Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Chapter 260 Security Division'Royal Sanjia'

The reason why Tianma can run so fast is mainly because it evolved from a unicorn.

The unicorn's body contains pure holy light energy, and the combination of this light energy can explode at an extraordinary speed.

The black whirlwind wants speed, but is not a unicorn who is born with an affinity for the holy light.

Representing speed, one is light, the other is wind, and the third is electricity.

Since light is not enough, make a fuss about wind and electricity.

To tell the truth, this thing is so good.

Wind alone is intangible and intangible. If you want it to appear in the form of a concrete substance, you have to find mutants with the attributes of wind.

The problem is that Link doesn't know mutants with wind attributes.

If it is a fire attribute, you can also ask Mina for help.

With wind attributes...

Link's eyes suddenly lit up, and immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the Platinum Hotel APP.

"Last time I offered a reward and made a lot of money, this time I just used the APP to hire a variant of the wind system."

The last time Evil Fun participated in the reward, because Link was still alive and kicking a month later. All the low-level killers and bounty hunters who bet have lost All Knowledge Coins, and Link also made a small profit.

The functions of the Platinum Hotel APP are all proposed by Link.

The most important of these is the employment task module.

Soon Link edited the task information and announced the name of the hirer very calmly.

[Task Type: Employment (Reward)]

Initiator: Link

[Task description: Hire a mutant, the double element mutant who is good at wind & electricity is preferred; if there is no mutant who is good at double elements, hire two mutants, each good at wind and electricity.

[Task requirements: display ability]

[Mission location: Kirin Church in Shadu slum]

[Task cost: 4 omniscient gold coins for a single person, or 2 omniscience gold coins for each pair]

When Link completed the task information as required, he immediately issued the reward task.

The Platinum Hotel APP is still in the beta stage, and the usage rate is destined to not be very high.

However, Link's mission is very rewarding. You only need to show your ability to get 2 All-Knowing Gold Coins, which will surely attract people.

Let the task fly on the platform for a while, and when there are more people signing up, Link will slowly screen it.

Link led the black whirlwind back to the iron cage, and then turned his attention to the hippopotamus.

The biggest beast of the month is by far the biggest beast in Link Zoo.

Link looked at the hippopotamus, and the hippopotamus was also staring at Link.

Cute little ears, funny round butt, bead-like eyes...all seem to be so gentle.

But don't be deceived by this silly appearance,

The bite force of a hippopotamus is at least 1.3 tons. Even if it is a tin car, it is just a toy with teeth in front of it.

The characteristics of hippopotamus are thick skin, strong bite force and large body.

The hippopotamus in front of me estimates that it is at least 3 meters in length, 1.5 meters in height, and a minimum weight of more than 1 ton.

When Link saw the hippopotamus, he thought of its synthetic direction.

Without a word, Link sent a text message to Fred and asked him to prepare the materials.

At this time, a dark and oily tail needle protruded from the earliest blood cocoon, piercing the blood cocoon and opening a crack.

The queen bee crawled out of the blood cocoon with difficulty, dragged her huge bloated abdomen, and hovered in the air.

[Monster attributes]

Name: Invisible Killer Bee

Quality: Blue

Race: Apidae

Attribute: Natural affinity

Level: 5

Initial skill 1: Poison needle lv1 (the poison needle of the invisible killer bee contains a strong neurotoxin, which perfectly inherits the powerful neurotoxin effect, each invisible killer bee can launch a poison needle)

Initial Skill 2: Invisibility (Invisible Killer Bee can change color with the environment, making it more difficult to detect)

Initial Skill 3: Hardening (the invisible killer bee can release hardened chitin film at any time, which can resist high temperature and high pressure)

Evaluation: Once a scale is formed, it can definitely cause a disaster

After reading the information about the Invisible Killer Bee, Link couldn't help clenching his fists and secretly excited.

The result of the synthesis of the invisible killer bee is exactly the same as he expected.

The reproduction speed of bees is amazing, as long as they form a scale, their lethality on the defensive side is amazing. Even on the assassination end, it can make a difference.

Moreover, with the participation of powerful neurotoxins, in Link's eyes, the crowd tactics of other forces will not have any effect on him.

The gap in numbers and threats will also become a thing of the past.

No matter how many people there are, as long as they face the invisible killer bee, they will not have any advantage.

Then, another blood cocoon also began to burst.

Countless vines pierced the blood cocoon, spread out from the inside, and quickly took root underground.

The effects and attributes of the psychedelic vine are the same as Link's expectation, which are [Hymnological lv1] and [Vine Entangling].

Hallucinogenic lv1: After the psychedelic vine comes into contact with creatures, it will cause the contact to hallucinate. The time depends on the resistance of the contact.

Vine entanglement: The psychedelic vine will attack the enemy like a prey. Once trapped by the entanglement, it will shrink and exert force, making it difficult to break free.

The psychedelic vine's abilities are simple and effective, but in fact its biggest feature is still inconspicuous.

This plant can be camouflaged as a shrub or entangled in the branches of the woods, which is difficult to detect.

As long as no attack is launched, no one will pay attention to a pile of bushes.

This also created an opportunity for the psychedelic vine to use the enemy's defenseless mentality to attack.

Once the enemy is **** or infected with hallucinogenic effects, the next time is the time for the invisible killer bee to come and harvest.

Finally, the black widow also broke free from the blood cocoon, ushering in a new life.

Only this time, Link's stretched brows couldn't help but twist together.

[Monster attributes]

Name: Black Widow

Quality: White

Race: Coccididae

Attribute: Natural affinity

Level: 3

Initial Skill 1: Spider Silk Jet lv1 (Black Widow can jet a complete web of 10 cm in diameter from her mouth, limited to 1 time per day)

Initial skill 2: Self-explosive bonding (Black Widow has a large amount of toxic adhesive accumulated in her can actively self-destruct to stick to the enemy)

Evaluation: Now, it is the top predator in nature!

After reading it, Link scratched his head and said: "Unexpectedly, he eventually went in the direction of self-destruction..."

Link's idea was [Spider Jet], but I didn't expect that the combination of Black Widow and the super-strong adhesive would produce an additional [Blast Bond].

Although it may seem strange, there are more applicable scenarios.

The security work of the breeding factory will be jointly maintained by the invisible killer bee, the psychedelic vine and the black widow.

The effect of these three, even if the top killer or bounty hunter comes, it will suffer a big loss without paying attention.

Link now understands that the Zerg Nest must be matched with this amazingly fertile creature to give full play to its advantages.

(End of this chapter)