Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 247

Chapter 247

Chapter 249 Mechanical Ability! Kindred blood! Zerg genes!

The treasure hunter and mouse agents massaged the macaw and kept calming down.

The rubber python wrapped around the macaw's body and stopped it to persuade it not to be impulsive.

Even the Buddhist master King Kong, holding a Buddhist scripture, sits aside and meditates, chanting the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra to extinguish the fire for the macaw.

"The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, who walks deep prajna paramita for a long time, sees that the five aggregates are empty, and overcomes all suffering. Relics, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from emptiness, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, feeling thought and practicing knowledge, so is relic. The son is the emptiness of all dharmas, neither arising nor extinguishing, neither defilement nor purification, nor increase nor decrease..."

The macaw stared at Link viciously.

This guy is so unreliable. Is it the kind of bird with a big mouth?

Co-authored the entire Qilin Hall, without knowing it.

"No, I can't forgive it so easily. Now that the three deacons are all going to other forces as undercover agents, the Qilintang Building will fall. I must stand up to turn the tide and save the gang from the fire! If you don't give me an official position With your subordinates, don't think about getting better at night when you sleep!"

Link can't help sweating when he thinks that the macaw will start loudly disturbing the people in the backyard at night.

After a while, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared: "Then I will officially hire you as the interview mentor for the new recruits of Kylintang tomorrow, and work with me to screen those who want to join the Kylintang." Lin Ke said and explained a few words. : "Think about it. In the future, the members and scale of the Kylin Hall will be personally certified by you. This sense of exclusiveness is no less than building a power by yourself!"

Sure enough, the macaw was caught in the fantasy constructed by Link's words and couldn't help nodding, agreeing with it.

"If it makes sense, then I will suffer a little bit. I will be the interviewer tomorrow."

Macaws who do something are still very positive.

After the macaw left, Link took the opportunity to secretly tell King Kong: "From tomorrow, you will be the guard of the macaw next to your body. Once it shows signs of leaking its mouth, stop it!"

King Kong closed the Buddhist scriptures and nodded earnestly.

Among all Link's pets, there is only King Kong who is not afraid of the Macaw's strong King Kong beak. If you switch to other pets, you may not be able to stop it immediately.

As the pets dispersed, Link couldn't help listening to the voice again.

The youngest and Allen, because Link had made a special synthesis transformation for them in advance in order to target the Hidden League and Dassaki.

The core members of the Hidden League are all kinsmen, so after the youngest surrendered, if he wanted to gain trust, he had to become a clan by the first embrace.

Once reduced to a blood clan, he will be completely loyal to Earl Dracula, and both the spirit and the flesh are under the control of the other party.

So at the beginning of the plan, Link transformed the youngest Mr. San Cong.

The bloodline power of the Zerg Worm Nest can be said to be the most overbearing bloodline in the universe. With her own power, the Zerg Queen can order the Zerg in the universe, and the bloodline influence is terrifying! The power of the bloodline of the mere kinship is like a firefly competing with the bright moon in the eyes of the bloodline of the Zerg race, which is not worth mentioning.

Considering that the third child is good at tactics, Link specially prepared the most sophisticated processor that can be purchased on the market, plus the high-concentration coolant available on the black market, to synthetically transform the third child.

The final result is amazing.

[Monster attributes]

Name: Mr. Cong

Quality: dark green

Race: Carbon-based human

Attribute: electronic affinity

Level: 10

Initial Skill 1: Calculation lv1 (Mr. Cong's brain can perform quick calculations, list the development direction and probability of delayed events, and calculate twice a day)

Initial skill 2: Overclocking lv1 (biological overclocking, the temperature of the whole person rises to 1000 degrees Celsius in 10 seconds, lasts 30 minutes, and the cooling time is 3 days)

Initial Skill 3: Cooling (Adjust the temperature, you can quickly cool down from the overclocking state, and return to normal body temperature)

Evaluation: Humanoid Computer, Viscount Blood

With the Zerg transformation, Mr. Cong is not afraid of the power of Dracula's bloodline.

He can receive Dracula's restraint from him through the power of blood, but in fact this superficial blood power has no restrictive effect on the third. As long as he plays well, he won't show up. He can even continue to develop his own 'downline' through the power of his bloodline, completely loyal to his blood family.

This is the plan Mr. Cong mentioned in the voice he brought back.

Now it has been fully trusted by Count Dracula and has the permission to develop a family in the hidden alliance.

With the identity of the blood clan, he has mastered the blood sucking and [first embrace] abilities unique to the blood clan.

He can let go of expansion!

Count Dracula personally gave the youngest a first support, the youngest in the kinship system is the viscount, and the downline he personally developed is the kinship baron.

The corner of Link's mouth was slightly raised, and he couldn't help sighing, "Mechanical Blood Race, Zerg Race Gene, there is something inside now!"

Another Allen also undergoes transformation after Link's synthesis.

Dassaki's mystical witchcraft and shaman's secret technique for exploring the human spirit are completely ineffective to Allen.

And Allen himself is already a level 10 elite, capable of literary and military skills, and does not need much enhancement in combat.

Link only used a psychic mask from the underground black market and a copy of "The Self-cultivation of an Actor" to make Allen successfully transformed into his current state.

[Monster attributes]

Name: Allen

Quality: dark green

Race: Carbon-based human

Attribute: Mysterious Affinity

Level: lv10+ (elite)

Initial skill 1: Acting master lv1 (Allen can create 10 different personalities and switch between different personalities at will)

Initial skill 2: Desire lv1 (Allen summons the spirit of the witchcraft mask, temporarily borrows the opponent's power to fight, lasts 10 minutes, and cools down for 5 days)

Initial skill 3: Mysterious affinity (you can quickly master witchcraft and shaman rituals)

Evaluation: One person has a thousand faces, a thousand faces and a thousand colors

Before going to Dassaki, Allen had already created a personality image that would never be seen through that really betrayed Qilintang.

Whether Dassaki uses Veritaserum potions, shaman rituals, or spiritual ingestion, he will not notice any abnormality.

What they can see is always a person who hates Link and wants to join Dassaki to master the power and restore the personality of the owner.

As for Ah Fu's ability, not to mention more.

Dark blue quality, with the four abilities of [Strengthening Backpack], [Body Spiritualization], [Psychic Ritual] and [Coffin Palace], playing a unique role in Freemasonry, and maybe it can bring more new things to Link Surprise.

"Now the youngest and Ellen have completely gained the trust of the Hidden Alliance and Dassaki. As long as Afu can fully gain the trust of the Freemasonry, the first ring of [Infernal Affairs] [Winning Trust] is the task. It can be declared complete..."

Thanks to Zhang Chao for his 200-start coin reward, Jinshan's innocent 100-start coin reward, Mumo's 588 book coin reward, and Zhou Tianming's 588 book coin reward

(End of this chapter)