Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The treasure hunter jumped off Link's hand.

Although it is only in its infancy, it is green after all, and its speed and ability are better than ordinary rats in adulthood.

The introduction of the treasure hunter is very well written. Link's dagger is still in his hand, and he does not intend to put all hope on the pet.

If you switch to a professional genre routine, which has already been tested and verified by countless players, and summed up a set of effective solutions, Link can naturally rest assured and bold.

Klink's current gold finger, which has never been obtained by a player before, is a brand-new way for him to explore. With Link's character of seeking stability, naturally he would not put all his life on it.

The treasure hunter moved along the maze wall, and Link followed closely behind.

After turning a few turns, Link's eyes brightened.

The treasure hunter does have something!

This little guy didn't take him a little detour, just walked out of the maze.


The treasure hunter walked for a while and suddenly stopped, looked up at Link, and then at the wall.

Link widened his eyes and looked shocked, he actually understood the meaning of the treasure hunter!

As soon as the treasure hunter finished speaking, Link heard the sound of army boots.

Link squatted at the corner of the wall with a sharp dagger in his hand. He was not tall, but now he squatted down even more inconspicuously.

Because of the Zerg Insect Nest, Link and the Treasure Hunter established a kind of spiritual connection. Even if Link doesn't say a word, he can give orders to the treasure hunter.

The treasure hunter squatted under Link's feet in a decent way, his posture and movements were just one size smaller than Link.

Link expressed helplessness.

When children are young, they love to imitate the actions of adults.


Perhaps the bones of the treasure hunter were not fully formed shortly after they were born, and they imitated the waist for a while because the spine and muscles were too strong.

The treasure hunter pressed its two small paws on both sides of the waist and abdomen, and the waist began to move rhythmically, moving the rigid waist muscles...

Link raised his hands to ensure that this was definitely not what he taught.

The sound of rubber-soled military boots stepping on the gravel on the ground became clearer, and Link was able to lock the enemy's position.

Link reached out and patted the treasure hunter, who was rubbing the air on his waist.

The treasure hunter staggered, rubbed the back of his head with his little paws, and got down into a fighting state.

"Implementation plan!"

Link's heart moved, and the treasure hunter received the command.

The short beard at the corner of the mouth and the super sense of smell accurately outline the image of the mercenary.

The sound waves of the mercenaries walking vibrated, and they were received by the treasure hunter one after another, confirming his specific trajectory.

The treasure hunter remained motionless, as if it had been frozen into ice after a night in the wild.

But in the next second, the treasure hunter suddenly stretched out its paws to scratch the wall, picked up the pebbles on the ground and hit the wall, making various noises.

The mercenary was holding a pistol. Although he said he didn't care, he was still subconsciously careful when he crossed the corner of the maze.

Walking through the maze is quite annoying. If he has a hook tool on his body, he will directly flip to the wall, where it is necessary to walk the maze.

At this time, the mercenary heard the noise from the corner not far ahead and raised his mouth slightly.

If you don't want to run, you still want to ambush in the corner, the whole super double?

Master smiled.

Since he loves to work so much, play with him before he dies.

The mercenary even imagined it in his mind. After a while, he suddenly turned his head and shot his head. The slave opened his eyes wide with an unbelievable expression, and he didn't understand how he exposed him to death...

To solve such a wounded waste slave,

One sip of cappuccino is enough time.

The mercenary raised his gun, his footsteps were not hidden.

The noise behind the corner wall was fleeting, which made the mercenaries convinced that this kid was squatting behind the wall.

It's impossible to escape without a sound.

The mercenary's muzzle moved a few inches down. He remembered that the slave was not tall. When he turned the corner, the height could reach the opponent's forehead, giving him a surprise.

The treasure hunter felt that the mercenary was close to the ground and began to execute the order.

Lie on the ground and slightly raised his back, like a boost before sprinting.

"Come on!"

When the mercenary raised one foot and was about to walk over, the treasure hunting rat rushed out from the corner like flying.

The mercenaries focused their attention on the slave who was hiding in the corner, and suddenly a mouse rushed out, making him shiver with fright.

caught off guard!

The treasure hunter climbed along the army boots onto the mercenary camouflage pants, and then went around behind his ass.

The mercenary turned around subconsciously and stretched out his hand to shoot off the mouse, and the hand holding the gun unconsciously raised a few inches.

