Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Link only knew that the opponent was using a Bezos T1 submachine gun, but he didn't know how many ammunition he had, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Treasure Mouse, another wave!"

The treasure hunter hiding in the opposite corner heard the signal and crept along the wall towards the mercenary.

Seeing the mouse again, the mercenary almost squeezed the trigger, but finally stopped.

The mercenary has a complicated look. On the one hand, this mouse caused him to waste a dozen bullets, and he can't wait to get rid of it. But on the other hand, in this weird atmosphere, a mouse appeared in his field of vision, which would make him calmer, giving him the illusion of not being alone.

Seeing that the opponent did not shoot, the treasure hunter continued boldly sticking to the wall and walking forward.

The attention of the mercenary was drawn away by the mouse a bit, and Link was very patient in hiding in the dark.

It's not time to launch a surprise attack. When the treasure hunter enters the sprint range, he can cooperate to kill the enemy.

The treasure hunter kept approaching. Although Link was hiding behind the wall, his unique blood connection allowed him to clearly perceive the location of the treasure hunter. It turned out that 10 points of health were deducted to make a blood cocoon to breed a pet and provide nutrients for its birth. This special form allows Link and pets to establish an unbreakable relationship between blood thicker than water.

is cocooning and hatching again, really being a father and a mother again.


The treasure hunter yelled a few times, and suddenly straightened up and stared at the mercenary in a daze.

The mercenary's eyes lit up, his right hand holding the gun was still facing the wall on his knee.

stretched out the index finger and thumb of his left hand and rubbed it, making a "tsk tusk" sound in his mouth, trying to attract the treasure hunter.

"Since he told you to go over, then you will act in a wave, and you will suddenly attack when you get to the front!"

Link talked about the plan with his mind, and prepared himself while sensing the location of the treasure hunter.

The treasure hunter tilted his head and looked at the mercenary, pretending to be curious.

then got down and slowly approached the mercenary.

The mercenary's eyebrows gradually showed joy. After a long time in the desert, he knew that these animals were spiritual.

There are rats now, which shows that his place is safe for the time being.

The mercenary stretched out his palm, trying to get the little mouse into his palm.

Suddenly, the treasure hunter speeds up, uses the palm of the mercenary as a pedal, and jumps on his head.

The mercenary was frightened by the sudden change of the mouse, and subconsciously reached out to take the mouse off his body.

Link took the opportunity to probe from the corner, holding Glock 17 in both hands, aiming and shooting decisively.

bang bang bang bang bang!

Some bullets hit the wall, and some fell on mercenaries.

Every time the trigger is pulled, Link's arms are shaken by the recoil of the pistol.

[You successfully use the Glock 17 pistol to hit the enemy, activate the specialty [Basic shooting]]

[[Basic Shooting] Progress 1%2%3%]

Two light blue numbers appeared on the head of the mercenary.


-twenty three!

Two shots on the arm and shoulder were non-fatal injuries.

Link fired a total of six shots, only two shots hit, and the remaining four shots were abstract strokes, and his arms were slightly numb.

The physical quality of this body is really terrible, and he doesn't have any experience or expertise in weapons. It is completely full-level soul possessed on the waste account, and the king consciousness bronze operation.


'S slight counterattack ensued. After Link ducked back to the wall, the bullet hit the edge of the angular wall unevenly, as if he had been gnawed.

The mercenary stood up against the wall, raised a slight thrust with one hand, and slapped the rat squandering with the other hand.

The treasure hunter got into the mercenary body and took a bite while running away.

The mercenary's -1, -1, -1 damage never stopped.

"Damn! This guy is holding Glock in his hand!" The mercenary instantly reacted when he saw Link. The death of his companion had nothing to do with the mysterious unknown, but was killed by the slave in front of him who didn't know how to do it. Now that the pistol and magazine have been seized, the situation has instantly become critical.

While trying to guard against the slaves behind the wall, while also tidying up the mice running around, the mercenaries were extremely anxious.

The mouse wandered around like lightning, the mercenary was shot in the shoulder, and the speed of his attack was much slower.

Seeing this, the mercenary pinched his chest T-shirt, gritted his teeth and tore the clothes from his body.

The treasure hunter shrank his head and squeezed into the mercenary pants.

Mice punch holes and drill holes, these are natural skills.

The mercenary felt that there was a fluffy ball under his crotch, and he suddenly felt cold and sweating behind his back.

