Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Link saw in the rearview mirror that the two cars at the farthest point had been taken away by the sinking quicksand because they did not turn around immediately.

The center of the vortex is like a gluttonous beast that will never get enough to eat. The quicksand not only does not stop, but expands at an even more exaggerated speed.

The two vehicles that turned around are also running for their lives at the moment, especially the machine gunner standing behind with a wide view. Watching the entire ancient ruins sink into the sand, the camp instantly vanishes, and the slaves and mercenaries who were killed before are confronted. It's all gone now.

As a mercenary of the Wasteland Gang, he has been performing missions in the desert all year round, so he naturally knows the horror of quicksand.

Seeing the fast-moving quicksand that was about to submerge underneath, the few remaining mercenaries panicked to the extreme.

"Fuck faster, faster!"

"It's the limit!" The driver has stepped on the accelerator pedal to the end, and the power of his entire leg can't wait to step on the Jeep chassis.

Now three desert jeeps are driving fast, Link takes the lead, and the two mercenary vehicles are driving side by side, forming a character shape.

Link glanced at the rearview mirror, and the quicksand was almost sticking to the rear wheels of two jeeps.

"Now these four people have no time to shoot at me because they are escaping, but they must shoot as soon as they escape..." A trace of murder flashed through Link's eyes, and he decided to attack first.

Link turned the steering wheel, and moved to the front of the mercenary car in a jerk, shifting the brakes in one go, and suddenly slowing down.

The mercenary who drove saw Link slowing down, and his expression was horrified: "Shoot, kill him, don't let him get in the way!"

The mercenary in the back seat was still looking at the quicksand behind, and turned his head when he heard this.

Just as he was about to pick up the machine gun, Link's rear slammed heavily on the front of the jeep, and the huge impact directly shook the mercenaries in the rear seat from the car. In the blink of an eye, he sank into the quicksand, leaving only one hand exposed and struggling. Was quickly drawn into the center of the whirlpool.

And the two rear wheels of the Jeep were also hit and plunged into the quicksand range. The rear wheels spin crazily, but they can only spin around in the moving quicksand, so that they can't exert any strength. The four-wheel drive system is barely supported by the two front wheel pull pulls.

Link accelerated to the front with a kick of the accelerator, and the gravel rolled up by the tire slammed on the windshield of the rear car and poured back into the car.

Within two seconds, the mercenary disappeared into the quicksand together with the jeep.

[You use a vehicle to kill a mercenary in the Wasteland to gain 200 experience]x2

This series of operations was completed in just a few seconds, until the jeep plunged into quicksand, and the driver and mercenaries on the other side realized it later.

"Kill him! Get rid of him!"

Link squeezed out the enemy behind him because of an instant slowing down and reversing, and lost the lead. Now he is only half a position faster than the opposite Jeep.

The mercenaries held their crane guns and fired at Link.

The heavy machine gun muzzle fire dragon swallowed, and the bullet screamed in the air.

Link gritted his teeth and cramped his waist, reducing his exposed area as much as possible, holding the steering wheel firmly with both hands, and slamming on the accelerator to accelerate. From time to time, the jeep made a clanging sound of being hit by bullets.

"Stop! Stop the fuck!"

The driver panicked. The recoil of the heavy machine gun was too strong. After the shot was fired, the Jeep began to shift to the left, and the speed indicator on the dashboard dropped by 5 points.

If you fire a few more shots, don't even think about running through the quicksand.

Link's car was only himself alone, and the load was lighter. At this moment, under full acceleration, the speed unexpectedly exceeded the enemy car carrying two people, and the car was opened little by little.

rushed across the top of the sand dunes at full speed, and the jeep soared into the sky. Link felt his **** hanging in the air, and the stretch of desert in front of him had a terminal. At the very end, there is a vaguely abandoned city.

"Abandoned city near [Death Palace]..." Link searched in his mind and quickly locked information about this abandoned city.

The desert is the site of the Wasteland Gang, but the abandoned city on the Gobi is the site of another force, the mechanical gods.

There is nowhere to hide in the vast desert. Link wants to get rid of the other two mercenaries. The only chance is to hide in the ruins of the city.

The desert jeep fell heavily into the desert, and the Link on the seat was shaken to pieces. The jeep twisted as if drinking fake wine.

