as new without any burn marks.

The next second, a shadow stood at the door.

Under the light, you can only see the outline, but not the face.

But Simon has an extremely strong feeling that this person is Link.

"So you have come out of the blood cocoon, how do you feel?"

Simon didn't know how to describe the feeling now, and he was still a little groggy.

He remembered that he was wrapped in countless blood cocoons before and then lost consciousness. After waking up again, he broke the blood cocoon and came out. Before he could react to what he had experienced, the door opened again, and Simon was surprised to find that he was not afraid of the sun anymore!

"How long have I been in a coma?" Simon's first sentence was not about ability, but about time.

I tracked the gargoyle without returning all night, and now he signed a blood contract with Link, and was stunned by Link in a strange way. The disappearance for so long could easily arouse the suspicion of the Hidden Alliance. When I returned to the Hidden League, I was questioned. On the one hand, Dracula's blood was suppressed, and on the other hand, it was the blood contract signed with Link. No matter how Simon answered, it was easy to reveal the stuff.

"Five hours."

"Don't worry about what you think. Now that the suppression of Dracula's bloodline has disappeared, I will integrate the power of the moonwell water into your body. Now you are not afraid of the sun and recover faster than other blood races."

Simon felt another force flowing in his body, and it was this force that had just protected him from the sun. At the same time, the imprisonment of the blood line disappeared, and Simon clearly felt the power that suppressed him disappeared, and his blood line power was completely released, and he could even be promoted to earl strength in the future.

"Are these... all true?" Simon was stunned and looked at Link in a daze.

"Now, you can go back. Later, I will let the undercover agent contact you."

After that, Link left with his hand contentedly.

After synthesis, Dracula's power in Simon's body has lost its leading role.

Zerg domineering and terrifying!

One thing to say is that the blood limit of the mere blood race is really not worth mentioning to the cosmic zerg.

Link took advantage of Simon's dazed effort and had already read his information.

The current Simon is completely Tang Seng meat. In addition, the potential is also great, in Link's eyes, he is someone who can attack Dracula's status in the future. The blood race is one of the rare races all over the waste Saturn, and its hierarchical identity system allows Link to see an opportunity.

Link's goal is not just in Shadu.

As long as Simon is pushed up, he will be the black hand behind the Hidden League, and he can even control the whole blood family of the Free Federation through Simon in the future.

Link is not the kind of person who eats alone. After checking Simon's information, he still wants to show it to the readers.

[Monster attributes]

Name: Simon

Quality: dark blue

Race: Kindred

Attribute: Blood

Level: 15+ (elite)

Initial Skill 1: Blood Red Pool lv2 (Simon absorbs the essence of the moon well and can turn his body into a pool of blood with a diameter of 4 meters at night, gaining a short acceleration effect and being unable to be selected, and slowing down enemies within the blood pool And 150 damage, limited to 1 time per day)

Initial skill 2: Quick recovery lv2 (Simon's accumulated moonlight has a healing effect, the healing effect can restore 2 points of health per 1ml, and the moonlight capacity is 200 points)

Initial Skill 3: Blood Plague lv2 (Simon's body blood flows backwards, turning the blood that had a healing effect into extremely toxic damage, causing 0.5 damage per 1 ml of blood, and the blood consumption must not exceed the current maximum life)

Evaluation: The first blood family ever to contain the dual abilities of moon and blood is destined to be extraordinary

Such a blood family with unlimited potential returns to the Secret League, and cooperates with the youngest Mr. San Cong to do things together, and he can definitely get along with Dracula.

Link is looking forward to seeing Dracula's surprise when he finds that his right and left arms are all the expressions of undercover.

Simon came out of the room and poked his head left and right, and found that Link had indeed left.

There are no restrictions around, and there is no trapping net in the sky, it seems that he really let him go.

Simon looked up at the dazzling sun.

For him before, the sun was the second scary thing in his life besides Dracula.

He never thought that one day he could stand in the harshest sunlight and look directly at the sun.

The sun at noon is dazzling and venomous. It is the strongest But Simon looked up and stared directly at the sun. At first his eyes were a little uncomfortable, but his eyes suddenly flowed into a refreshing cool, and then there was no sun at all. Discomfort.

For Simon, this experience is completely dreamy. Even if the sun has little influence on the blood races above the earl, it is not enough to stand under the scorching sun and look directly at the sun. Usually this kind of blood is called the second fool.


A puff of black smoke rose from Simon, then turned into a vampire bat and 'escaped' from the Qilintang.

By the window of his study, Link smiled when he saw the vampire bat flying away.

A 'butterfly' flew away, and no accident would soon set off a storm in the Hidden League.

Soon after Simon had left, the phone on Link's desk rang.

"Hey, boss, this is Penny, I have something to talk to you."

Oh, this guy is quite trendy.

The house he obviously lives in is in the yard next door. Instead of running over, this guy made a phone call.

At this moment, Penguin Penney was lying on a chair with a red collar around his neck, black sunglasses, and a mobile phone in one hand.

"According to the reports of the three deacons these days, many people went to the breeding factory to find faults, but they were basically stopped by the security company Sambo. I have an idea here. Boss, can you get me some security Sambo? To weaken the civilian version, I want to promote this thing to the entire Shadu..."

Link understood it immediately.

Penny, this is not long after the monopoly of pet hamsters has just finished, and this has set the goal of the security three treasures again!

Link pondered for a moment. When he thought of vines, killer bees and black widows all over the sand city, when he and Alonso or Moros formally in the future, he raised his arms, and the pet power followers all over the sand city gathered. Picture, don't mention...

"Nothing wrong, this one is done!"