Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 166

Chapter 166

Link yawned as soon as the death match started.

Level suppression coupled with the disparity in strength, this game is really nothing to watch.

At the beginning of the game, the wild wolf, who seemed to be forced by the majesty of the white tiger, suddenly changed his temperament.

Without any extra action, a pair of scarlet eyes locked on the white tiger, and then directly flew up.

As the king of beasts, when can the white tiger tolerate other beasts showing their power on his head, and open his two front paws to pounce on it.

Moments later, there was a crackling sound of firecrackers from the death arena, and the white tiger was thrown to the ground. The wild wolf's teeth pierced directly into the white tiger's neck and slammed his head to bring out a **** blood. , As well as torn muscles, fur and throat.

This beast fight to death, just a face-to-face tells the outcome.

The thugs of the Link gang were shocked to see this scene.

originally thought that there would be a hearty battle and then separate the results, but did not expect the beginning to end.

"Boss, we won?"

"The odds are 1.8, my 10,000 waste land coins changed to 18,000 in the blink of an eye?"

Everyone is still in a trance, can't believe that making money is so easy.

And the passers-by who bought Baihu Shengli before are also in a trance.

The white tiger roared loudly before the game, and his momentum was stabilized. Why did he slap his bones in the face of a wild wolf on the battlefield, and be directly bitten off the throat?

Even as soft as chasing the wind, he followed the crowd at this moment.

The 500 yuan he saved from the task in the past two days has turned into 900.

At this time, Link saw that everyone was in the mood, and he didn't disappoint in talking about the 1% water draw at the Colosseum.

"Boss, how did you see that the wild wolf can win?" Ah Fu asked curiously.

At this time, passers-by who bought Baihu Shengli, even the stubborn guy with a blue face, fixed their eyes on Link, waiting for him to answer.

Link crossed his hands on his chest, and said in a calm tone: "In fact, it's nothing, but I think the name of General Tiger is a bit tricky and unlucky."

Link didn't stay long after he finished speaking. He cashed the money in front of the console, took the crowd and left, and continued to stroll around.

Everyone in the Beast Death Arena was all stunned.

for this reason?

is too far-fetched, right?

The muscular man, the owner of the white tiger, was also choked to flush with this sentence, and he almost didn't come up in a breath.

"Wait, isn't it? Bai Hu is called General Hu, this is said after the betting is over, the reason is not reasonable!"

The audience suddenly reacted.

But at this time, when you look around, where can you find the Linke Gang, they have already been buried by the vast number of people.

Link is extremely careful in his shots, and he doesn't jump in when he sees a game.

It's fake to come to the Colosseum for team building today, but it's real to cover the night's plan.

Don't make too many shots. If you were found out by the Colosseum staff and asked to go over, it would not be worth the gain.

So more often, he led Link to help everyone eat and drink, or stopped to watch, not in a hurry.

But even so, because there were more than a dozen people with Link's gang and a series of secret whistle behind him, Link's appearance still attracted the attention of the Colosseum. Soon this incident was uploaded level by level, and soon reached Moros's body. Secretary Kohler's ear.

"It's interesting. The colosseum came to the Colosseum to build a team, and there were more than a dozen secret whistles behind him. The Colosseum has rarely seen such a lively scene."

Kohler quickly walked to the VIP room of the Colosseum, leaned over and told Moros the news.

Moros dangling a cigar, put his hands on the window, his eyes were like battlefield radar, sweeping across the Colosseum from a height.

A moment later, he locked Link and the beater beside him in the crowd.

Moros raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes accumulated deeper. These folds not only do not make people feel aging and weak, but give people a sense of depth and maturity.

"Kohler, why do you think this kid abandoned his old nest and came to the Arena of Beasts?" Morros asked with a sip of the red wine on the table.

Kohler frowned slightly, and guessed: "Perhaps he wants to create an illusion that the Link's gang is empty? In fact, there are many dangers in it, but any evil intentions may be bitten back."

"I don't think it's that simple, let's read on."

With the sound of speakers around the Colosseum, all the big screens above the head were cut to the live broadcast.

"Hello everyone, this is Shadu TV, Shadu TV, and the live broadcast for you is Sunday Shadu Colosseum..."

Link raised his head and glanced at the big screen above his head. Today's first event is still a speed competition, but this week's speed competition has moved from the ground to the sky, becoming a duel between birds of prey.

"Go, let's go and join in the fun."

Link led everyone to the Raptor Speed Showdown.

This time is a weekly tournament, so all eight contestants are new faces.

Link chose a name slightly familiar with the memory of his previous life.

The bet amount this time is only 50,000 yuan.

The thugs of the Link gang also learned a lot. Seeing that the boss didn't invest much money this time, they only gave out a part of it, and didn't have the upper hand.

Now the boss teaches hand in hand, if you don't learn well, then you deserve no money.

Since it was a speed showdown, the whole process was condensed in the **** few seconds on the court.

The game ended soon. As Link expected, the falcon with a little memory won the victory, and Link helped everyone make a small profit again.

"Turn... doubled, twice the odds, I'm rich!"

"The boss is really awesome, he is the **** of boss, the only **** in the Colosseum!"

"Boss, you are not tired, I will fan you, where shall we go next?"

The thugs of Link's help interpret the three words "dog legs" vividly.

Link looked at the beaming thugs and shook his head helplessly.

I'm afraid no one remembers the task of the evening now.

Even the secret whistles who followed Link were murmuring, wondering if they were following Link and placing an order with Link.

In the two games just now, if you buy it, you double it and you earn blood.

The secret whistle of other forces, that is, the existence slightly stronger than ordinary members, but compared to the meager salary and remuneration, it is obvious that the gambling that doubles in front of you can easily stimulate people's emotions.

"Yes, I bought it with Link, just want to get into it, so it's easier to monitor!"

"Yes, that's it!"

half an hour later...

"Yeah, hit, hit!"

Following the gang members, passers-by, and the secret whistle behind Link, they waved the tickets in their hands.

Strangers who didn't know each other even hugged and cheered.

At this moment, everyone does not distinguish each other, and everyone who buys with Link is his own.

Everyone has the brightest smile on their faces.

was just a handful at first.

Now, even the live broadcast of Shadu TV, while waiting for the start of the event, has turned the camera to this cheerful place.

P.S: Second update, and...tonight's goal is to pay the debts!