Link just awoke a little when he heard a buzzing behind him, and the mercenary jeep also rushed out of the quicksand and escaped.

Link slammed on the accelerator and drove to the ruins of the northern city without hesitation.

The two cars drove more than two hundred meters away, chasing me in the undulating sand dunes.

Link shrank his head and walked with snakeskin, and the crackling bullets behind him sounded like firecrackers behind the wedding car when they were greeted.

The blast continued for several minutes, and finally ended in exhaustion of bullets.

"Huh, it's finally gone."

Link's eardrum hummed, and the right rearview mirror was hit by a stray bullet. There were also bullet marks on the windshield. Most of the glass had become a 'dense spider web'.

Seeing the persevering mercenaries behind him through the rearview mirror, he wondered how to deal with them.

I thought the two would retire after the bullet was shot, but I didn't expect the jeep to bite all the way, and there was no sign of giving up.

"It seems that the only way to get rid of them is to go to the ruins of the city."

Link glanced at the fuel gauge. After escaping and chasing just now, the fuel gauge has now reached the middle position, and it is estimated that he can almost reach the ruins.

Wasteland helped the two empty out heavy machine gun bullets, and the vehicle lost a lot of weight.

Although the gap with Link is still widening, it is still within an acceptable range.

Now the entire ancient ruins and camps are buried deep in the sand.

Everyone died, but they both fled back. What do you say makes the boss think?

want to go back, at least hold something in his hand to prove that he is not running away, but chasing.

Link's head is the best evidence.

Looking at Link, he was a little relieved at this time, and finally had the energy to study the system.

The system hasn't changed much, and it is still in two categories: [Properties] and [Tasks].

Link entered [Properties], and several lines of light red data messages appeared in the lower right corner of the field of view.

The color of the system is also said to be light red in battle, and light blue when out of battle.

Name: Link

Race: Human

Level: lv1

Experience: 400

Occupation: None

Status: slave

HP: 40/60 (Accumulate)

Energy value: 20/40 (weakness)

Attributes: Strength 3, Agility 3, Endurance 6, Intelligence 4, Energy 2, Charisma 1, Lucky 1

Potential point: 0

Talent: None

Skill: None

Equipment: Sharp short dagger (white)

Specialty: Elementary driving (not yet fully mastered)

Evaluation: You are really a "lucky guy".

Black question mark face.jpg.

Link was a little depressed, and he knew that he was an old yin and yang person by looking at the opening of this system. What a "lucky guy" was called, and I reported it.

After reading the attributes, Link suddenly felt a little bit spicy.

The setting of a normal person in the game, except that energy, charm and luck are random data, other data is 5.

Now Link's stats, except for the endurance of 6 points, have not reached 5, which means that they are not as good as normal people.

But Link can also understand that he was a slave who was supposed to be buried by quicksand. What kind of luck can he have?

But this is not a big trouble for Link. As long as he can escape and take advantage of the foresight of the game plot, this attribute can definitely be made up.

Link glanced at the experience value again, his vehicle killed two wasteland mercenaries, 400 experience is enough to make him rise to level 2.

But now there are chasing soldiers behind him. According to Link's original words-you can go up, but it is not necessary.

The chase continued, and the only two mercenaries left were like hyenas, biting on Link and not letting go.

Link searched for memories of the ruins of the city while driving. As the ruins of the city got closer, the memories were gradually awakened.

"The ruins of the city should still be in a state of desolation, and the Mechanic Sect will not be in the ruins until this time next year."

Link's eyes lit up, and a plan was brewing in his heart.

"He's definitely running out of oil, he can't run away! Get ready!" The mercenary driver exclaimed excitedly, looking at the fuel gauge on his dashboard.

After all the cars parked in the camp, they will be filled up by someone. Now that their car's fuel level is about to bottom out, there must not be many cars ahead.

The mercenaries standing in the back row began to arrange their weapons.

"Now there is only one micro punch, one pistol, and several magazines."


If none of these can kill an unarmed slave, then they will have no face to go back.

"Although we can catch up, how can we get back after the car runs out of gas?"

"Don't worry, if I don't have the confidence, I won't decide to rush out." The driver said as he took out a satellite phone from his pocket, and explained: "I was reporting the earthquake and the underground palace, but suddenly there was a riot. Put it in your pocket."

drove the mercenary and glanced at the jeep speeding ahead, his eyes were cold and cold: "When this kid is killed, we will call and wait for rescue."