At the same time, a small print prompt appeared on Link's system interface.

[Your pet hits the enemy's weakness, causing 12 critical damage! ]

[Your pet hits the enemy's weakness, causing 15 critical damage! ]

Accompanied by the crit damage prompt, there is also the heart-piercing scream of mercenaries.

Link clamped his crotch subconsciously. This offense was really tricky, and there was no way to defend himself. Could it be that he shot himself under his crotch?

Link poked his head out from the corner, where the mercenary had time to be on guard at this time, he was thrown aside with a slight impact, his hands clasped his crotch, bowed into a soft-footed shrimp, and completely lost his defense.

bang bang bang bang!

five rounds in a row, this time three hits, completely killing the mercenary.

[You killed the mercenaries of the Wasteland Gang and gained 200 experience]

Link turned the dead mercenary over, and the treasure hunter's head was squeezed out of the waistband, with blood still on his head.

Link grinned, feeling inexplicably phantom pain in his lower body.

Maybe this is called empathy!

"You go to the side to clean up."

The treasure hunter crawled out obediently, ran to the corner of the soil and rolled, and then used his small paws to continuously shave his head to clean his body.

"You, a slave, dare to commit the mercenary who killed the Wasteland Gang, you are dead!"

Link was squatting and touching the corpse, and there was a harsh rant from the satellite phone on the ground.

It turned out that when Link first appeared from the corner, he had already been photographed by the satellite phone's camera function. However, in order to deal with the mice on his body, the mercenaries tore off their clothes, and the satellite phone fell to the ground together with the clothes.

But the piercing cry of the mercenaries was still heard by the people in the Wasteland Gang headquarters, and heard the sound of the Glock pistol, naturally guessing the ending.

Link snorted coldly, ridiculously expressive.

Pulling out the T-shirt, picking up the satellite phone on the ground, attaching it to his ear, angrily Dantian said with an oath-like firm tone: "The machine does not die, long live the head! The secret of the desert belongs only to the mechanical god!"

Turned off the satellite phone communication.

The slogan Link shouted is a slogan unique to those who are fanatical believers in Mechanicism.

This mischievous misfortune directly led the spearhead to another force in the desert.

Anyway, these two forces are not good things, the dog bites the dog!

The most important thing is that the ruins of the city belong to the site of Mechanical God. He said that it is very likely to force the Wasteland Gang to stop the previous rescue plan.

[You get satellite phone x1, Bezos T1 mini submachine gun x1]

"It's a pity that this man doesn't have a submachine gun magazine."

Link searched all over his body, only to find a phone with a slight charge, but no extra magazines.

Fortunately, both the pistol and the micro-impact bullets are universal 9mm bullets, and the bullets in the pistol magazine can be charged slightly to ensure the strength of the medium and short range fire.

Of course these are all things to follow.

After searching the loot, Link refocused his attention on the dead mercenary.

looked up and down for a moment, and even licked his dry lips with his tongue...


Just as Link took out his dagger and was about to transform his army boots into his own size, the treasure hunter jumped in front of Link and called out quickly.

"You said there are still people here!?"

Link's forehead was cold and sweaty, and immediately put away the dagger and took out the pistol.

"Plus myself, only three people escaped from the quicksand, why are there still people?"

If someone could crawl out of the quicksand, Link would never believe it.

There is only one possibility-mechanical gods!

Link quickly liquidated his ammunition and equipment.

There are 6 rounds left in the Glock pistol magazine, two full-capacity pistol magazines, 12 rounds are left in the micro punch, and a total of 52 9mm rounds are left.

It will be a hard fight if you face a mechanical soldier wearing an exoskeleton metal armor!

"How many people are there in total?"

The regular search range of the treasure hunter is 500 meters, and the search range of metal can reach 1000 meters.

Link's only advantage is to use the treasure hunter, the 'metal radar', to click and kill, destroy one by one, and constantly fight guerrillas in the ruins of the city.


"Huh? One?"

Now Link is dumbfounded again.

Mechanical soldiers do not have a setting to go out alone. Low-level mechanical soldiers have chip tactics settings, and the minimum requirement for tactical settings is five people.

Link hung the micro-chong on the belt of the gun, replaced the pistol with a sufficient magazine, touched the small forehead of the treasure hunter, and said, "Go, take me to find someone!"

