Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Although the blue wall is old, the blue wall in front of you is probably the most intact building in the ruins of the city.

Link saw this six or seven-meter-high blue wall, and memories of the past gradually emerged.

is back, all back!

This is not just a wall, it is actually a labyrinth of pure concrete, which existed when the city prospered.

After the Wasteland Era, the Mechanical God Sect occupied this place and sacked all the metal in the city. Because this maze is a pure concrete design, it has been preserved from the gangster.

When the game is officially open for beta, Mechanic Cult finds [Death Palace], it will send troops to station here.

Mechanical **** soldiers wear exoskeleton armor, and they will drop the blueprints, parts and even armor chips needed by the mechanical system. Link could earn the first pot of gold here, relying on the complex terrain of the maze.

Link waited a few seconds in front of the blue wall maze, waiting for the jeep that came out of the half-covered blue smoke and dust.

The wasteland help mercenaries saw Link standing on the street holding his arms at a glance.

"Hit it?" The machine gunner saw the slave holding his arm, his expression was as if he had won the lottery.

"What kind of luck can this special make you fool?" The driver's companion couldn't help but vomit.

The machine gunner's nose was almost up to the sky: Maybe it's all thanks to me if I can escape this time. Remember to treat me when I go back!

"Stop talking nonsense, that guy ran away."

"Cut, where can a slave go!"

The Jeep was completely empty and continued to slide forward by inertia.

One person pistol shot slightly, jumped out of the car, and ran in the direction where Link disappeared.

When the two walked to the entrance of the blue wall, the probe glanced inside.

"This seems to be a maze, this kid ran in!"

The two looked at each other, and they decided on a strategy almost instantly.

"You chase from here, I'll block the exit, let's intercept at both ends!"

"Okay! Let's make a quick fight, but don't attract the Mechanical God Cult. I don't want to be a human battery!"

They both had guns in their hands, facing an unarmed and injured slave, they didn't care at all.

is extremely afraid of mechanical gods.

Link entered the concrete maze and immediately found the feeling of spawning monsters at that time.

I think it was here that he found the fun of spawning monsters. Relying on the complex terrain and narrow vision of the concrete maze, one person pulled more than a dozen mechanical **** soldiers in circles, and then bit by bit they cannibalized them!

is also here, laying the foundation for Link's 'Golden Farmer' career.

"Destiny", a game that came into being in order to solve the contradiction between the people's growing material and cultural needs and backward productivity. Led by the coalition government, many companies have joined forces to create it. Among them, the latest generation of optical brain technology and virtual game cabins are used. In addition to the most basic parameter settings, everything else in the game is generated by optical brain itself without human intervention.

With the release of the game, "Destiny" instantly became popular all over the world. At the peak of 400 million people online at the same time, it has almost become a leisure and entertainment project for everyone after get off work. In reality, companies will naturally not miss such a publicity opportunity, and each set up a guild team to bring influence into the game.

Let's talk about our protagonist Link, he has been in the game since the beginning of the game's public beta. Luck is generally not an adventure, but it is this concrete labyrinth that opened a new door for him-monsters and gold!

Link has gradually become a gold player, earning a fair amount of income every month by producing game coins.

Luck can't be done with technology. The long-term gold-making experience has allowed Link to develop a good operation and efficient monster-killing skills. In addition, he is willing to work hard and issue orders in a timely manner. It is a way of breaking out from many gold farmers and studios. ,relatively reputable. So there are a lot of stable customers on hand, including some big guild tyrants.

For Link, this place is the 'where the dream begins'.

Link walked in the maze calmly, the layout of the maze was all in his mind.

Link's plan is to use his familiarity with the maze to play the two in the palm of one's hands. Then when the two were alone, they used a dagger to attack and kill.

It's just that Link didn't pay attention at this time. The blood flowing out of the gunshot wound on his right arm gradually flowed along the thin and thin arm.

But what is surprising is that the blood did not flow down the arm to the fingers, but was 'cut off' by the gold bracelet on the forearm.

This gold bracelet was sucking fresh blood greedily at this time.

The whole bracelet is made of gold. The entire ring part of the bracelet is shaped like a dead worm. Its body resembles a worm. Its head is blurred and its mouthparts have ring-shaped sharp teeth. At the end of the death bug, a lifelike scarab is carved.

Link didn't notice at first, but when he reached the ambush site and raised his dagger to ambush, he saw a scene of horror on his arm.

The golden death bug on the bracelet is moving!

The Death Worm squirmed slowly, and the gold bracelet began to shrink, and it fits perfectly with Link's skin without revealing any gaps.

The blood was absorbed by the dead insects, and the gold on the surface began to peel off, revealing the crimson body after being full of blood.

Link watched the bracelet become tighter and tighter, reaching out to break free, but found that the bracelet had been attached to his arm, like one.

"This, what the **** is this!"

Link walked along with the bracelet when he escaped, because he wanted to exchange some money for the start-up capital after he successfully escaped.

I didn't think that the previous 'detail' operation turned out to be a disaster!

But at this moment, a series of prompts appeared in front of Link...

