Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 168

Chapter 168


An important value throughout the game of Destiny.

Before, Link gained 1 point of influence by changing the gang to his own name.

This time I accepted an interview with the Colosseum column of Shadu TV station and gained 1 point of influence again.

Influence refers to the ability to intervene in NPCs or plots and their popularity in the entire game world.

has a high influence, not only can get some special treatment, discounts, and even influence the plot trend through interaction.

Link remembers that in his previous life, Rejoice, who was chasing the wind, used his high influence to stop the war between different civilizations on a planet. This deed at the time maxed out the entire game forum and also made ordinary players realize the role of 'influence'.

Even the missions of some big forces need influence to trigger.

Link has 1 point of influence before, and is well-known in the Shadu slum.

Tonight, the Shadu TV show, I think the influence will be upgraded to another level.

Moros leaned against the window of the VIP room with great interest, looking at Link who was interviewed on the big screen.

Kohler stood aside respectfully, but doubts appeared between his brows.

The boss rarely stays in the Colosseum for this long.

Even if the VIPs were invited to participate in the speed race last week and finally presented the awards to the unicorns of the Crusaders, they left in a hurry after the awards.

But today, the boss actually stayed in the Colosseum until midnight for the first time. This was unprecedented before.

"Boss, it's late, we should go back." Kohler lowered his head and said.

Moros was holding a wine glass, standing still watching the crowded Colosseum, and refused to leave for a long time.

"No hurry, I'll wait for another good show."

"A good show?" Kohler was puzzled. The live broadcast of the game was over. Where could there be any good show.

"Does... Boss, you mean..." Kohler followed the boss's eyes and found him watching Link who was interviewing on the big screen.

Associated with the boss's interest in Link before, Kohler was puzzled.

Does this good show mean Link?

Moros glanced at his watch, turned his head a little, and ordered: "Kohler, let Taiyi investigate the Links. I have a hunch that the Colosseum is not the main stage of this good show."

Kohler bowed his head slightly, walked out of the VIP room after taking the order, and dialed a call.

There was a sound of elegant symphony on the other side of the phone, and among the background music, a voice sounded leisurely: "What's your order?"

"The boss wants you to investigate the Link Gang."

"How is the investigation method?" Taiyi on the other end of the phone fiddled with the lighter in his hand, answering the call while listening to the symphony on the stage.

"The boss said that he is waiting for a good show."

The corner of Tai Tai's mouth curled slightly, and then the hand fiddle with the lighter suddenly stopped: "Okay, I see."

hung up, Taiichi suddenly raised his hand and stood up from the audience.

only then discovered that the huge concert hall had only one audience, and the rest of the seats were all empty.

The conductor on the stage saw Taiyi's movement and quickly made a gesture of closing, and the symphony stopped abruptly.

Everyone, including the conductor, got up, their faces full of tension and embarrassment, as if waiting for God to judge.

"When my phone rang, the young man playing the piano was lost for a moment and had a syllable wrong..."

When Taiichi said this, the face of the piano player was pale, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"You defiled this song."

Taiichi said he turned and left the concert hall.

And behind him, only the pianist shouted hoarsely: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

As for the symphony orchestra that we played together just now, they all bowed their heads, and no one dared to intercede.

Taiichi had just walked out of the concert hall, and several gunshots could be heard in the hall. Deafening noises gushed out through the concert hall door and landed on Taiichi's back.

Taichi shivered sharply, and then took a long breath, standing still and closing his eyes to enjoy the thrill of trembling.

Linke's help.

The macaw looked at the clock in the rest area. The time had come to 11:45, and it was the time Link gave it to confess.

"Xiaobao, are you okay? We should go now!" The macaw's voice was like a horn.

The treasure hunter quickly ran out of the office, still holding a tin box in his mouth.

The macaw saw the iron box and couldn't help but stretch out its wings and pat its head: "I almost forgot this thing."

The treasure hunter crawled up to the macaw, and the macaw stretched out its paws to pinch the tin box.


The macaw took a sharp breath, put away the fat belly that had fallen slightly because of the good food, kicked its feet **** the ground, and its two wings flopped hard.

The ash in the yard was lifted up a lot, but the macaw only just lifted its feet off the ground, and it was only a dozen centimeters in the air. It looked like it was dead.

The sand sculptures and white-sword sea eagles in the bird's nest of waste paper coincidentally cover their eyes with their wings, ashamed to be with this kind of parrot.

The hellhound on the side shook his tail and couldn't stand it. With a bang, he ran towards the macaw with a grin.

The macaw thought of the fear of being rubbed into a ball by the hellhound, its wings flapped harder, and its stature rose quickly.

"Fucking Hellhound, you are a real **** dog. In hundreds of episodes of TV series, your dog will not survive one episode!"

"You only have one page for your household registration!"

"I really want to turn your head off and put it in the washing machine to stir!"

The macaw flew out of the Link's gang with cursing curses. Cautious and plopped fiercely.

When I thought that my embarrassment had been seen by the treasure hunter, the macaw quickly explained: "I usually get up as soon as I fly. Today I mainly warm up, and only the **** dog is the only one who thinks I really can't fly. stand up."

"Xiaobao, you must know me?"

Seeing that the treasure hunter did not answer, the macaw quickly found himself a downhill: "Little treasure, tell me where to fly, I don't know the way."

The treasure hunter was lying on the macaw's forehead. Looking around, there were few lights in the entire slum area except for the riverside area, as if it was covered with a black cloth.

The treasure hunter sniffed, looked through the memory again, and then pointed to the west.

Ten minutes later, the treasure hunter squeaked.

The macaw glides down and stretched out a paw when it was about to land, but unexpectedly a staggered body was completely rolled into a ball, rubbing a three- to four-meter-long drag mark on the ground, and then it made a crash landing, looking embarrassed.

"Fuck, next time I will never agree to Link's unreasonable request. It is not a parrot who landed on one foot. If it weren't for this broken tin box, I wouldn't fall so embarrassed!"

The treasure hunter has quick eyes and hands and jumps early. At the moment, he is standing by and watching the macaw performance.

The macaw got up from the ground, shook the dirt on his body, and cleared his throat.

"Xiaobao, help me see the green water ghost hanging around my neck. Is it time for 12 o'clock?"