Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Chapter 257 Lin's Consortium

Lin Ke invested money and bought a two-story shop next to Binhe Avenue.

This move immediately caused a lot of speculation in the slums.

The Riverfront Avenue is a road along the Grand Canal, which belongs to an excessive area between the slum and the upper city.

In the past, General Alonso took a pen to draw a line here, which stipulated the scope of the gangs in the slum area.

So don't ask why the riverside avenue is divided separately. Asking is that Alonso has broken the world and no one dares to violate it.

Seven plans that Link made before.

Among them, recruitment and expansion of scale, animal and material system, rare animal exhibition, and pig breeding base have all been completed.

The rest is to regain the lost site of Kirin Hall, establish a cooperative relationship with the military to gain a foothold, excavate tunnels leading to the garbage dump, and acquire shops along the ground.

It was originally just a C-level mission to regain lost ground, but it was turned into a B-level serial mission by Link.

"Boss, I have submitted the application materials to the Municipal Office of Shangcheng District. After the two working days of review, the boss needs to visit the Municipal Office in person. After the legal person is verified, the group can be formally established."

Fred smiled again and said: "I went to the municipal office today, and the staff in the Shangcheng District also teased that we are already a chaebol."

"Oh? What about this? We are just reorganizing several small companies under our name this time. We are still far from the chaebol."

"The staff of the municipal office said that Xiaoxiangzhu is currently very popular in Shangcheng District, and it is still the exclusive monopoly of Qilintang. It is completely worthy of the title of chaebol. And the boss, you don't know, after I went to the municipal office to report my house, my nostril The staff watching the people immediately put on a smiley face and arranged a special passage for skipping the line. Looking at other business people, the line was long."

Link laughed. When did the staff of the municipal office all start to flatter.

There are also privileges, which must be attributed to 7 points of influence.

But Link was not arrogant and complacent. He recognized the monopoly, but he was still a long way from the chaebol.

But he is indeed developing in this direction, so he can barely be regarded as a consortium.

Link sent Fred to do errands this time, mainly to do the land lease change procedures, and to transfer many stores in Qilintang Commercial Street, including Jinbi Hotel and Brilliant Hotel, to a new establishment named [Lin Group ]'S name.

In addition, the breeding factory, the security company and the two-storey shops next to Binhe Avenue are all under the [Lin Group].

These industries are quite scattered.

In order to better develop in the future, Link will merge these large and small industries under one main body.

The prototype of an invisible business empire is slowly emerging.

For now, the main business of the Lin Group is in four aspects: catering, entertainment, life, and security.

With Xiaoxiangzhu as the core industry, it will promote catering, life and security.

"I believe someone is already staring at the breeding factory." Link felt his chin and thought.

Although the Newman family is heavily guarded at the breeding factory, with the tangible effects of the fragrant pig banquet for physical fitness, many famous families are eager to buy it.

This also caused many people to focus on Little Xiangzhu.

After all, as long as you can get a breeding pig, you can break the monopoly of Qilintang and get a share of it.

In the past two weeks, the price of the fragrant pig feast has basically stabilized, with an average price of around 70,000.

A meal of 70,000 wasteland coins, how many large and small nobles in Shangcheng District, and how many gang leaders in slum areas are all potential consumers. The value of the entire industry is more than ten million?

"As for the members, Kylintang will set up a lot of company departments in the future, all of which will require manpower, and there is no way to divide too much. It is still necessary to build a defensive network with humble pets."

Only humble insect pets can avoid the enemy's various detection equipment to the maximum. At the same time, the compact body means that it is difficult for individuals to be found. At the same time, insects and zerg are genetically compatible, and both have strong reproductive power. As long as they add a little special ability, they will be able to perform miraculous effects.

Link walked out of the study with coffee and wandered in the yard.

Since it is a natural creature, it is natural to find inspiration in the yard.

When Link walked to the zoo, King Kong was sitting cross-legged on the futon reading the Lotus Sutra.

There is no dirt on King Kong's body, and the shiny metal can even reflect the surrounding courtyard.

As soon as he entered the yard, Link felt a rush of peace and tranquility, and suddenly he couldn't bear to open the mouth to break such a picture.

"Yeah, rare guest!"

A loud voice suddenly appeared behind Link, and Link's eyebrows could not help but frowned. The macaw appeared at an untimely time.

Hey, good things cannot get rid of the fate of being broken after all.

"I walk around, looking for inspiration."

After Link turned around, he was suddenly taken aback by the appearance of the macaw.

This guy didn't know where he got a pair of sunglasses, framed on a huge metal beak, and he was wearing a navy blue waistcoat. If he took a fan, he would smell like a master.

"For any inspiration, maybe I can give some suggestions."

"You said, what insects are used to synthesize and transform, can play a security effect?"

The macaw snorted, and Link seemed to feel the 'just here' look through the sunglasses.

"In terms of security effects, you must force spiders! Spiders form a web, and other insects are difficult to escape. If you make some sticky materials, let alone catch insects, even people can tie you up."

Link's eyes lit up, this macaw has something!

"There's more, you continue!"

The macaw became excited and uttered: "There is also a hornet, a flying insect like a hornet, which has a strong acupuncture ability. If it can be modified, it is definitely a weapon."

"There are also the vines that entangle people in the wild forests. The more they move, the tighter they become. If they are mixed with poison, the effect will not be mentioned..."

Lin Ke looked at the macaw with interest and couldn't help asking: "You know so clearly, have you experienced it yourself before?"

This sentence is like stepping on the painful foot of a macaw, and denying the third chain lightning like: "I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Link hooked the fat neck of the macaw, UU read and asked, "I'm quite curious about your previous experience. Tell me..."

"Ah, I made an appointment with them to play mahjong today. I'm leaving now." The macaw immediately found an excuse to slip away.

Link shrugged helplessly. Every time he asked about the macaws, the guy kept secret and found an excuse to slip away.

Link had also asked through Benjamin before, but he didn't ask anything.

After all, this was something other people gave to Mu En's family, and he didn't know the origin and background.

The macaw, who has lived for more than 30 years, is so familiar with virgin forests and tropical jungles, who can believe it if there is no story?

"Let's pry it slowly, now the most urgent task is to find a way to get the materials..."

P.S: Today is Wanjun's birthday, and he is finally 18 years old. I will take my ID card to the Internet cafe tonight tonight~

(End of this chapter)