Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Chapter 258 Breaking Bad

"Congratulations to the seventh team, you have successfully qualified for the next round."

When Bob made the announcement, the seventh team burst into cheers enough to overturn the roof.

The difficulty of the task increased, which brought a lot of pressure to them. But in the end they withstood the pressure and successfully completed the task.

But in this smile, some people faintly echoed and bitter.

For today's mission, the intelligence was not sent out in time, causing a lot of misunderstandings and losses.

What shocked the undercover most was not these **** tasks, but the planned and regulated destruction system of Qilintang.

It's not the kind of rude sending people to beat, smash, and rob, but through infiltration and distribution of small flyers full of stories to promote the local forces' oppression of businesses. The stories on the flyers are obviously mixed, but they are vividly written, especially full of gossip and conspiracy theories that everyone loves to see.

Although the patrol fighters on the site will search and destroy all of these things later, the small flyers can be destroyed, but the human mouth cannot be destroyed. The story continues to be passed on from word to mouth, and it becomes more and more mysterious.

This destruction does not seem to have a major effect, but in fact the effect is like boiling a frog in warm water, or a cotton needle.

When you relax your vigilance disapprovingly, when quantitative changes trigger qualitative changes, unparalleled effects will eventually erupt.

On the one hand, it belittles local power. On the other hand, Kylintang has established a solid, responsible, well-regulated, and well-known image among its respective propaganda media and merchants.

Whether it's getting up early to help shops solve problems, or donating from the city library.

In addition, the fragrant pig banquet at the Brilliant Hotel, the cute hamster pets, and the alpaca perfume popular in the aristocratic circle of Shangcheng District, all have extremely strong Qilintang labels.

Selling such high-end products, even the nobles in the Shangcheng district are eager for them. Such power is not reliable, so is there any reliable power in the entire slum area?

Subtle influence is the most terrifying.

Especially when the undercover agents compare the things their own forces are doing. Every month they are the most diligent when collecting rent. Other times it is difficult to find someone. Occasionally patrolling the street, not long before I ran to the small casino to go to Hapi, and sent my own intelligence in these two days, only then did I get the attention of the above, and began to move, and the frequency of thug patrols increased.

"There are three teams that have been promoted this time. You will have two days off. You will come to the side hall to pick up the next challenge after two days." After Bob announced, he waved and dismissed the six teams.

The seventh team walked out of the side hall with a smile, and then everyone looked at each other and said in unison: "I have something and need to go out."

All the seven were taken aback for a moment, and the look in each other's eyes became a little weird.

"It's such a coincidence that there is something going on, then everyone is gone!"

At this time, the vigilant undercover can already smell something wrong.

Recalling the abnormality and weirdness of the previous mission, the answer quickly pointed to one place...

Time is fleeting.

Soon it was the beginning of June, and today was the day Link was looking forward to harvesting and smuggling wild animals.

This time, Link did not visit the Link's gang in person, but sent Fred and a team of special soldiers.

Now that there are soldiers and generals under his hand, these trivial things don't need him to come forward.

But the fun of smuggling wild animals still exists.

This thing is like opening a box for a monthly lottery, which always brings a lot of surprises.

Link has prepared the three things the macaw proposed before.

Killer bees, black widows, and deadly vines from the Moonshade Council.

But Link was not in a hurry to synthesize. He was ready to wait until this month's smuggled wild animals arrived, and they would make a wave of syntheses.

While Link was waiting, he received a text message from Fred.

[Fred: Boss, it's all inclusive as you want. The emperor scorpions, variegated butterflies, wild horses, hippos, penguins, shorthair cats, and leatherback turtles smuggled over this month.

When Link saw the text message, his brows frowned.

The expression is as follows.

The painting style of this month's beast is completely different from that of May.

If May is a pure beast, then the beast smuggled this month is actually a little cute?

Except for hippos and wild horses, which are large wild animals, the others are small animals or insects.

However, Link welcomes this. The more diverse the animal species, the higher the possibility that the pets he can synthesize will deal with different environments, have different skills, and have more unexpected effects when facing enemies.

When the animals were transported back to the Kylin Hall, Link was inspired for the first time.

The emperor scorpion, also known as the emperor giant scorpion, is a high-latitude cold-resistant scorpion. The throat is very poisonous, and the body length is 1.5 meters. When the curved tail is straightened, the body length can reach two meters, just like a small car. A pair of dark red pliers looks mighty and domineering, the hardness level can even pinch metal. Because of its terrible size and highly poisonous, it is called the emperor of the scorpion, hence the name emperor scorpion.

When Link saw the emperor scorpion in the iron cage, its two pliers had been caught by the metal and could not be opened. Otherwise, this iron cage will not trap it at all. The level of lv12 is also the highest level among all the beasts Link has ever seen.

Link's thoughts flashed, and he thought of a wonderful way.

Emperor Scorpion sees the venom of the blood-sealed throat, coupled with the toxicity of the black widow spider, and the poisonous needle of the killer bee. These three poisons are all green in quality. If they can be synthesized, they are definitely poisonous.

Link has a specialty [Poison Preparation lv1], which can extract venom from the three.

The scorpion tail of the emperor scorpion is very poisonous, the black widow's venom sac, and the killer bee's venom injection. When the three materials are mixed together...

[You get a strong nerve poison x2]

[Strong neurotoxicity]

[Quality: Blue]

[Description: For ordinary targets below lv5, touch it to death; for lv5~lv10 common targets, cause direct damage with various abnormal states; for lv10~lv20 common targets, cause damage and a small amount of abnormal states; for common targets above lv20, Only direct damage]

Link's eyes lit up. Although the description clearly stated that he was targeting ordinary targets, the poisonous effect was directly overbearing, highlighting an unreasonable one.

With the strong nerves and poison, Link found the hard rhinoceros beetle, which is the shell of the unicorn.

The shell of the unicorn is not only very, but the shell will also change from green to black with the humidity of the environment.

With these, Link started the first synthesis.

Strong neurotoxicity + chitin shell + killer bee queen =? (The fit rate is 91%)

[Synthesis consumes 50 points of life, is it synthesize? whether]

[Incubation time of blood cocoon: 10 minutes]

Although the blood cocoon is only the size of a thumb, Link can already imagine how much energy this seemingly small creature will have...

P.S: Wanjun is celebrating her birthday, and she applied for a day off on the 23rd. Please approve!

The draft on the 23rd will be updated with the owed ones, and then will be added, hehe~

Thank you for your reward of 100 starting coins!

(End of this chapter)