It's now!

Link rushed out from the corner and saw the black pistol at a glance.

The sharp knife flashed a cold light, plunged directly under the mercenary dark green T-shirt, and pierced the heart!

[You hit the enemy's heart! Cause five times the fatal damage! ]

At the same time, Link saw a large number of 120 critical damage from the mercenary.


The mercenary was careless, the middle door opened wide, and was hit by Link.

When the mercenary reacted and wanted to shoot, Link had pulled out the knife cleanly and avoided the turning angle.

From the beginning to the end, the mercenaries didn't see Link's face, only the corners of the linen cloth he was taken up when he turned around and left.

The knife was withdrawn from his chest, and the punctured heart immediately released pressure. Accompanied by the creaking sound, the mercenary's T-shirt was dyed red and the blood mist sprayed.

The mercenaries in the second half of the maze heard the screams of their companions, and were startled, and hurriedly shouted, "What's wrong with you, brother? Say something!"

The treasure hunter appeared on the mercenary's wrist like lightning, and began to gnaw at his hand holding the gun.

The mercenary fell to the ground and covered the **** heart with one hand, and wanted to protect himself with a gun with the other hand. But the treasure hunter stubbornly pulled it on his hand, letting the mercenaries shake it, I didn't move, and bite.




There are constantly light blue numbers popping up from the mercenaries.

The treasure hunter is fused with metal, the teeth are strengthened, and the gnawing force is stronger than that of ordinary mice.

In a blink of an eye, the hand of the mercenary is already dripping with blood.

"People, here I am! Come on, help me!"

The mercenaries endured the pain and called out the last cry for help with all their strength.

just after the voice fell, several fingers had been bitten off, and he could no longer hold the gun.


The pistol fell to the ground.

Link's eyes lit up, waiting for this opportunity.

came out from the corner again, the cold light of the sharp dagger in his hand was gone, and the body of the dagger was stained with red blood.

"Don't come! Don't come!"

The mercenary panicked, kicking back.

With every movement, a large amount of blood gushes out from between the fingers.

There is a treasure hunter who takes care of him. Link ignores the mercenaries and walks straight to pick up the pistol on the ground.

[You get a Glock 17 pistol. ]

Link glanced at the panel, the magazine was full without firing a shot.

Glock 17, named after the pistol magazine with 17 rounds.

Link held a gun in one hand and a knife in the other, with blood on his right arm, and walked to the mercenary blankly.

In the eyes of the mercenaries, this slave has become a **** of death who takes his life.

took another knife.

inserted into the throat, killing his life.

[You killed the mercenaries of the Wasteland Gang and gained 200 experience]

The treasure hunter stopped gnawing and leaped back and forth in the mercenary trouser pocket, reminding Link that there is still something valuable on his body.

As a veteran player with six years of experience, how could Link forget to touch the corpse.

With both hands proficiently walking around, Link got a lot of good things.

[You get multi-function belt x1, magazine x2]

The treasure hunter stood on the mercenary corpse, standing upright on guard.

Link tied the elastic band that had just been pulled down close to his waist, and then put down the linen coat. From the outside, there was no gun on his body.

"No more hiding daggers in your crotch now."

where the multi-purpose bullet has a special dagger, whether it is Link, he is relieved at this moment.

Two full magazines, plus 17 rounds of 9mm bullets in the Glock pistol, Link now has 51 rounds in total.

Link glanced at the treasure hunter. He didn't expect this little guy to have strong search ability and attack ability.

Although it only loses one or two points of blood in one bite, it can't hold it fast!

Just now Link dodges and hides, the treasure hunter bit at least a dozen drops of blood!

Especially mice are small and the most difficult to deal with.

"There is one left, lead the way!"

There is a gun in his hand, and he doesn't panic in his heart.

Link took the pistol, and in the labyrinth of his own advantage, the situation turned from defense to offense.

The treasure hunter jumped down from the corpse, the strong blood did not interfere with it, and ran ahead to lead Link.

Looking at the other mercenary, he immediately ran across the maze when he heard the screams of his teammates.

But after a while, no sound can be heard in the huge maze, the horror of silence!

The mercenary soon realized that his teammates should have been killed, but the strange atmosphere made him lose the courage to move forward.

Mingming was a wounded slave, why did his teammates make such a terrible cry?

