Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Chapter 251

When the helicopter came over the Qilintang in the slum area, the camera shot the queued players in the air, and the number of people was so large that one shot couldn't fit.

The camera on the helicopter shifted the lens and found that the people in line had even reached the small road intersection on the corner of Qilintang. And on the main road in the slum, people continue to come.

"You can see in the camera that many people responded to the recruitment order of the Kylin Hall, and even lined up at the intersection. Only by visual observation, there were four to five hundred people who came to sign up. It can be described as the largest slum area in recent years. Recruit once."

Accompanied by Nicole's live broadcast, the attention of the entire Saudi forces was now on the TV station.

Recruiting people by forces is a common occurrence.

But Link was the first to recruit people and play into the draft.

Many camp bosses watched TV, with dark clouds on their faces.

The news that all the three deacons of Qilintang rebelled and fell apart yesterday could deal a heavy blow to Qilintang.

But I didn't expect Kylintang to respond so quickly. It issued a recruitment order the next day and even invited Shadu TV to broadcast the whole process.

This hand is full of gimmicks, and his attention and influence are instantly full.

Cao Yun Gang, in Qinglong Hall.

The 'sick scholar' Zhao Heshan once again tore off the manuscript he had written after careful consideration.

"Leader, it seems that this Link does have two brushes. As soon as the front foot of Qilintang fell apart, this guy started a huge recruitment activity on the back foot. Directly minimize the unfavorable news and factors for Qilintang. "

Zhao Heshan glanced at the live TV footage: "With this vast number of contestants, Link won this wave."

So many people from slums have participated in the selection of Qilintang, which shows that Qilintang has a strong appeal in the hearts of the people at the bottom.

Not to mention other things, now the major forces in the Shadu slums, any one that pulls out a family to engage in large-scale recruitment, will not have the momentum of Qilintang.

The major forces are serious. Yesterday, the three deacons of the Qilintang led the people to leave and severely split a handful of the Qilintang, which greatly damaged its reputation.

But Link changed hands to a recruit, telling everyone who coveted that Qilintang's influence in Shadu, and his Link's influence was not comparable to other forces.

As long as he is a soul figure, Qilintang will be able to recruit a steady stream of people.

Other forces are digging for talents, but I, Qilintang, is creating talents!

The boss of Qinglong put his hands on his chest, watching the young people on the TV screen, and couldn't help but sigh: "This time, Link beat us again." He took another look at Zhao Heshan: " It's a pity that your order was written in vain."

Qinglong and Zhao Heshan were planning to take advantage of the collapse of the Qilintang and send a letter of order to suppress Link as the leader of the water transport gang. Unexpectedly, Link reversed the decline before sending it out, quite a bit of a flip. The feeling of cloud covering hands and rain.

After the Hidden League, Freemasonry, and Dassaki saw the news, everyone's faces were not pretty.

Finally, taking advantage of the gap between Link and the three deacons of the management team, the Qilintang was dismantled, turning the thriving Qilintang into a dead dog. Who would have thought that Link turned his head and held the recruitment. The slum followers gathered and immediately taught these three forces a good lesson.

And the applicants who lined up with the number plates outside the Kylin Hall, after hearing that there would be a full live broadcast, the expressions on their faces were even more exciting.

"This live broadcast is great. With my strength, I can definitely pass the test. There is a live broadcast from Shadu TV. As long as I can join the Kylin Hall, I will become famous!"

"This time there are quite a few strong people who came to participate in the election...I am not too sure that I can make steady progress, but even so, as long as you show good strength, even if you can't make it through the live broadcast on TV, other forces should notice. I"

The people who participated in this selection had their own minds, and some people showed anxiety on their faces.

There is nothing wrong with acting well and becoming famous, but if you make something funny, it will become the laughing stock of everyone!

It's stressful to think so.

Under the command of ground personnel, the helicopter quickly landed on the open space of the Qilin Hall, and when it landed, it also took a special feature on the assessment site of the outer hall.

"It can be seen that Kylintang attaches great importance to this selection. The assessment process looks very complicated to the naked eye. It is really difficult for ordinary people to pass the repeated tests." After the plane landed smoothly, Nicole brought the working group to the side hall. I saw Link here, and the macaw who was famous for talking with a loud voice at the exhibition of rare animals.

"Hall Master Lin, thank you very much for allowing us to shoot this time. This is also the first live broadcast of gang recruitment by Shadu TV. We must abide by the agreement and report truthfully."

"I have cooperated with Shadu TV Station four times, and I believe it will be smooth and happy this time."

The two exchanged a few words in front of the camera, and then, under the hint of Nicole's eyes, the film crew went to the yard to set up a camera, connect the circuit, and prepare to shoot.

After the film crew left, Nicole sat down and said, "I spoke to the TV station on behalf of Mr. Lin. The TV station stated that all the attention and advertising revenue generated during the live broadcast belong to Mr. Lin. Moreover, Shadu TV will also specialize Pay another copy of your copyright fee, as well as the activity costs and labor costs for this shooting. After the end, Shadu TV will also pay a fee."

Now Link's eyes are bright, so Sado TV only wants ratings and popularity.


"Mr. Lin is polite. Without your support, I wouldn't be able to rise so quickly in the TV station. That's why Mr. Lin and I are in the same group. Naturally, we have to strive for profit."

Nicole finished speaking and smiled and stood up and said: "Then we will start now, otherwise everyone in the line will have arrived on the main road."

The host was in place and the camera crew was in Soon under the guidance of the members of the Qilintang, the first player entered the field.

As soon as he walked into the Kylin Hall and looked at the complex and integrated inspection projects, the young man was immediately stunned and a little at a loss.

"If you want to get to the interview stage, first you have to pass the level in front of you. There is only one chance. If you fail, then I'm sorry." Bob said very clearly, the contestant's pale face was slightly dark, and he nodded hard.

Nicole began to give a vivid commentary from the side, and the camera focused on the first player.

Five seconds later, the first player declared the challenge failed.

"The first player may be too nervous. Even the balance beam fell off before the first level. It is a pity. I hope the second player can be calm..."

But, next.

Second place, third place, fourth place!

All failed!

(End of this chapter)