Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 1048

Chapter 1048

At the same time, all the fleets behind them also started to surround the place where the two were fighting.

Link suddenly fell into a predicament.

Facing the leader of the sect exuding a demonic aura, Link let out a chuckle: "Did you not mention my name to the evil **** when you gained power?"

"Hmph, a nameless person from the second sector universe, why do you need a **** to come forward."

Link shook his head helplessly and said, "It's really ignorant and fearless. The evil **** you believe in will shy away when you hear my name, but its followers dare to provoke them face to face. It's a bit outrageous."

The leader of the sect is full of evil energy. The black silk thread on his body is constantly climbing from the neck, and it has spread to the face. It got into the head at the position of the temple, and even his eyes became crazy. Obviously, he has been dominated by the power given at this moment. Slaves for power.

Link could see at a glance that this sect leader was not an old level, but had been trapped in B+ for a long time. It was only after the evil **** gave strength that he forcibly broke through to energy-level A.

In Link's eyes, the level, which was promoted by the seedlings, was a weak group.

Although the energy level in the body has reached the level, it will scare the layman. In the eyes of the level who has been promoted by his own strength, this kind of person is still at the B+ level in terms of combat skills and energy mastery.

In the face of the mighty offensive, Link did not dodge or evade.

An omega ray shot out of his eyes, and the burst of high-energy rays shot towards the opponent in a strange trajectory.

The aura of the sect leader's condensed disintegration was completely disintegrated in front of such a terrifying high-energy ray, and the offensive and defensive trend immediately reversed, from the main battle to the main defense.

But when it was too late to realize that something was wrong, the sect leader was shocked to find that no matter how he dodged, he seemed unable to avoid this high-energy ray. It seemed to be alive, catching up with him at an extremely fast speed and giving a fatal blow. .

Seeing that the sect leader was beaten and fled as soon as they met, the morale of the cult believers was low. At this time, the corps commander who commanded the battleship could not wait any longer, and immediately ordered to open fire to share the pressure of the sect leader.

Seeing this, Helen sent all the mechanical legions hidden behind the satellite to attack the fleet from the rear.

The leader of the sect fled all the way to the planet, and Link followed closely behind, dodging the intensive firepower of the ship while forcing him to move with Omega rays, like driving a dog.

When Link chased the leader of the sect to the planet, the leader of the sect suddenly stopped, not fleeing, with a scheming smile on his face: "When you come here, don't even think about leaving!"

Above the dome is a huge black mark.

The energy source of these traces comes from the underground of the planet. It is a large-scale maintenance system. Its function is to ensure the energy stability and safety in the process of summoning the gods.

Now that Link entered the planet, it was equivalent to being completely trapped here.

Even if you can't beat it by yourself, as long as you summon Lord God and combine the power of Lord God, you can subdue this person!

At that time, Lord God will come to the physical universe through this fleshly body, that is, when the sect completely controls the first sector of the universe, overthrow the rule of the sector alliance and become the new master!

It's just that the sect leader thought well, but he missed a bit. He didn't know the details of Link, and he didn't know how terrifying the person in front of him was.

"Exactly, now there are only ships left, right, let's catch all of you believers who believe in evil gods."

Link lifted it up, and a moving castle appeared beside him.

The Moving Castle appeared on the ground in the next second. As Link unlocked the moving castle space, countless Zerglings, Banelings, Mechanical Zerglings, Splintered Bugs, and the newly synthesized Hydralisks swarmed from the Moving Castle. out.

In an instant, the ground has become a black mass, spreading like a virus at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the Zergling is a thin creature, once it enters the planet, its flexible mobility and the property effect of burrowing into the ground can form a great force if it is dispatched collectively. Fatal blow.

Zerglings and Hydralisks spread like viruses, quickly escaping into the mountains and underground, disappearing without a trace.

Millions of low-level Zerg suddenly appeared, giving people a spiritual shock and shock.

I thought I was going to encounter an insect wave, but I never thought that these disgusting creatures suddenly disappeared.