Mysterious, unknown, most terrifying.

The mercenary stopped advancing, and turned back.

But the maze is too complicated. There is no way to go back in Liushen Wuzhu. Instead, it is stuck in an endless loop.

The mercenaries were not struggling, so they simply found the corner of execution, tremblingly took out the satellite phone, and dialed the number of the Wasteland Help headquarters.

The mercenary is holding a Bezos T1 mini submachine gun, and the muzzle is facing the corner in front of him.

Every sound made by the satellite phone connection makes people feel infinitely long.

"This is the headquarters of the Wasteland Gang, what's the matter at Camp 52?"

"The camp was destroyed by quicksand, the ruins were sunk, and everyone was dead!" The mercenary grabbed the last straw, and while the weird hadn't approached, he told him everything he knew-and asked for help.

"The camp is destroyed, the ruins are sunk, you speak slowly..." The operator was also shocked by the huge information in just a few words and quickly began to record.

"There is no time for nonsense! My teammates and I chased the fugitive slaves and came to the abandoned city in the mechanical religious site north of the ruins. The slaves had been hit by a stray bullet, and we chased to a maze-like place. We were about to surround ourselves. , But, but after coming in for a while, the teammate screamed and lost contact. I don't know if there is something else in the maze or what, but I'm sure the teammate is dead! I'm sending the location coordinates now, hurry! Send someone to rescue I!"

Afterwards, the mercenaries had no idea what they were talking about, intermittently and without logic.

"I have received the coordinates. I have uploaded the coordinate information and your response. I now request access to the video. If you pass it, we need real-time images on the front line!"

Soon there was a request for access to the satellite phone, and the mercenary hurriedly opened the camera, and put the satellite phone in his chest pocket with the same angle of view as him.

When Link heard the mercenary rushing for help, there was no need for the treasure hunter to lead the way.

Listen to the sound to identify the position, he already knows the exact position of the mercenary.

It's just that Link didn't expect that this mercenary even had a satellite phone on him!

This is really... an unexpected joy!

Satellite phones have two main functions.

One is positioning and the other is calling.

Talking to the Wasteland Gang is useless to Link who only has the "Zuan Language Level 1 Certificate".

But to return to a safe place from the ruins of the city, real-time positioning is essential.

In the boundless Gobi Desert, it is simply too easy to kill a person.

As long as he doesn't give him coordinates or position him, this person will surely become a Gobi skeleton within a few days.

Soon Link walked around where the mercenary was, separated by a wall.

The mercenaries have been reporting the situation to the Wasteland Gang headquarters. In addition, Link did not wear shoes and walked very quietly, so the mercenaries did not notice that the "Reaper" was approaching quietly.

"Treasure hunter, it's time for you again!"

The treasure hunter sensed the owner's thoughts, and UU reading moved his hands and feet a little by the wall.

The treasure hunter quickly ran past the opening, followed by a burst of fire from a miniature submachine gun.

Link's mouth raised.

He guessed right, this guy was hiding in a blind spot, his muzzle was facing the outside, and there was a subconscious reaction when there was trouble.

The stress response just now knocked out at least a dozen bullets.

The Wasteland Gang has only three weapons for ordinary mercenaries.

One is a Glock 17 pistol with a magazine capacity of 17;

The second is the Bezos T1 submachine gun with a magazine capacity of 30;

The third is a tactical dagger, which is the one in Link's crotch before.

The pistol and the micro punch use 9mm bullets, which is convenient for replenishment.

Finally, coupled with the BLN50 heavy machine gun on the modified desert jeep, it can basically cope with all conventional battles.

The mercenary's face was pale, and his facial features were crowded together with indescribable regret.

A mouse wasted more than a dozen bullets.

Because of the rush to come out, there is no extra supplies in the car, and his flick is only 30 rounds.

Now, there are only a dozen shots left.

"Don't worry now, the above approval has been down, and our helicopter is already on the way, and it will arrive at the coordinates in an hour and a half! You must survive."

"Okay, I, I will try my best!"

The mercenary swallowed, and the news of the rescue dispelled a little bit of fear.

Link, who was hiding behind the wall, frowned slightly.

So, he only has one and a half hours to escape.

Time is running out!

Quick battle!

P.S: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for collection! Recommended tickets are a little bit low, brothers!