The ruins of the city are getting closer, and the appearance of the ruins can be seen from a distance.

Abandoned high-rise buildings, rusty, nature, and steel ruins are all different in the ordinary people's imagination.

Most of the ruins of the Mechanical God Church are like this. There is no tall building. All the buildings are shattered into slag, just like the demolition **** piled up after the demolition. The whole city is icy and desolate, as if locusts pass through the border without any grass.

Link saw the unfamiliar and familiar ruins in front of him, and many key points remained unchanged. Now he was more confident to execute the plan.

The pointer of the oil dial enters the red zone to see the bottom.

Link glanced through the rearview mirror, and the wasteland mercenaries were about four to five hundred meters away from him, enough for him to get to the place to prepare in advance.

Puff puff!

The exhaust pipe made several fart-like noises, and the oil was completely depleted.

Link has already drove into the ruins of the city, using the final inertial speed of the jeep to show off his car skills, and start spinning frantically.

The rubber tires rubbed wildly, rolling up the rich loess and black smoke, and instantly enveloped the entire jeep.

The strong earthy smell and the pungent rubber smell mixed together, and Link coughed again and again.

Taking advantage of the dense smoke, Link jumped out of the car and walked into the city.

The mercenaries who pursued later saw the yellow soil and black smoke enveloping the jeep, and suddenly shouted: "He got out of the car and hid into the city!"

The mercenary standing in the back row glanced at the micro-punch and pistol on his neck. Both of them had combat accuracy within 50 meters, and now the warning shots were just a waste of bullets. The heavy machine gun seems to have a few rounds of ammunition left. First, shoot through the cigarette and draw a prize.

The mercenary raised the barrel forcefully with both arms, and the muzzle was about to go to heaven.

da da da da da da da da...

The last few rounds of ammunition burst out of the chamber, leaving a string of light spots in the air, flying towards the dust and smoke.

Link passed through the smoke, was very familiar with the ruins of the city, and went to the destination without squinting.

At this time, hearing the 'demonstration' of heavy machine guns behind him, Link couldn't help but sneer: Four to five hundred meters through the smoke, really heavy machine guns used as thermal imaging sniper rifles?

The voice just fell.

Link flicked the sound of a bullet flying at high speed, and at the same time his right arm deltoid muscle tingled.

[You are hit by a BLN50 heavy machine gun (grabbing), and you lose 10 HP]

[You enter an abnormal state [bleeding]]

[Bleeding]: 1 point of health is deducted every 10 minutes for 2 hours.

Link's face changed wildly: "This? Outrageous, right? Can this be hit?"

Link looked at the wound on the deltoid muscle of his right arm. UU Reading was about 1.5 cm long, his skin was burned by a bullet, and some muscles were cracked. Just give him some clean cloth to bandage him.

But there are signs that the smoke behind him has dissipated, and the jeep's voice has become clearer, and he is not given time to bandage.

The first step of the plan was disrupted, and Link had no choice but to trot all the way, hurrying to reach the planned location.

There were 40 drops of blood and a chance to show off, but only 30 drops of blood were left after being bruised by a bullet, disrupting Link's plan.

Link really doesn't know if he is lucky or unlucky.

A shot of three or four hundred meters of mixed smoke, and a heavy machine gun bullet that falls extremely fast. If you want to hit the muzzle, you can't lift it into the sky?

Is this Nima hitting people or flying?

This guy can bruise himself, it's really evil.

But on the other hand, if this bullet is offset by one centimeter, the whole arm will not even be qualified to make roast beef bone marrow.

The streets of the abandoned city are in decline, and brown rhizomes grow from the cracks of the collapsed houses, winding and climbing between the bricks and stones. The building collapsed into a pile of masonry, only the bottommost rotating wall stood stubbornly, the surface paint was mottled and peeled off, and only scattered small pieces were still attached to the bricks to prove the original color.

Whether it is a residential area, a commercial building or a supermarket, all of them collapsed into piles of bricks or broken into irregular concrete. If you pay attention, you will find that there are no traces of metal in this city!

Link is'accustomed to this,' and the Mechanical Gods are like locusts, wherever they pass by, this is the scene.

And Link soon arrived at the location of this trip, a huge blue wall made of concrete.