Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 140

Chapter 140

"Sorry, I don't know..., hello, Link."

Link just wanted to explain, but felt that there was a quibble meaning of how to explain it now, so he simply skipped this.

"Mr. Lin is a man in the ghetto lately. I saw it today and it was extraordinary." Laura looked up and down at Link, wanting to see who could be favored by John, the first killer of the waste Saturn, what is so special. Place.

A woman like Laura who looks at Chi Guoguo is rare now.

Link has the feeling of waiting for clothes to be selected in the window.

"Miss Laura can't find my strengths with this kind of scrutiny." Link was full of sincerity in his words, but the macaw behind him was already covering his eyes and couldn't look at it.

A trace of anger flashed in Laura's eyes, and her eyes suddenly met.

The two have their eyes facing each other. Laura's eyes are like the most sophisticated medical instruments. Anatomical analysis of Link's eyes little by little, but no teasing or teasing elements are found.

Laura can't help thinking: Do I think too much?

"I really like these two pets, please make a price!"

As an aristocratic family in Uptown, Laura usually visits the slums every month to purchase wild animals for her family, and has long been accustomed to spending money on things.

In the Shadu slum, there is nothing that cannot be bought with money.

"Sorry, these two pets are for me to participate in the rare animal beauty contest. They are not for sale."

"Two, 50,000." Laura's answer was also very simple.

According to the market price, an alpaca is no more than 20,000 yuan, and a pink piglet will cost no more than 5,000 wasteland coins. For such a lovely value, if it is 10,000, it adds up to only 30,000. The price of two 50,000 yuan is definitely considered sincere.

Seeing Link shook her head, Laura continued: "Or you sell me these two pets, and the rare animal beauty contest will continue to participate. If you win the prize, I don't want the bonus, but I will give you all."

Laura seemed determined to have these two pets and said for Link Cop: "You need to know about the rare animal beauty pageant, but the ladies and ladies of the upper city are the annual fixed project, you are a slum Link Gang, after all Powerless, even if he runs for the election, he will accompany the prince to study, and he will not be ranked."

"But if you agree to sell me your pet, I can help you run for the election in the name of the Newman family. With my family's power in the upper city, I will get you the top ten in the end. It shouldn't be a problem. Then all the bonuses will be given to you. ."

Link can't see any waves on his face, still unmoved.

Laura gritted her silver teeth, staring at Link and said, "60,000, it can't be more. Please also ask Lin to become all."

The youngest man and a few helping thugs suddenly inhaled when they heard this number.

They are all the veterans of the Links, and they know the price of animals on the market.

The price of 60,000 yuan is almost double the price, an absolute sincere price!

Even the third child is faintly moved.

After all, Laura is right. The rare animal beauty pageant has always been a special show for ladies and ladies. If there is no background, I would really accompany the prince to study. Those judges who are selected are also the main ones who look at the dishes. To put it plainly this year, who has grown in popularity and is re-used, then whoever can win the championship.

The boss asked him to register for the alpaca to compete, but it was only for money.

Now that the other party has given the money, they are even willing to endorse the reputation of the Newman family to help Link get the top ten bonus. This wave of iron is not lost!

"Miss Laura, if you like it, you can come and see it often. But if you want me to cut love, then I can only say sorry."

Laura saw Link not letting go, she pulled her shoulder-length short hair around her ear, and returned to her desertedness.

"Since Mr. Lin has no intention, that's all."

Laura took out her mobile phone, took it to Link and said, "Mr. Lin doesn't mind adding a phone call. If you suddenly don't like it or want to make a move, please feel free to contact me."

Link took Laura's call and entered his number.

Laura looked at the extremely ordinary number on the phone, and immediately pressed the dial key.

Three or four seconds later, the phone in the pocket of Link's trousers buzzed.

Hearing the sound of the mobile phone, the corners of Laura's mouth slightly cocked, and then she put the mobile phone back into her pocket with satisfaction.

There was a hint of shyness of a little woman under her heroic short hair, but this scene was covered up by her bowing her hair.

But I was caught by a one-meter-high macaw.

The small eyes of the macaw wandered back and forth between Laura and Link. The brighter the eyes, it seemed that he knew something extraordinary.

After that, the youngest and the thugs checked the cash. After the two parties completed the transaction, Laura decisively boarded the boat and left the Link Gang with the tiger and lion.

During this period, Link and Laura maintained a tacit understanding, they didn't say a word to each other, and all of them were completing the handover.

The cement gate of the basement opened, and as soon as Laura left with her front foot, the macaw couldn't help but start to be irritated: "Tsk tusk, this hand is used to make the plank road secretly cross Chen Cang! It is simply a wonderful frog seed eating a wonderful crispy corner into rice Wonderful house, wonderful home!"

"The pet is fake, the phone is the real thing! You didn't see the shy little woman with her head down when Laura was about to get her cell phone number just now, oh my heart is shaking when I think about it now. Don't look at her Wearing a suit, with my years of experience in observing women, there are a lot of giant ru, bee waist, fat buttocks, this Laura has a lot!"

As soon as the macaw spoke, he knew it was an old driver. UU reading

The thugs who were present were dumbfounded. You **** a parrot, you know so much?

Even the third child was brought into rhythm by the macaw, not only frowned and thought: Is it really just for the phone?

The old third thought carefully, what the macaw said makes sense!

I was solely responsible for this matter, and he was responsible for dealing with the deal and it would be done. Starting

Moreover, the Newman family is considered a regular customer, and the process is reasonably clear.

But today, I was looking for the difference to buy alpaca and little pig, and I reminded myself that this is the boss's personal pet, and after not selling the product, I insisted repeatedly, making it clear that I wanted to attract the boss out. A genius remembers Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

"Hiss! Thinking carefully!"

Link glanced at the gradual change of the third child and the smug macaw, and couldn't help shook his head: "The patterns are broken, all on the first floor."

shows that Laura sees that the pig breed is extraordinary, and even smells the natural aroma from the alpaca.

As a family in Shangcheng District and a giant in the catering industry, Laura wants to identify the quality of a pig's meat is simply too easy.

After the synthesis of Xiaoxiang pig, the meat is firm, and the body does not have any body hair, let alone the fishy smell of ordinary pigs.

Seeing the little fragrant pig, I definitely want to buy it back for breeding and improve pork with better taste.

P.s: Reward plus 2436, sorry to take a bath a bit late, there will be a chapter later