Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Monster attributes

Name: Little Xiangzhu

Quality: dark green

Race: Swine

Attribute: Natural affinity

Level: 2

Initial skill 1: Danceking on the dance floor of the King of Dance lv1, hearing the concert sway with rhythm, psychedelic dance steps, gorgeous dance skills

Initial skill 2: Body strengthening The body of the little fragrant pig is tempered by a strong beast pill, which completely discharges the toxins in the body. The meat is firm, fat and thin. Each gram of muscle contains rich energy

Evaluation: A small body contains a lot of energy!

Link has read the introduction of the little Xiangzhu, and he can't wait to bring him a sow to breed for a try.

The effect of the strong beast pill is still exerted. It not only removes toxins from the body, but also tempers the body of the little fragrant pig, making the meat more compact and making its body healthier.

It can be said that the little pig is definitely the purest pig on the waste Saturn now.


Purity in various senses.

Xiao Xiangzhu squeezed out of the blood cocoon, then looked at the surrounding environment, and came to the feet of his master Link, who had a familiar aura.

Link squatted down and reached out to touch the little fragrant pig at his feet with his nose arching his legs.

The little Xiangzhu feels so good that it is surprising.

The delicate skin has no bristles or hairs at all, from the head of the pig along the spine, all the way to the pig's butt, silky and smooth.


was amazed by the feel of the little fragrant pig, Link couldn't help but patted it twice when he touched the final round and plump butt.

The crisp and loud hand feel, and the fat buttocks that shook like a cold, accompanied by the little Xiangzhu's snorting sound. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

En, it deserves to be a pig fused with a strong beast pill, it really is extraordinary.

The macaw standing on the iron cage has complicated eyes, and the strange habit of the owner always makes it feel bad.

The synthesis of blew flies inspired Link. These synthesized creatures are not completely independent of the existing ecosystem of the waste Saturn. They can still reproduce with creatures of the same race and pass on the improved new genes to their offspring.

Link only synthesized dozens of blew flies.

Up to now, in the small box on the open-air balcony outside Link's bedroom, there have been at least hundreds of spontaneous flies, many of which lay eggs after mating with normal flies.

These second-generation self-explosive flies are also mentally connected to Link, obey his command, and in terms of ability and effect, they are no different from the first-generation self-explosive flies.

That's why Link got the strong beast pill and wanted to synthesize the strong beast pill to form a long-term biological strong beast pill, benefiting his pets, and even making money!

Then, the little fragrant pig came into being.

No, it shouldn't be said to be a little sweet pig now, it is now his palm pig.

As long as you find a sow for the little fragrant pig, and then look at the meat quality of the piglets born, you can make fragrant pork into an industry.

Link thought for a while and couldn't help but laughed: "I am a dignified gang boss, and he is about to get involved in the breeding industry."

"Well, you all go back to the cage and stay."

Link is in a good mood, and today's synthesis has exceeded expectations. It is the best synthesis since rebirth.

Two blue high-quality pets, a green high-quality blood slug that can regenerate blood, and a small pig, an important industrial chain in the future, have greatly solved Link's current problems.

"Master, the environment here is not good, I want to go out, don't want to stay here!" The macaw suddenly raised its wings and said.

The macaw saw the lion and tiger of Jungle Overlord, and felt sick all over.

But I am proud of the brilliant diamonds, and it is hard to say that I am afraid of lions and tigers, so I simply found an excuse for the bad environment.

"Well, you can go out with me."

As for the little fragrant pig, he obediently returned to the cage and closed the iron cage door with his pig's feet after entering, and then fell asleep on his stomach.

Vanilla Mud Horse always has an expression of indifferent to external affairs, lowering his head and chewing on the grass roots and twigs in the rice bowl, and the years are peaceful.

The lion and the tiger came to Link to help these days, every day they ate, slept, and ate, and they were about to grow fat.

Link carried a basin of blood slugs, and the macaw walked out of the basement behind him.

As soon as I arrived at the office, the macaw's eyes lit up: "Yeah, this small office is quite petty."

The macaw looked at the books on the secret door bookshelf, with an old and unique eye ~ The old and new books on the shelves were almost never opened. "First release https://https://

"Tsk tusk tusk, nouveau riche tiger leather seats, wolf fossils on the side table, and a bookshelf with a mysterious and elegant book title. This kind of fascinating aesthetic is even more pungent than red and green race shit. "The macaw raised a wing and covered its eyes grandiosely.

"I don't bother to change the style of the former boss." Link replied, and then put the blood slug's bowl on the table.

"Oh, that's all right."

"You are safe in the Link's Gang, but remember not to go out of the alley. Sand is very dangerous. Once you get out of the alley, I can't guarantee your safety."

The macaw has nothing but a hard mouth.

"Cut, I am proud of the brilliant diamonds. Where can I go? I really don't believe how dangerous it is."

The macaw said, looking through the gaps in the blinds, and saw the alley outside the yard, carefully remember this place, and remember Link's words to heart.

Link walked out of the called the third child.

"Lao San, you will find someone to help me buy a miniature landscape glass cylinder, 50 cm to one meter wide, and move it directly to the door of my bedroom balcony."

The old third nodded and said, "Good boss, I will arrange for someone to do it."

Although I don't know why the boss suddenly wanted a miniature landscape glass tank, Mr. Cong always thought about the boss's request first.

often the boss has certain actions, and the intention is not visible right now, but after a while, you will suddenly realize.

Mr. Cong always didn't understand before, and tried to understand every step of the boss.

But now, Mr. Cong has given up this naive idea.

The boss's foresight is far from what he can see at a glance at his height. It is already extraordinary to be able to see the leopard in a tube.

Forefoot Link has just returned to the office, and the chasing gentleman has surrounded the old man.

"Brother, did the boss arrange any tasks? Choose me, choose me, choose me!"

"Third brother, don't listen to him. Arrange for me to go. I have a bicycle and run fast!"

Chasing the wind and Pirate Liangren grab the task together, and their bodies are secretly fighting, trying to squeeze the opponent away.

"Well, this task can't be completed by one person, you both go. The boss wants a miniature landscape glass tank. You can buy it with the money. Even if you spend more money on running errands."

The two looked at each other, a trace of disgust flashed in their eyes.

But there is no way, for the task, bear it!