Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Link looked through the blinds of the office and saw the chasing and cool thief running out.

These two people are now completely instrumentalists of the Link gang. They don't even dare to go off the assembly line. They just sit in the rest area eagerly, or walk around in the gang, and go up and help if there is anything wrong.

The overly enthusiastic two people also slightly changed their views of the thugs.

Especially the youngest, who used to replace the boss to give them 100 waste coins as rewards. The youngest saw the eyes of both people glowing.

Now the boss said that they should integrate into the group, do more for everyone, and make them excited orgasm, especially when they gave money just now, their eyes lit up again.

Mr. Cong faintly found the key, it seems that money and relationships can particularly arouse the desire of strangers.

"It's worthy of being the boss, the eyesight of people is too strong"

"While we were still worried about the threats caused by the ability of the foreigner, the boss saw through the foreigner at a glance, and found a way to control it. He really deserves to be the boss."

"Wow, no one can lick this one."

Just as the third child was talking to himself, a macaw suddenly walked out behind him, about one meter tall to a person's waist and abdomen.

The expression of disgust and shock on his face, a small composition of 800 words is not enough to describe.

The third child's brain was blank. He remembered that when Li Ziqian sent the macaw over yesterday, the macaw was still talking intermittently, why it suddenly became smoother now

"You can understand me" The third man pointed to himself. He thought the macaw could only understand some simple common words, but he did not expect to understand everything.

The macaw looked at the third child with the eyes of Are you an idiot, then shook his head and walked away, whispering, "This Link gang recruited some people, that's it"

However, in the body of the macaw, there is no whispering word.

Even though it thought it was whispering, it was so loud that Link in the closed office heard this.

The third child is full of black lines. This macaw can actually be strange.

But when I think of the animals that I have been in contact with, they basically have good and strong points. The third one knows, and I don't care about that much with a parrot.

The thugs have seen macaws yesterday, and now they are only curious about how they were suddenly released.

But in getting along with Link, the thugs also summed up a set of effective rules.

That is, but all the pets released from the basement by the boss are domesticated and there is no need to worry about running away.

The macaw is like a leader inspecting, taking a look at the rest area with its wings on its back, then poking out its small head and looking outside the rest area.

I was not afraid of being afraid when my mouth was hard just now, but now I am too honest when I walk out of the house.

Immediately, the macaw saw Wang Chai, the **** dog lying in the yard, and the waste paper box bird's nest in the corner, the sand sculpture with godless and decadent eyes, and the white sword sea eagle with red face.

"Tsk, trembling, cold, this lazy dog has a nest, so why do we birds can only live in waste paper boxes"

Suddenly, the Hellhound lying on the ground basking in the sun shook his ears, got up and stared at the macaw with teeth.

And the sand sculptures and white sword sea eagles in the bird's nest in the corner waste paper box also saw the new macaw.

"Wife, this guy seems to be beaten by Wangchai." Sha Diao said.

The white-sword sea eagle took a look, and immediately pushed the head of the sand sculpture back, "Don't join in the fun, help me hatch the eggs"

After a while, the macaw was scattered all over its feathers and leaned against the wall in a panic.

"Mom, this hound is a hard stubble." The macaw was crying without tears, and when he thought of being rounded by the hound to play catching games, an indescribable sense of humiliation came to my heart.

This is the first day that my famous brilliant diamond has truly integrated into the Link Gang. I actually have this kind of black memory and humiliating history. How can I stay here in the future?

Looking at the two-headed eagles showing their affection in the waste paper box on the side, the macaw suddenly felt cold all over, with tears in the corners of his eyes and said, "Brother Xun is right, the joys and sorrows in the world are not interlinked, ohhhhh"

sent the macaw, Link went straight back to the bedroom to make up for the sleep.

Was awakened in advance by Ah Fu in the morning, and then watched the competition between Chasing the Wind and Pirate Cooler. After the meal, there was another wave of synthesis. Link felt that his body was hollowed out, and it was time to catch up.

fell asleep deeply

It's just that Link felt that he hadn't slept for long, and suddenly heard Ah Fu's knock on the door, "Boss, the third child said that there is something urgent to ask you out."

Link opened his eyes, feeling that his body was sealed by the heavy quilt and could not move.

then lay on the bed and asked "what's the matter"

"It's the Newman family who came to buy the Liger. The people who came were interested in the little pigs and alpacas, and they insisted on buying them."

Link got up from the bed and put on clothes quickly.

I want to buy a little pig and alpaca, that's not good

After a while, Link opened the bedroom door, and when he walked out, he was well dressed and full of energy.

"Afu, let's go."

I fixed my eyes again and found that the macaw was also following behind him with excitement.

These two styles are very different, when did they mix

Link was too late to ask, and entered the basement through the secret door of the office.

As soon as he entered the basement, Link saw that the lion and tiger were all packed in iron boxes and placed on each other's boat.

And in the third and a few thugs

Next to his hand, there is a delicate man with the same black suit and capable short You can see a little softness in the eyebrows, but more firm and tough.

At a glance, he seemed to give Link a kind of feeling that the rich boy Xiaobaiface forced to pretend to be a tough guy.

And behind the young master, four family bodyguards followed.

Link glanced, they were all 20-level ordinary martial arts bodyguards.

"My son, I heard that you want to buy a little pig and alpaca"

The third child was about to speak, and Link reached out and interrupted, "I just told you Afu."

then turned to the young master of the Newman family and said, "But I'm sorry, these two pets are kept privately by me, so they are not for sale."

The third child coughed awkwardly, and the macaw behind him also covered his mouth and laughed.

Er At this moment, the face of the young master of the Newman family also darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

took a few steps forward and stopped in front of Link. The hand in his trouser pocket stretched out. It was slender and white. No calluses from holding a gun or punching could be seen from the tiger's mouth. It was delicate and smooth.

"Get to know, Laura."

As soon as this person opened his mouth, Link's pupils shrank sharply, because the other person's voice seemed to be a weak female.

Combined with the name Laura, Link understood.


Reward plus 2336, there is a chapter around 2 o'clock, ask for a recommended ticket