[You get the Zerg Nest (Incomplete)]

[Zerg Worm Nest (Incomplete) Bind Successfully]

[The composition interface is being activated, please wait...]

"It turned out to be a Zerg Nest!"

Link set off a huge wave in his heart.

After crossing into the game, he was not too surprised when he returned to six years ago, but after getting the Zerg Insect Nest, the whole person's face was full of wind and showers!

"Why does the 6.0 Heart of the Swarm artifact appear in my hands?"

There is only Link in the dark corner, no one can answer his doubts.

Link recovered from the shock. He first listened to the enemy's position with holding his breath, and then he returned his attention to the system interface after he was sure that he was nearby.

After the original [Attribute] and [Task], there is another [Composition].

Entering the [Synthesis] interface, the first thing that catches the eye is a complicated description comparable to a drug insert.

Linke walked around and summed up the following three points:

Simply put, it can be used for biosynthesis and modification of organisms.

In the 6.0 version before Link's crossing, Paul the Great, who got the heart of the entire swarm, was just pressing the player.

One person led the army of transforming creatures, and he just beat big companies and big guilds to the point of losing their temper.

Only Link knows about the Titan ships, dragon ships, bio-alloy Leviathans, Legendary Mobile Suits, Super Fortresses, Death Star Gravity Commands that were lost by the Hundred Guilds Union Army in the fight against Paul the Great...

worth tens of billions!

After the war, Paul the Great retreated!

Unilateral massacre!

The Zerg Nest that Link now activates is only part of the Heart of the Complete Swarm, and its functions are also greatly reduced compared to the full version.

But this "castrated version" is enough for Link to rise.

There is only one formula in Link's [Synthesis] interface.


You only need to provide the ingredients required by the formula to synthesize new organisms.

The biological requirements must not be higher than the link level, and there are no restrictions on materials.

"I am only level 1, besides the ruins of the city, where can I find creatures?"

It was a surprise to get the Zerg Worm Nest, but there is no alternative creature at the moment, and Link's top priority is to deal with two wasteland gang mercenaries.

Link just exited the interface and found that the bracelet on his wrist disappeared. There were a few pieces of broken gold lying on the ground, but the death bug and scarab tattoo appeared on his arm. This must be the state after the artifact was bound.

[You get 400 grams of gold]

Link picked up all the gold, and at this time he heard the shouts of two mercenaries.

"I'm in place!"

"Me too!"

The voices of the two were tandem, without any concealment.

"I want to double-team one after the other!" Link saw through the opponent's plan at a glance, and knew the opponent's location by voice.

If two people walked forward and backward, not only would he not be able to sneak attack, but he would be attacked by them. And the roaming range is reduced by half, it is easy to be attacked by the stomach and back, and forced into a blind spot.

"I can't stay in this place now!"

Link got up, his position was in the middle of the maze.

The only way to break the plan now is to lean towards one side first and break one by one!

Link got up and walked towards the front door. Just two steps later, he heard a rustling noise from the corner weeds, and fixed his eyes to see that it was a mouse.

Link's eyes lit up: "Hey! There are creatures, right?"

The mouse level is only level 1, which just meets the conditions.

The dagger returned to the crotch, and Link stepped forward to grab the mouse and entered the [Synthesis] interface again.

Mouse (adult) + gold (100 grams) =? (90% success rate)

[Combining will consume 10 points of life, is it to be combined? whether]

As for consuming 10 points of life...

Link glanced at his 30 HP and couldn't die!

90% success rate, what else to consider?


Link noticed that the 100 grams of gold in his left hand was gradually being absorbed, and UUkanshu disappeared from the palm of his hand.

The mouse on the right hand was wrapped in a blood-red silk from the palm of his hand, and finally formed a palm-sized blood cocoon.

[Countdown to incubation of blood cocoon: 30 seconds. ]

According to the synthesis instructions, the incubation time of monsters is proportional to the level of creatures and materials.

Rats are the most common creatures, and gold is a rare metal with green quality.

Fortunately, Link doesn't put much gold, so the incubation time is extremely short.

Link hugged the blood cocoon and hid in an inconspicuous corner of the maze.

The anxious and expectant half-minute finally passed.

Along with a line of graceful system text prompts, a mouse emerged from its cocoon, poking out its little furry head to look at Link.

[Monster synthesis is complete, get green quality-treasure mouse! ]

Monster attribute

Name: Treasure Hunter (larva)

Quality: Green

Race: Rodent

Attribute: Metal affinity

Grade 1

Initial Skill: Smell Search lv1 (The treasure hunter has a keen sense of smell and can distinguish various smells in the air. It is particularly sensitive to metal products. The search range is 500 meters, and the metal products range is doubled.)

Evaluation: Normal mice with precious metals fused in their blood are extremely sensitive to the sense of smell of metals. In short, you have found a cornucopia.

Link's eyes lit up, searching for treasures is the second most important thing. This perceptual metal is really a bit bullish!

Link gently patted the treasure hunter, who sniffed and licked his palm, and said in a low voice, "Now, take me to the nearest metal source."

It's time to verify the ability of the treasure hunter!

P.S: If most readers think this book is quite appetizing, remember to collect it and vote for recommendation~