Only then did the Heretic God believers understand that the most terrifying thing was not the worms that launched the charge, but the worms that were hiding!

These worms buried in the ground don't know where to hide, and they don't know where they will suddenly come out to attack. They are like a sharp sword that hangs high above their heads and doesn't know when it will fall, making them uneasy. Ning, dare not let down your guard.

Among these Zerg, they all have their own leaders. In addition, Surtur, who is in charge of the command, was also included in the Moving Castle by Link in advance. This time, at his strong request, he came to be the commander of the Zerg army, and let the terror of the Zerg revive!

Link no longer paid attention to the battle on the ground. With Surtur, the senior Zerg warlord, for him, the battle on the ground was over before it even started.

Seeing Link's unpredictable methods, the sect leader panicked and rushed towards Link again.

It's just a clumsy figure and strength, looking at Link shook his head.

The scale of this war continues to expand. The heretic **** believers on the planet, after having the Zerg enemy, can be said to be all soldiers.

Spaceships performing missions in space also return to the orbit of the planet from a distance.

The ships on the ground were also lifted into the air, and their guns were all aimed at Link.

A siege against Link has been formed.

But in Link's eyes, these are completely nothing.

The threat to him from these ships is about zero.

It's just that this battle is Link's first battle after being promoted to . He needs to comprehensively evaluate his current strength and these new skills, instead of making a decision based on some rigid numbers and introductions on the data interface.

The current scale of the war, with Link releasing the Zerg army and the participation of some of Helen's mechanical AI, the bonus has skyrocketed again, and it has now reached 60%.

Link also has an estimate in his heart. Based on his current understanding of this planet, it can now be said that all people are soldiers, which means that in a battle of tens of millions, his improvement will be around 50%. And this number is not only affected by the population, but also the weapons and equipment, warships, etc. involved in the battle are also the influence items of the "Death Scythe".

The leader of the sect attacked again, this time with ships as backup and supplements, he did not believe that he could not suppress Link.

What about energy rays? Could it be that a single energy ray could block the hundreds of intensive attacks?

Link continued with an omega ray to open the way. The omega ray had a strange trajectory and a tricky angle, and went straight to the sect leader.

But the real killer move is yet to come.

The omega rays forced the sect leader all the way, and it all seemed like a script co-created by the two. Every step that the sect leader evaded was within Link's expectations.


On the only way for the sect leader to avoid, a bright red lightning energy suddenly released!

In an instant, the light of the entire planet dissipated, and everything around it became the background plate of this scarlet energy.

The leader of the sect felt that there was only this terrible energy left in the world, and he lost his perception of everything else in the world, as if he had fallen into a unique plane with only death.

The energy of the finger of death broke into the body, constantly eroding the life breath of the leader, and the body seemed to have suffered thousands of layers of corrosion.

Feeling that the body is constantly being eroded by the energy of death, this made the sect leader feel a strong sense of fear for the first time.

This energy should not appear in the real universe, but more like the product of the dead world. How can the living contend with such a terrifying energy of death?

Also being eaten away is the energy bestowed by the evil god.

The evil **** felt that the power he had bestowed upon the believers was disappearing little by little.

Immediately connected with the sect leader with consciousness, he asked: "My loyal believer, what is going on there? I feel that the energy I gave you is disappearing, what is going on?"

The sect leader couldn't say a word, even in the state of mental communication, because of the suppression of the force of death, it became stumbling. He must devote more energy to suppressing the energy of death in his body, otherwise, these energy of death will be like elementary school students who bled blood on Friday.

Even if he suppresses it with all his strength now, he is just doing unnecessary reluctance.

"Sir, there is a very strong invader, one person, came to the planet, and wants to destroy your arrival plan."

The leader of the sect has grabbed the life-saving straw now, and Link's death finger almost killed him. If he eats another Link's high-energy ray, I am afraid he will be completely dead!

