Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Chapter 248-I'm Not A Human, But You Are A Real Dog

The expression on Mr. Cong's face was obviously taken aback.

The information given by Mina and the previous transaction records of Baihetang are vaguely written about the weird habits of the core members of the Hidden Alliance.

Before coming, Link told Mr. Cong that the core members of the Hidden League were all composed of blood.

In order to consolidate the loyalty of the core members, the opponent will convert the newly included important members into blood clan.

Once converted into a bloodline, it will automatically generate a bloodline contract, and it will never be able to surpass the superior in strength, and it will command and suppress the converter at the bloodline level, thus forming a stable and strict hierarchy.

It's not that Mr. Cong never thought that he would be asked to join the blood clan, but he did not expect that he would come so soon.

Seeing Mr. Cong hesitate, Earl Dracula said with an inexplicable smile: "Isn't Mr. Cong unwilling?"

The dance floor of the manor is silent. For the blood race, the strict hierarchy is not just talking about it, but a system integrated in the blood.

"As the Count of the leader of the Hidden League, there are countless people in the League who want to receive my reward, with my personal reward. Your future position in the Hidden League is equivalent to Link's position in the Cao Yun Gang. It's a reward for your refuge."

Count Dracula walked to Mr. Cong, the atmosphere suddenly lowered, revealing a chill like a fallen ice cave.

"Do you want to refuse this honor?"

Mr. Cong sweated wildly on his forehead, and he hesitated for a moment. He lowered his head: "It is my honor to receive the reward from Lord Earl."

Count Dracula's head quietly moved closer to Mr. Cong's neck, watching the arteries in the neck beating with excitement due to the acceleration of tension, and couldn't help sighing: Ah, what a powerful beating, what a fresh blood. ..."

Count Dracula's mouth slowly opened, and the tiger's teeth appeared and grew wildly.

The earl's black cloak, no wind, automatically, as if bat wings envelop Mr. Cong.

The sound of teeth piercing the skin and entering the artery was like ASMR, and Mr. Cong got goose bumps all over his body.

At the same time, he also felt a force injected into his body.

The blood races around knelt on the ground in unison, their haughty heads gradually drooping, and they whispered, "Holy, please!"

For a moment, the black cloak hung weakly, and Count Dracula looked ten years old visible to the naked eye, and wrinkles appeared on his face.

Spreading his hands, he said weakly: "Now, our new ally is officially welcome!"

Inside the Dassaki Temple.

A similar scene is happening.

At the welcoming dinner, Allen drank the Veritaserum potion prepared in advance by the Dassaki Witch Doctor.

The two bonfires behind swayed, reflecting Alan's shadow.

Alan clearly saw that beside his shadow, two creature shadows that looked like upright crocodiles were standing, each holding a machete.

But looking back, apart from a bonfire behind me, I couldn't see any building that could produce such a projection.

Everyone knows that the shadow is the reflection of the entity under the light, but there is no entity behind it, but the shadow appears out of thin air, which is very abnormal.

Fortunately, Allen did not panic.

Before coming, the elder Link had warned that the methods in the Dassaki Council were weird, like the old witch doctor shaman asking gods and believing in totem culture.

"Mr. Allen, have you really severed all ties with Qilintang?"

The chief of parliament stared at Alan seriously, and the two erect giant crocodiles in the swaying flames also raised their scimitars.

Alan was about to speak, only to feel that his throat was being pulled by an invisible force. He thought about it countless times, but at this time he couldn't say it.


The same is a round of months.

The Qilintang is not as lively as the manor and temple.

The lack of popularity is one aspect, and the distraction of people is another.

Dozens of brothers left without warning. Even if the rest were loyal to Link, they would feel strange to see the empty dormitory and bed.

Back hall.

Link sits in the small pavilion in the middle of the lake, drinking and drinking.

In this case, no one would regard this as a petty bourgeoisie, but it is desolate everywhere.

"If you don't go to bed, what are you drinking here alone?" The macaw twisted and walked over from the stone bridge.

Link shook his head helplessly and said, "Whoever happens to this kind of thing will not be in a good mood."

Since the sudden change of Kylintang today, his mobile phone information has not stopped.

In the end, Link simply turned off the phone, and it was quiet.

The macaw found an empty place to sit on the side, with two little feet hanging in the air, looking at Link who looked lonely, thinking: At this time, Link should want company.

Link watched the time while drinking, guessing it should be time to come back.

The macaw drank a glass of wine, grinned with spicy teeth, and had a little knotted tongue.

"Li can be spicy with just one drink, and he has to recruit people tomorrow!"

After a while, the treasure hunter and the mouse agents rushed back from the outside, and there were five spy rats behind them.


The treasure hunting rat straightened up, the five rats of the mouse agent team also stood at attention for a while, and the spy rat at the end followed suit and lined up in front of Link.

"Is everything connected smoothly, so I'll go to the study now." Link put down the wine glass in his hand and got up quickly, the loneliness in his eyes disappeared, and now he was shining with excitement.

The macaw froze for a moment, but didn't react.

Why did the melancholic youth just now carry a sense of enthusiasm in his body?

Experience tells it, Link must be hiding something from it!

"Are you hiding something from me?" The macaw said with a serious face.

Link beckoned and motioned the macaw to follow: "You'll know when you come to the study."

Soon, Link went to the study and turned on the computer skillfully.

Among them, three spy mice jumped onto the case and plugged their tails into the USB port of the computer in turn. Soon three folders appeared on the computer.

Link opened the folders one by one, which contained audio files.

[Boss, this is Ah Fu. I have successfully joined the Freemasonry and have actively requested additional manpower. They will definitely not let go of this opportunity to insert eyeliner. You will have to continue to put pressure on it for a while...

[Boss, I am the third child. Everything went smoothly throughout, but I didn't expect Dracula to use the first embrace transformation on me as soon as he met him. Fortunately, the boss had a good idea and had already transformed me in advance. The energy in my body can completely suppress the blood line. At the same time, I also discovered that I can actively control the blood line of the blood family and use the corresponding abilities of the blood family. In other words, I can also perform transformation rituals on other people now, and I suddenly have a bold idea...]

[Boss, this is Alan. Dasaki witch doctors used Veritaserum to torture me, but Veritaserum and their hypnotic effects did not have any effect on me. Thanks to the transformation carried out by the boss, I have fully gained the trust of Dasaki, successfully commanded a 70-person organization, and owned my own territory. Next, I will send back to the Qilin Hall little by little Dassaki's various information and their witchcraft shaman abilities...]

The macaw leaned aside and listened to three audio segments.

Suddenly the whole parrot seemed to be knocked on medicine, and the sound was loud enough to overturn the roof.

" you are a dog, I still intend to comfort you, but in the end you are all acting together?" The macaw looked like a bitter woman.

Link smiled calmly and said: "If you don't use this method, how can you quickly control the slums?"

The macaw exclaimed, with wings on his hips: "So do the members of the Qilintang know about this?"

Link nodded: "Every big guy knows, you are the last to know."

"Fuck! Then why didn't you say it earlier, I'm so affectionate!"

"I told you early, then the whole Qilintang would know, how else would the plan be?"

The macaw, tilting his head, marked Link's head with numerous question marks.

"Then you let the entire Qilintang know, but I don't?"

"Link ah Link, although my macaw is not a human being, but you? A real dog!"

(End of this chapter)