The treasure hunter has wiped the blood off his body, shook the remaining dust on his body, and ran ahead to lead the way.

Link followed and found that this was the way out of the maze.

The treasure hunter stopped at the door of the maze and squeaked a few times to signal that someone was outside.

Link leaned straight against the wall, then twisted his head bit by bit, and saw a person in the corner.

In the next second, Link looked stunned and surprised.

A dark-skinned fat man, wearing the same slave linen clothes as Link, and carrying a bulging camouflage bag behind him.

Link frowned, unable to determine the identity of this person.

Although they also wear slave clothes, the slaves Link has seen are skinny and malnourished, and have never seen a fat to fat slave!

Do you still teach the Basic Law?

"Treasure hunter, go up and test it, don't hit the dead, don't attack the vital points!"

The treasure hunter scratched his head a few times with his little paws, combed his hair, and then ran out against the wall.


Link hides and observes in the dark, and through the black-skinned fat man's reaction, he can roughly judge the origin of this guy.

The treasure hunter quietly approached along the corner of the wall, while the little fat cat was lying on his waist. His large black and round eyes were agile and lively, vigilant and guarded like a cat. If he felt something wrong, he ran to hide behind the pile of debris on the side of the road, and then poked his head out to observe.

Just over a hundred meters long, Link pinched his fingers and forgot.

was frightened to hide by the road four times because of the gusts and the noise of being blown by debris.

This little fat slave is extremely cautious!

However, Link is more cautious than Fatty, and he no longer doubts that he has not fully explained it clearly, and he will not rush to make a move until his strength is clearly tested.

The appearance of this fat man is incredible.

The wasteland gang mercenary and him both drove out of the quicksand. This fat man had no vehicle and was carrying a full package. How did he get out?

But soon, Link has the opportunity to verify.

After the rumbling of the wind, the little fat man stuck his head out again, and after confirming that there was no danger, the cat walked forward with small broken steps.

Suddenly, the treasure hunter slipped out from behind the bunker and ran to the fat slave.

The little fat man turned around and ran when he saw the gray and black running fast on the ground.

But how can a bucket of "moving lard" run too fast like a treasure hunter.

The treasure hunter made a leap, caught the coarse linen, and quickly climbed onto the little fat man.

The little fat man screamed in fright and rolled on the ground.

Link didn't even order the treasure hunter to bite, he just crawled on the body.

That's it,

The voice of the little fat man is like killing a pig...

The vigilance is mostly removed, and the rest is to solve the doubt.

Link walked out of the maze and raised his gun at the little fat man.

"How did you escape!"

Link suddenly spoke. The tumbling little fat man didn't even look at it. He just knelt on the ground, holding his head in both hands, begging for mercy: "Please take my life! Take me back, as long as you don't kill me!"

"You raise your head!"

The little fat man looked up and saw Link, who was wearing the same slave clothes as him, pointed a gun at him. He didn't react for a while.

"This boss, you are..."

"I asked how you escaped!"


Link said, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com fired a shot at the ground, and the little fat man trembled with fat all over his body, not daring to move.

"I, I escaped hiding in the trunk of a jeep."

"Impossible! The mercenary camp is heavily guarded, you are so big, how can you hide in the trunk of a jeep in a heavily defensive camp?"

The little fat man was almost crying, and hurriedly said, I'm in charge of the food and cooking. I gave the mercenaries a supper last night. I happened to hear that there will be a mission today. So I went back overnight to pack the package and stole it from the kitchen. With little food, I entered the barracks at night, hid in the trunk in advance, and waited for a chance to escape when I was on the mission today."

Link believed nine points.

This dark skin, as long as you don't grin at night, you won't find it even if you stand in front of it.

Then Link checked the little fat man's information.

[Use reconnaissance on the target, due to similar levels, only part of the information can be viewed]

Name:? ? ?

Race: Human

Level: lv1

Status: slave

HP: 50/50

Energy value: 50/50

Attributes: Strength 4, Agility 5, Stamina 5, Intelligence 4, Energy 1, Charisma 3, Lucky 9

Evaluation: Do you know what you want to achieve?

is indeed a slave, but Link's teeth trembled when he saw the attribute value of this little fat man.


Why is his charm 3 lucky 9 ah!

"What is your name?"


Link looked at Forbes, his eyes a little complicated.

He escaped in danger all the way, and survived after fighting against mercenaries.

This fat guy is good, lie down and win.