Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 167

Chapter 167

"Ms. Han, it seems to be very happy over there. It's hard to see such a crowd celebrating in the Colosseum," said Director Zhang.

Teacher Han helped her iconic rimless glasses, squinted her eyes and tried her best to open them, looking at the real-time video transmitted by the camera, and said: "This young man, isn't this the famous rising star Link in the slum... "

"Oh, that's the king of killers..." Zhang said halfway through the instructions, and suddenly realized that this name shouldn't appear on such occasions, and quickly changed the subject: "Link is a young man in the slum area recently. , I didn't expect that he would take his hand to relax in the Colosseum today."

Just as Teacher Han and Director Zhang were explaining, the staff on the side handed a piece of information to the host desk with their waists.

Teacher Han saw the content on the paper, and his eyes lit up: "We have temporarily obtained a very interesting data, I think it is necessary to share it with you."

Instructor Zhang also leaned his head, saw the message on the paper, and suddenly realized: "I seem to know why a lot of people were celebrating just now."

"Mr. Lin came to the Colosseum today, and he shot 5 shots in total, 5 of them all hit. The lowest magnification is 1.3 times, and the highest magnification is 2.4 times."

The microphones of the two hosts are directly connected to the signal of Sado TV station on the one hand, and to the signal of the Colosseum on the other hand.

As soon as these words came out, almost the entire Colosseum came out with an exclamation.

All the five hits, the odds are not low.

Is this person a god?

The director also knows well. When Director Zhang and Teacher Han interrupted the news, the camera also moved to Link.

Link saw his face appear on the big screen above his head.

Fu and the thugs around him were dumbfounded. They looked at the boss in front, then looked up at the big screen to confirm that they were on TV, and immediately looked excited.

Then, Link's handsome and stern face overlapped with the excited and ordinary faces of the thugs on the same screen, instantly setting off Link infinitely.

Even Teacher Han couldn't help but sigh after reading the episode: "It seems that tonight, Sha has many little girls who are unable to sleep."

Instructor Zhang beside interjected and said, "Wake up, there are no female users in our program, but Link is probably dangerous."

This sentence is very meaningful, a pun.

On the one hand, it praised Link for being so handsome, which caused other men to be jealous.

, on the other hand, is also implying that Link's current winning streak is too strong and easy to be targeted.


Link looked at the two hosts on the live broadcast floor at the top of the Colosseum. They were really interesting.

had never met before, but casually reminded him on this occasion.

"If I guessed correctly, this should be an instruction from the Colosseum."

"Indeed, I have won five in a row, and I'm still on TV. I need to converge a little later."

Link clapped his hands and motioned for everyone in Link's gang to gather.

"Since everyone has made money, you can relax and act freely for a while. But I must remind you that no matter you win or lose, only 50% of your income is allowed to play. If anyone dares to cross the line, it is no longer me. The people who helped."

Link's words frustrated many people around who wanted to take a look at Link's weather vane, their faces were full of disappointment, and many people sneered at Link's order of the 'Mother's Mother'. There is even a requirement for how much money the subordinates spend, and the control is really wide!

But Link's helpers nodded all together, saying that he would never hide and spend a penny. If he crosses the line, he will be dealt with.

Next, everyone was broken into pieces, each playing his own.

Only Ah Fu and the youngest, as well as the wind-like Rejoice, follow Link as right-hand man and tool man.

After , Link played a few games with small sums, and deliberately lost two of them. After he closed his hand, the guests around him saw that his eyes were not right, as if there was some deep hatred.

"Oh, it's really Shengmi's fight against the mistresses. When I took the flight, I was not grateful, but now it is like killing the whole family."

Link shook his head helplessly, it seems that Colosseum Gaming can no longer be played.

Continue to play, before the people behind the Colosseum show up, I'm afraid these guests can tear him to pieces.

Link looked at the 1.3 million balance displayed on his phone.

In just two and a half hours, his wealth has almost doubled.

"It seems this is the first and last time I have used this bug." Link said silently in his heart.

Because he is the player who obtained the NPC template, he can see the level of all the beasts in the battle.

This also brings a clear tilt to the Colosseum game.

In addition, Link has the speciality of 'First Knowing the Beast'. In addition to his level, he can also see other information about the Beast, plus his own memory of his previous life. Basically, one bet is exactly one bet. There is no difficulty at all.

But Link knows that with the large-scale entry of public beta players, the research on foreigners has also gained a certain depth.

The staff at the Colosseum realized that foreigners seem to have the ability to see through the strength of monsters, so after the public test, the Colosseum installed a frequency band masking device. As a result, players could not see the levels of all beasts, only related to beasts. Only those with the ability can spy a little bit. This can be regarded as fixing a BUG in disguise.

Combining the packaging and testing information known in the previous life, Link even has reason to suspect that the two guys, Hufeng and Pirate Liang, may have used this bug.

First of all, it was closed and tested in Shadu, but after the open test, it slipped directly to Faye.

The name of the local tyrant spread right after the open beta test was launched.

, on the one hand, because in reality is a billionaire rich man, on the other hand, because the game character Pirate Liang is also quite rich.

You know, at the beginning of the public beta, the currency exchange system has not yet been opened!

Where did this money come from?

Combining Pirate Liangren's closed beta test was born directly in the Colosseum, UU Reading Link has reason to doubt.

Just as Link thought about it, a person suddenly walked over: "Mr. Lin, we are the Colosseum program group of Shadu TV. May I interview you a few questions?"

Link took a calm look and found that it was a reporter, behind him was a staff member carrying a camera and a light board.

Link looked down at the time. It was 11:30 in the evening, and it was indeed the end of the Colosseum show.

It seems that they want to use interviews to end the show.

Link nodded and said, "Yes."

"Thank you Mr. Lin, please go to the rest area next to the interview."

Then, Link and the staff went to the rest area to start the interview.

"Mr. Lin, are you satisfied with your record in the Colosseum today..."

Link grinned: "The question you have is so sharp when you come up, aren't you afraid of me running?"

"Huh?" The reporter was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Mr. Lin is really humorous..."

Just when Link was interviewed, a message suddenly popped up from the system.

[Your influence +1]

P.S: Reward plus more (35/36), one more chapter...