Now only by begging for more energy from the gods outside the realm, he has the capital to wrestle with Link.

"You can destroy the plan you have arranged for a long time by yourself, and even all your subordinates and firepower can't deal with one person, are you all rice buckets!"

The evil god's tone suddenly increased by three points.

He racked his brains, and he couldn't think of such a hand and resources, how could he possibly lose!

The sect leader also remembered Link's previous words at this time, and couldn't help but say: "This person claims to be from the second sector universe, nicknamed the God Slayer, and his name is Link!"

When he heard the word Link, the evil spirit who had a disdainful expression just now trembled in his soul, as if he had heard some forbidden name.

Even with the communication of consciousness, the leader of the sect could clearly feel the intense terror coming from Lord God.

"Right now, do everything possible to escape, and if you can escape, one is counted! In the face of Link, you have no chance or possibility of winning!"

After finishing speaking, the evil **** hysterically said to himself: "How could this guy come to the first sector of the universe, meddling with these things? My plans that have been brewing for decades are now all in vain! No, even if it is running. I will definitely not be able to escape, and losses must be reduced!"

The head of the sect listened to these crazy ravings and the trembling and fearful tone of Lord God, and his brain was blank.

The gods they believe in are like seeing a ghost when they hear Link's name. Although this guy's strength is strong, it doesn't seem to be so scary that even gods are afraid of it, right?

In such a comparison, who is the real ghost?

It's just that when the sect leader was still thinking about where Link's terror was, he suddenly felt that the power of God in his body was rapidly fading, and the power was rapidly draining.

There are all the followers of the evil **** who feel the same way.

Originally, they believed in the power of begging, but at this moment, it receded like a tidal wave, dissipating from the body, and there was no trace of nostalgia.

The believers who lost their strength were completely panicked and began to kneel and beg, trying to connect with the gods.

But the gods had no feedback or response, and the sect leader also hurriedly asked: "My lord, why do I feel that the power in my body has dissipated?"

"Nonsense, do you want to lose all these powers in vain? Let you idiots take charge of the plan, I'm really blind, and I wasted decades!" The evil **** completely recovered all the released energy, because he knew that once The opponent is Link, and these believers and subordinates have no effect. Instead of letting their killing energy dissipate, it is better to recover them...

The leader's face was pale, and he had already realized that God was planning to abandon his believers, which completely collapsed and shattered the belief he had believed in for decades. UU reading

"He's not that strong either. I think as long as you give me strength, plus our fleet, we can still turn defeat into victory! He's only one person!" The leader is still making his final efforts and struggles.

"Idiot! What do you know! This guy killed Truman with his own power, and none of the foreign gods who died in his hands are better than me! If you want to die, you can go by yourself, don't try to pull me as a backer!"

"Cough, you are chatting so excitedly that you seem to have forgotten my existence."

Just as the two of them were communicating mentally, a thought violently entered, and Link's somewhat playful tone suddenly appeared in the spiritual thought.

The Evil God was completely panicked, and was about to withdraw his thoughts, but at this moment, Link made a bold move!

The thought energy was grabbed by Link in one hand, and was forcibly pulled out of the world of consciousness.

The broken energy consciousness, the energy that was just recovered, was torn back by Link.

But even so, the evil **** still has no idea of resistance.

Compared with the small-scale spread in the physical universe, the name of the **** slayer is already well-known in outer space, and it can make the evil gods dread the existence.

The energy in Link's hands dissipated into the heavens and the earth. This evil **** is too stubborn, and has no intention of coming in entities at all.

Link can break part of its energy body, which is already the limit of what he can do.

The part that was broken just now, in addition to the part that this guy recovered from the believer's hands, also severely damaged its body energy. After this wave of escape, I am afraid that I will be dormant for a long time to recuperate.

The **** of faith just left, and took away the power he was bestowed upon. The leader's energy level fell from A level to B+ again. At this time, his face was ashes.

"Fire, fire all!" He almost screamed with desperation, and he wanted to die with Link at this moment!