Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 285

Chapter 285

Lin Ke looked at Simon with interest, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

This kind of smirk Simon is a bit familiar. The men and women who enter the hotel hand in hand in the middle of the night usually wear this elusive smile, which makes the back chills.

"So, have you seen everything in the backyard?"

Simon, like falling into the ice cave, nodded first, then shook his head suddenly: "No, I didn't see anything, I don't know anything..."

Unsurprisingly, the situation in the backyard of Qilintang is Link's trump card and secret.

Now all the secrets have been seen, and Simon knows that if he admits, then he must be murdered.

"You are also a 70-year-old man, do you think I will believe in your side words?" Link chuckled lightly, but the baron in front of him really left the elegance of the blood race behind.

Simon's brain was pale, even under the dim red light, his pale face became more bloodless.

"Have you ever told others about the matter of coming out with the gargoyle?"

Simon shook his head mechanically: "A gargoyle is a magical creature that a prince can't necessarily own. How can such a good thing be told to others."

Simon's shoulders seemed to weigh a tens of thousands of pounds, and his straight waist was now completely discouraged, and he almost fell to his knees in front of Link.

Simon knew he had no chance to survive, and now he didn't struggle at all.

He is a baron of a hostile force. If he can kill himself and send the head back, it will definitely damage the morale of the Hidden Alliance. In addition, he saw through Link's secret hole cards, and he would definitely kill him without hesitation when he changed himself.

Link discovered Simon's emotional changes, and he was still holding a glimmer of hope of survival before. After he pointed out the secret, Simon quickly carried out psychological activities and found that he was already in a mortal situation, so he did not struggle at all.

"Do you still want to survive?"

If it were changed a minute ago, Simon would definitely kneel and kowtow to thank you when he heard this, but now he feels like a mirror in his heart. As the backbone of the enemy faction, how can he survive after seeing the opponent's cards? Asking this is just for repeated humiliation.

Simon snorted and asked, "I have seen all of Lin's cards. If I go back, the Hidden Alliance will know how to deal with it. In this case, Hallmaster Lin asked me if I want to survive. I think it would be unnecessary. . If you want to humiliate a blood clan, you must say that you will be disappointed."

Link took a deep breath, got up from the chair, and faced Simon in a condescending manner: "Yes, you are a member of the Hidden Alliance. If you let you go back to the mountain, Link can go from a slave to the hall master. I didn't take a wrong step! Naturally, I will not take a wrong step today."


Link waved his wrist, and the whistle in the air snapped back into his sleeve.

"As long as you are willing to sign a blood contract, I will give you a way out."

Simon opened his mouth wide and looked at Link in a daze.

The dim red light was behind Link, and Link in front of him only outlined a dark shadow, unable to see his face.

This shadow is tall, mysterious, omnipotent, and suffocating.

Link knew even the blood contract, and it seemed that the entire blood clan had no secrets in his eyes.

The blood contract is the strongest type of contract except for the blood family.

Both parties of the contract need to hold both hands firmly, and then use the blood family secret law to drive the contract.

Once the contract is completed, it has an unbreakable effect. If the contracting party violates the contract, it will trigger the bloodline curse, and the blood will boil and die.

The bloodlines of the blood race are closely related and insurmountable.

However, the blood contract is higher in effectiveness than the bloodline, and it will take effect immediately if it is violated.

"Choose death or embrace the new life, everything is up to you." Link's words are like magic sounds, with a strong deceptiveness.

The mood went from a glimmer of hope, to annihilation, to rekindling hope.

Simon's mood is like a roller coaster, ups and downs, without a chance to breathe.

Simon looked wary and asked, "What is the content of the blood contract?"

If the content is about assassinating Earl Dracula or subverting the hidden alliance, such an impossible mission, then Simon might as well choose to die.

"Allegiance to me."

Just three words, like a sledgehammer, hit Simon's heart fiercely.

Choose to be loyal to Link and you can live on yourself. But from now on, it has been completely separated from the Secret Alliance and regarded as a traitor by the blood race.

Link has already given the choice, it's all up to Simon himself.

Survive, or choose to go to justice for the family generously.

After a moment, Simon stretched out his hand and stopped in front of Link.

He made a choice.

Link also stretched out his hand and held Simon together.

"The blood of Cain, Baron Simon, hereby establish a blood contract to be loyal to Link from now on. If it is violated, God will condemn it."

"Simon with the blood of the glorious Cain, my link is here to make an oath with you and accept your allegiance."

A dark blood vessel emerged from the arms of the two shaking hands, through the two hands together.

Blood contract, success!

At the same time, the Link system also sent a reminder.

[Simon lv15+ (elite) pledges allegiance to you]

[Simon becomes your servant]

Simon is still in When the blood contract was just now, Link said the conclusion of the contract in a secret language unique to the blood without any guidance. The secret language is one of the ancient languages of the blood family. Many ancient documents, contracts, and advanced blood family skills collected by the blood family are written in cipher text. Only the core of the blood family and the elderly elders can understand the cipher text.

Simon did not feel any blood aura from Link, but he mastered the core mystery of the blood.

In addition to being shocked, Simon was shocked.

Thinking of the previous meetings, Earl Dracula still wanted to defeat Link and destroy the Kylin Hall's industry. Now it seemed that everything seemed to be a joke and a dream.

From Simon's point of view, to Link's view of the mysterious blood, there is no secret.

"the host."

Simon pressed one hand close to the cuffs of the trouser legs and put the other hand on the heart, bowing respectfully ninety degrees.

This is the most noble interest of the kinsmen and represents complete submission.

"Since you have surrendered, I will now give you a task-return to the hidden alliance and pretend that nothing happened."

Hearing this order, Simon's first reaction was to refuse, and immediately his heart seemed to be pinched by something invisible, and it was difficult to breathe.

The influence of the blood contract has already begun.

Simon put his heart in his hand, and asked strenuously: "I want to go back, isn't this going to die?"

"You stay in the Secret League will have a greater effect, and you don't have to worry about security issues. I will arrange someone to pick you up."

Simon was taken aback, surprised: "The master actually inserted someone in the Secret League?"

Link smiled and sold it off: "You will know when the time comes, and he will take the initiative to look for you."

At this time, in the eyes of Simon.

Link is already a supernatural being.

It's incredible to be able to put people in the Secret League.