Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Chapter 250 What is Charisma?

Early the next morning.

It was not the treasure hunter or the alarm clock that called the Link, but the horn of the macaw comparable to the music of the square dancer.

Link woke up instantly from the bed, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the macaw pacing back and forth by the bed and the King Kong holding a book beside him.

The treasure hunter was trapped under its wings by Lao Jin, only a small aggrieved head was exposed. Its small eyes seemed to say that he had tried his best to stop it, but there was no way.

Weak, poor and helpless.

"Get up! Today is a big day for recruiting newcomers! The future star of Qilintang will be selected from under the eyelids of my bright eyes!"

"As the saying goes, Chollima is often present, but Bole does not often have it. Today, my Bole is here to guide, and I will definitely be able to select all Chollima."

The macaw is very excited and active.

Link sighed, regretting choosing the macaw as the mentor.

Getting up to pack up, the macaw didn't even give Link time for breakfast, and dragged him to the front hall abruptly.

"Bob, Quentin, Fred, how did the things that were given to you yesterday?" Link asked.

"Boss rest assured, I have contacted several newspapers. Except for Shadu Entertainment which refused to publish our news, other newspapers have accepted our advertisements."

"We also entrusted the businesses in the neighborhood to post our recruitment order in a conspicuous place in the store. All the stores in the neighborhood were happy to post it. Even the shops in the three-regardless zone also actively asked for the recruitment order to help us promote it for free."

Link nodded and said, "It will be hard for you to maintain order and security today."

The three immediately straightened their backs, their faces solemn: "It's not hard, it should be done to help the boss!"

Link and Lao Jin came to the side hall and took their seats, with King Kong meditating with closed eyes next to them.

"Now that everything is ready, let's start."

The three immediately went down after taking their orders.

As soon as the door of the Qilin Hall was opened, the three of them were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Countless admirers consciously lined up outside the gate of Qilin Hall without any quarrel.

The team has spread from the gate to the abandoned dock warehouse in the distance.

"I'm a good boy, why are so many people..."

"There are at least a few hundred people, I feel that I have no chance to eat today."

"It feels like the idle people from the whole slum area are coming."

Quentin patted Fred and Bob on the shoulders beside him and said, "It seems that we are busy today."

The other two also nodded.

Fred cleared his throat, walked out the door and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Since your teams are all lined up, then we don't have to call you hoarse to line up. Next, I will announce the recruitment rules for Qilintang today."

"The rules are as follows! This recruitment is divided into two groups, namely the thugs group and the stunt group. The thugs group needs to pass through the front hall to enter the semi-finals. The stunt group will have special assessors to determine your special personal skills After the truth, enter the semi-finals. After the preliminary assessment, enter the side hall and accept the personal interview of the hall master. Only those who pass can successfully join the Kylin Hall!"

When Fred announced the assessment process, all the contestants whispered, unexpectedly their idol Link would interview in person.

"So, now the queue of people who signed up for the thugs group is not moving, the people who signed up for the stunt group on the other side, in the current order, start to gather here!"

Quentin raised his hand, blew his whistle, and learned another roar, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"We will have staff hand out number plates to everyone. Please pay attention to your number if you get the number plate. It will not wait until it expires. In addition, we will set up rest areas and drinking areas. Players who need to drink and rest can use the number plates. Replenish energy."

These little details were discussed by the three of them yesterday, but the only thing they didn't expect is that there will be so many people here today.

This is the morning, and there must be many people not here.

According to the current posture, there are thousands of people in a day only for the first trial.

Soon, the grand occasion at the entrance of the Kirin Hall was informed by the caring people of Shadu TV. The Shadu TV station, which smelled breaking news, immediately sent Nicole and a news team to come.

But Link, who was idly waiting for the retester in the side hall, suddenly received a text message.

[Nicole: Hallmaster Lin, after our TV station learned that Qilintang had made the recruitment order, many people responded, and it has almost become a hot news in Shadu today. Now the TV station sends me over to report on this matter. My thought is that if you accept the whole process of live broadcasting of the selection process, our TV station will settle accounts with Kylintang based on the ratings...]

Link looked at the text message from Nicole, but his eyes lit up.

"Lao Jin, Nicole sent a text message and said that Shadu TV is going to report on our recruitment. She thought of a whole live broadcast idea. What do you think?" Link asked the Macaw's opinion procedurally.

Who knows that the macaw immediately jumped up from the wicker chair and said in surprise: "Good idea! If this is the whole broadcast, it can greatly increase the popularity of our Qilintang! The previous three traitors led the rebellion, our Qilintang was hit hard. Let's broadcast it, let everyone see how popular our Kylintang is and how many people want to join Kylintang!"


The macaw slapped the table: "I agree!"

Link smiled, the macaw needs this kind of presence.

[Link: I agree with you to conduct live broadcasts. There are two requirements. TV stations are not allowed to participate in the interview part of special skills and live broadcasts. The second requirement is that the host must be you. As for the share and cost, you help me fight for the highest price That's it.

After several cooperations, Link and Nicole have reached a tacit understanding.

Nicole has been serving as the host of Link's exclusive report, which is now known by Shadu TV so this time Nicole is specially appointed as the host.

Link needs to use his fame and popularity to promote Nicole to the position of the host of Shadu TV.

And Nicole will also use her identity as a TV host to help when Link needs to promote and provide convenience.

[Nicole: Since Hall Master Lin trusts so much, then I can't live up to your trust. One more question, do you want to broadcast live in a low-key manner, or do you want to be a big fan?

[Link: The bigger the better.

[Nicole: No problem! I'm going to apply for aerial photography!

In less than ten minutes, Nicole finished the TV station, used a helicopter and two camera crews, and rushed from the TV station aggressively.

The camera crew has not yet arrived at the Kylin Hall, and Shadu TV Station has started a live broadcast.

Title-Qilintang recruitment order live broadcast!

(End of this chapter)