Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 257

Chapter 257

Chapter 259 Black Whirlwind

While waiting for the blood cocoon to hatch, Link cast his gaze on the second creature, the most special one smuggled these few times-the colorful butterfly.

At this moment, there was another voice behind Link.

"Yeah, the new beast is here, but I am not late." The macaw arrived as expected.

How can this kind of good thing to join in the fun without the macaw?

As soon as the macaw came in, it pointed to a blood cocoon the size of an ostrich egg and asked, "What is this?"

"Strong neurotoxicity plus chitin shell, the creature is a killer bee." Link said lightly.

The macaw retracted its wings like lightning, and asked in astonishment: "Why are your nerves so poisonous?"

"The black venom of the emperor scorpion, the venom of the black widow, and the bee needle of the killer bee."

The macaw shivered suddenly, and the look in Link's eyes changed.

"You synthetic killer bee, who are you going to do?"

No one knows more about synthesizing pets than macaws.

Its previous suggestion was a wasp, but I didn't expect Link, a dog thing, to find a killer bee.

The killer bee is very small, and now it is extremely poisonous, almost mortal if touched.

If it is a group of killer bees, it can almost disturb the entire sand city.

While looking at the colorful butterflies in the iron cage, Link replied: "In order to protect the safety of the breeding factory. Now the focus of Qilintang is all on the breeding of small fragrant pigs. There must be someone coveting this market with a market value of tens of millions. Steal the little fragrant pig. If you send someone to guard it directly, the blind spot will be too large and the instability will be high, so you can simply use insect troops."

The macaw saw the black widow and the deadly vine next to him, and pointed and said, "Do you have to use all of these?"

Link took the vessel, rubbed the butterfly wing lightly with the blade, and quickly picked up the colored powder from a petri dish.

"Of course it is necessary to use all of it, to ensure that it is foolproof."

The macaw was a little panicked, and he only proposed a regular version, but Link, this guy actually directly produced a plus version.

All three creatures were upgraded on the basis of his suggestion. It doesn't count if they jumped to the top, but they need to be upgraded.

The macaw looked at Link holding a box of color powder, and couldn't help but curiously asked, "What is in this vessel?"

"The name of the colorful butterfly is because the powder on its wings has a hallucinogenic effect. Once it is inhaled into the body, it will react quickly. This material is suitable for synthesis with the vine."

"Then you are stealing powder with bare hands now, wouldn't you accidentally inhale the powder?"

Link returned to his senses, and a piece of toilet paper was clearly visible in his nose. It was connected from the left nostril to the right nostril, which looked like a nose ring on an old cow's nose.

"Fuck, you dog..." Before the macaw finished his words, he suddenly felt that colorful bubbles appeared in front of his eyes. The whole bird was faintly walking around in the yard, jumping and catching bubbles.

King Kong put down the Buddhist scriptures in his hand at the right time, and stared at the macaw intently, for fear of any dangerous actions.

Link combined the colorful butterfly powder with the deadly vine.

Variegated butterfly powder + deadly vine =? (The fit rate is 100%)

[Synthesis consumes 40 points of health, is it synthesize? whether]

[Incubation time of blood cocoon: 10 minutes]

The Death Vine is placed in a flowerpot filled with druid runes, and its function is to seal the movement and growth of the Death Vine.

After finishing the Death Vine, the last black widow is much easier to synthesize.

Link asked his subordinates to find a super adhesive, and then synthesize it with the black widow, in order to get a black widow who would spit out super sticky silk.

After finishing the three creatures in the security plan, Link continued to turn his gaze back to the colorful butterfly.

The colorful butterfly is a giant butterfly that lives in the subtropical jungle.

The adult colorful butterfly in front of you is one meter long with its wings spread out. The most famous thing is its colorful wings.

There will be hallucinogenic powder shaking with the wind in the fan. As long as a tiny amount is inhaled, it can cause hallucinations.

This kind of creature, if you want to maximize its effect, you have to write an article about its specialty.

"The biggest ability of the Variegated Butterfly is hallucinogenic. It is spread through powder and must be inhaled to function..."

Under Lin Ke's thoughts, he immediately discovered the weakness in the advantage of the colorful butterfly, that is, the limited transmission method!

The spread of powder is too dependent on wind.

Once there is no wind, the power of powder spread is greatly reduced, and the affected area will also change.

In addition, the infection method that only works by inhaling the body into the lungs greatly limits the hallucinogenic ability.

Once the enemy wears a gas mask, the colorful butterfly loses its effect.

Speaking of this, Link immediately thought of the answer.

But immediately, I was shocked by my own inspiration.

"No, the flu virus has an overbearing effect. Once it is combined with the colorful butterfly and spreads accidentally, even I can't stop it."

Link thought about it again. If you want to enhance the hallucinogenic effect of the variegated butterfly, skin infections may be a good choice.

However, the synthesis of colorful butterflies has opened up some ideas for Link.

The combination of organisms and bacteria and viruses can be a new direction.

As for fungi that are easy to get and can break through the protective layer of the skin, Link already has an idea in his mind, that is, he needs to cultivate it in a petri dish after obtaining it, and then synthesize it.

"Then wronged you for a few days."

Link bypassed the colorful butterflies and walked to the wild horse.

This wild horse looks like a tall wild horse in high latitudes.

The head is straight, the neck is medium in length, torticollis, the ribs are well spread, the back and waist are wide and flat, strong and rough.

The black hair all over, if he wears a pair of armor, it feels like a black knight's mount.

What surprised Link was that this was supposed to be a violent horse, but at the moment in the tall iron cage, he was extremely well-behaved. Even if Link started stroking, he did not feel any discomfort. The big eyes are like a mirror, reflecting the image of Link.

When Link saw the Mustang, he thought of the Pegasus of the Crusaders in the Colosseum Speed Race.

Tianma is pure white, wild horse is pure black.

As if it was a destiny guide, let it appear in front of Link.

Mustangs in high latitudes are more suitable for long distances rather than short sprints.

Link opened the cage and walked out with the wild horse.

Grab the reins and flip it onto the back of the Mustang.

There is no saddle on the Mustang, but Link and Mustang have been in close contact, but he did not feel any tyrannical emotions.


Link's legs clamped the horse's The wild horse immediately got up in the yard.

"If you want stamina, just scream."

After Link finished speaking, the Mustang did not respond.

"If you want speed, just scream."


"Well, I will call you Black Whirlwind from now on."

Thanks to book friends 20200822081002043 for the 200-point currency rewards, thanks to the 400-point currency rewards that do not poke the needle, thanks to Lin Lin for the 1992 starting currency rewards, thanks to the book friends 20190711180043053 for the 100-point currency rewards, thanks to the bookworm of Xinfengyang Thanks to Shiyu Yege's 100 starting coins reward, thanks to Yuankun's 100 starting coins reward, thanks to Qianmengye Xingfan's 100 starting coins reward, thanks to Guiwu EM's 100 starting coins Reward

(End of this chapter)