Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 284

Chapter 284

"People in the old days believed in science. They always believed that they were made up in the story of the blood family. And we also took advantage of their ideas to hide in the city perfectly, and the well water did not violate the river. Until... forty-two years ago The day of liquidation came, the two superpowers pressed the red button, and the entire planet was reduced to wasteland amidst the nuclear explosion and dark clouds."

"Ordinary humans died in large numbers because they were unable to withstand nuclear radiation and nuclear dust. The few humans who fled to underground shelters constitute the main body of the present. Because of the special recovery ability of our blood, nuclear dust is not that deadly to us. After the liquidation, it will be abolished. The various hidden ancient powers of Saturn walked from behind the scenes to the front, as well as the newly born mutants. While the war has brought pain to the world, it has also pressed a new evolution button..."

"At that time, the Crusaders, Mechanic Cults, Wasteland Gangs, Brotherhoods, various organizational forces emerged in an endless stream, and some of our kinsmen suggested that they should leave the hidden world, but the final voting result is still hidden. The princes and elders believe that once the kinship Upon being born, it will become the primary hostile target of the Crusaders and sects, and the power of the blood family itself is not enough to guarantee against many forces."

Link listened patiently.

In his previous life, his vice-professional blood clan was activated in the Dragon City Han family.

So Link knows the blood clan system of Dragon City well, but knows very little about the blood clan of Shadu.

"So, is there only Dracula in Shadu? Are you and the Han family and Xiao family in Dragon City both neutral?"

Simon opened his mouth wide and muttered in aphasia: "You, how can you know the secrets of our blood family!"

In the Hidden League, Simon is not considered a senior. There are also several barons who are older than him, who together form the core council of the Secret League.

The Han family and Xiao family in Dragon City, Simon didn't know before. It was during the Earl's meeting some time ago that Simon first heard that the Hidden League also had two alliance families in Dragon City. It was the Han in Link's mouth. The family and the Xiao family, it is said that the three families plan to hold a meeting in three months, and the venue will be in Longcheng.

Seeing Simon's expression, Link knew the answer: "It seems that the Hidden League belongs to the neutral faction."

In Simon's mind, Link became more mysterious and powerful. At this moment, he couldn't help thinking of his superior Dracula, who was also a powerful and mysterious representative, and both of them had a daunting breath.

"You go on." Link motioned to Simon to continue. He also wanted to know more about the Hidden League.

Simon was stunned. Link knew even the most secret things about them. What else would he say now?

After a while, Simon suddenly realized that Link must have known all the secrets of the Hidden League, and now he was asking him to see if he was telling the truth.


Simon swallowed and the heavens fought.

If Link heard his lie, his life would be completely gone.

Every next sentence is a tightrope walk, and if you are careless, you will lose your life.

No, according to what Link just said, it would be torture more terrifying than losing a small life.

"I, where do I start..." Simon Liushen Wuzhu, his words were a bit uncomfortable. The human spirit who has lived for seventy years, the blood of the former aristocratic gentleman, at this moment, the emotions of anxiety, anxiety, and fear are all mixed together, and they have completely become wooden stakes.

"Just start with the composition of the hidden alliance."

Simon didn't think about it at the moment. It was completely subconscious and mechanically replied: Originally, Sha had several bloodline families, but with wars, vendettas, and struggles, after the liquidation of the other bloodline counts, all fell, only us. Dracula's line successfully continued to the day of liquidation. The Secret League also has other lines remaining, the highest being the Baron. Although they belong to the core family members, they know that they are weak, so they have completely surrendered. Always follow the mainstream."

"Talk about the strength of Count Dracula."

Simon's eyes trembled, seeing Link's eyes with a little awe: "Master Earl hasn't made any shots for decades. Before that, his strength was unfathomable. In the early days of Shadu's reconstruction, there were also people who personally led the blood on the territory. Experience, at that time, one person smashed into the enemy's formation and completely disrupted the enemy's position of nearly a hundred people with his own power, like a blood ancestor descending to the earth..."

According to Simon's description, Link estimated that this Count Dracula should be an elite of about 30.

The leaders of the major forces in the slums will not differ too much in level.

The Azure Dragon boss is lv27+ (elite), and Dracula is also an old tortoise who has lived a hundred or more years, so the evaluation of lv30+ (elite) should not be too different.

In addition, the blood count's skills are quite disgusting, combined with blood recovery, field control, group injuries, and outbursts. One enemy and one hundred are not a big problem.

"How did you get here?" Link continued. The gargoyle was out looking for vampire bats. Unexpectedly, a baron turned into a vampire mixed in it and tried to get through it. The result was really true. It succeeded for him.

If Link didn't want these vampire bats to synthesize, or simply raise them in the backyard, then they would really put their eyes in the house.

"I, I don't know that this gargoyle belongs to the Qilintang. It's just that when I came out of the building at night, I saw gargoyle-like creatures in the sky... You know, gargoyles are extremely rare for the blood race. If it can be domesticated, it will definitely improve the blood race. So I turned into a vampire bat and followed, but I was discovered by a gargoyle and brought it back."

This is also the thing that Simon can't figure out the most.

After the gargoyle caught him, he went straight back to the Qilintang.

When Simon followed to the Qilin Hall, he was shocked. He didn't expect that a gargoyle that was supposed to be possessed by the blood of superior blood would appear in the Qilin Hall.

What surprised him was more than that. When the gargoyle returned to the backyard of Qilintang, he handed the vampire bat to a gorilla made of metal.

In this zoo, Simon saw many creatures that he had never seen before.

These creatures don't look like they are native, they are more like they were made by some means.

Reminiscent of anecdotal rumors, Link seems to have a unique ability to evolve beasts...

Simon is even more certain, the rumor is true.

Link couldn't see the waves on his face, and he believed why Simon was arrested.

After all, such a vampire of the 'old age' is not good enough but his age is true. For this kind of explanation, he can find out whether he is lying after he goes out and just talk to the gargoyle. There is no need to lie in this regard.

At this moment, Link felt as if there were eight bright characters behind him-confession is lenient, resistance is strict.